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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 8

by Ahren Sanders

  I nod my head in agreement and cuddle up as close as possible. We both fall asleep somewhere around three in the morning after working out the rest of our ‘sexual frustration.’

  Chapter 8

  Fourteen days, that’s how long it took me to turn back into a lovesick fool. The fourteen days Bryce and I spent together solidified my mind, body, and soul’s infatuation with him. I’d like to say it was just being in his presence that got under my skin, but that would be a lie. True to his word, he tells me and shows me every day how much I mean to him.

  He bought an iPad so we could FaceTime every night before bed. Even when he is working, he’ll take a break for ten minutes when I text him I’m tired. Quinn constantly makes fun of us, and her favorite word to describe Bryce is ‘pussy whipped’, but he doesn’t care.

  I, in turn, make fun of her, as well. Her and Dean still keep in touch, and she constantly talks about him. I learned he lives in Atlanta but was in Miami to visit friends. He’s a first year lawyer with a small firm. Apparently, he’s a brainiac and made it through college and law school in five years. He’s twenty-three and seems like a nice guy.

  It’s been four weeks since Bryce and I left each other in Miami. The winter weather has been awful in Virginia, and flights have been difficult. I can tell he’s getting aggravated, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

  Quinn and I have similar schedules again this semester, and today, we are meeting with our previous World Journalism professor. Several students were invited to a luncheon to discuss the pieces he submitted for the local show.

  When we walk into the conference room, it’s already crowded with several people I recognize from class. Professor Davis greets everyone cheerily when he arrives and suggests we get our plates so the meeting can start. As we file through the buffet line, he sets up his computer to the media screen and starts a rolling slide show. Pictures fill the screen with what I assume is all our individual work. My photos come through last, and the slides start over.

  Once we’re all seated, Professor Davis stands at the end of the table and stops the show, smiling at each of us individually.

  “All of you in this room allowed me to submit your projects to a local contest that was focused on world journalism. The panel of judges intended to bring awareness to different social subjects. I was recently given the news… all of your work was chosen to be included in the exhibit in Washington D.C.!” His excitement is contagious, and we all cheer along with him.

  Quinn and I hug tight and high-five our peers. It takes five minutes for the room to calm down.

  “This exhibit has been in the works for quite some time so your contributions are being added last minute. As I explained when I asked about submitting your work, there is no compensation. However, you can have as many tickets to the event as you wish. You’re invited to a cocktail party to meet the other journalists, too. The event is scheduled to run from February ninth through April first. I have information packets for each of you.” His PA passes around folders for each of us to review.

  My heart falls when I see the cocktail party scheduled for Friday the Thirteenth. I wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with Bryce. But the next page has two tickets to the party stapled to the invitation. The rest of the packet is basically an informative guide and a few forms we must fill out to release our work for the allotted amount of time.

  “Now, let’s take a look at the works you rising stars submitted. If you don’t mind, when I get to your piece, please tell the others a little about the subject.” Professor Davis starts the slideshow over and introduces the first picture.

  I type a quick text to Bryce, hoping he’ll be able to work his magic again.

  Me: Great news! Can you get here Feb 13-15? Friday Night cocktail party in D.C.! Call you soon with details.

  Bryce: D.C.??? You did it! Your piece made the exhibit! Congrats!

  Me: Thx, don’t say anything to Nate. Need to call parents and him.

  Bryce: I’ll be there no matter what! So proud.

  Me: Talk soon. Xoxo

  Before we even get to my and Quinn’s projects, I’m in tears. The stories that go along with the pictures are heartbreaking and uplifting. One particular piece of work is a story about a wife reuniting with her husband as he departs his ship in Norfolk. The picture captures both of them coming toward each other as his boots hit the ground. I’ve seen thousands of shots of military families reunited, but the angle and editing on this specific one is incredible.

  By the time our luncheon is over, I’m humbled and proud to be with such talented people.

  “Tell me about some of the other works,” Bryce asks me during our nightly FaceTime.

  “I’d rather you see them yourself. My explanations will never do them justice. The talent in that room today was unbelievable. I can’t believe Quinn and I are involved.”

  “Babe, you’re incredible. Never doubt yourself. Tell me about the rest of the day.”

  “Well, my mom cried and cheered at the same time. My dad was really sweet. They’re coming up the last weekend of the month and staying a few extra days. Nate’s going to try to come with them, but we’ll see.”

  “Yeah, Nate told me that, too. Were they upset about not coming opening weekend?”

  “No, once I told my mom about the opening party. She understood I wanted you to be my date and it’s our first Valentine’s together.”

  “Speaking of that, I got Thursday night and Monday morning flights. That okay?”

  “Perfect. I can’t wait. Oh, and I’m going to try to get us a room on Friday night. It’s a long drive home that late.”

  Bryce goes silent, and his face twists on the screen.

  “Or not. You don’t look too thrilled.” My voice is laced with disappointment.

  “Damnit, Devon!”


  “Babe, You don’t need to worry about a room. It’s taken care of. It was going to be a surprise.”

  A smile spreads across my face, and I giggle. “Sorry, but I’m surprised now. Does that count? How the hell did you do all this so quickly?”

  He turns his head, avoiding me, but when he turns back, he grins. “Let’s just say, I didn’t have to plan all this today. The flight was already booked.”

  “You sneak.”

  “I’m selfish, really. The trip was planned with my interests in mind.”

  “Really, what interests are those?”

  “Let’s just say, I need my girlfriend to take care of my sexual frustration.” He wags his eyebrows at me.

  “Ugh! Tell me about it! I’m very ‘frustrated’.”

  “Just two more weeks.”

  “Have you thought any more about Spring Break?” Last week, we discovered our breaks are a week apart.

  “I think you should do something fun with Quinn on yours, but I’ll drive up and spend the week with you on mine. I think Nate wants to come so we can drive over to Norfolk to see the base for a day or two.”

  “Don’t you want me to come down to Knoxville while I have some time off?”

  His face pales, and I can tell immediately something’s wrong.

  “Bryce, what is going on?” Dread washes through me.

  “Before I tell you, don’t get worried, or upset. Nothing has changed on my part. I’m crazy about you.”

  “Fucking tell me!”

  “Holli’s back at UT. She’s not technically enrolled in school, but she’s back.”


  “She’s living with some of her sorority sisters and going back summer semester. She only has a few credits left, and she wants to graduate from UT.”

  “Sounds like you know a lot about her return.”

  “Devon, don’t be upset. She means nothing to me. She showed up here last week. Surprised the hell out of Nate and me. She wanted to talk. I didn’t let her into the apartment but met her down at her car. She was pissed at first, but when I explained I was seeing someone, she understood.”

she come to you? I thought it was over like eleven months ago?”

  “No, babe, it was over long before that. I told you, but she still feels a connection to me. Not sure what I can do about it.”

  “Is that healthy, Bryce? She lost the baby so long ago. She’s a young girl with her whole life in front of her. Why is she trying to keep a connection with you if you cut it off.”


  “Kindness?” I question.

  “Yeah. I never got into any details, because they aren’t important, but she is distant from her family. Even though she went home to Utah, it wasn’t her first choice. She told me I was always kind to her, and that’s why she fell in love with me.”

  “She told you she was in love with you?!”

  “Let’s not talk about this anymore. You’re getting upset over nothing.”

  “Nothing? You think I’m not going to worry? It was easy to move past this when she was across the country, but now she’s back and still in love with you? How do you think that makes me feel? You slept with her, Bryce. You won’t even sleep with me!”

  I realize I’m yelling a little too late when Quinn storms in. She narrows her eyes then looks at my screen.

  “Bryce Randolph, did you just fuck up?” She glares, and he shakes his head, resigned.

  “Not on my life. I’d never do anything to jeopardize my and Devon’s relationship. Can we have some privacy again?”

  She looks between me and the iPad and leaves but raises her wrist in a drinking motions, telling me there will be wine waiting when I hang up.

  “Dev, you have to trust me here. I’m trying to be honest. I planned on telling you in two weeks. There. Is. Nothing. To. Worry. About!”

  “Easy for you to say. Your ex is now back on campus and loves you.”

  “Don’t get me started. You have plenty of exes on your campus.”

  “Oh my God! You have nothing to worry about with me!”

  “I’d like to believe that, considering one guy jacked off to your back, another couldn’t even find your pussy, and your only sexual experience is non-memorable!”

  I want to be mad, so mad, but instead I burst into laughter. He’s so right! I know the tension is broken when he smiles and laughs along with me.

  “You heard everything, huh?”

  “I tried to stop myself but couldn’t.” He blushes a little.

  “Can I just tell you, hearing the word pussy from your lips is sexy?”

  His face changes, and he gives me a lopsided grin. “You like dirty talk, huh?”

  “Maybe a little. I like most things with you. But like I said, I’m a romance queen and some things turn me on.”

  “Give me an example.”

  “How did we go from your ex-girlfriend to my sexual fantasies?”

  “We’re talking about fantasies now? I was looking for examples.”

  “Ugh! You are frustrating!”

  “Not with you, baby girl. I just want to know what you want.”

  “You’re gonna have to wait. Now, instead of going to bed, I’m going to have a glass of wine with Quinn and explain why I am freaking out over your ex in town.”

  “No, baby, you enjoy your wine and tell her how excited I am for both of your accomplishments. Don’t ever doubt my affection for you. You are it. I’m crazy about you, and in less than two weeks, I plan to show you.”

  “Promises, promises.” I wink at him.

  “Goodnight, babe. Talk tomorrow.”

  I blow a kiss to the screen and end the conversation. When he logs off, I go find Quinn with a bottle of wine, waving a DVD in my face.

  I love my best friend.

  Chapter 9

  I hop from one foot to the next with nervous anticipation. The flight schedule says he landed ten minutes ago, but he hasn’t shown up yet. The escalators run down, and he’s nowhere to be seen.

  Suddenly, the air is thick and his scent surrounds me. He’s here. I try to turn around, but strong hands grab my waist and yank me into a hard body. His mouth to my ear relieves any doubt.

  “Looking for someone?”

  My excitement takes over, and I turn and jump into his arms. “You!” I scream and plant my mouth firmly to his.

  “Why didn’t I see you?” I huff when I break away.

  “Once again, strategic planning. I took the back stairs.”

  “I missed you.” I sink into him, soaking in his warmth. He holds me close a few minutes and then pulls away, kissing the tip of my nose.

  “Ready to go?” he asks, linking our hands together.

  I tug him behind me, leading us out of the terminal and to my car.

  He caresses my hand the whole way to my place, and I purposely take the long way around campus to show him everything. I’d love to walk around tomorrow morning and give him a proper tour, but we’re expecting more snow.

  When we get to our apartment, I show him around, making sure he knows the general layout. Once we get to my room, he whistles. “Finally, I get to see it in person and not on a screen.” He glances around and walks directly to my bookshelf.

  “God, these turned out good. Can I have a copy?” His eyes are glued to the two pictures I had framed of us from Christmas.

  I told him how great they were but refused to send them to him because they are a gift for Valentine’s Day. Little does he know, the photographer took over twenty of us spinning, laughing, and kissing. I have all of those saved as a rotating screensaver.

  Yep, I’m a bit obsessed.

  “Umm, yeah, we’ll get them printed while you’re here.” I try to sound nonchalant.

  He sets them back and comes to me, pulling one of my arms to his chest and wrapping the other around his neck. “I’ve missed you.”

  His scent surrounds us, and I sink into him, inhaling deeply. “You too.”

  “What are our plans tonight?”

  “We have about three hours until Quinn gets back. Then she’s going to be in complete freak-out mode about Dean flying in tomorrow for the weekend.”

  “Three hours, huh?” He kisses a trail down my neck.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Babe…” He bends down and lifts me gently, walking us to the edge of my bed. “I’ve really missed you.” He lowers me down and lays partially on top of me. His hard length presses against my hip, and I grind against him.

  “Bryce, I missed you, too. Almost too much.”

  His eyes meet mine, but he doesn’t say anything. The longing and passion are evident in his stare. I reach down and yank my sweater off. He licks his lips and lifts off me, throwing his own sweater over his head. As he undresses, I push my jeans off. His eyes rake over my body, and he grins seductively.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated black lace as much as I do right now. You’re a fucking vision, Devon.”

  Flush creeps up my cheeks at his stare. He lies partially on his side and leans into me, claiming my mouth with his own. What started as soft and sweet turns sexual and hot. He rolls over, covering my body. Our chests are pressed so tight that I can feel his heart racing along with mine. He slowly ends the kiss and rests his forehead against my own.

  “Babe, you attached to this?”

  “Huh?” I question.

  “Bra, panties—you attached?”

  “Not particularly,” I breathe against his mouth. My head is swimming.

  “So, should I rip or peel them off?”

  “You decide.”

  He unlatches my bra and removes it slowly, licking each nipple, then travels down my body. When his mouth reaches the lace strings, he kisses each hipbone and slowly drags the material off.

  “I’m not gonna wait to taste you.” He kisses his way up my thighs. The first stroke of his tongue sends a jolt of electricity through me.

  My legs fly apart, and I welcome him. He grips my thighs and goes deeper. As his mouth works me over, I squirm, begging for release. I rock against his mouth, creating a rhythm. When he inserts a finger, my muscles tighten.
r />   “Come for me baby.” He touches my clit gently, and I scream.

  Black spots cloud my vision as I drown in pleasure. I can’t think straight as he kisses his way up and braces over me.

  “For the rest of my life, I will never get tired of hearing you scream my name.”

  “Ummhmm,” is the only response I can muster in my orgasm-induced state.

  “Speechless?” He laughs.

  Without talking, I run my hands down his torso to the waistband of his boxers and slide them over his hips as far as I can. He helps pull them off and then props himself on his side.

  The sight of him naked beside me burns into my brain. He’s gorgeous. I want to feel all of him, on me, in me. When I try to urge him back on top, he stops me and links our hands together, kissing my knuckles.

  “I want you, Bryce.”

  “I want you, too, more than you’ll ever know. But not tonight.”

  “Why not?” I ask, stunned.

  “Because it’s not the right time.”

  “What’s wrong with the timing?”

  “I have a plan, Devon. Go with me on this.”

  “Your plan sucks,” I groan.

  A smile spreads across his face, and he lowers his mouth to nibble on my neck. Instantly, my body reacts, folding into him. One hand slides around my stomach, cupping my ass, and presses me as close as possible.

  “How long is this ban on sex going to go on?”

  He chuckles against my skin. “Not really a timeline.”

  His vague response irritates me, but when I feel his thick, hard erection pressed against my hip, the irritation vanishes.

  “Let’s see if I can make you speechless, then maybe you’ll rethink this plan of yours.” I push back and slither down his body.

  Right before I take him in my mouth, our eyes lock and he grins. “Give it your best shot, baby.”

  Quinn’s loud cursing wakes me, and I silently vow to kill her. Last night was the best night’s sleep I’ve gotten since leaving Bryce in Miami. His naked body is curled tight around mine, and I snuggle into his warmth. After ten minutes of trying to fall back asleep, it doesn’t work. I quietly extract myself from his embrace and throw on some pajamas.


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