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AREA 69: An Alien Invasion Romance Novel

Page 24

by Courtney Collins

  “I would rather drink you.” He pulled her face to his and kissed her sloppily.

  She pushed him away with force. “You’re drunk.”

  “Because of you! Because I can’t get you out of my head! I want you.”

  “Now? Now that you’re drunk you can express your feelings for me?” Brea was angry.

  “Brea.” He tried to kiss her again.

  “No! Not while you are drunk!” She slapped him across the face.

  She saw the animal spark in his eyes. He growled. “Don’t say ‘no’ to me!” He pushed her down on the couch. She struggled against him. He held her shoulders down and pushed his mouth on hers. He forced his tongue into her mouth. She tasted the alcohol.

  “No!” She cried out again when he moved his mouth down her neck.

  “I will have you tonight, Brea. I will claim you as mine.”

  Brea felt desire heat up in her sex. Garrett sat up and pulled Brea with him, he pulled her over his lap with her ripe ass positioned over his legs. He yanked off her skirt and underwear in one rough movement. He caressed her ample ass and groaned with desire. “I know what you want.” He rasped as he spanked her, hard. She cried out at the pain. He slapped her again. The pain shot up her body. She felt the hot sensation in her cunt grow with every slap. Lust clouded her brain. She felt a wave of desire from a primal place she didn’t even know existed. She desperately wanted him to fuck her. She wanted to be pounded into oblivion any way he chose.

  “Take off your clothes,” he demanded. She stoop up shakily in front of him and slithered out of her skirt and under wear. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it slide to the floor. She unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor. She stood in front of him naked and vulnerable. “You are so sexy Brea. I can’t control myself around you.” His eyes had darkened with beast and it seemed to sober him up. She covered her breasts with her arms, his intense stare made her feel nervous. He stood up then and pushed her arms open and he grabbed her breasts roughly. He took her hard, excited nipples in his mouth and sucked hard. He squeezed and rubbed the other nipple and he continued to suck. She threw her head back and moaned in ecstasy. He sucked harder. He went back and forth between her two nipples sucking and tweaking until she felt like she would explode. A deep groan escaped her lips. He stood up and quickly climbed out of his clothes exposing his huge erection. Brea didn’t have much time to admire it as he grabbed her roughly. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like she was a rag doll. He slapped her ass again and carried her into her bedroom. He tossed her on her bed.

  “I am going to take you now. I will claim you as mine.” The beast had taken over completely now. He grabbed her hips and flipped her over. He kneeled behind her and pulled her hips up. He smacked her ass again. She was so turned on, she felt her cream slide down inside her. She wanted him to claim her. She felt the tip of his dick rubbing against her lips. She moaned and he slowly penetrated her. His dick went deep, deep inside her. He slowly pulled it out and then penetrated her again, just as slow. Guttural sounds escaped from her as she fell into pit of desire. He rammed into her hard. He grabbed her hips and began pumping her hard and fast. She grabbed a pillow and shoved it in her mouth to keep from screaming. Each thrust drove her closer and closer to release. His thrusts came even faster and harder now as he neared his peak. He reached under to her clit and began rubbing her mound, she felt a ball of ecstasy pool in her genitals, ready for release.

  “Cum! Cum now!” He commanded.

  They both exploded into ecstasy at the same time. They fell together onto the bed. Garrett wrapped himself around Brea and whispered, “You are mine now,’ as he fell asleep. Brea smiled and joined him in sleep.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning did not go so well. Garrett woke up hungover and ashamed. He searched the house for his clothes and put them on quickly. She followed him pulling on a black silk robe.

  “I’m so sorry Brea, I wasn’t in my right mind. I was drunk, it was a mistake,” he explained. Brea could see how tortured he was, but she knew it wasn't a mistake.

  “You wanted to be with me. You told me that you were claiming me as your mate!”

  “I-I don’t know what to say. I am mated to Priscilla, who is coming home soon!” His eyes were pained.

  “But Sarah told me she hasn’t lived here in years, things have changed!”

  “It doesn't work like that for us. Priscilla shares my views on our traditions. It doesn't matter that she went away, she is coming back now, and she will reclaim me as her mate.”

  “Do you love me at all? Am I just warm human body to you?” Tears welled up in Brea’s eyes.

  “Brea, what I feel for you is like nothing I have ever felt before. I don't know what it means. I have to get home to clear my head. Can we talk again?” She could feel Garrett shutting off his human feelings. It would do no good to push him.

  He left in silence. As soon as the door shut, Brea burst into tears. How could she go from feeling so complete just a few hours ago to feeling utter despair now? She had changed her life to be completely self-sufficient. She had never wanted to have her heart broken ever again. But she had let Garrett into her heart and he had destroyed her. She curled up in a ball and cried until she had no tears left.

  The next morning Brea was determined to get back to her old self. She shot off an angry, ‘Never talk to me again,’ email to Garrett. It was very satisfying and she didn’t mince any words.

  Next she threw herself back into work. She couldn’t face Garrett so she focused on her other clients. Since Sarah and Ben’s wedding was in two weeks, she knew she couldn't put it off for long. But she needed a day without thoughts of Garrett.

  After work she treated herself to a facial, new haircut and highlights. The pale, sad girl looking back at her in the mirror was not helping her state of mind. Her hairdresser worked magic, she came out of the salon with even brighter, shinier red hair. She felt like a new woman.

  The weeks flew by, since Garrett was avoiding her as much as she was him, they managed to never speak. He had backed off from any planning of the wedding at all. But the day was fast approaching. She knew she would have to see him again at the wedding, worse still, he would be with his mate, Priscilla.

  Brea focused on finding the perfect dress to wear to the wedding. She had settled on a long, forest green corseted dress that made the most of her extreme curves. It wasn't really appropriate for a wedding but Brea didn't care. She had blown way past appropriate the moment she met Garrett.

  A flower emergency kept her busy for the next few days. When the day came to set up for the wedding, Garrett had made himself scarce. She looked for someone that could be Priscilla, but the only people in the house were Garrett’s rowdy brothers, home from college.

  Brea felt a knot in her stomach. It grew all day and kept her awake all night. Tomorrow would be the worst day of her life.

  Chapter 7

  Brea was up at the crack of dawn. She couldn't sleep anyway. She looked tired and drawn so she took special care with her makeup. She drew large, dark smoky eyes, hoping they would disguise how worn she looked and felt. She piled her glossy hair on top of her head in a large smooth bun. She pulled on soft black joggers and a t-shirt. She would have to get dressed later, no way was she running around all day in her tight gown.

  Brea grabbed a coffee at the local shop, The Glory Hole. The owner was a shy blonde named Glory. Brea came to the shop because the people and the coffee always made her feel good. It was almost magical. Brea sat at a table to check her phone. She was trying to postpone the inevitable. As soon as her phone started blinking with messages and emails, she knew she had to bite the bullet.

  She drove out the Mather’s estate, dread filling her body. She tried to shut off her emotions like Garrett. If she made it through this day without crying, she would deserve the academy award. She pulled up to the house, took a deep breath and walked inside. Some of the staff she had hired had arrived already so Brea dived
in. She was so busy making sure everything was perfect that she didn't look up for several hours. Sarah had messaged Brea to say she told everyone in the house to stay upstairs so they wouldn’t be in the way. Brea sighed in relief, at least she wouldn’t have to face Garrett until the ceremony.

  The ceremony was to take place at dusk. Normally shifters married at midnight during the full moon, but everyone had compromised on dusk. Since it would be arriving soon, Brea went to check in on Sarah and change into her dress.

  She found Sarah looking beautiful in her simple white satin gown, surrounded by her bridesmaids. She was glowing with happiness. Brea felt tears start to appear in her eyes. She was reminded of her own wedding. She had expected it to be the happiest day of her life, too. Instead she had been crushed. It was why she became a wedding coordinator in the first place, she wanted to give other brides the perfect day she never had.

  It was almost dusk and all the guests had been seated. Brea quickly dressed in her gown and ushered Sarah downstairs. The men had already taken their place at the altar near the waterfall. Brea made sure Sarah made it down the aisle and then returned to the kitchen. The reception would start directly after the ceremony and soon everyone would be piling into the ballroom. Brea made sure everything was still on schedule. and took care of the last minute small details. By the time everyone started file into the ballroom, everything was perfect.

  A woman came up to Brea to congratulate her on the wedding. The woman was impressed she had pulled it off in a month. Soon Brea was busy giving out her card and fielding compliments.

  A beautiful tall black haired woman approached her a little hesitantly.

  “You are Brea? The wedding coordinator? I’ve been wanting to meet you, I’m Priscilla.”

  Brea sucked in a breath, in all her nightmares of how this day could go wrong, she never imagined being confronted by a bear shifter whose mate she had stolen, however briefly. Brea had tried not to think about Priscilla. But now here was Priscilla, was standing in front of her, Brea would have to face her.

  “I-I’m Brea.” She managed to choke out.

  “I want to talk to you.” She had the same brown eyes as Garrett. She was at least 6” with short black hair cut into a bob. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was Brea’s physical opposite in almost every way.

  “Y-yes?” Brea squeaked out.

  “I need to explain something about me and Garrett…You see we grew up together, we were inseparable. So when my family wanted us to be mated, we did. Garrett’s father died when he was young. His father had been traditional and Garrett wanted to honour his father’s memory.” Priscilla’s eyes were kind, she wasn’t angry at all.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Brea’s nerve returned, knowing she didn’t have to face an angry bear.

  “Let me finish, I want to make sure you have the whole story. We were mated and we were happy for awhile but I grew restless. I wanted more out of life than Ravenswood could provide. So I went to the city to go to school. Since I’ve been away, I’ve changed. I don't want to live the life my parents and Garrett want me to. I realized I love Garrett, but in a platonic way. And, well, I’ve fallen in love with a professor at school.”

  “In love? But what about Garrett?”

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I came home to tell Garrett that I want to be with Roger. I am not coming home again. He agreed, because of you. He wants to be with you.”

  “Why didn't he tell me himself?”

  “He thinks he ruined his chances with you forever. You told him you didn't want to see him again. And I agree, he acted terribly towards you. But I thought if I could explain that he had promised his father and he promised me. His integrity is a virtue, but sometimes a curse as well.”

  “And now?” Brea felt hope rise in her heart.

  “He wants to be with you, I made him realize that his father would want him to be happy above all else. And you make him happy. If there are any feelings for him left in your heart, go to him. Tell him how you feel. There is nothing keeping you apart anymore.”

  “Where is he?” Brea couldn't wait any longer.

  “He said he wanted to be alone, that the sight of you made his heart break. I think he went to the waterfall.”

  Brea hugged Priscilla. “Thank you so much, you don't what you’ve done for me!” Brea didn't wait for a response, she ran outside and all the way to the waterfall as fast her heels would let her.

  When she arrived breathless, she saw him sitting alone by the altar.

  “Garrett.” She spoke his name and he slowly turned around as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. When he saw her, he stood up.

  “Priscilla talked to me. I understand, Garrett, why you treated me the way you did. You didn't want to break your promises. I forgive you.” She couldn't wait to get the words out of her mouth.

  He crossed the ground between them and took her into his arms. “It can’t be true, I thought I had lost you forever. I love you, Brea.”

  “I love you, Garrett.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, he cupped her face in his hands and covered her face with desperate, rough kisses.

  “I will never leave you again.” He promised.


  Brea woke up the morning of her honeymoon with a smile on her face. She yawned and stretched in bed. Her new husband stirred beside her. She smiled at him. Memories of yesterday came flooding back to her, it had been the most magical day of her life. She had finally got her perfect wedding. And perfect husband. More importantly, her perfect wedding night, Garrett had ravaged her in every way possible, all night long.

  Garrett stirred again under the covers and soon she felt him kissing her stomach. He moved his way up to her breasts and took her nipples in his mouth sucking each one hard.

  “Mmmm, you know that turns me on. You can’t possibly want to have sex again!”

  “I will never be tired of you. We are mated, I can have you whenever I want and you are mine and mine alone. It turns me on.” He moved back to her nipples with his mouth and began grabbing her breasts as well. Brea felt herself moisten and she moaned.

  Garrett rolled on his back and pulled her on top of him. She felt his erection underneath her. He was huge. She maneuvered herself and slid his dick inside her. They both moaned in unison. She rocked her hips, rubbing her clit at the same time as she rode his cock. She sat up and continued the same slow rhythm. She put her hands in her hair, giving him a great view view of her ample tits as they bounced in rhythm to her hips.

  He moaned and grabbed her breasts, massaging them. She closed her eyes and continued to rock in the same slow rhythm as she felt a familiar tingling in her sex slowly move up her body, looking for release.

  Garrett’s hands explored her body, she was so beautiful, her body turned him on like no other. He admired her as she moved on his cock.

  Brea moved faster and faster rising to release. She kissed Garrett hard, shoving her tongue into his mouth wanting to consume him. Garret grabbed her ass and smacked it hard. Brea groaned as she felt the release of orgasm.

  Garrett flipped onto her back and immediately started pumping into harder and harder, faster and faster. She felt words and thought leave her as she succumbed to the feeling of pleasure. He had the power and he could do whatever he wanted to her. She let herself go, giving herself completely to Garrett. Garrett groaned as his seed exploded into her. She felt wave and wave of pleasure rocketing through her body, it was unlike anything she had ever felt and it arose only from complete surrender. It came from such a deep place she didn't even know it had existed. Until Garrett had awoken it.

  The END

  A Beast For The Eyes

  Chapter 1

  Callie Day was in her greenhouse tending to her herbs, when she heard her phone ring. She was wrist deep in moist dirt and lemon basil and to top it off, she’d left her phone in the storefront attached to the greenhouse. She swore under her breath. This better be good. She ran into shop and gin
gerly grabbed her phone with two muddy fingers, trying to do the least amount of damage.

  “Hello?” She called into the receiver.

  “Callie? It’s Captain Merryweather. Do you have time to come down to the station today?” Cpt. Merry weather was a tall, broad shouldered black man with an unmistakable deep voice.

  “I think I can work something out. I was just in the greenhouse, so give me an hour to clean up.”

  “See you then.” The phone clicked off. Cpt Merryweather was a man of few words.

  Callie sighed. Callie had been born with a gift. Some people called it a third eye. Callie called it ‘getting impressions’. When she touched objects and concentrated hard she got flashes of ‘memories’ from the object. She saw scenes or people or just felt emotional charges. The stronger the energy attached, the easier it was for Callie to get an impression. Anger, desperation, lust and sorrow were very easy to pick up on. The police had been using her gift for years to help them solve cases. The cases were rarely violent crimes, thankfully.

  They lived in Ravenswood and for all its mystery and magic, the crime rate was very low. Ravenswood was a large town nestled in a forest. The town attracted magic like bees to honey. The residents were used to unexplained events and a little mystery. It was also the town with the highest populations of supernaturals per capita in North America. Needless to say, Callie fit right in.

  Callie climbed the stairs to her apartment above the shop. She quickly showered and blow dried her deep chestnut hair. It was slick and straight and often refuse to curl, even when Callie took a hot wand to it. She pulled a pair of jeans over her ample rear end. These jeans made her butt look amazing so she choose a cropped top to cover her also ample chest. Flaunt it if you got it, was her motto. Callie knew her extreme curves weren’t to most men’s tastes, but she loved her body.

  She grabbed her suede jacket in case it cooled off and headed to the Police Station. It was a short drive from Callie’s apartment. She walked in the building and headed to the Captain’s office, saying hello to everyone she passed. Callie was famous in town for her gift. She often read people’s Tarot cards for extra cash. Her gift didn’t really work that way, but she found most people just wanted to know that everything was going to be alright. If they had been left by their lover, she told them not to worry, a new and better one was on the way. It was usually how life worked anyway, sometimes up, sometimes down. Her business wasn’t exactly thriving, so to make ends meet, she read cards or helped the police with cases.


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