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Lily's Story: The Complete Saga

Page 6

by Christine Kersey

  Chapter Twelve

  I didn't know if Trevor would be coming that night, but I made sure I looked my best, just in case. After finding the note in my door, I felt a stronger need to be with Trevor—to be reassured that he loved me and that we should be together.

  Michelle and Nicole had gone to a study group, so I had the place to myself.

  When a knock came at the door at seven o'clock, a thrill went through me at the prospect of seeing Trevor. I ran to the door and flung it open. Disappointment crashed through me when I saw it wasn't him, but the disappointment quickly fled when I saw it was Alyssa.

  I invited her in and we sat in the living room.

  “Were you expecting someone else, Lily? Perhaps a certain blond man I know of?”

  “Is it that obvious?” I laughed quietly. “He said he might come over tonight.”

  “Where is he?” Disapproval was clear in her tone.

  I ignored her criticism. “He's working tonight. He wasn't even sure if he'd be able to come by, but he said he'd try.”

  She crossed her arms as she gazed at me. “I can't believe you, Lily. I thought you were here to get your education, but now you're waiting around for a man to come see you when he has time. Where's your self-respect?”

  Annoyed by her comments, I said, “I have plenty of self-respect. I've also fallen in love with a man who loves me too.”

  Her eyes widened. “What? Did he say that?”

  Remembering the sound of Trevor’s voice on the phone the night before when he’d told me he loved me, I couldn’t hold back a smile. “Just last night, in fact.”

  “What about Justin?”

  “What about him? I don't have feelings like that for him. He's only a friend.”

  Alyssa stared at me. “But you haven't given him a fair chance. He's so much better for you than Trevor.”

  “How do you know that? You don't even know Trevor. And as nice as Justin is, neither you nor anyone else can make me have feelings for him that don't exist. In fact, if you think he's so great, why aren’t you dating him?”

  Alyssa stared at me, the idea obviously never occurring to her before. “It's not like that with him. He's just a good friend.”

  I smiled victoriously. “That's exactly how I feel!”

  She was quiet a moment. “Okay, I see what you mean. I just don’t want you to rush in to anything. I’ve seen some girls do that and then regret it.”

  “We’re not engaged, Alyssa,” I said as I tucked my feet underneath me.

  “Thank goodness,” she said under her breath.

  I ignored the remark. “All I know is that he loves me and I love him. We want to be together all the time.”

  “I just don’t want you to write Justin off completely yet.”

  Wanting to turn the conversation in another direction, I said, “I wouldn't worry too much anyway. Someone out there doesn't want me to be with Trevor anymore than you do.”

  Alyssa stared at me. “What are you talking about?”

  I told her about the note I’d received at the dance and the one I'd found just that afternoon.

  “Let me see it,” she demanded.

  I shook my head. “I can't. I got rid of it.”

  Alyssa jumped up and walked towards the kitchen. “Is it in the trash in here? I'll get it out.”

  “No, no. I flushed it down the toilet.”

  She turned around. “Why'd you do that? Did you tell Trevor?”

  I shook my head again. “No. I haven't had a chance. But I'm not sure I want to tell him. It's too bizarre, don't you think?”

  “It is pretty weird,” she said as she came back into the living room. “No doubt about it. But I think you should tell him. Communication is very important in a relationship.”

  “I'll think about it.”

  Alyssa nodded. “Good. Look, I'd better get going. I have an assignment due in the morning.”

  I walked her to the door.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you,” she said. “I hope you know I’ll support you, no matter what.”

  I smiled warmly. “Thank you. And thanks for being my friend.”

  A short time after Alyssa left, I remembered an assignment I needed to complete. With my emotions in such turmoil, I'd forgotten all about the project. I went into my bedroom and pulled out my notebook, and after reviewing my notes, I set to work. Not stopping until I was done, I didn't realize how much time had passed. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was nearly nine o'clock.

  Michelle and Nicole should be home anytime. And if Trevor’s coming, it should be soon.

  At the thought, the doorbell sounded. I shoved my books aside and raced to the door, hoping it would be Trevor this time. It was.

  When I opened the door, his face lit up, and I went into his arms. The strength of his embrace brought a sense of security, and I didn't want him to ever let me go. He held me for several moments before finally pulling back.

  “That's a nice welcome,” he said as he smiled at me.

  Now that I’d declared my love for him, it seemed as if my love grew every time I was with him. The feeling was wonderful.

  “Come in,” I said as I led the way to the couch. “Are you tired? Can I get you some water or something?”

  “Water would be great. Thanks.”

  I hurried to the kitchen and poured him a large glass of ice water before bringing it back to him, then I snuggled against him as he drank nearly all of it.

  “I’m pretty tired, but at least I got paid tonight,” he said. “Now I can pay my share of the rent.”

  Soon after telling me he was homeless, he’d found a cheap apartment to share with some other men. I’d been relieved when he'd found a permanent place to stay.

  “So, Rob's keeping you pretty busy at his shop?” I asked, pulling away from him.

  “Where're you going?” he asked as he pulled me close to him again.

  I happily rested my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me.

  “And yes, he is keeping me busy. But the busier I am, the more money I can make.”

  Just enjoying being near him, I didn’t respond.

  “You're quiet tonight.” He stroked my arm. “Is it getting past your bedtime?”

  I laughed softly. “No, it's not my bedtime for a while yet.” The conversation I'd had with Alyssa flooded my mind and I remembered my promise to consider telling him about the note.

  As I mentally composed the words I wanted to say, the whole note incident sounded silly, unimportant, almost childish. Was it something I really wanted to mention? I hesitated to bring it up.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” he said.

  “Nowadays, a penny won't cut it. It'll take at least a dollar.”

  “Okay then, a dollar for your thoughts.”

  I sat up straight again, determined to talk about my concerns. “Trevor, I found a note on the door today.”

  He turned his body to face me. “Okay. Who was it from?” A dark look came over him. “It was from Justin, wasn't it?”

  “No, no,” I answered quickly. “That's the problem. I don't know who it was from.”

  He seemed to relax. “What did it say?”

  I hesitated, feeling slightly foolish and embarrassed. “It said 'Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Stay away from Trevor or you'll be very, very sorry.'”

  “What?” He moved to the edge of the couch, then turned and looked at me. “Are you sure?”

  That wasn’t the response I’d expected. I’d thought he’d brush it off and I could forget about it. “Yes, I'm positive.”

  “Can I see it?”

  Embarrassed now by my decision to flush it away, I told him what I’d done with it.

  “That was dumb, Lily. You should’ve kept it.”

  Embarrassed by his comment, I said, “I'm sorry. I know now that I shouldn't have thrown it away, but it's too late to change that.” Tears stung my eyes and I blinked several times. “Excuse me.” I rushed into the kitchen as I tried to hold back the
tears, then grabbed a tissue and blew my nose.

  A moment later Trevor stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pressing himself against my back. “I'm not mad at you, Lily. I'm sorry I said that was dumb. It just kind of freaked me out.”

  I turned into him and let him cocoon me in his arms. Getting my emotions under control, I asked, “What do you think it's all about?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “I’m really tired all of sudden, Trevor. I think it is getting to be my bedtime.”

  “I can take a hint,” he smiled. “I'm pretty tired myself. I'll see you tomorrow.” We walked toward the door together. “And make sure to lock up after I leave.”

  I smiled. “I will, but I can't guarantee my roommates will lock the door after they come in.”

  His expression turned more serious. “Make sure they do, okay?”

  I didn’t like the intensity in his voice. “Okay.”

  He pressed a kiss to my lips before walking out the door.

  After he left, I turned the locks on the door and sat in front of the television, resigned to waiting until Michelle and Nicole got back to make sure they would lock up as well.

  Why did Trevor get so serious? Does he know something he's not sharing?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nearly an hour later my roommates returned. I turned off the television show I’d been watching and stood to speak to them.

  “Lily, you're still up,” Michelle said. “Is everything okay?”

  With a tentative smile, I said, “Actually, no. I need to talk to you about something.”

  “I'm really tired,” Nicole said. “Can't it wait?”

  “No, it can't,” I said.

  “Okay. What is it?” Michelle asked.

  “It's simple, really. I just need you to make sure you lock the door when you leave, okay?”

  “Is that all?” asked Nicole. “I usually do. I only forget once in a while. It's not that big a deal.”

  “I know. But my boyfriend,” I paused, realizing it was the first time I'd called Trevor that. I liked the sound of it.

  “Yeah, your boyfriend?” Nicole prompted. “What about him?”

  I relished the confirmation Nicole gave in also calling Trevor my boyfriend. “He said we need to make sure we lock the door.” I didn't want to explain about the note if I could help it, and hoped that would be explanation enough.

  Nicole laughed. “Who is he to tell us what to do? He's not my boyfriend.”

  “Please,” I said. “Just do it. I can't get into it right now, but it's very important that we don't leave the door unlocked.”

  Obviously trying to calm the situation, Michelle turned to Nicole and said, “Of course we'll make sure to lock the door. It's a good idea anyway.” She turned back to me. “Is everything all right?”

  I tried to hide my concern with a smile. “Yes, everything's fine. Thank you, Michelle.”

  Michelle purposefully walked to the apartment door and turned the lock. “There. Now I'm going to bed.”

  All three of us headed to our rooms for the night.

  For the next week Michelle and Nicole were very conscientious about locking the door when they left, and I appreciated their effort.

  I spent more time with Trevor than I should have, and when I received a sixty-two percent on my math test, I was shocked and distressed. With the test in my hands, I silently berated myself for slacking off so much in my schoolwork.

  I’d better be careful or I might end up failing my classes. I love Trevor and I want to be with him every free moment, but I have to keep up with my assignments.

  In disgust, I stuffed the exam into my backpack before heading to the parking lot, climbing into my car, and driving home.

  Upset over my poor performance on the math test, at first the unlocked apartment door didn't register as unusual. Then I realized no one else was home. Fear jolted through me as I quickly glanced around the living room. Everything seemed fine there, so I walked carefully toward my room and stared at my closed door.

  Will I find everything okay in there as well?

  I turned the knob and slowly pushed the door open.

  At first everything did seem fine, but as I began unloading my backpack, I noticed a few items out of place. Being the organized and neat woman that I was, it quickly became apparent that someone had been there and had gone through my things.

  Gathering my nerve, I flung open my closet to make sure no one was lurking inside. Then I peeked under my bed. All was clear. I ran from the room and made a quick check of Michelle’s room, then Nicole's. They were both in their normal messy state, but no one was in them.

  I went back to my own room, then quickly took a mental inventory of my things to ascertain if anything was missing. Nothing was, but I did find a new item added to my belongings. It was a picture of Trevor—a photograph that had been sliced in half with only Trevor left. In the picture, laughter filled Trevor’s face, and an arm snaked around his waist. The owner of the arm had been cut out of the picture, but I could make out nail polish on the nails and an amethyst ring on the hand nestled tightly against Trevor’s waist. There was also a date stamp in the corner. It was dated nine months before.

  I flipped the photo over to see if there was anything written there. Nothing. I thrust the photo into my back pocket.

  “How strange.” I spoke out loud, wondering what the message was supposed to be.

  Does Trevor have a jealous ex-girlfriend in the wings? Someone who doesn’t want to see him with anyone else? Does he know what kind of person she is and that's why he’s concerned about me locking my doors?

  A shiver of fear rolled up my spine. The photo had been left in my dresser drawer. This person, whomever he or she was, had been in my room and had had access to my private things.

  The realization made me feel violated and angry—angry with the intruder, but also angry with my roommates for carelessly leaving the door unlocked.

  Deciding some chocolate might make me feel better, I went to the kitchen to have a few of my favorite cookies—ones I'd hidden. I opened the cupboard and reached into the very back, groping for the cookies, but didn’t find them. In desperation, I pulled out the dishes and stuck my head into the cupboard. The cookies were gone.

  That’s it. That’s the last straw. I can't stand living here anymore. First my roommates can’t manage to lock the door when they leave, putting me in danger from some deranged ex-girlfriend of Trevor’s, and then they eat my food.

  I stood, then stared at the wall as my mind churned.

  I'm going to look for my own place. I don't care how much it costs—I have to think of my safety and my sanity.

  I went into my bedroom and shut the door. All the difficulties of the day—the bad grade on the test, the missing cookies, and most especially the photo in my dresser—added up to frustration and helplessness. My throat thickened with unshed tears as loneliness welled up in my heart.

  “Trevor, I need you,” I said out loud, my voice breaking. I knew he was working this afternoon, but my desire to have him near was overwhelming. I hadn't been to Rob’s shop before, but I decided this was as good a time as any.

  He’d told me where it was, but I couldn't remember what he’d said. All I remembered was the name—Rob’s Auto Body—which I entered into the GPS app on my phone. A moment later the directions appeared. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, making sure to lock it behind me.

  Ten minutes later I pulled up to the shop. When I saw Trevor’s blue 1968 Camaro parked around the back, comfort swept over me. Just knowing he was near made me feel better. I climbed out of my car and went through the front door.

  A man in blue coveralls and a hat with the shop’s name emblazoned across the front came to the counter. “Can I help you, miss?”

  I noticed the name ‘Rob’ on the front of his coveralls and assumed he was Trevor’s boss. “I’m looking for Trevor Caldwell. I’m Lily.”

  The man’s face broke into a smile. “O
h, so you're the one who’s distracting Trevor from his work. I'll tell him you’re here.”

  The man walked through another door and several minutes later Trevor came through. He wore his own set of coveralls, although there was no name on his. When he saw me, his face lit up, and he immediately came around the counter. “I'd give you a hug, but I'm kinda dirty.”

  I shook my head and closed my eyes. “That’s okay.” When he was near, I felt safe and loved, even if I couldn’t be in his arms.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Not that I mind, but you've never come before. Is everything okay?”

  My eyes filled with tears, which annoyed me.

  “Hey, what's wrong, honey?”

  I silently reached into my back pocket and pulled out the half photograph. “I found this in my dresser drawer this afternoon.” I held out the picture.

  He took it from me and stared at it a few moments before handing it back. He didn't say anything, just looked at me.

  “Well?” I demanded.

  “Well, what? I didn't put it there.”

  “Can you explain it? You're in the picture. Whose arm is around you? Surely you must know that.”

  He looked away. “I honestly don't know who it is.”

  I pointed to the date in the corner. “It wasn't taken that long ago.”

  He looked at the date, then met my gaze. “I’m sorry. It really doesn't look familiar.”

  Releasing a deep sigh, I shook my head, then in a strained voice, said, “I don't believe you, Trevor.”

  His nostrils flared. “Fine. Don't believe me. But I'm telling you the truth. I don't know who that is or where it was taken.”

  I stared at him, speechless.

  “Look,” he said with a frown. “I need to get back to work.”

  Biting my lip to keep the tears from starting afresh, I shook my head as I turned away from him and walked out the door. As I opened my car door, I glanced toward the shop, hoping he would come running out with an explanation.

  But he didn’t, and I drove slowly home, devastated by his lack of trust in me.

  Why won't he tell me about the picture? What is he hiding?


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