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Night Swimming

Page 35

by Laura Moore

Seated at the center table, his back to the doors, Sean felt a sudden jolt of awareness course through him—that was as shocking as it was familiar. In stunned disbelief, he turned around in his chair.

  Dressed like a goddess in a delicate shade of ivory that set her skin aglow and turned her hair into a halo of light, Lily was a vision of enchanting loveliness. Sean could only stare as his heart beat loudly, calling out to her.

  Her eyes sought his as she came ever nearer. She held his gaze as her smile went from warm to radiant. Then, to Sean’s astonishment, she continued past his table and stepped up to the podium.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” she said in a voice that rang with confidence. “My name is Lily Banyon, and as anyone who has read the papers this past week can tell you, I have a lot to say about Sean McDermott.” She paused, a mischievous smile playing about her lips as she let her dry words sink in. Her smile grew as she heard a scattering of startled laughs from the listeners.

  “What you wouldn’t know from either the papers or the TV, is that Sean and I are very close. Knowing Sean as well as I do, I could talk about him all night. I could tell you how committed he is to keeping this town a wonderful, beautiful place to live and to raise families. But you’ve already heard that tonight, in speech after speech. I could also tell you how brilliant Sean is, but I know tomorrow’s papers are going to be filled with articles recounting how Sean exposed an attempt to destroy scientific evidence by one of the members of the coral reef committee. So that brings me to the real reason I am here before you tonight.”

  Lily paused to send a quick prayer heavenward that her gambit would work. So very much was riding on it.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you tonight because Sean McDermott can be positively infuriating. Sometimes he actually believes he can tell me what to do!” Lily exclaimed, infusing mock outrage into her voice. “Oh, yes, it’s true,” she said and nodded vigorously. “I’ve been trying to break him of this annoying habit all our lives. Haven’t I, Sean?”

  She looked at him with an angelic smile.

  Sean’s grin split his face. “Yes, dear, whatever you say,” he replied with just the right touch of meekness to his tone.

  “That’s very good, Sean,” Lily said approvingly. The assembled guests whooped with mirth.

  When the laughter had subsided, Lily spoke again, and now her tone was earnest, simple and direct. “Last week, Sean and I were having one of these very silly disagreements. Unfortunately, someone overheard us. And that person used my words to hurt Sean’s career. Those words, ladies and gentlemen, were spoken in private and were never intended to reflect on Sean’s public role as mayor of Coral Beach,” Lily said, letting her gaze travel to the farthest reaches of the ballroom. “Now, you all know what a fine and principled man Sean is. I’m sure you’re equally aware that he is someone who’s fiercely protective of the people and things he loves. That’s why he is such an outstanding mayor. So you won’t be surprised to learn that Sean decided to protect me from the very scandal I had unintentionally caused. His desire to shield me from public scrutiny came at a great cost to himself—too great. Tonight I hope you’ve realized what a fine man Sean McDermott is, and how much this town needs him. And I hope, too, that tonight this other unpleasantness has been laid to rest. Forever.” Here, Lily stopped, allowing her words to settle over the room, then bestowed upon the guests her most dazzling smile as their hearty applause answered her words.

  As the clapping echoed throughout the vast room, Sean felt as if his heart might burst. He couldn’t believe what Lily had done for him. She’d single-handedly defused the scandal with a stellar mix of candid charm and clever wit. He wanted to rush up to her and take her in his arms. But he waited. This was her show, and from that special gleam in her eye Sean knew the finale would be worth hearing.

  Lily raised her hand to quiet the applause. “Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, I have just one more thing to say about the candidate tonight. He’s a man who keeps his promises.” She paused to look directly at Sean, and her heart began to hammer as he returned her look and gave her a smile—that was for her alone. It was the smile his face wore when he was deep inside her and she was trembling all around him.When Lily spoke again, her voice was husky, filled with desire for this wonderful man. “Now I have a promise I’d like to make in return. It is this . . . that I love Sean McDermott, and will continue to love him for the rest of my life. But he has to marry me—our grandmothers said so!” Lily’s words came tumbling in a rush as Sean raced toward her to claim her in a passionate embrace.

  The guests were still on their feet, cheering goodnaturedly, when the strains of “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” floated into the room. Hand in hand, Sean led Lily to the dance floor.

  “You are the most extraordinary woman in the world,” he whispered. “By the way, I accept your proposal of marriage, Dr. Banyon,” he said, capturing her lips again as their bodies began to move as one across the dance floor. “Though I’m somewhat annoyed you beat me to it.” He grinned at her look of surprise. Then, his right hand releasing her waist, Sean pulled out a slender, velvet box from his pocket. Their feet stilled as he opened it for her. Nestled inside was a marquis diamond. It flashed, reflecting the lights shining from above. Lily’s hand trembled beneath his as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

  “I was working out the kinks in my plan to abduct you,” he told her. “I was going to hold you hostage until you agreed to my every demand.”

  “And they are?”

  “To love me forever.”

  “You’re so easy, McDermott,” she teased. “How about we abduct each other? I know this lovely cottage in the Bahamas we can rent for a couple weeks.”

  “This sounds very tempting.” His fingers splayed across her lower back, pressing her against him. “We could work on your project—”

  “That’s right. And start on another one—one I think you’ll be quite enthusiastic about.” Smiling, she leaned closer to whisper in his ear. Pulling back slightly, she thrilled at the naked hunger stamped on his face. “It seems the grandmothers would like to be ‘great,’ ” she added with a grin.

  “Well, then, we’d better get to work right away.”

  “I have some other projects in mind, too.” Lily said. “There’s a certain town in Florida which is crying out for a study on reef regeneration. My boss wants me to start working on a book.”

  “Are you sure, Lily?” he asked, looking deep into her eyes. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. I love you so much, Sean,” she said, sealing her words with the sweetness of her kiss. Then, her smile turned mischievous as she warned, “But I hope you realize I’ll make a terrible politician’s wife.”

  “No. You’ll be perfect, because you’re perfect for me.” His arms tightened about her. “I love you, Lily.”

  Lily smiled, basking in the light that shone in his eyes. “You know, Sean, it’s a beautiful night. And the storm is past. It’s an absolutely perfect night for night swimming.”

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  An Ivy Book

  Published by The Random House Ballantine Publishing Group

  Copyright © 2003 by Amey B. Larmore

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by The Random House Ballantine Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

  Ivy Books and colophon are trademarks of Random House, Inc.

  eISBN: 978-0-307-41619-3





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