Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1)

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Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1) Page 49

by Washington, Shawna

  I licked the tip again slowly, tasting the slightly salty moisture at the tip. He was wet! My mouth closed over him again, rocking backwards and forwards as I reached out one hand to gently, very gently, caress his balls.

  His control broke; he began to rock against me, holding my head in place as he thrust repeatedly into my mouth. He went deeper, deeper, faster, until I was choking.

  I gagged and he hurriedly pulled out of me. “Are you alright?” he asked, concern darkening his eyes as he helped me to my feet. “I’m sorry. I lost control,” he murmured.

  I smiled at him, my ridiculously long lashes fanning my cheeks in an unconsciously seductive gesture. “That was the idea, tiger.”

  With a defeated groan, he grabbed me to himself, holding me flush against him as he began to kiss me again, a wild torrid kiss that deepened as we each tasted ourselves on the other.

  “I can’t wait, Oksana,” Nick moaned, flipping me to face the dresser again.

  He positioned himself between my legs from behind and then he shoved into me with one hard, well-aimed thrust that would have probably shoved me through the wall if his hands weren’t wrapped around my waist like manacles holding me in place.

  He growled low with such intense masculine pleasure as he began to thrust rhythmically into me. He increased the pace, demanding more and more of me until we were both wrapped in a cocoon of mindless pleasure. The world fell away and we seemed to soar, transported to the very peaks of pleasure by nothing more than our hands and mouths and bodies as we moved in beautiful unison.

  The only sounds were our combined moans and the urgent slapping of flesh against flesh as he loved me. Our gazes met in the mirror, held, and it occurred to me that I had never had such intense sex in the past, not even with Nick. Something was different tonight, but I was too distracted to put my hand on just what it was.

  Then his gaze holding mine, he shifted subtly and I almost shattered as all rational thought fled. Nick had found my G-spot and he began to rub against it as his other hand drifted to my front and began to rub slowly against the gentle skin of my clitoris.

  I couldn’t form one rational thought as Nick fucked me harder, the pleasure intensifying with each thrust until I was sobbing from the sheer pleasure of it. I felt him slow as his eyes scanned my face in the mirror. He must have read the stark pleasure on my face because he threw back his head and released a mighty groan of such masculine triumph and enjoyment that the last fragments of my control shattered.

  I came with a shuddering, heart-stopping orgasm, bucking and twisting as my inner muscles clenched and unclenched around his hard shaft until they forced his own orgasm, ripping it from his shuddering body and the hoarse cries from his throat.

  My gaze held his as he came and one word came to mind as I watched him pour his seed into me: pleasure. Sheer undiluted pleasure!

  Oksana Davies

  We drifted back to earth slowly, amid gasps and ragged breathing.

  My pussy felt sore and all my muscles felt completely drained of every last bit of strength.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, leaning forward to place a slight kiss on my cheek. He was still inside me and the motion pushed him deeper. My eyes widened as I felt my body stir with interest again.

  So soon? The poor man would probably take to his heels if he knew.

  “I’m fine thank you, Nick. Never better,” I said.

  His eyes met mine in the mirror and he laughed, the sound filled with masculine pride and possessiveness as he said, “Damn, you’re beautiful. Here my heart is trying to jump out of my chest and there you are looking cool and fresh and unruffled as a flower in spring.”

  I decided I like that simile. My delight must have shown in my eyes because he took one look at me in the mirror again and chuckled, pulling out of me as he pulled me backwards against his hard body, forcing my back to arch and my breasts to thrust forward. “I’m crazy about you!” he declared.

  Then he released me and slapped my ass lightly, before striding confidently towards the bathroom.

  I gasped as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. Nick had made love to me so many times in the past few weeks that I had lost count, I mean the man did have an insatiable appetite but never in all that time had I felt that level of connection with him. And the way he had stared into my eyes, holding my gaze as he loved me just remembering made me feel hot all over again.

  The bathroom door opened again and Nick stepped out with nothing more than a towel wrapped negligently around his waist. His gaze met mine across the huge expanse of the room and I felt my breath hitch in my chest as I suddenly realized one truth: I loved him.

  The world tilted with the weight of that realization and I clenched my hands at my sides, fighting it. It was no use; somehow, when I wasn’t looking, I had fallen for this man completely and irrevocably.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, a frown drawing his brows together.

  “Nothing,” I said hastily, drawing my gaze away from his penetrating ones. “I’ll just wash up,” I added as I fled into the bathroom to clean up.

  I emerged minutes later to find him completely dressed and sprawled atop my bed as he waited for me. I hurriedly pulled on a pair of jeans myself, ignoring the gown he had carefully laid out for me.

  With every motion, I could feel his eyes tracking me around the room but I was too preoccupied with thoughts of my epiphany moments earlier to pay him much mind. I applied my lipstick and mascara and then grabbed my little purse.

  “We have to hurry, everyone will be wondering where we got to,” Nick said now.

  I saw him grimace when he looked at his cell phone and I cut him a laughing glance from underneath my lashes. “How many missed calls?”

  “Fourteen. Three from Grandmama,” he intoned.

  The mention of Grandmama made my smile chill a little. With a toss of my head, I decided I would not let that odious woman ruin tonight for me. Besides I was still in such a daze over my discovery of how I felt about Nick there was really little or no chance of me noticing the woman or even a damn tornado tonight.

  “What’s wrong with you? You seem…distracted,” Nick noted as we drove towards his home. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  I shook my head wordlessly.

  “What then?”

  “It’s fine, Nick. Just preparing for another evening with Grandmama,” I said evasively.

  “Grandmama? She’s not all bad, Oksana. I wish you could learn to love her. She’s closer to me than even my own parents,” he said.

  “You said you grew up with her,” I said, recalling from memory.

  “Yes I did. Grandmama understands loyalty, pride, and love.”

  I carefully held in a derisive snort; if his Grandmother could spell the word ‘love’ I would eat my cap.

  You don’t have a cap, my subconscious pointed out gleefully.

  Well then, I would eat the freaking hood of his Mercedes!

  My gaze strayed to Nick’s profile. He was a handsome devil; even now with his hair wet from his quick shower in my house, he looked as fresh and handsome as though he had just stepped off the pages of Gentlemen’s Quarterly. Frankly he looked like the hero of some exotic erotica. He was ruggedly handsome with his hooked nose, flyaway salt and pepper hair and riveting green eyes.

  Was it any wonder I had fallen like a tree for the man? And don’t even get me started on what he could do with his hands and mouth.

  “We’re here,” Nick said as he pulled into a parking slot. The entire place was peppered with cars.

  I shot him a nervous look. “I’m not underdressed am I?”

  He grinned roguishly at me. “If the celebrant shows up with jeans, wet hair and a tee-shirt, everyone else is over-dressed.”

  I detained him with one hand on his arm as he made to get out. He paused and looked at me. “Happy birthday, Nick. May you be happy and I wish you so many wonderful years ahead.”

  His gaze dropped to my lips and an amused look flitted acro
ss his face. “I know what would give me so many wonderful years ahead. And wonderful nights too,” he added, his gaze dropping to my cleavage.

  “Oh stop being naughty,” I chided with a breeziness I was far from feeling.

  He laughed as he came around the car and helped me out, treating me as gently as though I were made of fine porcelain. A girl could get used to that.

  The moment we came through the front door, all hell broke loose. Everyone converged on us as one, singing disjointed tunes of ‘Happy Birthday.’

  The moment the songs died down, a familiar voice grated stridently, “I never saw a man who was late to his own party.”

  Nick was unfazed as he grinned down at the tiny, blue-haired old lady with a cheerful, “Good evening, Grandmama.”

  “Why are you late?” she snapped, though her eyes twinkled at him.

  “I’m here now,” he said laughing as he disentangled himself and turned to greet other people.

  Judge Arturo wasn’t done; she reached out and grabbed his arm, “Why’s your hair wet?”

  Nick’s gaze flicked to me, a split second before he detached his arm from his grandmother’s and began to hug his little niece Nikki. He had looked at me for the merest hint of a second but Judge Arturo was nothing if not sharp; she followed his gaze to me and her expression was distinctly displeased if the sharp contracting of her forehead was any indication.

  “Counselor,” she said with an uncomfortable nod.

  “Your Honor,” I replied just as formally, earning myself a withering look of scorn from that worthy lady.

  Then suddenly, without warning, she smiled. “Don’t be so bloody formal. Call me Lena.”

  “And you may call me Oksana,” I allowed, with a sniff.

  “Now tell me why you were both late, Oksana?” she asked, her eyes glittering at me.

  Even without the authority of the bench, the woman had an imperious tone that demanded an answer. But therein lay the rub; I was just as stubborn as she was arrogant.

  “Why do you think?” I got out, letting her see my amused grin.

  She was not pleased, if the dangerous glitter in her eyes was any indication.

  “His hair is wet!” she spat.

  “You do love stating the obvious,” I said sotto voce. “Don’t worry, Grandmama, I’ll be sure and make certain he doesn’t catch a cold,” I assured her as I strode away.

  I didn’t have to turn around; I could feel her angry gaze burning into my back. And somehow I knew I had crossed some sort of line; Judge Lena Arturo would now hate me forever.

  The party was a raving success even though I barely got the chance to speak to Nick again. He was with one person and then the other; one group and then the other. But as I watched him, I noticed one constant: everywhere he went, he brought laughter and gaiety. He was unfailingly courteous, kind to old people and great with children. One time he even had to piggyback about seven kids with Bridget and Nikki leading the pack.

  The more I watched him, the more convinced I was that he was the one. My heart thudded in my chest every time I looked at him.

  Well it was official; I was well and truly in love with Nicholas Carradigne.

  His gaze followed me too all around the room, I noticed. Sometimes in the midst of his laughter, his eyes would seek me out and meet mine across the room. And when they did, he would either wink at me or quirk his lips in a half-smile.

  “What are you doing?” I heard a feminine voice trill with laughter as two people walked past me.

  “Going to re-introduce you to my grandson,” Judge Lena responded warmly, her hands covering the younger woman’s as she led her towards Nick.

  “He already knows me,” the young woman laughed again in protest. “Too well as it is, Grandma,” she added, an odd note in her voice.

  “Nonsense! A second look never hurt anyone,” Lena declared with her usual asperity as they swept past me.

  My gaze riveted on their backs. What now? Was Judge Arturo actually playing matchmaker for Nick when she knew very well he already had a girlfriend?

  She wouldn’t dare, I thought staring after the two women in disbelief.

  I watched as the women approached Nick and I observed his jerk of surprise when he saw the younger woman and the way emotions flashed across his face. He knew her, I realized.

  I watched as the younger woman flung herself into his arms and I saw Nick’s hands remain at his side as though he was too surprised to react.

  I was about to dismiss the incident with a careless shrug when Judge Lena looked over her shoulder, straight at me, her eyes alive with distinct malicious glee. She was passing me a silent message then; something was amiss. Actually she would dare matchmake Nick and someone else right in front of me and what’s more, she had.

  “Excuse me,” I murmured politely to the woman I was currently talking with, an old harridan whose name I could barely remember. All she had wanted to talk about was her hairstylist and that was hardly as important as getting Nick out of that woman’s clutches.

  She reached out a hand and detained me, little blue eyes sparkling up at me without so much as a hint of warmth, “Oh don’t run off, dear. I still want your opinion on what new stylist would be best for me.”

  I heard another burst of laughter and I looked over to see Nick leading the young woman out of the room, his hand at the small of her back. Jealousy tightened viciously inside me.

  I looked back at my surprisingly strong companion, “I really must go.”

  The old woman’s grip tightened on my hand. “Don’t bother interrupting that,” she said, nodding towards the departing pair. “That’s been going on for years and it ain’t stopping just because the chit went and got herself married to some half-wit Englishman.”

  I stared. The young lady was married? And this woman thought she and Nick were involved in some affair?

  “I don’t like your tales and what’s more I don’t need them,” I whispered in an awful voice. “Now let go before I make you!”

  She let go with an audible gasp, clutching her hand to her chest as though I had shocked the wits out of her.

  I stalked towards the balcony where I had seen Nick and the unknown woman disappear. A thin curtain fluttered slightly in the breeze, blocking my view, and when I shoved aside the curtain framing the doorway, what I saw almost sent me to my knees. Nick and the unknown woman were wrapped in a passionate embrace, her hands holding his face tight as they kissed each other deeply.

  I had seen enough; I turned and departed as silently as I had come, striding back towards the party with a bright smile pasted onto my features as though I didn’t have a care in the world. I didn’t realize there was a faint glitter of tears in my eyes as I went.

  Oksana Davies

  The noise from the party had increased beyond all bearing as people of all ages gyrated on the dance floor. I looked around, my thoughts in a whirl as I tried to consider what to do. I had made a big fool of myself, falling for a man whom I didn’t know the first thing about and wearing my heart on my sleeve for all the world to see!

  I was furious with myself but I was also determined that I would get my own back on him. I was tempted to leave and head straight home, but no, I wouldn’t give Lena the satisfaction. Ever since I had come back into the room, she had been watching me with naked glee on her face.

  Someone appeared at my elbow just then. “May I have this dance?”

  I looked up and my breath caught. He was so striking and so impossibly handsome with thick black eyebrows over blue-green eyes, shaggy black hair that reached to his shoulders and was tied off into a ponytail, shoulders so wide he absolutely had to be athletic, a thick barrel chest that tapered into a slim narrow waist and thighs that were obviously athletic even with the thick jeans covering them.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, staring at him.

  He grinned roguishly at me, “Trying to ask a pretty girl to dance.”

  “What’s your name?”

” he told me, his grin widening. “And you must be Oksana. Nick’s told us all about you.”

  I looked a question at him, “Nick? Who the hell is that?”

  He gave me a laughing look. “He’s my cousin and your boyfriend, if the rumors are to be believed. Are they?” he added with a searching look.

  “Perhaps,” I said mysteriously.

  I let him lead me onto the dance floor, already plotting my revenge. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nick re-enter the hall, his eyes scanning the room looking for someone. I looked away, certain he was looking for me as I began to laugh and flirt outrageously with Alexander.


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