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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

Page 29

by Colin Griffiths

There was a knock on the front door the same time as Sue knocked on the bedroom door of Madison’s, she waited for Madison to say come in before entering. She saw Madison lying on the bed, Sue put the tray of food on the cabinet beside the bed, and she sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I'm so sorry.” Sue said. Madison looked at her mum, she could see that she had been crying.

  “I shouldn't have hit you.” She continued.

  “I shouldn't have said what I did, it was an awful thing to say.” Replied Madison.

  Madison sat up on the edge of the bed, hugged her mother.

  “Are you going to see him again?” Her mother asked.

  “I have to mum.”

  “Be careful.” Pleaded her mother.

  The bedroom door opened it was Chantelle her best friend, Sue was glad to see her, maybe Chantelle could make her see sense. The two girls greeted each other with a kiss.

  “See you later.” Said Sue as she left them to it.

  “Well!” Said Chantelle as she sat on the bed. Chantelle was a year older then Madison. She lived on the same private estate just a street away. She was a pretty girl with long auburn hair and freckles. Chantelle was in this house a year ago when Madison's brother whisked Madison into the skies. She slept throughout that ordeal and was unharmed. Chantelle was the only person outside of the family who knew about her gift.

  “Nothing.” Said Madison.

  Chantelle looked disappointed.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I have to see him again, only I had a big row with mum and dad and they say I can't.”

  “How can they stop you?”

  “By not taking me it's a 30 minute drive away.”

  Chantelle smiled,

  “Don't you know I only passed my test to be your chauffeur.”

  “I was hoping you say that, look I got a picture of him.” Madison took out her iPad and showed Chantelle the picture that she took at the home.

  “He looks evil.” Said Chantelle both girls stared at the picture for a moment.

  “Are you sure it was him you talked to?”

  Madison thought back to when she first heard his voice in her father’s head a year ago, in her head she compared it to the same voice she heard from a frail old man at a home for the elderly, she involuntary shivered.

  “Oh it's him, and I've got an idea next time I see him.”

  “Oh come on do tell.” Said an excited Chantelle, her eyes wide.

  “Well.” Madison said a big grin came across her face.

  “I'm going to dress in the sexiest revealing clothes I can get away with.”

  “Why on earth would you do that?” asked a somewhat surprised Chantelle.

  “Well.” said Madison she leaned closer sat right next to Chantelle and whispered,

  “He's already told me he can get it up, I'm going to oh so make him want me that he will have to talk to me, he will have to tell me.”

  “That’s disgusting.” Said a laughing Chantelle

  “Yea but it is good.”

  '”it's not good it's brilliant.” and they both laughed, Madison felt better now and her and Chantelle chatted for an hour, before Chantelle went home.

  Madison didn't want to go back down stairs she didn't want an argument with her father again. She switched on her tele in the bedroom, it wasn't long before she was dozing and fell into a deep sleep, and then the dream came again. The same dream she had been having at least once a week for the past 9 months or so. She would dream that she was on that mountain along with everyone else on that fateful night. But everyone was looking at Wendy, trying to revive her, no one was looking at Todd. Todd was crying on his knees as if all the energy from him had gone and then there was a light. Every time she got to that stage in her dream she wanted to see more, wished she could see more. She would keep looking at the others who were seeing to Wendy then at Todd, then she would wake as the light was at its brightest, just like that night on the mountain, she would dream no more. And in every dream it was as if there was something to see, something she didn’t see that night.

  Madison woke up she was shaking , sweating as she always did, as soon as her dream got to the light she would wake and see no more. She was annoyed with herself for always waking from her dream at the wrong time. She undressed and showered in her ensuite. She got into her pyjamas and lay on her bed when the telephone rang, she answered her mobile,

  “Hi Madison it's Daniel.” The voice said, she loved hearing his voice, her big brother who she had grown to love and look up to. Who now had become an MP and was making it big in the world, and sometimes she thought that he was so big now that he had forgot all about what happened to his brother. She thought that Daniel Felton had forgot all about her.

  “Hey brother,” she mocked “how's the high life going.”

  “It is good.” Came the reply, “just wondered if you’re coming down this weekend? Haven't seen you for a while and I'll be about all Saturday and Sunday.”

  “No I'm not!” she said immediately.

  Daniel noticed the sudden change in her voice,

  “Is everything ok?”

  “Yes it's fine Daniel,” she said matter of factly, then she immediately followed with “well no it's not actually, I called my mum a slut today, she hit me,”

  She spoke fast as if wanting to get all her words out at once.

  “My dad keeps going on at me, I feel like I'm cracking up, and oh yea I talked to a vile man today, your grandfather, hoping he would have some answers, and guess what ? He didn't, and now I feel all alone as I'm the only one who wants to find out what happened on that fucking mountain!”

  She slammed her mobile closed and burst into tears.

  The phone went again, she ignored it, and she wiped her eyes and texted Daniel.

  “So sorry, had a shit day, speak soon.”

  She signed it with “luvs u xxx" she threw her phone on the bed closed her eyes to go to sleep hoping she wouldn't dream again tonight. Her hopes were dashed.

  Chapter 5

  It wasn't quite the reaction he thought he would get. Becky had popped in to say goodnight and Daniel told her he had a bit more work to do then he would be heading for bed. He didn’t like lying to Becky but he didn’t want her to know how he felt, she had been through a lot and she had Oliver to care for now. Daniel had grown to love Madison but her comments had upset him, he knew she was young and for someone her age had experienced one hell of a few days that no teenager should ever have to experience but she was wrong about him, he did care. He was trying to protect everybody and he would strike when the time was right if he could, the trouble was he really didn’t think there would ever be a right time, not without putting his family at risk, he had lost a brother, he couldn’t lose anyone else. He needed answers to and nobody loved and missed Todd more than him, it was his duty to protect him, it was his duty not to let his powers be discovered, he had let him down. He put his head in his hands, held them tight against his head, he screwed up his face and tried to feel something, do something, move something, see something. His head now ached, his nose bled a little, and he wiped it with the back of his hand. Today he was normal. A year ago he was glad of that, now he hated it. He knew tonight he would not sleep properly again, too many thoughts in his head, so many regrets and too few choices. Just like everyone else on that mountain, his dreams would be haunted, and just like everybody else’s dream, they would provide no answers.

  He had a big day tomorrow, an interview with Wales today, tomorrow was the day he would start trying to make amends, he had no idea how, he had to show them he cared. No one loved him like me he thought tonight I need sleep tomorrow will be a new day. He went to his bedroom, Becky was sound asleep, he stared at her for a while, realised how lucky he was, he had put her through hell and back and here she was still loyal, still loving. He got undressed and into bed, leant over to his wife and kissed her cheek.

  “I love you.” he whispered and closed his eyes to dream, but
they never came at first, and when they did they woke him up with a shock, sweating and shaking he moved to the spare room, he lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. He thought about his father, wished that he was still alive so that he could kill him all over again. He eventually drifted into a restless sleep.


  It was 6pm the next day. Daniel was waiting in the guest room drinking a coffee, in front of him was a plate of assorted biscuits. He hadn’t slept well the night before, but since he had a light lunch he was feeling quite refreshed. He hoped he didn’t have bags under his eyes or looked too dishevelled. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do or say but somehow he had to show the people he loved that he cared. He was nervous this was his first ever live interview for TV. He had done some live stuff on the radio and been interviewed in the streets by the news channels but this was his first live current affairs interview. He found himself sweating he hoped this was the right thing to do.

  Gordon Williams was Wales today's senior reporter and interviewer, the programme went out on the Welsh itv channel but could be viewed all over the country from a satellite platform such as sky. Williams was a polished performer, well respected in the industry as a guy who could be trusted and pulled no punches, to him MPs were just puppets and he was the hand that controlled them.

  The programme credits went all seemed to come a bit too quickly for Daniel.

  “This is Gordon Williams and welcome to Wales Today.” Was the opening line, he was sat in an armchair against a back drop of Wales today. What viewers didn't see was all the cameras and sound systems in front and to the side of him, with producers and directors and auto cue operators, the whole thing looked a mess. What the viewers saw was a nicely polished set. Next to Gordon Williams was another armchair, empty for the moment, between the chairs was a table with two glasses of water on them. Williams’s clutched papers to his chest, the camera panned from Williams to the empty chair as if to keep the viewer’s guessing who was going to be sitting there, but anyone watching would know who was about to appear, Williams continued.

  “A year ago he was a guy dabbling in finance, today he is one of the country's most well-known politicians, may I welcome, the young, rather handsome irrepressible Daniel Fenton, Member of Parliament for Newport east.”

  If the audience was live Daniel was sure there would have been a round of applause, but there was no audience, just a crew, with gadgets and wires and screens. The programme was screened live so any mistake on either side could prove costly, Gordon Williams being an old pro at this game, he just hoped Daniel Fenton was a natural. The pair had met prior to the interview some 2 days before. Wales today was a weekly programme, briefing had been done, what type of questions, any taboo subjects etc. Daniel had told Gordon not to hold back, in fact he was relying on it. Daniel took his seat, shook the interviewers hand.

  “With that introduction I was looking around for somebody else to walk on” He said, he looked flustered.

  They both laughed, it kind of broke the ice for Daniel. The lights were hot, Daniel was glad he left his jacket off, he wore a maroon shirt with matching tie. He could already feel his arm pits sweating and now wished he hadn’t worn such a dark shirt. There was water on the table in front of them, Daniel picked up a glass and took a sip, it was surprisingly cool. He put his glass down, his heart was racing he had butterflies, he didn't want to look a fool. He waited for the first question with anticipation. Don’t mess it up now he thought, it was easy, a comforter just to settle him in.

  “So at 24 your Britain's youngest MP, how does that make you feel?”

  Daniel shuffled in his seat he guessed he was going to do that a lot, he didn’t feel in charge and that made him feel uncomfortable.

  “Very proud Gordon but age should not be a barrier.”

  He thought his answer was daft and to brief, not a good start and it made him feel worse, he wanted out now, get it over.

  “So why get involved in politics, rumour has it that you were quite high up in the world of finance?”

  A double barrelled, he would answer the first part.

  “It’s quite hard to explain, I live with the remnants of a country that was devastated by the Tory government of the seventies and I had a belief in the working class communities, indeed I may add some of the finest communities that still exist.”

  Gordon interrupted.

  “So why as an independent?”

  “I didn't want to affiliate to one party, people have and still are getting fed up with politics, the broken promises, the lies, words seem to have no meaning anymore. I would rather be one man on the back benches then be a member of a party that the country could not trust.” He grew a little in confidence, he felt better.

  “So are you saying that the leaders of our parties lie?”

  “Would you call Nick Cleggs promise to cut tuition fees the truth Gordon?”

  The interviewer did not answer the question, it was his job to ask them.

  “So what is the real point then? Some people say that being an independent you can say and do what you like as it isn't really going to make any difference.”

  Daniel shuffled again, He didn’t like the confidence his interviewer showed, and it made him feel vulnerable. He took a drink, it was warmer now the heat of the studio warming the water, he licked his lips. Pinched his lips together.

  “It’s probably true, but could you imagine a few months ago that the two main political parties would have to depend on eighteen independents just to get a policy through? Could you imagine, the country's third biggest party, who were in government and now a distant memory? It's a good time and yes I can make a difference. British politics is in a mess, as one of the wealthiest country's in the world we are a mess, things didn't get better under a labour government, they got worse and the Tory's did get stronger together so they could further isolate the working class. The poor and needy, the old and infirm, what kind of country allows there elderly to freeze to death and then freeze their pensions?”

  He thought his answer was ok but guessed everyone had heard it before.

  “So are you and the other Seventeen independents joining forces? You have heard the rumour that you are fast becoming the leader of Britain's third biggest party.”

  “We are not a party, we are independents, but yes we have met, we have similar interests and in all cases similar reasons as to why we became an independent.”

  Gordon paused, shuffled some papers that he hadn't been reading it appeared to be all of the cuff, the auto cue was blank.

  “During your election campaign you were very strong on immigration, have your opinions changed?”

  Daniel seemed very confident with his answer. “No never,” he said, “all parties have failed on this, our borders are a free for all, there are too many people coming in for our health service and benefits, To hear some of these people actually admit it makes me sick to my stomach.”

  Daniel seemed more assured and confident as he went on.

  “These people are not running from some dictatorship or some Islamic tyrant, they are here for benefits, they offer nothing to Britain, why do you think UKIP did so well at the election, it wasn't there politics, UKIP had less seats than the libs but they thrashed them in terms of votes all over the country, border control it's a laugh, we should close our borders.”

  “Are you advocating leaving Europe?'”

  “Not at all but I am advocating that we decide who live in this country, who claims our benefits and who uses our health service, some of these people work for less than minimum wage, they do not work safely putting their lives and others at risk. Let us close down the companies who employ them.”

  Daniel felt confident with his answer, he could feel the passion inside him, and it had felt like he had taken charge.

  “Time for a break.” Said Williams.

  The programme cut for the adverts, the water was replaced with cold water and make-up artists powdered both of those in front of the cameras. Gor
don Williams asked Daniel if he was alright, Daniel assured him he was, ready to rough it up a bit asked Gordon, bring it on said Daniel, they both smiled there was a mutual respect. Gordon Williams liked Daniel Fenton. Let’s see how he handles the next part he thought. The music played for part two. Gordon looked at the camera, welcomed them back.

  He Looked at Daniel.

  “Do you think the electorate fully understand your association with off shore banking Daniel?”

  The first one below the stomach, sound confident Daniel thought.

  “In my campaign it was never hidden, perhaps I should have gone down a different path but that's history now, it's not news Gordon. I took my skeletons out of the cupboard and aired them for all to see, I think people respect that, the votes seemed to represent that.”

  “So you’re a member of parliament are you telling me that you condone tax avoidance?”

  Daniel was ready.

  “Not once did I say that, people are aware that I helped people with that, whether I condone it or not isn’t going to stop the systems that allow people to do that. You see and hear politicians chastise this form of practice but has anyone ever asked how and why it happens, maybe the people I helped are just little fish, maybe the bigger fish are also playing the game.”

  “You mean the government?” Asked Williams.

  “You better ask them that.”

  “To be fair to you,” the reporter took a sip of water Daniel did the same, he continue, “all that was revealed, but what about names, it isn't an illegal practice but an immoral one, so name the people that you helped avoid paying taxes.”

  “I won't do that Gordon.”

  'Why? You want us to believe you’re an honourable politician, you’re telling us there isn't many honourable politicians left so act honourably.”

  “It will serve no purpose, all this is history Gordon, people are fed up with this type of politics, this is what's so bad about today's leaders and politicians all they want to do is slag the other. Where's the substance? Where's the passion gone? He took a sip of water, move on Gordon, the public have, your watchers have, though I suspect many may well be turning off at this very moment.”


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