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Bound to Blackwood

Page 36

by Sharon Lipman

  Heath took a wheezing breath as his colourless eyes fluttered open and he stared wide-eyed at Thorn. “Your Majesty!” he said in a husky voice as he attempted to sit up straighter. “I apologise. Drake should have woken me.”

  Thorn patted the old man's shoulder. “Please, My Lord, do not concern yourself. I dismissed Drake.”

  “Your Majesty, your visit should have been announced! It is not correct for you to have to wake me!” he said, his voice full of alarm and dismay.

  Thorn sighed. “Please, My Lord. My visit was unexpected and I was not invited. We have more important things to discuss.” Thorn felt Lena's distress immediately, and his heart constricted. He pushed more strength her way. She had to get through this.

  Heath relaxed a little in his chair and nodded, which scared the crap out of Thorn because the slightest movement looked like it could cause the old man serious damage, if not finish him altogether.

  It was then that Heath first noticed Lena., who had sat back on her haunches. “You were here before, I believe,” he said. Heath nodded again as he continued to study her. “A woman warrior.”

  “A woman Steward, My Lord,” Thorn replied.

  Heath's pale eyes left Lena to meet Thorn's intense stare. “Steward of the Watch? The Order hasn't had a Steward in over a millennium.”

  Thorn heard Lena gulp and shot her what he hoped was a reassuring look. “Our Keeper was gravely injured. Lena was the obvious choice.”

  Heath simply nodded.

  They sat in silence for a while. Thorn struggled with how best to tell Heath that the woman kneeling at his feet was the daughter he'd waited an entire lifetime to see again. Faerie only knew what Heath and Lena were thinking, but Thorn could see that both of them were lost in their own thoughts.

  So which was best — softly-softly or just rip that plaster off?

  Softly-softly was favourable, given Heath's health, yet it was clear the guy wasn't long for this earth and softly-softly might take too long. Whatever he chose, it was going to be pretty traumatic. Thorn sighed. He had no idea what he was doing.

  In the end though, the choice wasn't his to make.

  “You and I have met before,” Heath said to Lena.

  Lena felt her brow knit as she looked up at the old man. “Yes, My Lord. I was here two months ago, with Kaden,” she whispered as she shot another glance at Thorn.

  Thorn just shrugged.

  Heath wheezed a laugh. “I am old, but this,” he tapped his temple, “still works perfectly well.”

  “I don't understand,” Lena replied.

  “Two months ago notwithstanding, you and I have met before.”

  Lena stopped breathing. She stared at Heath, not daring to move. His pale eyes were bright and alert as he looked at her, but he didn't say anything more for the longest time.

  “I wonder that I didn't see it before,” Heath whispered.

  “See what?” Lena croaked.

  “You have your mother's eyes.”

  Lena's jaw went slack.

  Pale, pink tears welled in Heath's eyes. “That is what you came to tell me, is it not?”

  Lena nodded, her throat beyond dry. “How did you know?”

  “I think the question is: how did I not know when last we met?”

  It was a fair question, but since no one else knew then either, Lena didn't have an answer for him.

  Heath leaned forward in his chair, bony, arthritic hands clutching the blankets covering his legs. “I wonder that I didn't see it. The hair is different, of course, but the eyes. I should have seen you,” he said.

  What the hell was she supposed to say? He was her father, her biological one at least, but she didn't know him. Apart from what Kaden had told her, she didn't know anything about him. To her, he was an old man whose life had been destroyed by loss and grief. She screwed her eyes shut as regret seeped into her heart. Her own disappearance had been the root cause of all that pain.

  “It's not just the eyes.” Heath's voice cut through the darkness in her mind.

  Lena's eyes snapped open. “What?”

  Heath leant even further forward, studying her so intently she found she wanted to look away. The old man tilted his head as he looked at her and she shifted on her knees, disliking the scrutiny. He narrowed his eyes at her making his stare seem all the more penetrating, as if he was looking into her very soul.

  He pointed a gnarled, bony finger at her. “Something has changed in you.”

  Lena felt her eyes widen, and then, because she couldn't help herself, she shot a worried glance at Thorn. He just nodded at her, which was no bloody help at all. The gentle, loving caress of his soul against hers was, however, exactly what she needed. She switched her attention back to Heath. Her father continued to look at her but his stare had softened and a smile crept across his wizened face.

  “Why are you smiling?” she asked.

  Heath wheezed a laugh.

  “What's so funny?” she snapped.

  “Lena!” Thorn growled a warning.

  Heath raised a shaky hand. “It's alright, Your Majesty. She may have her mother's eyes, but it seems she gets her temper from me.”

  Lena opened her mouth to reply, but as Heath's words sank in, her voice failed. Instead, she found herself staring up at her father in amazement.

  Heath waved his hand in dismissal. “I know it may not seem like it now, but I didn't become Shield Bearer by being nice to everyone.”

  Lena couldn't help but smile. “No, I suppose not,” she replied with a small laugh as she relaxed a little.

  “Now, no daughter of mine should spend too much time kneeling before anyone. Why don't you both take a seat?”

  Thorn was on his feet in a blink of an eye, ready to help Lena up. Faerie knew, if it had been anyone else, she'd be telling them where to go, but it was Thorn, so of course she let him. Such a simple gesture made her giddy. She rolled her eyes at herself for being so pathetic.

  Thorn pulled two chairs over so they could sit facing Heath.

  "There now. That's better," Heath said with a smile.

  "Why did you say something had changed in me?" Lena asked.

  Heath's smile widened as he looked at her and then Thorn. "Whether you like it or not, daughter-mine, your soul is alive now. I think that is why I can see you when I couldn't before. Your true self is here for the world to see, and if I'm not very much mistaken, you are filled with love."

  Lena's first thought was one of denial, but she could feel Thorn within her, his soul trembling with tension, as if he was waiting for her to do just that. She knew full well that if the roles were reversed, the slightest hint of denial from him would break her heart. She reached for their bond. Her soul was indeed more open. Thorn had laid her bare and there was absolutely no going back.

  "How did you know?" She normally guarded her emotions carefully. That someone who hardly knew her could see her, surprised and worried her.

  "I am your father, Eden."

  "Lena, please call me Lena."

  Heath conceded with a nod. "Lena. I am your father and we share a blood bond. Weak as it is with the passing of time, I may not have felt it had it not been for that love lighting your soul."

  Suddenly full of love for the man who should have been in her life all along, Lena reached over and took Heath's hand in hers. "I am sorry I did not come sooner."

  The old man shrugged as if the lost centuries were insignificant. He brought his other hand down on top of hers and rubbed his crooked thumb across the back of her hand. "Dearest Lena. You were always a Princess to me, but now you shall be Queen. What father could ask for more?"

  Chapter 39

  Kaden coerced them all into sorting out the mess in the den. They'd been at it for hours and Kaden showed no sign that they were about to be cut some slack, so Ryver was kind of glad that Thorn and Lena had returned.

  They all heard Lena stomping down the corridor. They all recognised the heavy footfall that followed her.

  "They're ba
ck then," Mercury said.

  "Seems that way," Ryver replied.

  The rest of the guys stared at the door, waiting for something to happen, but the two sets of footsteps passed them by, carrying on down the corridor towards the kitchen.

  "Huh, maybe they're hungry?" Phoenix offered.

  Ryver's mouth twitched as he listened to Lena's thoughts. His smile got wider until a hearty laugh sprang from his lips.

  "What's so funny?" Kaden asked.

  Ryver struggled to contain his amusement. "They're not headed for the kitchen," he laughed. "Lena's headed for the drinks store in the pantry."

  "What? Why?" Mercury chipped in.

  "She's looking for the tequila," Ryver replied.

  "That's never a good sign," Mercury said.

  "I take it the meeting with Heath didn't go well?" Kaden asked.

  Ryver, still smiling, replied, "Oh no, the meeting went fine, brilliant, in fact."

  "What's so fucking funny then?" Kaden asked again.

  "Lena's just realised that being Thorn's mate also means being his Queen," Ryver told them. "And she's really not happy about it."

  Ryver looked up at Kaden and watched a smile spread across the guy's face. "Never thinks about the consequences, that girl."

  "Does this mean she'll be wearin' a dress, and a crown and stuff?" Mercury asked with a wicked grin planted on his crooked face.

  "Oh yeah. I can really see that happening!" Kaden said.

  Snorts and chuckles spread through them all ‘til their laughter echoed around the House. Ryver heard Lena's mind screaming at him. "Guys, guys! She's coming!"

  They ignored him.

  "Guys, I mean it! She's…"

  The door flew open. "Here," Lena finished for him, with a growl.

  Oh bugger.

  Anger boiled in Lena's head. They were laughing at her. She knew it. "What's so fucking funny, Ryver?"

  The smile fell from her best friend's face as he looked away from her and stared at his feet instead.

  She threw her arms wide and beckoned her brothers. "C'mon guys, share the joke!"

  Mercury, Phoenix and Sky joined Ryver in inspecting their footwear. It was Kaden who spoke up, but what he said wasn't anything she could have predicted. The Keeper of the Watch stepped forward, a small smile still gracing his lips. "We were deciding how best to congratulate you, My Lady."

  Lena narrowed her eyes at him as more anger flashed through her. The heat of her rage was made all the worse by the fact that Kaden mocked her. "Fuck you, Kaden. Fuck all of you," she spat.

  Kaden's ice-blue eyes remained calm, but she caught the clench of his jaw. She also saw him swallow whatever anger she'd caused, because that tell-tale tic soon disappeared. He took another step forward. "I mean it, Lena."

  "Yeah, right."

  Kaden sighed. "Always so damned stubborn"

  "Well, apparently, I am my father's daughter."

  Kaden nodded. "True enough." He stepped forward again, so he was almost within touching distance. "I wasn't trying to insult you, when I called you My Lady."

  Lena arched her brow at him. Then, her brother-in-all-but-name did something incredible. He dropped to one knee in front of her. As soon as Kaden's knee touched the floor, the others behind him followed suit.

  "What are you doing?" she hissed, taking a step back.

  Lena felt her eyes widen as Kaden closed his right fist over his heart and bowed his head. "As my sister, you already have my bond and my love," he said.

  "Get up," she whispered, not liking where this was going.

  Kaden ignored her. So did the rest of her brethren. Bastards.

  "As the Shield Bearer's daughter, you already have my sword and my honour."

  Lena gulped, tears pricking her eyes as her anger evaporated with the solemnity of Kaden's words. She held her breath as the Keeper of the Watch continued.

  "As my Queen, My Lady, you will have my fealty and my devotion. If this is the path you must walk, then I will walk it with you."

  A sombre "and I," came from Mercury, Sky and Phoenix.

  She risked a glance at Ryver who, unlike the others, looked directly at her, his hazel eyes glowing emerald green. A wide smile on his lips, he winked at her. "Yeah, me too."

  And she was undone, her tears flowing down her face as she felt the truth and honour in their words. "Okay, you idiots," she mumbled between sniffs. "Get up now. You're embarrassing me!"

  They were on their feet in a heartbeat.

  "Tequila?" Mercury suggested.

  Lena laughed and nodded.

  Ryver skipped over and pulled her into a bear hug. "Holy fuck, Lena!" he whispered in her ear, which just made her laugh even more.

  "I know!" she whispered back.

  Thorn watched from the doorway, letting Lena have her moment. He couldn't help but smile when Ryver squashed her into a bone-crushing hug. Kaden sidled up to him and leant against the doorframe, watching the rest of the Guardians laughing with their new Queen.

  “I need to talk to you about the archives,” Kaden said.

  Thorn smiled. Kaden was always working. “Tomorrow,” he answered.

  Kaden nodded.

  "Thank you," Thorn told him.

  Kaden continued to watch the scene unfolding in the den. "I didn't do it for you," he replied.

  "I know," Thorn said. "But I am grateful nonetheless."

  Kaden nodded. "Doesn't mean I've forgiven you."

  "I know."

  "And I'll kill you if you hurt her."

  "I know."

  The two of them watched on as Mercury handed out shots of tequila and Phoenix dished out slices of lemon and passed the salt cellar around. Of course, Lena told them all to go to hell before they licked the salt, downed the tequila and bit into their lemons.

  Kaden finally turned towards him. "You know you're in for a fuck load of trouble, don't you?"

  Thorn's smile broadened into a grin. "Yup."

  The End



  The call of a mate's blood or blood song. Only a true mate will hear it, as if composed especially for them.


  Male mate.


  Female mate.


  The ash left behind when a Vampire perishes. Their bodies decompose like a slow-burning funeral pyre. The process normally takes twelve to twenty-four hours.


  The longing a female Vampire will feel before her mate claims her. It starts with cramps and fever, but will progress to excruciating agony. She will be unable to stand the touch of any male who is not her mate until the mating is complete.


  One Vampire coven chose to keep the souls with which they had been entrusted. Their sacred burden forgotten, they fed on a power and vitality they never knew existed; they let the souls die and failed in their duty to convey spirits to the Glory of Faerie.

  These became the Fallen. So enraptured, they walked from the light into the darkness and, in doing so, cursed an entire race.

  Stealing mortal souls and taking pleasure in harming humans were just two of their hobbies.


  Leader of a coven, usually the eldest male.


  What modern generations refer to as “glamour.” The ability to appear as you are not. A Vampire can use their Menæwen to disguise anything about themselves, from their hair and eye colour, to the clothes they are wearing. Vampires and other Fae will be able to detect the disguise, no matter how practiced.


  An honour debt. The most serious of debts which most Fae refuse to enter into. Vampires count honour above all else. Some have lost their lives to repay a debt rather than suffer the dishonour of letting an Onærelen go unpaid.


  Vampires belonged to the Seelie Court; the aristocracy of Faerie, and were bound by honour, love and beauty. They are not the demons most humans believe them to be. Their need
for blood stems not from evil, but from duty. Before modern day religions like Christianity and Islam, there was only Faerie, and Vampires were tasked with sending the souls of the dying back to The Glory. When one coven Fell and kept the souls with which they had been entrusted, the whole race were cast from Faerie and banished to earth.

  Vampires still have the ability to carry souls, but without the keys to Faerie, they have relinquished their duties. Now they do their best to protect humans from the Fallen

  They will only return once the Fallen are vanquished.

  Copyright © 2015 SLL Publishing

  Written by Sharon Lipman

  Edited by K. M. Vanderbilt

  Cover Design by Fantasia Covers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic content.

  It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.

  About the Author

  A huge fan of the paranormal romance genre, Sharon Lipman started writing in her teens. It wasn't until she was in her thirties that she found a story she was desperate to share. House Blackwood was born and Bound to Blackwood is her debut novel.

  She was born in west London and grew up in leafy Surrey in south-east England. A lover of all things British, except the weather, she now lives in Almeria, southern Spain with her husband and an ever growing collection of dogs.

  Look out for more of House Blackwood, coming soon.


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