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Splendor (Inevitable #2)

Page 34

by Nissenson, Janet

  In spite of herself, Tessa couldn’t suppress a giggle. “Well, not much gets past him, that’s for sure.”

  Ian brushed his thumb over her knuckles. “I also told him to expect your resignation on his desk very soon. He’s not especially pleased about that, swears you’re the only truly dependable one among the team, but understands why it has to happen. And he’s quite happy that you’ll eventually be traveling with me as my PA. Of course, he has ulterior motives there.”

  Tessa smiled. “It will save him some work, I’m sure. Work he can delegate to me.”

  “Spot on, love.” He placed an arm around her shoulders, easing her head against his chest. “Are you up to talking about what happened last night, or do you need some time?”

  She buried her face against his chest. “All the time in the world won’t make it easier, so I might as well get it over with. But before I do – how on earth did you happen to be there last night? Your flight wasn’t due in until this evening.”

  Ian gently massaged the back of her neck, working on a stiff spot until she felt like purring. “The board meetings wrapped up a day earlier than expected. I confess to having pushed the agenda along a bit each day in the hopes that we could eliminate a day. I was desperate to see you by then, even by a few hours, and changed my flight. Which turned out to be the flight from hell.”

  Tessa listened in sympathy as he told her about the mishaps he’d encountered during the flight – the long delay for takeoff, more turbulence than expected, the cramped seat in coach, his noisy neighbors.

  “None of that matters,” he told her firmly. “I’d have flown home in an aircraft carrier or on a World War I prop plane in order to see you a day early. The only thing I really curse is the delay in leaving London. If we’d taken off on time I would have been able to pick you up and have you here at the house well before the fire started.”

  She shrugged. “In the end, does it really matter? Whether I was there or not, all of my things were destroyed. Again.”

  He twirled a loose tendril of her hair around his finger. “At least you wouldn’t have experienced the trauma I’m certain you must have felt at running for your life. Can you tell me exactly what happened – how you got out?”

  Tessa took a deep breath before nodding. “I’d gone to sleep a little earlier than normal. I – well, I figured the sooner I fell asleep the sooner it would be today when you’d be coming home. Silly, I know, but - ”

  “No.” He kissed her cheek. “I was counting the hours until I could see you again, so I understand. Continue, love.”

  “The smoke detectors woke me up. I know most everything else in the apartment is old and dilapidated but at least those worked. Very loudly, too. Then there was banging on the door, and the firefighters were hustling me out of there. I didn’t have time to grab my phone or purse or even shoes.” She stroked her hand over his chest, covered in a navy cashmere pullover. “I’m sorry about the phone. I know it was expensive.”

  “Shush.” He hauled her onto his lap. “A phone is replaceable. All of the things you lost in the fire are. You, however, are completely, irrevocably irreplaceable. When I couldn’t reach you on the phone, I imagined all sorts of dreadful things had happened to you. And when Simon and I learned about the fire, when I was running around in a panic trying to find you – all I could think about was making sure you were safe and unharmed.” He tipped her chin up to meet his gaze, which was so filled with tenderness that her own eyes filled with tears. “Nothing else matters if I don’t have you, Tessa. All of this – the house, cars, things – it’s all meaningless if you aren’t here with me.”

  “And you know it’s the same for me,” she whispered. “I’ve only ever cared about you, and not the things you give me.”

  He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “Ah, but now you’re going to have to let me give you more things. I’ve been busy making all sorts of arrangements so far this morning. Your replacement phone will be delivered this afternoon. Andrew is having a new ID badge sent over by messenger later today. And I made an appointment for tomorrow for you to get your driver’s license.”

  She kissed his cheek. “You think of everything, don’t you? Thank you. I’m not sure I can remember much of anything right now.”

  “Leave it to me then, love. I’ve told you more than once – there’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

  Tessa forced a lightheartedness she certainly didn’t feel right now. “Well, looks like the fire did cheat you out of doing one thing you’ve threatened to do for a long time now.”

  He looked at her quizzically. “And what exactly would that be?”

  She chuckled. “Tossing my raincoat into the fireplace. I’m just assuming it burned with everything else.”


  “You’re certain you’ll be all right if I go into the office? I’m going to make it an early day. God knows I’ve still got the worst case of jet lag I can remember having in recent years.”

  It was Thursday morning, and Ian was getting dressed for work, buttoning up his shirt as she watched him from the bed.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. And I’m going to work tomorrow, not Monday,” she insisted. “The doctor told us yesterday that I’m physically fine so there’s no reason for me to just sit around here an extra day. I’d much rather keep busy, it – well, helps me to forget a little.”

  “All right,” he agreed gently. “So long as you don’t overdo. Physically you may be fine, but you’ve suffered a tremendous emotional trauma, Tessa. You don’t get over that in a couple of days.”

  “Okay, let’s put it this way. The sooner I get back to work the sooner I can resign.”

  Ian grinned as he finished buttoning his shirt before leaning down to give her a lingering kiss. “Good thinking, darling. Though I’m still a bit miffed you allowed Andrew to talk you into four weeks’ notice. Two should have been sufficient.”

  She shook her head. “I feel guilty enough as it is. A month is barely enough time for him to find a replacement and have them trained. And he’s been good to me in his way, as well as taken very good care of you.”

  He sighed. “Fine. But it’s not going to be one damned day longer, understood? Especially since that wily bastard will still be able to delegate work to you. Now, what time is Julia coming over?”

  It had surprised her yesterday when Ian had suggested she call Julia and tell her about the fire. And she had been almost speechless when he’d also urged her to share the news about their relationship.

  “Are you sure?” she’d asked worriedly. “I mean, it won’t be much longer until we can go public with it. Should we be taking a risk like that?”

  “It’s fine,” he’d assured her. “I trust Julia – and Nathan – implicitly. Both of them will understand the need for discretion, and since they don’t work directly for us the chance of them accidentally telling anyone is extremely unlikely. And,” he’d added tenderly, “you need your friends around you right now, darling. Julia is cheerful, nosy little wench that she is, and she might be able to help you through this. I’ll try to overlook the fact that she’ll be gloating about being right about my feelings for you.”

  Julia had been initially shocked and then deeply concerned when Tessa had told her about the fire, wanting to know if she needed a place to stay, clothes, money, anything. And then she’d chuckled with glee when Tessa had broken the news about her relationship with Ian, not sounding in the least surprised.

  “I was wondering when you two would finally fess up about it. Of course, I’ve known for over a year now how he felt about you. You’ll have to tell me all about it. And it goes without saying that your secret is safe with me.”

  Julia had rearranged her work schedule so that she could spend the better part of the day with Tessa, offering to take her to lunch and shopping, and help her keep her mind off the loss she’d suffered.

  “Julia will be here at ten. We’re going to the DMV first to get my replacement license and then to lunch and shopping,”
she told Ian.

  He nodded. “Make sure you get whatever you need, all right? Better yet – just hand Julia that credit card I gave you. I have no doubt she’d make good use of it on your behalf. Apparently she’s got quite the shopping addiction.”

  Tessa smiled. “I don’t need much, really. Just a few basics to tide me over for the next few weeks at work. You’ve already bought me more clothes than I could wear in several years.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion, darling. With some of the traveling we’ll be doing this summer you’re going to need some different pieces to augment your wardrobe. But that’s for another day. Now, come give me a kiss so I can head into the office for a bit.”

  She rose up on her knees by the edge of the bed, the duvet falling away from her body. She had begun sleeping in the nude when she was with Ian, his body heat more than enough to keep her warm at night. She loved snuggling up against his big, hard body, entwining her limbs with his, and falling asleep in his arms. His heated gaze fell on her high, lush breasts, the pale apricot nipples peaking instantly beneath his regard.

  “Christ, I’d love nothing better than to tumble you back on these sheets and slide inside of you for a few hours,” he rasped. “You’re so beautiful, Tessa. Like a goddess – Aphrodite, I think, the goddess of love and beauty. Except that even she would have been jealous of you.”

  She sighed, twining her arms around his neck, her nipples brushing up against his shirt. “Yes, but only because she would have wanted you for herself. And you’re my man, no one else can ever have you. “

  Ian grinned, his hands spanning her waist. “Getting possessive, are we? Good, because I feel the same way about you.”

  She kissed him softly, almost teasingly, but it was still more than enough to make her groan and want more. “Thank you for last night,” she whispered. “You were so – perfect. You always know exactly the right things to say and do.”

  He’d made love to her last night with almost heartbreaking tenderness, his kisses and caresses achingly sweet and gentle, treating her like she was some precious, fragile being. Tessa knew he’d held back, had denied himself so that he could focus solely on her needs, and it had been so exquisite that she had wept in his arms afterwards.

  “It was my pleasure, love,” he replied sincerely.

  Tessa caressed his smooth shaven cheek, inhaling deeply of his clean, masculine scent. “Tonight, though, will be for you. I know you held back last night, even though you must have wanted more.”

  “Hush.” He placed a finger over her lips. “Darling, what you don’t realize is that I’m deliriously happy to have you any way I can. Whether it’s slow and sweet like it was last night, or hard and dirty, it’s always the most intense feeling in the entire world for me. And, yes, I did hold back – I always feel like a rampaging beast when I’m near you – but that was what last night called for. But it was every bit as wonderful, Tessa, every bit as satisfying.”

  She pressed closer against him, her lips caressing the strong column of his throat. “For me, too. But I want to give you what you need tonight. I want you to take me however you like. I want,” she told him huskily, staring deep into his eyes, “to surrender.”

  “Jesus.” He stared at her open-mouthed, his eyes wide and his skin flushed. “Do you have any idea what those sort of words do to a man? Tessa – my God – you are the greatest treasure any man could ever hope to find in one lifetime.” He touched her cheek almost reverently. “But I’ve told you before. I won’t be your master, nor give you orders. This is and always will be an equal partnership, in every way.”

  “I know that,” she murmured. “That doesn’t mean I can’t give you this now and then, can’t give myself over to your control for a night. I know you would never, ever abuse that sort of trust, and that you could never, ever hurt me. I need this, Ian – need to give myself to you freely, without limits, without rules.”

  He closed his eyes tightly for long seconds, his hand sliding into her hair and holding her head still. Then he nodded and opened his eyes, and she gasped at the searing passion she saw reflected in their hazel depths. “All right, then. I accept your gift – gladly. And I promise that there will be every bit as much pleasure for you as there will be for me.” His hand slid down over her shoulder to her breast, cupping it before his thumb brushed over her nipple. At her gasp, he abruptly withdrew his hand.

  “God, if I start touching you now I won’t be able to stop. Here, better cover up so that I can think straight.”

  Tessa took the La Perla robe he handed her and belted it around her body as she slid out of the bed. “I’ll be looking forward to tonight,” she told him in a breathy little voice.

  Ian groaned and pulled her into his arms. “Not half as much as I will, love. I’m thinking I’d better stop at the gym and work off some steam first – box a few rounds, swim a few dozen laps. Otherwise, I fear you’re going to regret giving me carte blanche with your body.”

  She laughed, the sound muffled against his chest. “I doubt that very much.”

  “I was planning to take you to a very elegant steakhouse this evening – Harris’. Is seven o’clock all right with you?” he inquired.

  “Yes, perfect. What should I wear?”

  He gave her a quick kiss before stepping back, shrugging into his suit jacket. “I’ll leave that up to you, love. My only request is that you wear one of the new sets of lingerie we just bought. The lavender set – you know which one I mean?”

  Her cheeks pinkened as she pictured the gorgeous demi-bra of sumptuous satin and lace, and the matching pair of tiny, lacy panties. “Yes, I know.”

  He winked at her. “Good. Those, plus stockings, of course, and high heels. The rest I’ll leave up to you. Now, I’d better go before I decide to blow off three separate meetings and start the festivities early. I’ll see you this evening, love.”

  Tessa tried hard not to feel lonely and bereft as he left the room, knowing full well he had important matters to attend to at the office. It had been an extra special treat spending all of yesterday with him, but she acknowledged with a bittersweet resignation that every day couldn’t be like that.

  She took her time showering and getting ready, fretting a bit over what to wear. Fortunately, she and Julia weren’t going anywhere fancy, just the DMV and then to a shopping mall where she needed to buy some things for work. Since all of her office wardrobe had burned in the fire, she would have to purchase a few pieces to get her by for the next few weeks. Now more than ever – when she was officially living with Ian – they would have to exercise extreme discretion at the office. And that meant keeping the lavish, extensive wardrobe of beautiful designer clothes he’d bought her strictly for after work use. She would need to stick to the same sort of inexpensive clothing she’d always worn to the office so that Alicia, Gina and the others didn’t get suspicious.

  Deciding to go with comfort rather than high fashion, Tessa chose a pair of black cigarette pants, a black and cream striped sweater, and black ballerina flats. The black Prada satchel wasn’t even half full after she put her new wallet, phone, brush, lip gloss and house key inside. Most of the day to day stuff she carried around with her had been inside her old purse, another casualty of the fire.

  Julia arrived promptly at ten, just as Tessa was putting her breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. As usual, the petite designer was dressed to kill – today in a gray cashmere sweater dress that clung to her curvy body, and a killer pair of black stilettos with a T-strap. Tessa had never seen Julia looking anything less than perfectly put together, and realized the only time she’d ever seen her in something other than a dress or a skirt had been in yoga class.

  The very first thing Julia did was to give Tessa a fierce hug. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she told her sorrowfully. “What a horrible, horrible thing for you to have to go through. But you’re lucky you managed to get out of there without any apparent injuries that I can see.”

  Tessa nodded. “I’m fine, just a littl
e shook up. Ian practically dragged me to see a doctor yesterday, even though I told him I was fine.”

  Julia grinned. “Get used to it, honey. He might be on the reserved side, but your man is definitely used to being in charge. And you couldn’t have picked a better man to take care of you, Tessa. Ian is a real prize, one in a million.”

  “I know,” admitted Tessa readily. “He’s the most wonderful man in the whole world, and I still have to pinch myself something like a dozen times a day to really believe he’s mine.”

  Julia gave Tessa’s hand a squeeze. “Well, believe it, girl, because you snagged yourself a real winner. And I’m not talking about his money or his position. I mean the man he is inside – how kind he is and how well he treats people. If I hadn’t already been head over heels in love with my Nathan, I’d probably have gone after Ian myself,” she teased. “Then again, I saw the way he looked at you during that very first meeting I attended, and knew right off the bat that no other woman would ever do for him.”

  Tessa couldn’t help beaming with delight. “Really? I just never imagined that someone like him – God, he’s so perfect – would ever notice me.”

  “Oh, honey, he noticed you all right. I told you that when we had lunch together the first time but you didn’t believe me. I’m glad everything worked out. Especially,” she added mischievously, “since I got this fabulous pair of Manolo Blahniks as a result.”

  Tess smiled. “I can’t believe you made a bet with Nathan about whether Ian was really the new boyfriend I told you about. But I am glad you won the bet.”

  Julia gave her a conspiratorial wink. “I tend to win most of the bets I make with Nathan. Let’s just say it all has to do with the timing. Now, as much as I’m dying to get the grand tour of this awesome house – God, from what I’ve already seen I might just move in here with you – we’d better get going.”


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