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Lily in Bloom

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by Morgan Ash bury

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Copyright ©2007 by Morgan Ashbury

  First published in 2007, 2007

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Lily in Bloom

  A steamy, sultry summer night. A swimming pool bathed in moonlight. A lonely woman unexpectedly comes upon the forbidden sight of a naked, much younger man.

  Years later, Lily Martin is haunted by the erotic dream of that one night. Divorced and newly returned to the scene of that vision, the last person she expects to come roaring down her laneway on a Harley is that same young man, now fully grown.

  Ryan Kincaid never forgot his teenage crush on Lily Martin. Years and distance separated them, but Lily remained the one woman Ryan had craved but never tasted. Now she's within reach, and he has every intention of feasting his fill.

  Embarking on a sexual odyssey together, Ryan awakens passions Lily never suspected she had. But can his hot loving uncover the woman within and give her the courage to overcome the past and claim the future with him?


  Morgan Ashbury


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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2007 by Morgan Ashbury

  ISBN: 1-933563-53-2

  First Electronic Publication: June 2007

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2007 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  With great admiration and genuine affection to Diana DeBalko, who made everything possible by saying ‘yes'.



  Copyright © 2007


  He dropped his clothes right in front of her.

  Lily should have said something the instant he came into view, but she didn't. Instead, she stepped back just enough to hide in the shadows. And she stood, a silent witness, a hidden voyeur, as he stripped.

  The son of her uncle's neighbor, he'd been introduced to her a few days before. Ryan Kincaid was only sixteen.

  The moon, bright in a cloudless sky, painted his flesh with silver streaks of light, an incandescent glow that glistened and aroused. His chest, broad and manly, nearly barren of hair, made her mouth water. He must work hard. Even from this distance, she could see highly defined muscles. His hands went to the front of his shorts, and a part of Lily's brain told her to look away. As a married thirty-year-old mother of two, she had no right playing voyeur. But held captive by the moonlight, the night, and the glorious sight of this emerging Adonis, she looked on.

  The moonlight focused on his completely naked, magnificent form, like a spotlight would a performer on the stage.

  Lily forgot the sleeplessness that had chased her from her bed. Seeking only the open air and a chance to dip her feet in the pool on this steamy August night, she'd instead been given a visual erotic temptation.

  Lily's nipples beaded beneath her simple cotton nightshirt. Ryan stretched, slowly turning right and then left, performing warm-up exercises that warmed Lily inside and out. Clenching her legs together, she tried to stem the flow of moisture dampening her panties.

  She'd been married more than a decade and had never been this aroused.

  Ryan stretched his hands overhead, bending backwards slightly. Lily's eyes zeroed in on his cock. Fully erect, proud, it called to her, a forbidden call of lust and need. She couldn't help but compare it to Reg's, her husband. How could a sixteen-year-old young man have a larger, more beautiful penis than a fully-grown man? But he did, and she found herself wondering, for the first time in her life, how a cock would taste. Her entire body shivered as she could almost imagine herself on her knees before him, ready to worship that stiff rod with lips and tongue, eager to taste, then to lie back, spread her legs, and...

  The sound of a splash pulled her from her sensuous haze. Ryan had dived into the pool, leaving Lily alone and bereft, and more than a little embarrassed. Feeling her face heat in shame, certain the entire world would see her shocking behavior, she slowly crept backwards until, safely around the corner of the house, she could escape. Silently on bare feet, she stole back to her room, closing the door softly behind her. Flinging herself on her bed, she closed her eyes, as if she'd been asleep all along. As if what she had just witnessed had been only a dream, after all.

  But it had been real, and the arousal that so recently flooded her didn't abate. Instead, it cried out for release. With hands that trembled, Lily pulled her nightshirt to her waist, and then higher. Her nipples, hard buds, throbbed, and Lily's hands moved over them, caressing, pinching harder. Until that moment, she had no idea her breasts connected to her womb. Her hips surged and her sex burned with hunger. Shocked at her own actions, but unable to stop, her hands wandered down, then under the waistband of her panties.

  The first touch of her fingers on her pussy had her clit stiffening and seeking more. Whimpering, Lily pictured Ryan, naked, preening. Imagined him, ready, rising over her. Masturbating for the first time in her life, she gave herself the most delicious orgasm she'd ever experienced.

  As she willed sleep to take her, Lily promised herself that, come the dawn, this night's embarrassing activities would only have been a misadventure, now over. She promised herself in the light of a new day, the yearning and lust she'd felt for that young man would be dead and gone.

  But it didn't die. It merely lay dormant.


  Chapter 1

  13 years later

  "Hello, Lily."

  The black helmet with tinted glass concealed the rider's identity as well as the tight leather of his jacket outlined his chest. If he'd been wearing a cape, she might have imagined him a villain in a space movie. But where the helmet betrayed nothing, the stretched fabric across his chest shouted MAN.

  Her heart raced. Having a motorcycle roar down her country lane had stirred a primal fear within her. Despite having lived nearly a month in the country, she remained a city girl at heart, with a city girl's fear of bikers and gangs. She'd very nearly bolted for the safety of the house, and locked doors. But the fight or flight dilemma within her had taken a few moments too long to sort out. Now she faced a stranger who seemed to know her name, while his identity remained a mystery.

  He took his time, she thought, turning off the bike, removing his gloves. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he slowly reached up and unsnapped the strap that held the protective headgear in place. Almost like slow motion, he lifted the heavy helmet up and off, eyes closed, and shook his head, his long hair dancing on the breeze.


  She'd seen him just a couple of months ago, at Uncle Mark's funeral. He'd been one of the pallbearers. Since her uncle had made all
the arrangements, she'd no idea of his name. But even then, he'd seemed familiar to her, somehow.

  "Figured it out yet?"

  Oh, hell. Memories of a long ago summer washed through her. How could she be aroused and embarrassed at the same time? She felt her cheeks turn red, and wished the Earth would simply open up and swallow her.

  "Ryan. I didn't recognize you."

  "With my clothes on?"


  "I meant my riding clothes, of course."

  A lively twinkle in his eyes told her he'd been aware of her that night, all those years ago.

  Rather than disappear, as she'd prayed the memory would, it had converted itself to a dream that replayed in her sleep, over the years, on the capricious whims of chance.

  The last time that dream visited had been just two nights ago.

  Nothing to do now but brazen it out. “Of course, you did. How are you?"

  "Me? I've been very good. You?"

  Oh, she'd never played this game of flirt in her entire life! What possessed her to do so now? He might be a fully-grown man, but more than a decade separated them. They had names for women like her who toyed with young studs.

  And no, she told the tiny voice inside her head, that name is not ‘Lucky'.

  "I'm fine, Ryan. Thank you."

  He flashed a grin of pure mischief, then swung his right leg over the bike. He set the stand, placed the helmet on the seat, and slowly pulled the zipper down on his leather jacket. Soon that, too, draped the bike, and he stood in front of her, arms akimbo.

  Lily tried not to notice the way the thin cotton t-shirt plastered itself against that impressively muscular chest. She told herself she would not look below his waist, and then found herself admiring how the worn denim showcased his powerful thighs.

  "Are you going to do the neighborly thing and invite me in ... for a drink?"

  Her head snapped up, her eyes wide. His grin spread, and she watched him do a slow perusal of her, head to toe. For one long moment, her mind simply refused to work. Then his words penetrated. “Are we neighbors, then?"

  He nodded toward the north, and Lily knew he indicated the next farm in that direction.

  "Yeah. I've been living on the homestead since before my dad died."

  "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know he'd died."

  "It's been a few years, but thanks. I also spent a lot of time with Mark. As a matter of fact, I made him a promise before he passed."


  "Mmm. I promised him that if you accepted your inheritance and moved in here, I'd keep an eye on you,” he took one step forward, then another, his grin nearly feral, “give you a hand, or whatever else you might need. Help you ... make it."

  Ryan's greater height forced Lily to look up as he came closer. His gaze, intent on her face, flicking down to take in the thrust of her breasts against her tee shirt, heated her blood. His words caressed the inner part of her that had been stirred to awakening the moment she realized his identity. She bit back a groan as her nipples hardened and her sex moistened. Muscles flexed, as if preparing to receive his penis deep into her body.

  How could this happen to her? She was no sex kitten! In fact, the last time she'd made love with Reg had been ... too long ago to remember.

  Grabbing hold of her runaway thoughts, she swallowed, lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. Time for her to stop this ridiculous train of thought, to stop taking everything this young man said in a provocative way, and to come back to the sober, hardworking, and boring woman she knew herself to be.

  "You're referring to the farm, of course. That's very kind of you."

  "Kindness has nothing to do with it. Actually, I was referring to pleasuring every inch of you. But I can help you with the farm, too."

  Lily knew she likely resembled a fish feeding on plankton, but she couldn't help it. As Ryan's words echoed in her mind, she could only gape and stare while seized by the almost giddy urge to laugh. She could probably count on the fingers of both hands the number of times her husband had made love to her—if she could remember back that far—and this young stud—

  "Breathe, Lily."

  "You ... I ... you can't go around saying things like that! Even if you are joking, my God, Ryan! That's—"

  "I wasn't joking, babe."

  Lily found she could do nothing more than just stare at him. With an almost subtle shake of his head, he reached out and grabbed hold, yanking her forward. He didn't just kiss her. He plundered.

  One moment, she was living in the real world as she knew it, the next, Lily was lost. Her brain stopped working as Ryan's mouth fastened on hers, as his tongue invaded her mouth and he tickled her tonsils. His scent surrounded her as he held her tight against his solid male body. Enveloped by his arms, she felt drenched in desire. Unable to resist, she opened her mouth wide, her tongue returning his caresses, dancing with his, then racing. Seduced by the taste of morning coffee and man, she gripped his shoulders and held on, because her legs lost all strength. Her nipples hardened into tiny pebbles that burned with the need to be rubbed back and forth against his chest just to survive. The pit of her belly shivered, her uterus contracted all the way to the lips of her pussy, and she felt moisture soak her panties.

  She had never been kissed like this in her entire life.

  Ryan kept one hand on the back of her head as the other cupped her bottom. He lifted her, it seemed so easy and natural, and grunted when her legs wrapped themselves around him.

  "Rub yourself against my cock, honey. Go ahead, take what you need."

  "Ryan—” Lily shuddered in his arms at the naked command, and began shaking her head in denial even as her hips rolled forward, stroking her cotton-covered sex against his denim-covered erection.

  "Yeah, that's it. Do it again, Lily."

  "No, I—” Her saner angels uttered the words automatically, meant to call up sobriety and decorum. But she wrapped her arms more tightly around him, fused her mouth to his, and ground her pelvis against him one more time, and then again and again.

  Lily cried out as everything inside her caught fire and erupted in an explosion of sizzling, roaring pleasure. Wave after wave of rapture washed over and through her, sending spasms outward from her pussy until her entire body trembled, out of control. She gasped and gulped and moaned, helpless to do anything else but rub her mound against him. Her brain frantically tried to make sense of what her body felt, but this went far and beyond anything she'd ever experienced. She rested her head on Ryan's shoulder, and as the last of the orgasm faded, a sob wrenched its way out from deep down inside her. Depleted of energy, soaked in shock, she surrendered to it, as well.

  * * * *

  Ryan continued to kiss and hold her as the ripples of her orgasm raged through her. The taste of her intoxicated him more than he could have imagined. Instantly drunk on her, he wanted only to stay that way. He felt her whimpers and swallowed them, even as his kiss continued to devour her. His cock was extra hard, and he knew he could have fucked her right then and there. He wanted that nearly more than he'd ever wanted anything. Lily Martin had been a fire in his blood since the summer he turned sixteen. But the look of shock on her face when he'd teased her spoke volumes of Lily's inexperience. Her kiss had been awkward and clumsy until she'd surrendered to his possession. Even now, as he held her against his erection, shivering as she came, he realized the woman in his arms had limited sexual experience.

  Closing his eyes tightly, he reined in his own desire, stamping down the urge to strip them both naked and plow into her. That moment would come, soon and often if he had anything to say about it. But right now, he needed to focus on Lily. When her cries of pleasure turned to cries of another sort, he continued to hold her, wordless murmurs of comfort rumbling from his throat. Carrying her easily into the house, he settled himself into one of the kitchen chairs, and when Lily tried to get away from him, he switched his hold of her so that he cradled her on his lap like a child.

  "Stay, Lily. Just let me hol
d you."

  "Oh, God. I can't believe I just ... that I ... and you..."

  "Shhh. It's all right, babe. Everything's fine. I know you're embarrassed, but you don't have to be. Please stop struggling and let me hold you. Just for another few moments. Then if you want me to let you go, I will."

  "I'm ashamed of myself."

  "Why? Because you came?"

  "I'm a forty-three year old divorced mother of two grown children and I just plastered myself against a man I barely know and behaved like the most wanton nymphomaniac."

  "Yeah, and I loved every moment of it. It felt good, didn't it? I made that first move, honey. Hoping for exactly what just happened. Your response to me was so much more wonderful than I ever imagined, and I imagined plenty thinking about you all these years. What happened between us really isn't that much different than masturbating, is it?"

  When Lily didn't answer and she hid her head deeper into his chest, Ryan's hands stilled their stroking.


  "I don't. That is, I did, one time. Well—"

  "After my strip tease by the pool?"


  Ryan had never heard a single two-letter word drawn out in such a mournful tone. It took every bit of his will not to roar in laughter.

  "Why had you never masturbated before—or after?"


  "There's only the two of us here, sweetheart. Just you and me. I've been hot for you since the first time I laid eyes on you. I'm not embarrassed to tell you that I fantasized about you whenever I jerked off—that summer and long after. In the pool that night, I wished with everything in me that you would come out of hiding, strip yourself bare, and get into the water with me. Of course, I knew that wouldn't happen at the time. I was still a kid, and you a married woman. But I'm no longer a kid, and you're no longer married. There's nothing wrong with what we just shared, Lily, unless I make your skin crawl."

  Lily's head came up at that and she looked him square in the eyes. “You do not make my skin crawl."


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