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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 20

by Ahren Sanders

  “Was all this discussed in Atlanta last weekend?” I refer to her most recent trip without me.

  “It’s been a gradual discussion. At first, he was upset I wouldn’t consider applying anywhere else. I showed him our projects. Suddenly, he understood. When he saw the pictures of us in the gymnasium with the two Hungarian gymnasts, his whole demeanor changed. Then he read my piece on the pressure they felt to make the Olympic team and bring home a medal, and he got it.”

  “Wow, so this is very serious then.”

  “Yeah. I questioned why he’d uproot his life for a girlfriend.”

  “What did he say?” I lean forward to see her face.

  Her lips start to twitch, and then she smiles widely. “He said he wouldn’t be uprooting his life for his girlfriend. He said he’d be doing it to support his future wife.”

  My heart stops then starts racing. I scream loudly, raising our attached hands.

  “Oh my God! This is amazing.”

  “We’ll see. We have a long way to go.”

  “So, really, the whole ‘Devon, have you figured out a plan yet’ was a ruse to tell me you already made our plan?”

  “Yes. We’re going to take normal semester hours and graduate next spring. No summer school. Then, we’re going to take the summer off. You may want to get married.” She winks coyly. “I’m thinking about moving to Atlanta for those few months to give it a trial run.”

  “Holy shit. I can’t believe this.”

  “Believe it, girl, because it’s happening.”

  “You’re really good at this planning thing. Think I’m handing over the reins.”

  “Hell no!”

  I laugh, shaking my head. “I think we may be maturing.”

  “You betcha, hooch!”

  Another memory to lock in.

  Chapter 12

  I tap my phone repeatedly, waiting for Facetime to pop up. Bryce has a small window tonight when we can finally talk with no one around. The three weeks I’ve been back at school, our schedules have completely collided with very little time to talk. We text often, but it’s not the same as hearing his voice before going to bed.

  When his face comes up on the screen, I squeal in delight. Seeing him sends a shiver down my spine. His dark hair is cut shorter than I remember, but it looks sexy. He’s been so exhausted, so I expected to see circles around his eyes, but instead, they sparkle bright. The second our eyes lock, his smile spreads.

  “Jesus, you’re a sight.” His deep, rich, voice spreads warmth through me.

  “You too. I miss you so much.”

  “You look beautiful. Not seeing you has been brutal. Forget the training and courses.”

  “Why haven’t we been able to Facetime until now? Is it against the rules?”

  “I wouldn’t say that, but I needed to keep my head in the game. It’s also an image thing. How could I prove myself as a badass if I was constantly on this phone? It’s a different story to have it to my ear.”

  “Badass, huh? How’d that go? Are you a part of an elite brotherhood?”

  “Of course.” He laughs. “Always was, but now we’re even more respected.”

  “So it would ruin your badass street cred? Do you have secret grunts and groans to communicate, like the Morse Code? Instead, it’s called OCS- code? Wait until Quinn hears about this!” I giggle at the thought.

  “You think this is funny, huh?”

  “Yes! All I can imagine is a bunch of grown men walking around talking like cavemen!”

  “I’ll show you caveman in about eight days. Besides the obligations with our parents and your football game, plan to be naked the whole time.” His eyes shine with lust, scorching me though the screen.

  “I can’t wait,” I say breathlessly.

  His face softens, giving me a small grin. “Me neither. You have no idea. But instead of talking about things that are going to make me fucking hard as steel, tell me the schedule.”

  The OCS graduation is next Thursday morning, which leads into Labor Day weekend. Bryce is flying back with me to spend the long weekend. Predictably, Nate was also assigned to Norfolk, which thrilled me. After their graduation, they have ten days until they have to report to base, so Bryce will fly to Nashville from here and drive his truck up to the base. Then, we will be less than three hours away from each other, finally.

  “My flight gets in Wednesday night, within an hour of our parents. The hotel reservations are taken care of. I made sure we’re on a different floor. Our flight back is at two on Friday. Then, I reserved you a flight home on the following Wednesday afternoon.”

  “Did you have any trouble with my credit card?”

  “None. I did everything online.”

  “When I get settled in Norfolk, I’ll open an account with the Navy Credit Union. You’ll be on it, so there should never be any questions.”

  I smile at him again.

  “You like that?” he jokes.

  “It sounds stupid, but I feel warm and fuzzy when we talk about this stuff.”

  He chuckles lightly. “So easy to please.”

  “Only with you.”

  The heat in his gaze returns. “Stop.”

  I throw a hand up in defeat. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Your eyes went warm, your face started to glow, and your voice got soft. Maybe the Facetime wasn’t a good idea. It was easier not being able to see you.”

  “No way! This is great.”

  He smirks and shakes his head. “You have no idea how much I miss you.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m in the same boat. But we only have one week to wait.”

  “Did I tell you I’m on the field for the football game?”

  “How’d you do that?”

  “Have my ways.” He shrugs with a smug grin.

  “Are you still jealous of my cheer partner?”

  “The way I figure it, we need to meet.”

  “Please don’t scare the poor boy away. He’s sweet.”

  “No room for misunderstanding if he meets me then.”

  “Ugh. You are insane.”

  “We’ve had this conversation. Insane about you.”

  There’s a loud banging behind him, and a door swings open. Nate walks up and puts his face on the screen.

  “Hey, sis.”


  “How ya doing?”

  “Let’s see. Since we actually spoke last, my Theories class has the potential to kick my ass, Quinn’s current academic mission is to push the envelope as far as she can, and Bryce is still insanely jealous. What’s up with you?”

  Bryce sighs loudly when Nate takes over the conversation. We chat for a few minutes about his plans while he’s at home for leave. Nothing he’s telling me is really important, but it’s obvious he’s trying to aggravate Bryce. Quinn hears us and busts through my door to join in.

  “What the hell is happening?” Bryce finally blows up. “I haven’t seen my fiancée in eleven weeks. How did this turn into a fucking group convo?”

  “I see you’re still as pussy-whipped as ever,” Quinn goads him.

  The scowl on his face sends me into a fit of giggles. She joins in until his expression changes. “You wait, Quinn. Remember, I’ll be there for five nights next week. Payback is hell.”

  “If you even think you’re going to spout all that love sick, ooey-gooey shit around here the entire time, I will throw up on you. I’ll give you a day, two tops, but then you better act like a civilized man as compared to a love-struck boy.”

  “Shut it! I really don’t need visuals.” My brother’s mood changes instantly. “You all forget, this is still my little sister.”

  The banter continues until the guys have to hang up. I discreetly blow Bryce a kiss, and he winks, mouthing, ‘I love you’.

  My stomach flutters with excitement for the rest of the night. It’s almost time for me to start counting the hours.

  No way, I think as I read through my email again. Is this for real???

sp; Professor Grant sent me an email, informing me that the University Newspaper has chosen one of my papers for an October publication. They’re requesting a sit-down meeting with my whole team to ask some specific questions that will be used to complement my work. They’ve also asked me to provide at least five additional pictures. I squeal and grab my phone to send a group text to my family and Bryce.

  Me: October - The University paper will feature moi’. Can you believe it? I’ll send more information when I can!!!

  The messages come back instantly.

  Mom: Bring everything to Rhode Island with you tomorrow night. I want to see it all!

  Dad: Way to go, Devon!

  Nate: I expect an autographed printed copy when available.

  Bryce: Beautiful, there was never any doubt. Congratulations. Can’t wait to see you to celebrate.

  Then the messages take a whole new tone.

  Dad: Bryce, this is a family message. Not sure if you saw, but please refrain from talking about any kind of celebration with my baby girl.

  Bryce: ** raising hands in innocence** Family friendly message. We’ll have a lot to celebrate.

  Nate: Slapped him upside the head, Dad. No need to worry.

  Yeesh! These men are ridiculous. A new text comes through only from Bryce.

  Bryce: So fucking proud of you, baby. Seriously… can’t wait to ‘celebrate’.

  Me: God, I miss you.

  Bryce: Going into a session. Call tomorrow.

  Me: Love you. Wednesday can’t come soon enough.

  The door to the apartment swings open with a bang.

  “Did you get an email?” Quinn yells, bouncing in.

  “Yes! Did you?”

  “November Edition! Gymnastics and Wrestling!”


  I jump into her arms, and we dance around, talking over each other until we collapse in a heap on the sofa.

  “We’re pretty awesome, aren’t we?” She tries to catch her breath. “I’m so glad you brought us here.”

  “Me too, sista. Me too. Things really do work out for a reason.”

  Her head falls back on a throw pillow, and she rolls over, shoving her feet in my lap.

  “Dean is flying up this weekend. Sorry to bust up your love fest, but he insisted. We’ll try to stay out of your way as much as possible.”

  “It’s okay.” Disappointment is clear in my voice.

  “I blame it on Bryce.”

  “Why him?”

  “Because, apparently, Dean has decided to attend the ‘Bryce Randolph School of CRAZY’. He wants to come to the opening game and meet my cheer partner. I made the mistake of telling him about the campus article, and now he wants to meet Hank.

  “In the course of a few weeks, my sweet, laid-back boyfriend has become a possessive giant! This is Bryce’s fault!”

  “Still not following why you blame him. Maybe Dean genuinely wants to meet your friends.”

  “Really, Dev? Let’s recap… He upsets me, which upsets you. You tell your overprotective, jealous, and extremely love sick buffoon fiancé. Next thing I know, we’re enjoying the day at a private spa, you are staying in one of the top five hotels in Atlanta, and now Dean is acting like a warrior? That is the result of Bryce Randolph!!!”

  Her point is clear. “You think he maybe wanted to visit on a holiday weekend?” I ask unconvincingly.

  She raises her eyebrows, and I laugh to myself. This has Bryce written all over it.

  We sit in silence a few minutes until she pops up like a spring. “Oh my God! I have the best idea!”

  “What the fuck! You kicked the shit out of me!” I massage the ache in my side

  “Let’s get tattoos.” Her eyes light up.

  I nibble on my bottom lip nervously. “What kind of tattoos?”

  “How many kinds are there? The ones that are inked into your skin, you idiota.” She smirks at her witty remark.

  “I know that, cadela.” Take that bitch! “I meant, what should we get?”

  “Something that means something to us. I think I have an idea for me, it’s a quote.”

  As soon as we are in her car, it hits me. I know the perfect tattoo.

  Chapter 13

  My knees bounce rapidly as I twist the program in my hands. Knowing Bryce is in the same building sets my excitement on overload. My whole body is buzzing with anticipation. Shelia and my mom keep looking at me with amused grins while my dad rolls his eyes. They can tease all they want. Due to a flight delay, I missed seeing him and Nate last night.

  A pre-recorded message comes through the sound system, asking us to rise, and the door in the back opens. This is it! Goose bumps break out over my entire body as a large group of men and women march in, all dressed in their Dress Whites. When I finally find him in the crowd, my nose starts to tingle, and my eyes swell. As hard as I try to hold them back, tears fall freely. Sheila shoves a handful of tissues in my hands and sniffs softly. I stand between her and my mom, and we join hands when seated.

  Nerves tingle through me during the entire ceremony. When Nate crosses the stage and salutes his drill instructor and Petty Officer, my mom gives a quiet sob. Dad wraps his arm around her shoulder and kisses her temple delicately. Pride beams on my dad’s face.

  Several men and woman later, it’s my and Shelia’s turn to sob. Bryce looks so regal and pristine as he gives his own salute and silver dollar to the men in front of him. When he turns to walk away, our eyes catch for a brief second. The slight twitch of his lip is the only clue he actually saw me.

  When the ceremony is over, I’m out of my seat and rushing toward the sea of white. Most of the men tower over me as I try to find either Bryce or Nate. There’s a soft tug on my elbow, and I turn to see Bryce standing in front of me. His beautiful blue eyes dance, and his face is lit with a huge smile. An embarrassing squeal escapes as I leap into his arms, slamming my mouth to his.

  Immediately, I’m surrounded by his familiar scent, the warmth of his embrace, and the taste of him. Our tongues touch, and he cradles me closer, sucking me in. My blood burns with the need to let him know how much I missed him. Too soon, he breaks away and curls a hand on my cheek, locking our eyes.

  “Hey.” I finally break the silence. “Congratulations.”

  “Shit, it’s good to see you.” He pulls me back into a hug until a throat clears beside us.

  I look back to see my brother with his arms stretched. Automatically, I go to him.

  “I’m so proud of you, Nate,” I whisper though a cracked voice.

  “Why the waterworks?” His warm hands rub my back gently.

  “I’m overwhelmed with emotion. The ceremony was quite impressive.” I reach around and tug Bryce into the hug. “That was entirely too long not to see you both.”

  They share a look that I know well. Instead of reminding me that the distance will be a part of our lives, they stay quiet and give me a squeeze. Our families walk up, breaking us apart.

  A few men and women join our crowd and congratulate the guys. Bryce has already explained that, after graduation, everyone disperses around the country. A lot of them will be stationed in Norfolk but not all. I finally get to meet the other two men Nate and Bryce shared their barracks with, Tommy Betts and Rick Plant. They both attended OCS to transition into officer roles.

  Tommy Betts is an enormous, muscular black man with a completely bald head. As soon as Bryce introduces me, I’m swept off the ground and into his arms. I yelp at the surprise and brace against his chest.

  “It’s about time. Can’t wait for my Nicole to meet you,” he booms.

  I glance over my shoulder with wide eyes to see everyone smiling.

  “Nicole’s his wife. She couldn’t be here because their baby is sick,” Bryce informs me. “And if you can’t tell, Betts is quite affectionate.”

  He sets me down gently and squeezes my shoulder.

  “We’re in Norfolk, too. I’ve told her all about you.”

  “I’m Rick Pla
nt.” The other man reaches out to shake my hand. “I’d give you a hug, too, but I’m pretty sure Bryce might punch me.”

  “You’d be right. I’d punch Tommy, but I know he’d crush me.” Bryce tucks me back to his side and wraps an arm around my waist possessively.

  Our parents introduce themselves, and the conversation flows around us about the last twelve weeks and what the guys will be doing at their stations. My eyes wander around the room and focus on a woman watching us closely. She doesn’t look directly at me, but her eyes scan the group and land on Bryce. Her gaze travels down him slowly until she sees his hold on me. Instantly, her head snaps up, and our eyes lock. A flash of something crosses her face. Anger? Sadness? Confusion? From the distance, I can’t tell, but her face goes hard, and she gives me an evil grin.

  The entire exchange sends a chill up my spine. She looks away and starts talking to a man and woman who could be her parents. She’s also in Dress Whites, with her hair pulled back in an elaborate bun. I try to read her name badge, but it’s too far.

  Bryce tightens his hand at my hip and leans down. “What are you looking at, beautiful?” he whispers and kisses my neck softly.

  “Who’s that woman?” I motion with my head.

  His eyes travel the room, and it’s obvious when he sees her. He swallows hard, and the tendons in his neck visibly tick.

  “A woman who was in school with us.”

  “She was staring at you.”

  He shrugs, avoiding my eyes.

  “Bryce, I recognized the look on her face. She’s interested in you.”

  “Too bad for her, I’m fully taken. Did I tell you how exquisite you look today?” He nuzzles my neck.

  “Your attempt to distract me is working. But we’ll talk about her later.”

  “Nothing to talk about. And I can assure you, we’ll not be talking later, unless you count screaming my name.”

  Heat rushes to my face, and I look around to make sure no one heard him. Nate scowls at us, but otherwise, no one is paying attention. I don’t mention her again, but the nagging feeling sticks with me.

  The minute we close the door to our hotel room, I’m in Bryce’s arms. His lips claim mine roughly as his hands fist in my hair, pulling me closer. The kiss is greedy, demanding that I give everything I have. Our tongues curl together urgently, soaking in the taste we’ve both desperately missed. He backs away for a brief second to look at me. His blue eyes glow bright with heat, desire, and primal hunger.


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