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Imposter: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

Page 19

by J. J. Bella

  She blew out a breath and turned, ready to pace back again. When she spun on her heel, she came face to face with Caleb. She opened her mouth to scream in shock, but he forced his hand over her.

  Then he took out a gun and pressed it to her head.

  She froze and dropped her portfolio. She wanted to scream or run, but couldn’t. He looked outraged, his eyes red and wild, his chin covered in stubble. Like he hadn’t slept in days. She had no idea what he might do, but she remembered how bad it had been the one time she’d seen him lose his temper. It had taken a trip to ER for stitches and several patches on the drywall to fix where he’d punched and kicked.

  “Listen very carefully,” he said slowly. “You are going to do just as I say. Got it?”

  She nodded, tears already running down her cheeks. She thought she might throw up.


  He pushed her forward. They walked to the edge of the parking lot, then disappeared into the thick bunch of trees and brush that separated the building from the road. Deep in the trees, they couldn’t be seen from the building. This was what he wanted, apparently.

  He stood to face her. “I’m going to take my hand away, but if you scream or run, I will shoot you.”

  She swallowed hard and didn’t move when he put his hand down. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “You have to take me back. Take me back and marry me. Or I’ll… I’ll kill you.”

  “You’re going to kill me if I don’t marry you?”

  When had he gone so crazy? How could he be saying all this to her?

  “I haven’t slept, Leah. I’ve drank way too much whiskey. I can’t take it. I can’t do this without you. I can’t lose you.”

  “Then you should have thought of that before you stuck your dick into someone else.”

  “Ahhh!” He growled and shook the gun at her. “I said I was sorry! What more do you want from me? I won’t do it again, okay? I won’t!”

  “Okay, Caleb, Just… put the gun down so we can talk.”

  He shook his head. “You wasted no time, did you? You called Julian Kane. You ran right to him. You probably fucked him already, didn’t you? Didn’t you!”

  “No” She shook her head and tears ran down he face. “He helped me. He’s a friend, that’s all.”

  “Just tell me one thing. Was he the one who told you? Who gave you those photos?”

  She hesitated, but there was no sense in lying about it now. “Yes.”

  “I knew it. Fucking bullshit. He can’t have you. I don’t care how hard he tries or what he does, he can’t have you. Marry me. Right now, say it. You’ll go with me right now and get married. Say yes!”

  “Caleb, just put the gun down and we can talk, okay?”

  “There’s only one thing I’m interested in talking about and that’s you and me getting back together.”

  He put the gun down and got down on one knee. He shoved his other hand into his pocket and after a struggle, pulled out a box. He thrust it at her.


  She jumped back in surprise. “What is this?”

  “Open it!”

  She opened the box and saw a ring inside. “You got me a ring?”

  “I know it’s not as huge as one Julian could buy, but I spent all the money in my savings account. I wanted you to have what you wanted. I know you love that ring.”

  She looked at it more closely. She’d never seen this ring in her life. In fact, with its pale pink stone and smaller accent stones, it’s not something she would have picked out. There was a ring she loved. It was a triangle shaped diamond on a band of winding silver lines. She’d never shown anyone that ring. And she certainly had never looked at any rings with Caleb.

  “I love it,” she lied. Now was not the time to wonder who had wanted a ring like this from him.

  “Say you love me.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  He put his face in his hands and cried. While he was distracted and not pointing the gun at her, she backed away. She dropped the ring, turned to run, and heard a gun shot. She froze.

  “You liar,” he hissed. “You just said you love me, and now you’re running from me?”

  She turned back around.

  “You don’t really love me. You love him!”

  “I barely know him.”

  “But you don’t love me? Do you!”

  “You hurt me very badly.”

  He screamed in frustration and turned the gun from her to him, pressing it against the side of his head. His face was red, and he looked out of his mind. She didn’t know what else to do.

  “Say you love me and you’ll marry me or I’ll kill myself.”


  He had the door open before the car even stopped in front of the Billy Mason building. Julian looked around frantically. The security team was still there, searching. Then they heard the shout.

  It came from the trees at the end of the lot. Julian took off running, grateful now that he’d decided to challenge himself and run a marathon last year. He had all the speed and endurance he needed.

  He saw Leah first. Her back to him. Then Caleb, on his knees. What was going on? Then he saw the gun, and he ran even faster.

  Caleb was pointing the gun at himself. That was far better than pointing it at Leah, but who was to say he wouldn’t turn it at any moment?

  When he got closer, Julian slowed down. He didn’t want to scare Caleb into something stupid. He walked past them. They were so engrossed in what was going on, they didn’t look over to see Julian with a security team behind him.

  He heard Caleb say, “Say you love me and you’ll marry me or I’ll kill myself.”

  He dashed forward from behind Caleb, and tackled him. Julian’s years of mixed martial arts training came in handy as he wrestled with Caleb, making sure the gun was never pointed at a person until he managed to free it from Caleb’s grip.

  “Freeze,” Julian said, getting to his feet while pointing the gun at Caleb.

  Caleb looked up in shock, then looked around, like he had dropped his gun somewhere.

  “Just do what he says so you don’t get hurt,” Leah said.

  “So, he comes to your rescue now?” Caleb said, his voice weak and his throat scratchy.

  He was still on his knees and hung his head.

  “You didn’t have to do this,” Julian said. “You hurt her. You should have just let her go.”

  “Shut up!” Caleb screamed. “You don’t know anything!”

  The security team caught up to them and surrounded the three of them. Several guns were now pointed at Caleb. In the distance, Julian heard sirens.

  “Get up very slowly,” one of the security men said. “Put your hands in the air.”

  Caleb did what they said, still hanging his head as if it weighed a hundred pounds.

  “I hate you,” he mumbled.

  Julian didn’t know if he meant him or Leah, but it didn’t matter now.

  Two more of the security team grabbed him and took him out of the woods.

  Julian unloaded the gun, then handed the magazine and gun to another security man. He turned and brought Leah into a tight hug.

  She squeezed him back hard, her body shaking with sobs.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said. “After I dropped you off, I went to a shop and when I came out, my car was trashed. I had to make a few calls and wait for a car to come. By the time I was able to call you to tell you what was going on, you didn’t answer. I had Billy send out his team and when they couldn’t find you, I panicked. I got here as fast as I could. I’m so sorry.”

  “You got here in time,” she whispered, squeezing him tighter still. “You got here in time.”

  “Sir? The police will want to talk to you both.”

  Julian nodded. “You feel up to this?”

  “No,” Leah said, picking up her head and wiping her eyes. “But I don’t think we have a choice.”

  “I’ll talk to them if you can’t.”
/>   “No, it’s okay.” She blew out a breath hard. “Just don’t go anywhere.”

  She grabbed his hand and he squeezed hers back. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  They walked out into the sun, where three cop cars sat, lights flashing. Several officers stood, watching and taking statements from the security team.

  Caleb was in the back of one of the cars. Leah turned away and buried her head in his chest. He loved the feeling of it. He would have never planned for something like this, would never have put her through something so terrible, but he wasn’t upset that it had happened like it did. She wasn’t hurt, and he’d been there to save her. Now he could comfort her, and Caleb would be gone for good.

  Thinking about what would have happened if he hadn’t discovered Caleb’s cheating made him sick. What if he had flipped out like this when they were alone together in their house? What if they’d been married and had kids? Who knows what he might have done.

  He stood with his arm tight around Leah as they both talked with the police. It took far too long, it seemed. He wanted to get her out of there, so she could rest and recover from this.

  Finally, they were done, and he helped her into the waiting car. The police had finished with his damaged car, and Aiden had had it towed. He’d fix it up and sell it cheap. Then he’d go find something new. That car had too many bad memories now, and it was nothing special. Just the car he drove around the city.

  In the backseat, he held Leah as the driver pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Do you want me to take you somewhere?” he asked.

  She had stayed at a friend’s house the night before, despite him begging her to sleep in her apartment.

  “Can we go back to your house?” she asked. “I just … I don’t want to be alone right now.”

  “Of course.”

  They pulled up and he got her inside the house. He had his housekeeper bring her a cup of hot tea. He wrapped her in a blanket on the couch and sat with her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Exhausted.” She sipped her tea, then set it down.

  “It seems a little anti-climatic now, but congratulations.”

  She managed a half smile. “Billy told you?”

  “I got you a gift, but I had to leave it at the shop. Just some artist things for your new job.”

  “Thank you.”

  “He loved you. Look at this.” He brought up the text message from Billy and handed his phone to her. “This came from him sometime after your interview.”

  “Thank you for sending Leah to me. I gave her a junior designer position, but she won’t be there long. When my upper team sees her work, they’ll snatch her up for the exec floor in no time. We should do dinner sometime, the four of us.”

  “Wow,” she said. “That’s awesome. I can’t believe he liked me that much.”

  “You’re incredibly talented. And you’re hard working, and a pleasure to work with. That personality shines, and that’s what Billy looks for. It’s not enough to just be good. You have to be good to work with, too.”

  “I really work for Billy Mason. I’m really a fashion designer for Billy Mason? Do you know how crazy that sounds?”

  “It sounds exactly right to me.”

  “Julian, I don’t know what I did that first day I met you, when I didn’t know who you were, but I’m glad I did. Caleb did nothing but bring bad things to my world. You’ve only brought good.”

  He put his fingertips to her chin. “You’re all the good my world needs. One look in your eyes had me hooked. Not knowing who I was was part of it. You didn’t treat me like I was special, you treated me like I was anyone else. And that pissed me off. At first. But then I observed you, and the more I learned about you, the more I liked. You’re something spectacular, Leah, and I’ve made a point of filling my life with only the best.”

  “Not only am I a junior designer at Billy Mason—”

  “For now. Until you’re an executive.”

  “Right.” She chuckled. “Not only do I work for Billy Mason, but I’m at the home of the richest, most gorgeous man in the city, and he likes me. I don’t even recognize my life anymore.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “Most gorgeous?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t act like you don’t know it.”

  “It’s nice to know that you know it.”

  He leaned in as she smiled, and this time, she didn’t turn away. As his lips moved against hers, she pressed back, digging her hands into his hair to pull herself closer to him.

  He kissed along her neck, taking in the sweet smell of her hair and skin. “I have wanted you from the moment I saw you.”

  She pulled back to look in his eyes. “And now you have me.”

  He hungrily kissed her again. His dick was so hard in his pants, it pressed against his zipper. He made an adjustment, then pulled her onto his lap.

  She faced him and slid her legs to either side of his, pressing herself into him as they continued to kiss.

  She laughed with her lips still on his.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head, still chuckling.

  “Tell me,” he breathed into her ear.

  “It’s just…” She moved her hips forward, pressing against his erection. “How huge is your cock? God.”

  He laughed and rested his forehead on her shoulder for a moment. “Would you like to find out?”

  She breathed in deep and looked into his eyes. “Yes.”

  He carried her up to his room, kissing her as they went. He lay her down and took his time slowly stripping her. Her designer outfit lay on the floor in a heap before he pulled his shirt over his head and slid off his pants.

  He stared down at her naked body, taking in every inch of it. “You’re even hotter than I imagined.”

  “And you’re even bigger.”

  He glanced down at his huge dick pointing straight at her. “He just wants you that bad.”

  “Then get him over here.”

  His head was spinning as he climbed over her. He sucked her nipples, trying to give himself time before he slipped inside her. She had him so turned on, he’d come in a second if he was in her right now.

  But he couldn’t stop it. She reached down and grabbed him. He tried to back away, but she tightened her grip and his eyes rolled in his head as she stroked him.

  “I know you fuck good,” she said. “You’re good at everything. Now prove it.”

  “Damn,” he said.

  She pulled him forward and put his head inside her. He pushed in, moving slowly. He’d had problems in the past with women being too tight for him. Sometimes, he hurt them the first few times they slept together.

  But Leah was dripping wet and ready for him. She brought her hips up to meet his and moaned as he filled her.

  “Oh, my God,” she said. “You’re fucking huge.”

  “Sorry. Are you okay?”

  She gave him an incredulous look. “Sorry?”

  She reached back and grabbed his ass, forcing him in deeper. He couldn’t resist her anymore. He couldn’t be slow and gentle.

  He grabbed her hips and thrust hard. She screamed out and he thought he hurt her at first, but she pushed against him, wanting him deeper still.

  Three more thrusts and it was too late. He was coming. She felt so good and he was so turned on, he couldn’t help it. Just as he was getting ready to apologize, she grabbed his ass and pulled him in again.

  She cried out and he felt her muscles contract around him. “Yes, yes!”

  After a few seconds, she went still.

  He kissed along her neck, pulling out of her slowly.

  “Wow,” she said, breathing heavy.

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  He lay beside her on his side so he could see her. He ran his fingertips along her arm, circled them around her nipples. She closed her eyes, and finally her breathing slowed.

  He kept touching her, making circles over her
skin. She put her hand on his and moved it down to her labia. He flicked her clit and pressed a finger inside her. She rocked with the motion and made gentle moaning sounds.

  Then she pushed his hand away. “That’s not going to cut it.”

  She pushed him down and straddled him. He was only semi-hard, but getting there. She bent down and took him into her mouth. Her mouth was so small, he didn’t go far, but it didn’t matter. She sucked and stroked him until he was rock hard again.

  Then she climbed over him and sat on his cock. He dropped his head back, the pleasure so intense he couldn’t move. And he didn’t have to.

  He tried to sit up to kiss her, but she pushed him down again. “I’m in charge today.”

  He grinned up at her and watched her breasts bounce as she rode him. She tilted her hips forward, grinding as she moved him in and out. She reached a hand up to her hair and tangled it there, pulling on it as she cried out.

  She crashed down on him hard several times, coming again. The sight of her coming brought on his own orgasm. He didn’t care what she said. He grabbed her hips and fucked her hard until he finished coming. Then he let go and lay back down.

  She climbed off him and panted by his side. “How are you still single?”

  He laughed. “Really? That’s what you want to talk about right now?”

  “I mean, okay. You’re gorgeous, filthy rich and powerful, you have a huge dick and use it very well. I don’t get it. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “I picked all the wrong women. They wanted the wrong things. And most of them were too tight to enjoy that huge dick you like so much.”

  She laughed and patted it gently. “I guess we’re just the right fit.”

  “I guess so.” He turned on his side to kiss her. “It lights me up to hear you say that.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please. You know you’re a good charmer. It was only a matter of time until you won me over.”

  “I wasn’t so sure.”

  “Well, it worked. For whatever I thought of you when we first met, you proved me wrong. You might be a bad boy on the outside, but somewhere in there, you care about people.”

  “Only certain people.”


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