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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

Page 15

by Colin Griffiths

  ‘Maybe you’re here to help him do whatever it is he's going to do.’

  A tear came to Katy’s eye.

  ‘I've had e fucking nuff of doing what he says. See these?’ She opened her mouth, revealing her two missing front teeth.

  ‘He did that. Hit the shit out of me.’


  Katy sighed. More tears came.

  ‘Because he could. I thought that when I left home, things would be better.’

  ‘Why don’t you go back?’

  Amid the tears, Katy sniggered.

  ‘My dad wouldn't have me and my mum’s too pissed to bother.’

  Wendy took her hand and held it tight. Katy responded by putting her head on Wendy’s shoulder.

  ‘Why are you so nice to me?’ she asked.

  Wendy pondered the question, but chose not to answer.

  ‘You can get your teeth done, you know.’

  ‘That wasn’t the question’

  ‘Well, I guess you need a break and, besides, I need you.’ Wendy kissed the top of Katy’s head. ‘And I like you.’

  ‘I like you too.’ said Katy and both girls snuggled close together.

  ‘I wonder what he's getting us for breakfast.’ Wendy said. They lay in silence for a minute, both enjoying the comfort, warmth and security of each other’s body. Wendy broke the silence.

  ‘I’m not Becky, you know.’ Now she had put her complete trust in Katy. If Bill found out, she dreaded to think what would happen.

  Katy sat up, put a finger from her free hand to Wendy’s lip.

  ‘Shh’ she said. She took her finger away and sat back.

  ‘I know you’re not, but please don't tell me your name. Not until this is all over. If I don't know your name, then I can't call you by it.’

  ‘I hope I get the chance to tell you.’

  ‘You will.’

  ‘I need a pee.’

  ‘Me too.’

  Bill easily got to the garage unseen. He picked up three Tuna and cucumber sandwiches, and made three take-away coffees from the machine, stuffing his pockets with milk and sugar that was available. The cashier ignored it. Bill paid for the stuff, along with forty Embassy.

  ‘Where’s that? He asked, pointing to the telly on the wall behind the cashier. Sky News was on. It was showing what appeared to be a rave.

  ‘Just over the bridge. Ashbourne or somewhere.’

  Bill looked closer. He recognised the place. The sound was low. He couldn't really hear it, but the station panned to a reporter and in the news bar going across the bottom of the screen he was reporting that a girl had been kidnapped from Ashbourne and the girl’s name was believed to be Wendy Cross. There were also reports of a mystery storm, although the Sky reporters were unable to get to the street, due to the sheer volume of people. It was also reported that a house had seemingly burst into light.

  ‘Wendy fucking Cross!’ Bill said, out loud.

  The cashier looked at him strangely. ‘You what?’

  ‘Nothing.’ Bill said, he took his goods and walked out of the door. The cashier thought nothing more of the strange man.

  As Bill walked out, he noticed the security cameras.

  ‘Fuck it! What was I thinking?’ he muttered to himself. He had to rethink. He had the wrong girl. They had brought him the wrong girl and what was all that about a party? It had all been a fuck up.

  He walked back the way he came, unseen by anybody, although there were very few people or cars on the road at this time of night. As he walked, he decided to play the game. This Wendy was obviously known to Daniel. Maybe she was his bit on the side, he thought. He would have to think this out before acting. Things had changed, but he could still use it to his advantage. Yes, Daniel had to pay. Someone close to him would have to die, so he would know what it felt like to lose everything. It may not be his wife, but it was still going to cost him a fortune to get her back. Only the money wouldn't be well spent. Oh yes, he would get her back. He would get back a dead body.

  Ten minutes later as the girls chatted, they heard the panel being pulled back and Bill entered. Both girls noticed the new anxiety on his face. Something had happened. Something had bothered him. He put the coffees and sandwiches down on the table, chucked the girls a sandwich each and brought over the two coffees which he handed to them. Both girls took them.

  ‘It’s still warm. It’s in them thermo-cup things. Keeps it hot for ages.’

  As each had one hand still handcuffed, they both turned so that they would be able to take each other’s lid off. Katy bit her sandwich packet open and took a bite. Bill’s eyes did not stop watching the girls. The coffee was good. The sandwich was needed. The atmosphere was tense. Something had happened when he went to get the coffee, something not good.

  ‘I need a wee.’ said Wendy.

  ‘Me too.’ said Katy.

  Bill got his keys out, uncuffed Katy and pointed to the corner of the room where she should pee. She didn’t argue. She didn’t care if he was watching as she went over to the corner, pulled her trousers down and wee’d. When she had finished she sat back down. Bill cuffed her again and uncuffed Wendy. He pointed with his head to where Katy had just been. Bill didn’t take his eyes off her as she undid her clothes and did her business. His eyes were firmly on hers as he cuffed her to the railing. Both girls were now cuffed again.

  ‘Right. Which one of you can I fuck?’ he said.

  The girls shivered in horror, this was something they weren't expecting.

  Wendy looked him in the eye. ‘I’ll tell you one thing,’ she said, ‘if you’re going to have me, you’re going to have to fight for it.’

  Katy spoke. ‘You’ve fucked me for the last time, Bill.’

  Both girls wondered where their braveness came from. Maybe it was their new found friendship, a bond. Now they were in this together.

  Bill laughed, a little too loudly. It sounded eerie.

  ‘Katy,’ he said, ‘you’re mine, whenever I want you. That’s what you’re here for. You’re my little slut.’

  ‘Was.’ she said, defiantly.

  Bill grabbed her by the throat, applying no real pressure, Katy’s heart leapt into her mouth. She knew what this man could do. Her eyes were wide, scared. Her bottom lip quivered. Bill let go and sat at his table, drank his coffee, and ate his sandwich, never taking his eyes off them. He finished his coffee and threw the empty carton at Katy. It missed. He went over to her again, knelt beside her, drew back his hand and slapped her in the mouth. Her head moved sideways from the shock, her mouth instantly started bleeding. Wendy, thinking she was next, kicked out at Bill. He easily caught her leg as she lay on the floor. He dug his fingers into her ankle and she let out a cry of pain. He let her leg go and returned to the table.

  ‘Feisty fuckers, ain’t you.’ he said.

  ‘What the fuck was that for?’ cried Katy, holding her face with her free hand.

  Bill lit a cigarette, blew out the smoke. ‘For bringing me the wrong girl.’ he said.

  He sat down at the table, leaned forward with both elbows on the table, the cigarette in one hand.

  ‘Now, who the fuck is Wendy Cross?’

  Both girls shivered as they huddled closer to each other. He had found out who she was. Katy looked at Wendy and smiled.

  ‘Wendy?’ she asked. Wendy just gave a frightened smile she shivered.

  ‘It’s going to be okay, Wendy.’ Katy whispered.

  Both girls new that was very unlikely.

  Chapter 29

  After the police had gone from his flat, Jezz sat there. He had done some bad things in his life, but nothing he had previously done had bothered him in the least. He had fought tough men, and lost, and bore the scars to prove it. He had fought tough men and won and they bore the scars. He’d stolen, he had lied, he had dealt drugs, he had hurt people and was sure he probably had destroyed lives as he had done it. But none of it had bothered him. It was what he had to do to survive. He had never felt remorse until now, lea
ding those two girls into a situation he knew nothing about. Yet as unsure as he was, he was sure that it would be their final destination. He hadn't slept. Every time he closed his eyes he could see the look of horror on their faces as he left them in the pizza hut with Bill. He knew it was right not to inform the police. That’s not what his type did, because he knew if he had done, then his life wouldn't be a long one. Not in this world. In my world the pigs are scum, you want something you just take it, you want something done then you do it.

  His head was swimming. He asked himself the same question, time and time again. Can I live with it, if those two girls die? Each time he was wishing for a different answer, but it was always the same. It was always No.

  He went into his bedroom, put on a jacket, lifted the mattress and pocketed the gun that was under it. He took a packet of cigarettes and a lighter which were on the table, grabbed his keys and walked out of his flat door. He wasn't sure how he was going to do it, or whether he could do it, but he knew he must try to get those kids back.

  He had grown up in this area, in a town where people blatantly sold drugs and held turf battles. Prostitutes on every corner, violence on every street. His father had been an addicted gambler and his mother was on the game to fund her drug habit. They had both died. His father had been found dead on a piece of waste ground, when Jezz was twelve. He had been stabbed, probably because of a gambling debt. His mother had died from an overdose, when he was eighteen.

  He still lived in the same flat. He had sworn he would never be like them. His flat was spotless, but he couldn't turn away from the life that haunted all of his kind. The people left behind, the ones on the street, or on the scrap heap. He was black. He didn’t fit in this white world. That’s why they were put in the slums of England.

  He was now a self-proclaimed gangster. He had seen things and done things that would frighten other people to death. He had no brothers or sisters, which he thought was a good thing. He hadn’t been abused as a child, but his awful memories were longer-lasting and more damaging. They were harder to deal with. He knew justice would never be delivered. His life had not been as bad as others, but worse than most. It gave him a bit of perspective, which helped him deal with reality over the years. Now he only did the things he did for money. That was the only way he could live, hurting people for money.

  He had never bargained at all on it being two young girls, who were just kids. He had no technique for surviving, it wasn’t until he was twenty, that he realised he had a mind of his own. He could make his own decisions. That was when he realised he was a big strong man and people were scared of him. It was then he used that to his advantage.

  An animal that does not trust its own instincts, will almost certainly perish.

  Today Jezz had to trust his own instincts.

  Chapter 30

  ‘I’m Todd’s girlfriend.’ Wendy told Bill.

  She felt scared now that the truth was out. Would he kill her? She didn't know. Her life seemed to flash through her mind. She wondered if this really was the time for her death. In spite of Katy being beside her she felt so alone.

  ‘My mother will have called the police, not Todd or Daniel.’ she added.

  ‘This changes things.’ He shifted in his chair. He looked angry. The girls could tell he was trying to think things through.

  ‘Why should it? You still have me. Daniel will do whatever you ask. I'm his little brother’s girl. He will do anything for Todd. I think I'm more of a prize than Becky ever was.’

  That made sense to Bill. Wendy was quite clever in putting that thought in his head. Maybe having his brother’s girl would work out okay. Maybe it would work out better. Daniel’s little brother’s girlfriend gets killed and it’s all his fault. How would that affect their kinship? He smiled at that. This was good.

  ‘What’s he like?’ For probably the first time in years, Bill thought of the son he had never really got to know. He wondered if he had grown up like Daniel, big and strong. He hoped so. The Fenton’s were tough. He wanted two sons to carry on that tradition.

  ‘Who?’ asked Wendy?

  ‘Todd, my son. I don’t know him.’

  Wendy smiled. ‘He’s wonderful. He’s so clever. He writes poetry and songs, and he has a lovely voice. I put his words to music and we sing them all the time. I love him, Bill. You can be very proud of both your sons. They are wonderful people.’

  I must win him over. Wendy thought, I must befriend him. Bill just shrugged his shoulders.

  ‘Proud?’ he said. ‘Nothing to do with me. I was inside. I haven’t seen Todd for seventeen years.’

  ‘Prison must have been hard.’

  Katy held Wendy’s hand again and squeezed. Her mouth had stopped bleeding, but it hurt like hell.

  ‘It was hard.’ he said, ‘But life out here is a lot harder.’

  ‘How come?’

  ‘In prison you’re safe. Yeah, okay, you got to put up with a lot of crap at first, be prepared to be raped and beaten. But once you've made your mark and you’ve earned respect, it’s easier. I was top dog in prison, you know.’ he added proudly.

  ‘Oh my God! That sounds terrible.’

  ‘In there I was something. Out here, I am no one. I will go back one day and get back what is rightly mine. People in there, owe me.’

  He thought back to his time in prison, and realised that the last time he was happy had been when he was behind bars. There was something about prison life which had made him feel safe. He had everything in there, even power.

  He missed some of the people and that felt strange to him, never really knowing what it was like to miss someone. He thought of Carol, his only love. Yes, he missed her.

  ‘I like you, Wendy.’ he said. ‘That may even keep you alive.’

  ‘I hope so, Bill, because I would like you to meet Todd, get to know your son, I know he feels the same. It doesn't have to be like this, you know. We can work something out.’

  Bill didn’t answer. Wendy didn’t follow it up. Bill uncuffed them.

  ‘We’re leaving.’ he said. ‘I’ve booked us in at the dirtiest place you can imagine.’

  It was nearly three am when they pulled out of the pizza place. The two girls were handcuffed together in the back seat, Bill driving and as he approached the Severn Bridge he burst into song.

  ‘We’re all going on a summer holiday.’

  Despite his singing and the joviality, he had shown Bill Fenton really wished he was somewhere else, somewhere warm and safe, somewhere, where they had steel bars!

  Chapter 31

  ‘What the fuck!’ said Mickey Bolan, who had just been woken up with a kick in the ribs, He rubbed his side, looked up, but he didn't know where he was for a moment. He recognised the man.

  ‘Jezz. What the fuck did you kick me for?’

  Jezz had made his way to the pizza place and had literally stumbled across Mickey sleeping in the bushes.

  ‘What are you doing here, Mickey?’

  Mickey sat up.

  ‘They’re in there. I was watching, but I must have fallen asleep. I think that beating Bill gave me, took it out of me. My fucking head hurts.’

  Jezz laughed. He knelt beside Mickey, looking at the pizza place. The night was still and quiet. The silhouette of the pizza place looked eerie against the sky. Mickey shivered. He didn't know if he was scared or cold.

  ‘He thinks you’re dead. So do the girls.’ Jezz said.

  ‘Why do they think that?’

  ‘Long story, but I told him you were.’ His eyes stared at the abandoned pizza hut. Mickey looked at Jezz. He began to shake, struggling to get his words out.

  ‘You ain’t going to hurt me, are you, Jezz?’ Jezz grinned, thinking how he had come to be like this. He was here to help and all Mickey could think of was that he was going to hurt him. How had he become like this? What had he become?

  ‘No, my friend, you’re gonna help me get those girls back.’

  ‘How’re we gonna do that?’

  ‘We’re gonna grab some of that scrap metal over yonder, get in and hit the fuck out of that bastard.’

  ‘I don't like the sound of that.’

  Jezz laughed. ‘You,’ he said, ‘you go round to the side and make some noise. Bang on the boards on the windows. Let him know you’re there. Ask him outside for a fight. Tell him you’re gonna kick his ass.’

  Mickey panicked. ‘You must be joking. He’ll kill me.’

  Jezz pulled out the gun he had tucked into his waist band.

  ‘He won't have a chance, because as soon as he comes out, he gets a bullet in the head.’

  ‘What if you miss?’

  ‘I never miss. Now go do it. I’ll get closer so I can get a good shot.’

  Mickey stood up. ‘Okay.’ he said, ‘Just make sure you hit the bastard.’

  ‘I will and Mickey,’ he looked at Jezz, ‘you let me down and do a runner and you get the bullet.’

  ‘I won't let you down, Jezz.’ and Mickey meant that. He wanted Bill Fenton dead and he wanted those girls. Especially Wendy, oh that cute Wendy.

  Mickey walked slowly and quietly to the pizza hut and reached the side of the building with the boarded up windows. He watched Jezz position himself just outside the flap, where Bill would come out, but unseen from any point in the pizza hut. Jezz nodded and Mickey started banging the boarding, shouting obscenities.

  ‘Come on out, you fucker. I'm gonna beat your brains in.’ he shouted. He was frightened, but at the same time the adrenalin had kicked in. He started to jump up and down, kicking the side of the boarding. This went on for about a minute, the excitement building up in Mickey, the bravado. For at that moment, he really believed he could beat Bill Fenton. He was the king of his particular jungle. Jezz moved from his stance, lowered the gun to his side and motioned for Mickey to stop. Jezz walked cautiously to the flap where they would get in and out. He noticed that it was open, and hadn't been put back. Cautiously and slowly, he looked inside. It was empty. At least the main dining area and kitchen were empty. There were a few other smaller rooms in there, but he wasn’t going to bother looking in them. In any case, if Bill had been in there, he would have done something by now, just to shut Mickey up.


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