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Love Wild and Fair

Page 9

by Bertrice Small

  The abbot, having noted his niece's pallor, went quickly through the ceremony. "The ring," he hissed at Patrick. Patrick handed him the ruby. Charles Leslie blessed it, returned it to the earl and watched him slip it on Cat's finger. Her eyes widened appreciatively at the heart-shaped stone, and she smiled up at him. He smiled reassuringly at her. After a few more words, Charles Leslie pronounced his niece and nephew husband and wife.

  Patrick didn't wait for congratulations. He lifted Cat and carried her quickly back upstairs to the bedroom. Sally ran ahead, opening the door, as Mrs. Kerr followed close behind. The two women helped Cat out of the heavy gown and onto the birthing table. When he was sure she was as comfortably settled as she could be, Patrick drew up a chair and sat by her side.

  "My lord, this is no place for a man," remonstrated Mrs. Kerr.

  "Unless my wife objects I will remain to see my son bora." He looked at Cat.

  She held out her hand to him. "Stay, my lord," she smiled at him. "Ye've already missed so much."

  The pains were coming faster and harder. Her entire body was bathed in perspiration. She gritted her teeth and breathed deeply.

  "Don't hold back, my lady," said Mrs. Kerr. "You must cry out, or it will go the worse for you."

  "I dinna want my son entering the world to the sound of his mother's pain," she insisted.

  "Nonsense!" snapped back Mrs. Kerr. "He’ll nae remember it, so busy he'll be with his own howling." Her eyes twinkled. "Why don't you swear-in the Gaelic-for he'll nae understand that."

  The abbot of Glenkirk, waiting outside in the hallway, listened in amazement to the stream of colorful Gaelic issuing from his niece's chamber. It was followed some ten minutes later by a triumphant shout from Glenkirk, and the outraged howl of an infant. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Charles Leslie rushed into the bedroom. Mrs. Kerr was tending Cat while Sally wiped the birthing blood from the wailing child.

  "I've a son, uncle! A son! The fifth Earl of Glenkirk," shouted Patrick. "James Patrick Charles Adam Leslie!"

  "Aye, uncle," spoke up a tired but amused voice. "He has a son. The fourth earl has given birth to the fifth earl. And just fancy, he did it all by himself."

  "I couldna hae done it wi'out ye, sweetheart," grinned Patrick.

  "No, ye couldn't have," she laughed weakly. "When do I get to see the marvel I hae produced?"

  " 'Twill be a minute, dearie," said Mrs. Kerr. "Yer all cleaned up, and-" she slipped a clean, sweetly scented nightgown of soft pale-lavender wool over her lady's head-"ready to be put back into your bed. My lord, would you be so kind as to carry the countess to her bed."

  Gently, Patrick lifted Cat and placed her between the warmed sheets. Then he drew the down coverlet over her. Sally placed the sleeping, swaddled infant in Cat's arms. "God's nightshirt! He's so tiny! I've seen bigger Christmas capons." But there was pride in her voice. "He's got your hair, Patrick," she said, noting the damp tuft of black that Sally had brushed into a curl.

  Mrs. Kerr took the baby back and handed him to Sally.

  "She'll put him in his cradle, and sit wi him until he wakes. Do ye still wish to nurse him, or shall I hire a wet nurse?"

  "I'll nurse him myself, Mrs. Kerr. At least for now. I do think, however, that Sally's sister, Lucy, should come and be her assistant in the nursery. Sally cannot watch the child all day and all night."

  "Yes, my lady, but now you must get some sleep."

  "In a few minutes, Mrs. Kerr. You'll see that his lordship and my uncle are well taken care of at supper?"

  "Of course, madam," smiled Mrs. Kerr. "I'll see to it at once." She turned to go.

  "Mrs. Kerr?"

  "Yes, my lady?"

  "Thank ye, Mrs. Kerr. For everything."

  The housekeeper bridled with pleasure. " 'Twas an honor, my lady, to deliver the future Glenkirk." She turned to the abbot. "Come, sir. I'll wager all this excitement has raised an appetite in you." Together they left the room.

  Patrick came and sat gingerly on the edge of his wife's bed. Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips. "Yer overproud, Cat Leslie, and stubborn beyond belief. But, by God, I love you. I am proud and lucky to hae ye for my wife… and my friend!"

  She lifted her leaf-green eyes to him and they twinkled mischievously. "Ye owe me a house in town, Glenkirk, and as soon as I am able, I intend to get it!"

  Patrick Leslie's deep laughter sounded throughout the entire house.

  Chapter 11

  JAMES Patrick Charles Adam Leslie had appeared on the twenty-fourth of February, 1578. Four weeks after his birth, Adam and Fiona Leslie arrived home from France. The earl had sent his messenger with news of his son's birth, and the younger Leslies returned in haste so as to be godparents to the child.

  Charles Leslie performed the ceremony without delay. He had been away from his abbey for about two months now. Hiring a swift coastal cutter, he sailed north to Peterhead. He would be able to continue overland easily from there, and looked forward to spending his first night back on dry land enjoying the hospitality of Deer Abbey.

  Fiona was amused to find Cat enjoying her maternity. "I didna think ye were the goo-ga type," she chuckled.

  Cat grinned back. "Neither did I. It creeps up on ye wi'out yer knowing it. However, I dinna intend to hae another for several years."

  "If Glenkirk's the rutting stallion Leslie is, ye'll hae no choice."

  "I'll be careful," said Cat meaningfully.

  "Why, cousin," remarked Fiona, raising an elegantly plucked eyebrow, "how different ye are from a year ago."

  "It's been a rather busy year, Fiona."

  And it got busier for Cat. She was looking for a house, for with Adam and Fiona back home, the little Edinburgh dwelling was too crowded. Adam had promised his wife they would travel, but that had changed now.

  The second Glenkirk son, James, was married to Ailis Hay, and Ailis Hay's only brother, Francis, had died of a winter flux. Gilbert Hay had no other legitimate sons, and therefore James Leslie had become his father-in-law's heir. James and Ailis were moving to Hay House to learn the management of a small estate.

  Michael Leslie would be marrying Isabella Forbes in less than two years, and taking over her estate. It was therefore up to Adam Leslie to learn the management of Glenkirk in the event that Patrick died before his son, James, reached his majority.

  "Spend a year at Glenkirk, and ye can hae a year to travel," promised Patrick, seeing Fiona's disappointment.

  Cat, meanwhile, had found a house to suit her. Like Leslie House it was on a quiet side street. But her choice was off Canongate, which ran towards the Palace of Holyrood rather than towards High Street. Built of brick, it contained a large and sunny kitchen, a pantry, a washroom, a still room, a storage room, a servant's hall, a comfortable room off the garden for the cook, and several cubicles for the kitchen help. The main floor held a wide reception hall, a bright formal parlor, a library, a dining room, a family dining room, and family parlor. The second floor was made up almost entirely of one great hall. Off it were several private anterooms. On the third floor were six bedrooms, each with its own dressing room, and indoor sanitary facilities. On the fourth floor was the nursery, and on the fifth, the servants' quarters.

  The property had a flower garden, kitchen garden, and orchard. It also had a fine large stable. When the earl complained of the size of the house, he was reminded of the size of their families. Glenkirk House would serve for all the Leslies when they visited Edinburgh, and would be useful later on when the little king came into his own, and held court. Cat had hired Mrs. Kerr on a permanent basis to run her new house. She wanted to stay in Edinburgh at least till the end of June so she might attend to the ordering of the furnishings. Glenkirk gave her till mid-May.

  "Why can't you and Adam go home alone?" she protested. "Fiona and I will stay in town to finish this business, and then join ye later."

  Patrick laughed. "Madame," he said looking down at her, "I hae no intention of letting ye out of my sight ever aga
in. Yer an impossible wench to catch up with, my dear. We'll return to Glenkirk together in mid-May. Ye'll hae to have yer business finished by then. Besides, what difference does it make if the house is finished now, or not?"

  "Because, my lord, I hae no intention of spending the entire winter snowed in at Glenkirk. After Christmas, or before if it be possible, we will return to town for the winter."

  The earl was amused. So she had plans to come to town each winter? He chuckled to himself. What a handful she was going to be. Best to keep her little belly filled with his children. A full nursery would keep her busy.

  During the next few weeks Cat spoke with numerous craftsmen and, approving hundreds of sketches, ordered the furnishings. She arranged with Benjamin Kira that the craftsmen be paid, upon Mrs. Kerr's approval, after delivery had been made. She did not tell Patrick about this. The earl might have forgotten, but Glenkirk House belonged to Cat.

  Before they left Edinburgh they were visited by George Leslie, the Earl of Rothes, who was the head of the Leslie clan. Both Patrick and Adam were pleased by the honor done their minor branch of the family. Cat, however, was not impressed.

  "We're richer," she said. "He has decided to keep on good terms wi us in case he has to borrow money."

  Though the men were shocked at this lack of respect, Fiona laughed. "Ye really are a bitch, Cat, but I happen to agree wi you. Besides, George Leslie is of the new kirk, and his family was implicated in the murder of Cardinal Beaton years ago. I dinna trust him."

  They left Edinburgh for Glenkirk in mid-May. The earl, his countess, Adam, and Fiona all rode. Sally, Lucy, and the baby were comfortably settled in a wagon. A troop of Glenkirk soldiers under Conall More-Leslie escorted the party, for the roads were not safe. Many small merchants, hearing they planned to travel by way of Aberdeen, asked leave to travel with them. The larger the group, the safer everyone was.

  They reached Glenkirk two weeks later. Fiona chuckled wickedly at the reception awaiting them. Lined up were the dowager countess Margaret Leslie, Cat's parents and brothers, Fiona's parents and brothers, all the Leslies of Glenkirk, and the More-Leslies of Cran-nog.

  "Jesu," swore Cat under her breath. "They've dragged the whole clan out! The only one missing seems to be our uncle, the abbot."

  "No, he's there. He just stooped to pick up Aunt Meg's glove." Fiona sounded as if she were going to laugh.

  "Christ's toenail!"

  "It's nae us, Cat.’Tis his next Earlship of Glenkirk they've come to welcome," returned Fiona as the mob descended upon them.

  She was right. Poor Jamie was snatched from Sally and passed, howling his outrage, among the delighted relations. Cat angrily retrieved her son, soothed him, and quelled the protest from the group. Ellen called, "I'll take him, my lady."

  "Ye most certainly will not," snapped Cat. "Yer far too good a maid, and I have missed ye," she told the crestfallen woman, who immediately brightened. "Sally," called Cat. "Take yer wet master."

  She endured the welcoming banquet arranged by Patrick's mother before being allowed to escape to her apartments. Her mother cornered her long enough to ask whether all was well between her daughter and the earl. Assured that everything was fine, Heather breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her husband. As evening drew in, Cat yawned hugely. Meg Leslie smothered a laugh.

  "I think," she whispered to her daughter-in-law, "that it would be perfectly permissible for ye to end this banquet."

  Cat leaned over to Patrick. "Glenkirk! Must I fall asleep in the jellies before ye'll end the evening?"

  "All right, sweetheart, but I'll stay awhile. Let us stand up now, and put the others who also wish to retire out of their misery."

  They stood, giving the signal for those who wanted to leave. Cat politely bid her guests good night and hurried to the nursery. Jamie, his eyes bright, lay on his stomach sucking his tiny fist.

  "He's such a good bairn," said the doting Lucy.

  Cat picked up her son and cradled him for a moment. His tiny nose twitched.

  "Och," crowed Sally proudly. "The smart laddie smells the milk!"

  Jamie began to cry. Lucy took the baby from Cat while Sally hurried to help her mistress remove her bodice. Cat sat down. Taking her son again, she gave him her breast. When the child had sated himself and lay drowsily in her lap, she smiled down on him. "He's growing so big," she noted, her voice soft.

  "Aye, madame," answered Sally, "and bright he is, too, our little lad."

  Cat lay her son back in the cradle on his stomach and drew the coverlet over him. "When I see him so helpless, so tiny," she said, "it's hard to believe he'll be a great impossible man like his father some day."

  The two nursemaids giggled, and the countess, rising, buttoned her bodice and bid them good night. She hurried to her own apartments, where Ellen had a steaming tub waiting. Stripping her clothes off. Cat climbed in and luxuriated in the warm fragrant water. She, who was used to bathing daily, had not had a bath since leaving Edinburgh two weeks before. "Ellen, tell the earl's man, Angus, to hae a bath ready for his lordship. I won't hae him climb stinking into my bed this night."

  And while Ellen was gone, Cat lathered up her hair, rinsed it, lathered it, and rinsed it again. She climbed from the tub and sat naked before the fire while Ellen rubbed her hair dry and then brushed it till it gleamed. Finally, Cat stood and held her hair up while Ellen powered her body.

  "Perfection! You are pure perfection!" Her husband stood in the doorway.

  "Angus has prepared you a bath, my lord," she told him.

  Lazily his eyes traveled the length of her body. She boldly returned his glance.

  "Ye smell like sunshine, love."

  "And you stink of horses and two weeks on the dusty road."

  He laughed. "I'll nae be long. Good night, Ellen."

  Ellen chuckled. "Which nightgown, my lady?"

  "Dinna bother, Ellie. Just gie me a shawl."

  Cat got into the big bed and, sitting up, drew a lacy wool shawl about her shoulders. "Good night, Ellie."

  "Good night, madame."

  Cat sat in her bed listening with amusement to the sounds coming from Patrick's bedroom. He splashed. He sang off-key. He made noises like a duck, and she laughed. A few minutes later he came naked through the doorway connecting the two rooms, and made straight for the bed. For a moment they just looked at each other. Then he enfolded her in a bear hug, and she snuggled contentedly into his arms.

  "Are ye glad to be home, Cat?"

  "For now, but I meant it, Patrick, when I said I wanted to spend part of each year in Edinburgh. Soon the little king will come into his own. He'll marry, and there will be a real court again. I dinna want to be a stranger in Edinburgh when that happens."

  "Nay, hinny! We'll be no part of James' court Grandmam always said the key to survival was to stay out of politics, and out of court. We're but a minor branch of our clan, but we are the richest. We have always avoided trouble by not allowing ourselves to be noticed. We will continue to do so." He shifted his position and slowly began stroking her lovely round breasts.

  "Then why," she demanded, "did ye buy me a house in town?" The nipples on her breasts were pinkly pointed, and she was furious at her body's quick response to him.

  "Because I always pay my debts, madame." He bent and nibbled teasingly on the tip of her breast.

  Angrily she pulled away. "I have furnished that house wi my own money! Am I not even to spend part of each year there?"

  "Of course ye may. We'll go to town each year, I promise you. You can shop, see plays, and visit our friends. But there will be no getting involved with any Stewart court. Stewarts are always notoriously short of funds, and one can hardly refuse the king a loan. One can also not ask a king to return a loan. We'd be impoverished in a year!"

  He pulled her underneath him and bent over her. "I'll talk no more of this tonight, madame, Countess of Glenkirk." His green-gold eyes glittered dangerously. "Are ye ready to be an obedient and dutiful wife, you impossibl
e minx?"

  Her slender fingers wound into his dark hair, and pulling his head down she kissed him slowly and expertly, her ripe body moving subtly beneath him.

  "By God," he swore when she released him, "I never taught you that!"

  "Didn't ye, my lord?" Her voice was honeyed.


  Her soft laughter teased him.

  "You little bitch," he said. His hand wrapped itself around her heavy hair. "If I thought that any other man even considered sampling your ample charms…"

  She laughed again, but her eyes and mouth were defiant. Suddenly, with a savagery that left her gasping, he took her.

  "I'll never possess all of you, Cat, for yer quicksilver! But, by God, my dear, I'll spoil you for any other man!"

  She began to struggle, but he laughed and began kissing tiny kisses over her face, throat, and breasts. He could feel her heart beating wildly beneath his lips. His big hands began caressing her hips and thighs, slowly stroking the silken flesh.

  "Patrick! Patrick!" Her voice was frantic. "Please, Patrick!" She could feel her control going, and couldn't understand why she still fought him. Perhaps it was because she instinctively understood that at these times she and he both lost individual identity. It frightened her yet.

  "Nay, sweetheart. Dinna fear what's happening. Go along wi it, hinny. Go along wi it!"

  It was easier to surrender, and she did, allowing herself to be swept away into the whirling rainbow vortex that always gave such pleasure. She lost track of everything except the wave upon wave of exquisite sensation that followed one upon the other until the final rending climax.

  Later that night she awoke to find the moon shining through the window and across the bed. Patrick lay sprawled on his back, snoring gently. Carefully, she pulled her leg from underneath his. Turning on her side, she leaned on an elbow and gazed down at him.

  She took pride in his good looks as he took pride in hers. His fair skin was tanned in places from their two-week ride. Thick dark lashes spread fanlike on his high cheekbones. His straight nose broadened at the nostrils, and his mouth was wide and generous. Her eyes wandered to his broad, hairless chest. She blushed furiously as her eyes caressed the tangled mat of black hair between his long, muscular legs.


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