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His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 6

by Tish Domenick

  Wade spoke first. “Okay, Hannah, explain exactly what you’ve confided to Rocco and what kind of arrangement you’ve made to keep him quiet.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t anything like that. I’m no blackmailer.” Rocco stood at attention.

  “Quiet. Hannah can tell us what it is like.” Brady shot Rocco a menacing glare.

  Hannah swallowed convulsively a few times before finding her voice. “Rocco and I talked the morning away, and I suppose I flirted a bit and most likely led him on. This afternoon, when the children had all gone home, he stopped at the schoolhouse and, uh, and we sort of…Oh, hell, he fucked me on the desktop, and I liked it a lot.”

  Wade paled. “So, where does that leave me and Brady? What happens to the ranch and the marriage?”

  With a shrug and a slight grin, Hannah said, “The same as it is now, except we have four people involved instead of three.”

  “What do you want, Rocco, the ranch?” Brady rose and stepped to the fireplace.

  “I only want Hannah. The ranch is of absolutely no interest to me, you must know that. You’ll never see me sweating my balls off with a hoe in my hand.”

  Hannah huffed. “What do you want, Brady? Is it mainly the ranch? Am I crazy to think you love me?”

  “I do love you. How can you doubt it?” He knelt at her feet. “Please believe your happiness means the world to me, but I don’t trust this creep.”

  “Sit back down, Brady,” Wade called, his voice weary and weak. “If this is what Hannah wants, then let’s talk and decide how this is to work. We always said Hannah makes the decisions in the bedroom, and this is her call.”

  Brady stomped back to the sofa. “I don’t trust him.”

  Rocco took over the center of the room. “To prove to you that I want no part of the ranch, let me set a proposal before you.”

  “Another proposal?” Wade scoffed.

  “Yes, yet another one. I propose we ditch the ranch and set our sights on more lucrative rewards only twenty-five miles away.”

  “You talk like a dang salesman,” Brady muttered.

  Hannah gasped audibly. “I hope you don’t mean the gold mines. My father always warned of gold fever and the damage it could to a man. We’ve seen them come back here, broke and broken with nothing to show for months of hard work.”

  “I do mean the gold fields. You’re not the only one with a college degree. You don’t know this, darlin,’ but I studied geology and mining back east. I’m not some fool who takes a shovel or pan and expects gold to jump in it.”

  “Then what are you doing here? Why aren’t you out in San Fran making a fortune?” Wade elbowed Brady in the ribs and they both chuckled.

  “For the simple reason, I have no backing. My father didn’t mind sending me money for school, but no way would he subsidize my gold ambition.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I have no money, Rocco. Did you make love to me, pretend to love me to get money?”

  “Certainly not. Anything I said or did with you came from my heart. I knew you didn’t have money, but what you do have is more valuable in the gold fields right now. This ranch can give us the stake we need without taking any money out of it.”

  Her hand at her throat, Hannah asked, “What is it I have that you want, Rocco?”

  “You are what I want and need. What the ranch has to offer is its fruit and vegetables.”

  “Are you crazy? Why would people there want my produce when they can just as well grow their own?”

  “No, you don’t understand. Folks in what they call San Francisco are starving for fresh produce. Up there, vegetables fetch more money than gold. Apples are selling for one to five dollars each and eggs anywhere from ten to fifty dollars a dozen.”

  “That is preposterous. I wouldn’t ask gauging prices of starving people.”

  “You don’t understand. These are not people without means. These are people with gold in their pockets too greedy to travel away from their digs to purchase proper food. The prices are ridiculous, and we don’t have to charge the going rates if you don’t want to. We can be reasonable and still make a killing with what we can truck in and use it to finance our search for the mother lode.”

  “What happens to the ranch while we’re away?” Hannah received astonished looks from Wade and Brady.

  Wade blurted out, “You mean yer thinkin’ on this—this nonsense?”

  “I don’t know, maybe. My parents never wanted the ranch to take over my life as it did theirs. I defied them by coming back to Plantsville. They wanted me to marry some eastern, rich guy. I have no obligation or emotional attachment to ranching.”

  “Excuse me, love, but we do. Wade and I have grown up on ranches and hoped to take over this one when your pa retired.”

  “Look,” Rocco broke in, “my folks can run it while we’re gone or one of you can stay behind.”

  “No,” Wade shouted.

  “Not a chance,” Brady snorted. “Where Hannah goes, we go.”

  Hannah put a hand to her head. “It’s getting late.” She turned to Rocco. “You’ve given us something to think about for the future. We don’t need to decide this gold field matter tonight.”

  “The crops will be ready to harvest in a few weeks, so we can’t think too long.” Rocco smiled. “However, we have something more immediate to decide tonight.” He looked each man in the face. “Sleeping arrangements. And even more important, fucking arrangements.” He turned back to Hanna. “What’s your pleasure, darlin’?”

  Hannah’s body heated at the smile Rocco sent her way. The three men stared at her, waiting for answers. She had to come up with something, although she hadn’t yet thought things out completely. She took in a huge gulp of air and started in. “I want to be made love to in every way possible. If we can all join in at once, I’d really like to try that. Is it possible?”

  Rocco came to her side and nibbled her earlobe. “It is very possible, darlin’.” He nodded to the other men. “Shall we go upstairs and try to satisfy our, uh, wife?”

  Wade glanced at Hannah and hesitated.

  Brady pleaded with his eyes. “Are you sure, love?”

  “I am very certain and, oh, so ready.” She stood. “Please follow me upstairs, husbands.”

  Chapter Six

  In the bedroom, Hannah put a hand to her cheek. She’d had no idea this sensual side of her existed, but now that it had emerged she wasn’t going to let the long faces of Wade and Brady drag her down out of the clouds. She’d never used the words “fuck” and “pussy” and “cock” before. She embraced them now and hugged them to her bosom.

  In the center of the room, she let her nightgown slip off one shoulder. “I need some help getting out of this. Would you do the honors, Wade?”

  The request brought on a smile, and he slowly drew the gown up and off. She was completely naked. She grinned like a fox inside the hen house, turned, and sat. Wade bent to remove her shoes. He took the brush from the bureau next to the chair and drew it through her tousled hair. Sparks flew like quickly extinguished fireflies.

  Rocco knelt to massage her feet. “At your service, ma’am.”

  Wade pushed him aside.

  Not seeming to be in the least annoyed, Rocco stood and kneaded her shoulders instead.

  Brady, who had silently watched the maneuverings of the two men, snorted, scooped Hannah out of their clutches, and sat her on the bed. Before the other two reacted, he had one breast in his hand and the nipple between his lips.

  Hannah raised her arms to the other two. “Come join us.” She pulled away from Brady and bounced her bare bottom on the bed to scoot to the headboard. With arms folded across her chest, she grinned her fox-like grin again. “My turn to be the voyeur. Gentlemen, get out of your britches.”

  The three men complied quickly. When they were completely naked, Hannah stood to inspect them. “Hmm, now if I were evaluating horseflesh, I would examine your flanks.” She smacked each man’s rear as she circled the trio. “Then, I would check the
sturdiness of the limbs.” She ran her hands from ankle to thigh of each man. “I might also check teeth, but here I’m more interested in these.” She fondled Brady’s balls and already stiffened cock until he swore.

  With a giggle, she went on to Rocco and did the same. He made no sound, and she moved to Wade. When he moaned in distress, she stood back, tapping her chin with a finger. “You are indeed hearty specimen. I believe I’ll buy all three of you.”

  She flipped her hair up with both hands behind her neck, turned her back to them and strode to the bed. With one knee on the coverlet, she turned her head to glance their way. “Care to inspect the inspector?”

  Brady cursed all the way to the far side of the bed. Wade sat at the bottom of the bed, and Rocco slid onto the bed beside her.

  He was the first to speak. “I do believe we should ponder the, uh, arrangement of bodies before we continue.”

  Wade sighed. “I’m not sure how to proceed.” Brady shrugged in agreement.

  Rocco took over. “Okay, here’s how it will work.” He lay on his back. “Straddle me, Hannah.” She did. “Are you prepared for a rear entrance?” She nodded. He looked to Wade. “Get some lubricant.” Wade went to the dresser and came back with the cream they’d been using.

  “I think you know what to do with the cream once Hannah and I are set.” He sheathed himself with the condom Brady tossed to him. “Brady, you have the pleasure of Hannah’s lips around your cock as Wade and I fuck her. Got it?”

  Brady nodded and knelt at the head of the bed within Hannah’s reach.

  “Everyone know their roles for this go-around?” Brady and Wade nodded. “Okay. Next time we may become more creative, but for now, this will do.”

  Rocco fingered Hannah. “Your pussy is wet enough for me.” He raised her bottom and impaled her onto the tip of his cock and slowly let her slide down on him.

  Hannah shivered and closed her eyes. “Oh, yes. I do love you, Rocco.”

  Wade made a sound of dismay deep in his throat. Hannah turned to him. “I love you as much as ever, Wade, and you, Brady.” She slid up and down on Rocco’s stiffness. “I can’t imagine life without any one of you, and tonight seals the pact between us. And, Wade, you’d better get busy back there or it will be too late.” She leaned forward, putting her nipples at Rocco’s lip level. He did exactly what she wanted him to do as he took one into his mouth and sucked.

  Wade shoved cream up inside her and followed it quickly with his cock. Hannah gasped then murmured in delight. “Brady, scoot over a bit.” He moved to give her easier access, and she latched onto his cock with eager lips. Brady gripped the headboard to steady himself.

  Hannah was in dreamland. Her body, filled with the men she loved and who adored her, responded with warm and wet dew. She sucked on Brady with fervor and used her inner muscles to squeeze Rocco’s cock as she slid herself up and down its shaft. Her movements on Rocco made Wade shudder with pleasure. Her name echoed through the room as each man received her gift and enjoyed her body.

  As the men grew harder and harder within her, her thoughts drifted from her own pleasure and the rhythmic pumping and sucking became coordinated and perfectly timed. The joy she felt in making her men happy caused her own senses to heighten. The pleasurable pain of Wade inside her ass made nerve endings burst in delight in a different but no less satisfying way as her spasms around Rocco’s swollen cock did as he rode her pussy. She licked the under seam of Brady’s member because that made him cry out.

  Wade emptied into her first which spurred her into quickening her movements onto Rocco, but Brady exploded in her mouth and moved away and Wade also removed himself from the bed.

  Rocco flipped her over without pulling out of her. “I am going to punish you with pleasure for letting me go last. His thrusts did threaten to punish her vaginal wall. He hit bottom over and over making her scream with joy. She writhed under him when the other men came back into the picture.

  Brady sucked her nipples, and Wade sucked on her toes. Hannah couldn’t tell which stimulant sent her over the edge. Her climax seemed to go on forever, like a hundred dynamite explosions set off one after the other. Rocco waited her out before giving his own enjoyment rein and spewing inside the condom within her.

  Exhilarated by the experience, Hannah kissed and fondled each man, thanking them over and over again. Six hands stroked and massaged every part of her until she fell into a near stupor. But she was not ready to sleep, not on a night when she had it all and wanted it to last.

  She sat up, pushing eager hands away. “I am going out on the porch to the stationary tub, and if one of you would be so kind as to heat the buckets of well water you drew up earlier, I intend to wash you and myself and listen to more of Rocco’s ideas about how we can fuck each other.”

  Wade went down first to get things started. Brady lifted Hannah from the bed and carried her downstairs. Rocco grabbed the cream Wade had used on Hannah before entering her ass.

  Brady’s fingers strayed into her pussy as he carried her downstairs. The feeling made her writhe and giggle. He set her on a porch bench. The porch was used to wash down small animals at times and had a drain in the middle. Wade had stoked the fire in the kitchen’s potbelly stove and poured cool water into a huge lead pot.

  When it was warm enough, Hannah scooped some into a basin and made Rocco stand on the drain while she scrubbed his genitals. He used a sponge himself to complete the job. Brady went next.

  Wade was last, and she felt the need to lick his balls and cock after washing them. He played with her breasts while she administered to him. He came rather quickly for having fucked her only minutes ago. Hannah beamed, but her expression changed to shock when Rocco slapped her hard on the ass.

  “You are a dirty woman. You have three clean men before you, and you remain filthy with our semen all over you.” He smacked her again.

  The tingle to her backside was invigorating and made Hannah want more sex. “You are correct. I am frightfully dirty and deserve more spankings.” Wade slapped gently as did Brady, but Rocco found a measuring stick by the door and gave her two wallops with that. Her bottom stung, but her nipples hardened in response. Rocco noticed and pinched them mercilessly.

  “I’d better get clean fast or I’ll be too sore to sit.” Hannah climbed the step her parents had made for her years ago and sat in the steel tub. She enjoyed the pinching and the slaps but wasn’t sure how far Rocco would take things. “It is now your turn, gentlemen, to wash me. Nice warm water, please, and don’t spare the lovely lavender soap Lou Ann made for me.”

  They took turns at her and spent inordinate amounts of time on her ass, breasts, and pussy. By the time they were done, Hannah was so lit up and ready for sex, she was restless to begin again. “Dry me off, and, Rocco, how do we fuck this time?”

  “Gents, bring a few towels to the parlor to protect the chairs and I’ll show you another way we can all satisfy Hannah and have a good time ourselves.”

  He gave curt instructions that the other two men quickly carried out. Hannah, wrapped in a towel, admired the way Rocco took charge, but she noted Brady’s scowl. As Wade assisted in positioning pillows and tilting chairs, Hannah took Brady aside.

  “Be happy for me, please. I really couldn’t give up any one of you.”

  “I don’t trust him. You’ve known Wade and me for years and him for only weeks. He’s too slick.”

  “He’s slick with my pussy juice.” She dropped to her knees and licked his cock. “And so are you.” Brady reached into her towel and squeezed her breasts while she sucked him. Her towel fell away.

  “Stop that, you two,” Rocco called from across the parlor. “We’re all set over here. Come on over so we can join in the fun.”

  The two giggling lovers complied with his request. “What kind of setup is this?” The tilted chair against the sofa was lined with pillows and anchored with an old anvil that had long been a doorstop.

  “You’ll see how it works in a second,” Rocco answer
ed. “Brady, since your cock is already dripping, you sit in the chair while Hannah straddles you. The tilt of the chair will put her rear in the air, open to access. Wade and I are going to take turns slipping in and out of her back there so we can last longer. We’ll be playing with her tits, but in this position, you get to kiss her the whole time.

  Brady rushed to his seat, and someone threw a condom his way. He explained to Rocco, “Only her legal husband is to fuck her bald. You get it? No bastard children.”

  “I understand completely. Hannah already made that clear when we were together at the schoolhouse.”

  Recalling the encounter on her school desktop, Hannah’s nipples pebbled and her pussy throbbed. Wetness from her pussy dampened her upper thighs. Brady now had his cock covered, and he was settled on the chair. She spread herself open with her fingers and wiggled onto his cock.

  “Ah, Hannah,” Brady moaned. “Ah, that feels so good. Your pussy is like balm on my throbbing cock.”

  Rocco pushed on her back, and she tipped forward. As promised, her bottom was in the air and open because of the wide spread of her legs around the burly Brady. Cool fingers smeared a cream into her. She sniffed. Butter. She had no more time to examine if her guess were right. Rocco slid his cock in and out of her ass, but only partway.

  Brady moaned. “Oh, good, oh, so, so good. Oh, oh.”

  “I’m glad you like it, old man.” Rocco shoved his cock all the way this time, and Hannah had difficulty staying relaxed. She had to concentrate on keeping open for him or it would hurt more. She’d learned that when they’d used the dildo up there.


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