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Faking It (Single Dad Fake Marriage Box Set#1-5)

Page 19

by J. J. Bella

  "Cheers," said Scott, raising a glass of wine that, from what Ashley could glean from a quick glance at the menu, cost more per bottle than a week of rent at her old apartment.

  "Cheers," said Ashley, tapping the rim of her glass against his.

  "Well," said Scott, "I hope you've found the last few months as enjoyable as I have."

  "I have," said Ashley. "It's been an…odd arrangement, to say the least, but I think it's been working out well for both of us."

  "So," said Ashley, sitting up in her chair as she cast a quick glance at the bustling restaurant floor. "What're you going to say to everyone when we don't end up getting married?"

  "That…I hadn't thought about. I'll probably just say you ran off with the pool cleaner."

  His face stayed still and calm as he said this, and Ashley, for a moment, wondered if he was joking.

  "Oh, stop," she said, giving him a playful slap on the arm, a lilting laugh escaping her lips.

  "If you want me to stop, you'll need to quit encouraging me with that smile," he said.

  Ashley pressed her lips together in a firm line though the brightness of her eyes betrayed that her change in expression was only superficial.

  The two worked their way through their meal, which Ashley thought was just about the most delicious food she'd ever had, and all served bit-by-bit tasting-menu style. Soon, they finished their desserts, and the wine that Ashley had been slowly sipping over the course of the evening was beginning to do its work on her.

  "So, what's next," she asked, her mouth curling in a sensual smile as she regarded Scott's gorgeous features, his stunningly blonde hair, the way his suit fitted his body.

  What's gotten into me? she thought, I know I shouldn't…but all I want is more of what I got last night.

  "I was thinking we could go for a stroll in the park," said Scott. "That is, unless you can think of a better idea."

  "Oh," said Ashley, her leg stretching out under the table and brushing against his. "I can think of something."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ashley pounced onto Scott as soon as he shut the door to their hotel room behind him. Her lips pressed to his, she took in his taste, his smell, the way his skin felt against hers. She ran her hands through his slicked-back blonde hair, thick strands coming loose and falling over the flawless stretch of his forehead.

  Scott reciprocated, his hands holding her firmly by the hips, his lips opening, his tongue slipping into her mouth. Turning Ashley around, he pressed her against the wall, his hands sliding down and taking hold of her rear. Ashley hopped up, wrapping her legs around him, the thought of him holding her up so effortlessly arousing to her beyond explanation.

  He ran his hands through her thick hair, the intricate style that it was done up in quickly reverting to a sensual mess.

  "Bed," she said, the word slipping out. "Bed now."

  Scott pulled back from her, looking into Ashley's eyes deeply with his own.

  "You sure?" he asked, his blue eyes shimmering.

  "Yes, yes, yes," she said.

  She'd never been surer of anything in her life.

  A sensual smile formed on Scott's lips as he took firm hold of Ashley and walked her back towards the bed. With a gentle toss, he dropped her onto the bed, Ashley landing on her back, her hair spreading out from her head where she laid, an expression of pure seduction playing on her beautiful face.

  Scott moved his hands up along his torso, undoing the buttons of his dress shirt with rapid speed. Then, with a shrug of his shoulders as he pulled the clothing back, he exposed his perfect upper body. Ashley's eyes took in the glorious sight of him, paying special attention to his perfectly-sculpted pecs, his taut, toned abs, and his thick, broad shoulders. She wanted nothing more at that moment for this body to be on top of hers.

  As if reading her mind, Scott moved forward onto the bed, slipping out of his pants as he climbed onto her. Ashley cast a glance down at his lower body, noting with pleasure the sight of his long cock straining against the black fabric of his boxer-briefs.

  "Not fair," he said, looking down at his nearly nude body. "I think it's your turn."

  "Can't argue with that," said Ashley.

  Lifting her body and reaching behind her, she dragged the zipper of her dress down, pulling it as she went. Once it was down all the way, she shimmied out of it, leaving her in nothing but her matching bra and panties.

  I knew there was a reason I matched today, she thought with a wry smile.

  Scott took a long, slow look at her body, and Ashley noted the hunger that built in her eyes as he gazed upon her.

  "You have no idea how long I've wanted you," he said, his voice a low purr.

  "Well," said Ashley, narrowing her eyes seductively. "Now you have me."

  "That I do," he said, running his hands along Ashley's curves.

  The impatience was building in Ashley. She noted wryly that she'd been avoiding sex for as long as she could, but now that she was on the precipice of having it, she couldn't wait another minute. Her eyes on Scott, she watched as he reached behind her and deftly unfastened her bra and pulled it away from her body, her ample breasts now bare.

  Not the first time he's done that, she thought.

  Next, he slid his hands down her body once more, this time slipping his fingers behind the waistband of her panties and pulling them down. Once they were off of her body, she crossed her legs out of instinctual modesty. But once she came to her senses, she spread once again, opening herself completely to Scott.

  "I want it," she said, her voice hot. "Please."

  She didn't want to be teased, she didn't want just his fingers, she didn't want anything but his cock inside of her at that very instant. Ashley pulled down his boxer-briefs with almost frustrated anticipation, his cock springing out of them.

  A small smile crossed her face upon seeing that it was as long, thick, and gorgeous as she imagined it to be.

  "You ready?" asked Scott, his prick tantalizingly close to her.

  "Yes, yes," she said, her desire overcoming the slight anxiety that she felt at being deflowered.

  Scott positioned himself right on her sex, taking hold of his cock by the base. Then, with a slow, very slow motion, he slid himself into her. Ashley's eyes went wide at the feeling of being entered, the ease at which her body accommodated Scott's thickness and length. It was a tight, sharp feeling, a perfect mixture of pain and pleasure. She gasped with every inch, the feeling so intense that she thought she might not be able to stand it. But soon, he was fully sheathed inside her, and she lay there with her eyes winced tight, the pleasure flowing through her body.

  "You OK?" asked Scott.

  "Yes," she said. "Don't stop; please, don't stop."

  With that, Scott began to move in and out of her, his length sliding inside of her body, the feeling of his thickness penetrating her completely bringing an orgasm almost immediately to her, the pleasure teetering just at the edge of the precipice. Positioning himself on his arms, the pace of Scott's thrusting increased, as did the pleasure building in Ashley. Soon, his thrusts came at a steady measure, a rhythm that was sent Ashley into a perfect trance, the coming orgasm building to a boil.

  Then, it was unleashed, the feeling of pleasure wracking her body, the tendrils of ecstasy stretching out to her limbs, taking hold of every inch of her. She shrieked as the orgasm rocked her body, the feeling one of overwhelming pleasure. Soon, the orgasm began to fade, and as she finished coming, Scott withdrew from her and positioned his cock over her, with a grunt, he came hard, spilling his seed over the flat expanse of her stomach. Ashley watched as he came, the sight of his cock finishing on her being the perfect end to her first orgasm.

  Then, he collapsed at her side, their chests rising and falling, the sweat on their bodies illuminated by the silver light of the moon in the night sky.

  Chapter Twenty

  The next few weeks went by in a blur of pleasure. Scott and Ashley were barely able to keep their hands off of one a
nother. Ashley was eager to learn what she'd been missing out on, and Scott was eager to show her. She learned the finer points of love-making over the remainder of the year, and Scott showed her just what it took to pleasure a man. They made love in nearly every room of the house, exploring each other's bodies with the wild abandon of teenagers who were tasting love for the first time.

  And as the holidays approached, their relationship together began to take on a tone of domesticity. Scott noted that the two began to act less like a pair of business associates around each other, but more like a couple who had finally decided to move in, and were overjoyed about their decision. Olivia and Ashley grew closer, and Scott found himself wondering if he'd finally found the women who'd be able to fill the role in Olivia's life that she was so desperately missing.

  They spent Christmas together, decorating the house, buying the tree, and doing secret shopping for one another. When the morning of the holiday came, they exchanged gifts. Ashley gave Scott the watch that she knew he'd had his eye on, and Scott gave Ashley a diamond tennis bracelet, her eyes welling with tears as she looked upon the gift, which she considered perfect. The three spent New Year's at a party for investors and their children, the façade of their fake marriage holding up. And when midnight hit, they kissed as Auld Lang Syne played as though it were something they'd done for years. The New Year arrived, and both of them felt nothing but eager, happy anticipation.

  But the happiness wasn't to go interrupted for long.

  It was the middle of January, and Scott had informed Ashley days prior that there was to be one last meeting with Michael, in which he would go over the last few details of the investment. Once the details were finalized, however, Scott's funding would be secured. But Scott seemed preoccupied with the meeting, and the day of, as they finished getting ready, Ashley asked him what the matter was.

  "Michael said that there were a few surprise details that he hadn't considered," said Scott, adjusting his slim, gray tie in the mirror. "He said it was no big deal, but I'm not convinced."

  Ashley stepped backward towards him, gesturing towards her unzipped dress. "Probably nothing," she said, trying to stay positive.

  "Something about bringing on some additional investors. It's not unheard of, but I don't like surprises."

  "You liked my surprise for you last night," said Ashley with a coy smile.

  "Coming home to you lying in bed in lingerie is about the only kind of surprise I do like," he said, his voice low and sensual.

  Once dressed, they got in the car and headed to Michael's offices. Once there, Michael enthusiastically greeted them in the lobby.

  "Great to see you both," he said. "So, there's someone in my office that I want you to meet. He's one of the top investors in the city, and when I told him about your business plan and the software you were developing, he wanted to be a part of it. And…this is good, because some of my finances have been tied up in the last few weeks."

  "Oh?" asked Scott.

  "Yeah, my ex-wife. She's not done draining the life out of me just yet, it seems. But I can still put up half of what I proposed, and this investor will cover the rest, so it's not a problem."

  "Assuming the investor doesn't change his mind," said Scott.

  "Not going to happen," said Michael, leading them down the hall. "He's a real stand-up guy, the kind who's as good as his word."

  "That's quite the endorsement," said Scott.

  Ashley was getting a nervous feeling in her stomach; something wasn't right. And sure enough, when Michael opened the door, she had an explanation for her feelings.

  Sitting in one of the chairs of Michael's office, his hands folded over his rotund belly, was Leonard Welsh, the boss who'd made the pass on Ashley that had cost her her job. His fleshy face lit up as soon as he saw Scott and Ashley; he didn't seem to feel a trace of embarrassment.

  Michael introduced Scott and Leonard. But when it came time for Ashley and him to be introduced, Leonard held up a palm of sausage-like fingers.

  "Oh, not," he said, his tone pleased. "That won't be necessary; Ashley and I are well-acquainted."

  "Oh?" asked Scott, curious. "How do you mean?"

  "I…used to work for Mr. Welsh," said Ashley, her tone soft and a little scared.

  "Yes," said Leonard. "We had a little bit of a…misunderstanding which forced us to part ways."

  Ashley cast an eye at Scott. She could see the gears turning in his head before a flash of realization crossed his expression- she knew right away that he knew what the euphemistic speaking truly meant.

  "These two are engaged, I forgot to add," said Michael.

  "Ah," said Leonard. "Congratulations. I'm sure you two will be very, very happy."

  A moment hung in the air.

  "Well," said Michael, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room. "Shall we begin?"

  "I…neeed to use the ladies room," said Ashley. "You all start without me."

  And before anyone could respond, Ashley darted out of the room and down the hall, her face hot, tears of frustration forming in her eyes. She dashed to the bathroom and ducked into a stall, slipping her phone out of her purse. Not knowing what else to do, she started typing a text to Scott.

  That's the man who fired me. I can't work with him. Please, you have to understand.

  Hesitating for a moment, she hit "send." She knew Scott wouldn't be able to respond, but at least he could read it. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself, put on her best smiling, professional face, and headed back to the office.

  But once back in, she was confronted with the sight of the three men exchanging handshakes. It seemed the deal had already been done.

  "Ashley," said Michael, his tone pleased. "Sorry to jump ahead, but there really wasn't much negotiating to be done."

  "You mean, it's settled?" asked Ashley.

  "We put a nice little bow on things," said Leonard, his mouth in a grin.

  Ashley shot a wide-eyed glance to Scott, who was wearing an apologetic look, the kind that said: "there was nothing I could do."

  Rage began to boil within Ashley.

  "I'm very much looking forward to working with you," said Leonard, taking Ashley's hand shaking it softly, his palm sweaty.

  "Yeah, me too," said Ashley.

  Then, as if something took control of her, she burst from the room once again.

  "Thanks for everything," she heard Scott say. "We'll be in touch."

  Scott followed Ashley out of the hallway and into the elevator, which they rode down to the lobby in silence. Once the doors opened, Ashley sped out, walking with quick steps towards the front doors.

  "Ash-" said Scott, walking behind her.

  She didn't respond, instead choosing to fight back the tears of frustration that welled in her eyes. But, as soon as she reached outside, her composure collapsed. Tears poured from her eyes, and when she finally stopped to face Scott, she could hardly keep herself together.

  "You made the deal?" she asked, her voice strained with anger. "How could you, knowing what he did to me?"

  "That's the key investor for this plan!" said Scott. "I can't just break off the deal at the last minute because you had a bad experience with him."

  "It was more than a bad experience!" cried Ashley. "He...he…"

  "He what?"

  Ashley wanted to tell him, but couldn't find the words. It was all too painful to consider.

  "You just have to trust me," she said. "You have to trust that I have my reasons for not working with that…that man."

  "But if I don't work with him, the whole deal falls through," said Scott. "I don't have any other options."

  "But you do!" said Ashley. "You have to option to trust me, to say no, and to work with me on finding someone new to invest."

  "I…can't do that, Ash," said Scott.

  As soon as the words left his mouth, Ashley felt a force take over her body. A stern, uncompromising force.

  "Then you're going to have to do it without me."

nbsp; With that, she turned her back on Scott, and walked towards the city, her destination unknown.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  A month had passed since Ashley turned in her notice to Scott. He tried to talk her out of it, offering to increase her salary, to give her a long-term contract, to ensure that she would be promoted in time, but she refused all of these offers

  To Ashley, it was a simple matter of Scott not trusting her. She knew that letting him know the precise nature of the situation between her and Leonard Welsh was an option, to simply tell him all of the details, no matter how uncomfortable they were to discuss. But she felt that she shouldn't have to have done that. They'd been working together for months, and even involved; if he couldn't trust that she had he reasons, then what sort of relationship, working or romantic, could they possibly have with one another?

  The nature of their relationship was also a source of tension for her. Continuing the charade, pretending that they were married while also being a couple; it was too much for her. Breaking things off, as suddenly as she might've had to do so, was the sensible thing to her. She told him that she didn't hold any anger, and that it was

  Saying goodbye to Olivia was as hard as she was expecting. Tears in both of their eyes, she told the girl that it was time for her to move on, that her and her father's arrangement had simply come to an. When Olivia asked if she'd ever see her again, Ashley assured her that she would- a sentiment that Scott shared.

  Once Scott recovered from his initial shock, he approached the situation with a calm, businesslike attitude, evidently realizing that their arrangement, as intense as it may have gotten, was a temporary thing from the start. He got his investment, his product was ready to be put into the next phase, and it was time to move on to the next project. But the day she left, Ashley could sense that Scott was far more upset than he was letting on, and as the car containing Ashley and her belongings pulled away from the house, she could see him watching from the porch, a look of sadness in his blue eyes.


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