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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

Page 34

by Colin Griffiths

  “That’s so bloody weird,” said Katy “how the hell did she know who is who?”

  “Because you’re the one with the bag you nerd.” Said Wendy.

  Katy bowed her head looked at the bag she was carrying then looked at Wendy.

  “I think it might be ok here.”

  ‘”Me to,” said Wendy’ she gave Katy a hug, “I’ll visit you loads so will everyone else and they say you can come home some night for a few hours and we can even go down to the pub and ill phone you every day, no twice a day and,”

  Katy put her hand over Wendy’s mouth

  “Shh I know you will, now don’t make me cry just make sure I get a room with a view.”

  “I love you Katy!”

  “I love you too now get back in that taxi and go see that doc.”

  And that’s exactly what Wendy did.

  An hour later she was In the Doctors surgery having been given the appointment she was promised.

  Emily Parsons was just bringing up Wendy’s records as Wendy walked into her office, the doctor smiled clicked a page on her computer and spun her seat around and gestured for Wendy to sit. Wendy sat put her hands in her lap and looked at the doctor.

  “Well you asked me to come and see you,” said Wendy.

  The doctors eyes widened, she picked a pencil up and put is straight back down on the desk.

  “Your quite right Wendy,” she paused “I’ve never seen you since you had your’……… the doctor paused looking for the right words.

  Wendy gestured with her hand.

  “you mean since the day I was beaten half to death by my boyfriend’s father,“ her voice grew louder, “and before you asked I wasn’t raped only I had to watch my best friend get raped,” she leaned forward, “you know the friend you just put away in a nut house.” She slumped back into her chair and burst into tears,

  “I’m so sorry doctor,” she said, “Katy was doing so well.”

  The doctor handed her a box of tissues, Wendy took one and wiped her eyes.

  “And how are you doing Wendy I mean really doing?”

  “I really am ok, I just wanted to shout at someone and you were handy,”

  “It’s not weak to admit your struggling you know and I can help you without you going to where Katy is, counselling is available,”

  “Could they bring Todd Back?”

  The doctor leaned forward touched Wendy’s arm across the desk,

  “No I’m afraid not but they do say time heals,”

  “I just miss him so much I don’t think I’ll ever get over it,”

  Wendy wiped her eyes again,

  “They say doctor that you lost a child is that true?”

  The doctor was quite taken back by the question and thought deeply before answering,

  “Yes I did, 10 years ago my son he was five his name was Dominic,”

  “And did you ever get over it?”

  Again the doctor gave this some thought she felt a tear welling up in her eye and tried to fight against it but failed and the tear dropped down her cheek. She leant forward took Wendy’s hand again,

  “No I didn’t,” she said, “and I won’t pretend that you will, but it has got easier for me and for you it will, I guess you’re right Wendy we never get over stuff like that but we learn to come to terms with it, now this isn’t about me it’s about you,”

  “I really am fine doctor thank you, it’s been a help talking to you.”

  Wendy got up to leave.

  The doctor stood,

  “Will you come and see me again in a month?”

  “There really is no need,”

  “Please,” interrupted the doctor, Wendy smiled “of course I will.”

  She left the surgery into the surprisingly still hot day. She felt better now. Wonder how Katy is, she thought and got out her phone and texted her.

  Chapter 14

  “If you don’t mind me saying you have seemed very distant today.” Said Cindy.

  She had just brought Daniel a coffee. Daniel had been sat at his desk for most of the day and when he did talk to Cindy it was in a professional way rather than in their usually laid back friendly way. Cindy didn’t think too much of it just thought that he had a lot on his mind but she didn’t like seeing him like that. She had become good friends with him and had grown to like him and looked up to him as a good friend he was and not just her boss.

  Daniel seemed to jump out of his trance when he heard her voice, for a moment he was still up on that mountain and Todd was alive. He had been a bit troubled all day, the nightmare he was experiencing had haunted him all day, it was still vivid, it was as if he could still feel Oliver in his arms as he took his every breath away, he tried to compose himself, he shivered his stomach felt knotted.

  “I’m ok Cindy, a bad night and a crap day.” He beckoned for her to take a seat, she sat opposite him.

  “Anything I can do to help?” she asked

  “Tell me?” he said “before I interviewed you for this job what did you know about me?”

  “What do you mean? What did I know,” Cindy asked curiously.

  Daniel took a sip of his coffee, wiped his lips with the back of his hand, he looked deep in thought.

  “What had you heard and be honest please?”

  Cindy shuffled in her seat, crossed her legs then uncrossed them again,

  “Well!” she began, “I know you lost a brother,” she looked at him waiting for a reaction.

  “Go on,”

  “And I know,” she paused wanting to get the words right “I know you organised the biggest rave in the country, probably the world!” She spoke her words in a manner that it was a great achievement something you should be proud of.

  Daniel allowed himself a smile,

  “And how do you know that?”

  “I was there,” she answered immediately,

  Daniel seemed surprised,

  “Were you really?”

  “Yea we were a few streets away from your house we couldn’t get any nearer, it was a good night,” she immediately felt guilty, “if you know what I mean?”

  Daniel did.

  “Why did you go, who invited you?”

  Cindy slumped in her chair, took her gaze off Daniel and to the window, a few seconds later she was eye to eye with Daniel again.

  “That’s the odd thing really, neither me or the friends that went with me know why, it was like we were summoned, it just seemed a really good idea,”

  “Did you see anyone fly?”

  Cindy knew what he meant she had heard the stories.

  “No I didn’t Daniel.” She laughed

  Daniel leant forward,

  “What if I told you I did?”

  “Then I would say you probably had too much to drink,”

  They laughed,

  “And you would be right.”

  “Do you think my brother died Cindy?” he asked more seriously.

  She paused for quite a while, staring at the floor as if trying to work out the question.

  “I don’t know Daniel, what you think?”

  His face saddened and Cindy could see the hurt in him.

  “Get yourself off home Cindy I’m meeting Jezz in a bit for a few beers I’m getting a taxi home, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  She got up to leave his office, she turned around to him as she stood by the door.

  “You sure you’re all right?” Her voice sounded concerned.

  “I will be tomorrow.”

  Cindy left, wondering what had happened to make Daniel react in that manner.

  What do I think? Daniel thought, fuck knows what I think.

  Daniel had arranged to meet Jezz at the Kings Head pub in Newport. He needed some male company and Jezz had become his best friend, he liked him because he never asked questions or judged. He would never mention that night on the mountain, but Daniel knew that if he wanted to talk then Jezz was there fo
r him, just like a true friend should be. It was only a couple of minutes away, if you took a short cut through what they called piss alley, it was an alleyway through two sets of commercial building’s with steel gates with barbed wire at the back yard, and in between the gates large bricked walls ten feet high. The commercial buildings were split up and had about ten different yards either side with their own steel entry. Most of them lay empty, they called it piss alley for obvious reasons. It couldn’t be seen from the streets until you got out of the end after a few minutes’ walk. Very few people used it other than drug users or those up to no good. Daniel took that course. He was meeting Jezz at the Kings Head, he had used it a thousand times before.

  He was walking quite briskly deep in thought as he had been all day. He was looking forward to a few beers and a curry, he needed to wind down, the dream still haunted him, he had smothered his son and it seemed so real.

  He didn’t see it coming one minute he was walking the next minute he was bundled inside one of the yards, the steel gates with the wire had been opened and now he stood before two men dressed in black, military style with no insignia. Their faces were partly covered, Daniel guessed they were armed though he saw no obvious sign, a feeling of déjà vu overwhelmed him.

  They had pushed him to the wall and now stood before him, tall and dark, menacing.

  Daniel first reaction was to lash out and he went for the nearest man but he was to slow despite Daniel’s ability to look after himself, the military style figure had easily took Daniel’s legs from underneath him and now he lay on the floor, he looked up at the two men realising there was no way he was going to beat them.

  “You were warned!” said one of the men.

  “Warned about what?” Daniel felt the boot in his stomach it took the wind out of him.

  “Your bothers dead, do you hear me?”

  He found enough air to speak,

  “Show your faces you cowards I’m not 12 now.” He staggered to his feet, if they were going to kill him they would have to look into his eyes as they done so.

  The next thing he saw was this third figure lunging at one of the men in black and caught him a blow to the head.

  Jezz was walking to the pub and as he passed the gate he had caught site of someone on the floor and two men over him, he would have helped anyway but when he saw it was his mate Daniel he didn’t hesitate and just lunged and caught the man in black a good blow, but he wasn’t fast enough with his next reaction. The second man coshed Jezz in the head in one swift movement. Jezz felt immense pain as he fell to the floor holding his head, he could feel the blood through his fingers. Daniel got up went for the one with the cosh but was punched to the floor by the one who got hit by Jezz, he had recovered quickly and he grabbed hold of Daniel’s throat as he lay on the floor.

  “Listen just leave it I don’t want to hurt you but next time you end up where your brother is!”

  The two men turned and went, Daniel went over to Jezz,

  “I’m calling an ambulance bro,”

  Jezz rubbed his head and sat up with his back against the wall,

  “What was all that about?”

  “I don’t know just a mugging I guess, thanks dude you came along just in time,”

  “Call the police man,”

  “You to hospital first, come on I’ll help you up there’s a taxi rank round the corner,”

  “Be quicker to walk.”

  “Oh shut up Jezz.”

  Four hours and eight stitches later they sat in Tracy and Jezz’s flat, waiting for the police to call. Daniel had called Goldstone asking him to send two constables as he wanted to report a minor disturbance, he didn’t want this in the paper, though he guessed how the media work it would soon be out.

  Tracy an ex-copper herself just wanted the police to come and go so she could grill them herself, someone had hurt her man and she wanted to know who.

  Jezz sat there holding a can of fosters, his head hurt.

  Daniel was sat shuffling his hands looking nervous. Tracy noticed this, she had never seen him like this before, had never seen that look on his face.

  There was a knock on the door and Tracy let the two constables in, she recognised the older one, Grieg Watson a good officer in his forties, she did not recognise the younger one.

  “Good evening sir,” he pointed at Jezz’s head “Looks nasty!”

  The older copper sat down.

  “Can you tell me what happened?” he said.

  Daniel just stared at the policeman this was making things worse.

  “I was beaten up that’s all Jezz helped got the worse of it,”

  The older policeman looked at Jezz,

  “Can you describe the incident and the assailants to me?”

  Jezz started to speak,

  “There were two men they were dressed in black….”

  “Black!” Shouted Daniel “they were two black men,”

  “What the fuck!” Demanded Jezz,

  Daniel stood up, thinking it had all been a big mistake, wondering what the hell made him agree to involve the police.

  “Look it’s been a mistake okay, we don’t want to report it just leave.” He tried to usher the policeman out.

  “Sir if there been an assault,”

  “Look you know I know Goldstone just go okay, nothing happened to concern you, I’ll speak to Goldstone about it.” this time he did usher the two coppers out, Tracy and Jezz looked dumfounded, they heard Daniel close the door after the coppers left. Daniel walked back into the room.

  “You better tell me what all that was a fucking bout Daniel I got 8 stitches in my head,”

  “It better be fucking good,” said Tracy or I’m calling those cops back.”

  They both stood staring anger in their faces.

  If looks could kill, Daniel thought, he involuntary sniggered.

  Daniel went over to Tracy’s drinks cabinet took out a bottle of malt and 3 glasses, pored 3 fingers full in each. Tracy and Jezz just watched, dumfounded, curious, frightened for their friend and the look on his face, one of horror, one of fear and most of all a look you would never see on Daniel Fenton’s face. For the first time to the two onlookers they could see he looked scared.

  He handed them both a drink and took his own.

  “Your gonna need this,” he told them.

  “Sit down,” he added.

  “You look scared Daniel,” said Tracy as she sat.

  Daniel took a sip, the fire going down his throat felt so good and needed.

  “I’m not scared,” he said. “I’m fucking terrified.”


  Marie Rose had had a good morning she was up early, the early morning sunshine enticing her too get out of bed as it came through the curtains. She had her cup of earl grey and had been out in the garden dead heading her flowers, she had swept all the paths, weeded and cut the grass. She was still fit for her age, she done those chores with ease, all the time with a smile on her face and occasionally humming to the radio that you could hear from the kitchen. She was just making herself another cup of earl grey and a ham sandwich when James walked in through the front door into the kitchen. He had his own key as did Marie Rose to his house, he was dressed smart as if he was off somewhere nice. He had got up early and had been ready for hours, he was really looking forward to this day. He looked at Marie Rose in her gardening gear, he seemed surprised, disappointed.

  “Why aren’t you ready?” He challenged her.

  “For what?” Said Marie Rose seemingly surprised, she had no idea what James was going on about.

  “Were going visiting aren’t we?”

  She waved her hand at him as if pushing him away.

  “Oh I forgot to tell you, I rang Carol, no one’s really about, she said Madison is coming down soon and we can all get together, she suggested we do something nice, that would be nice won’t it?”

  “Well you could have told me.” Said the annoyed James.

  “Oh get over yourself I for
got, anyway you do look smart, do you want tea?”

  She was making him one before he answered, he sat at the table, she handed him his tea, he took a sip she always made a good cuppa.

  “So what you been up to?” He asked, he was still annoyed at her.

  “Gardening, such a nice day, always puts you in the mood, I’ve been dead heading, you know you have to dead head them to make more flowers come you know,”

  James did know he had told her that and showed her how to do it,

  “If you dead head them they can last for ages, they do look so pretty.”

  James smiled, she was just like a little girl, he immediately forgot his anger of not being told. He couldn’t be angry with her for long, he loved his cousin, she had given him a new lease of life, and while he always thought of his late wife Elsie and at one time all he wanted to do was join her in heaven, he knew she would wait for him, he wasn’t ready to meet up again yet

  “I’m going for a bath,” she said, “then do you fancy a nice walk, I’ll buy you a beer.”

  “That would be lovely.” Replied James.

  She left for the bathroom and James took his tea into the garden wanting to enjoy the sunshine in what was one of the best summers he could remember. He almost spilt it at the site before his eyes, yesterday the garden was an abundance of colour and beauty, today, now, this minute every single bedding plant had been ripped out, not one remained, the paths were full of mud from where she had pulled them.

  You didn’t deadhead them you murdered them.

  He looked around the side on the drive way, he could see all the flowers spread out on the drive, he walked between them, he looked at them trying to figure out what it all meant.

  These have been placed strategically, he thought,

  He stepped back into the road so he could have a clearer look, he stared for a while at the pulled up flowers, before realising what it was. They were spelling out words, he could read it now, the pulled flowers in all colours of the rainbow spelt.


  He went back into the kitchen, his heart sunken at what he had just seen, he couldn’t explain this, but he knew it must have had something to do with the programme last night. He remembered straight after the programme she seemed odd, asking questions about her grandson, questions that she had not asked before, and she had cried, he could still see the tears when he closed his eyes.


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