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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 26

by Ahren Sanders

  “No need to get testy. Devon’s a big girl. She should be thanking me for helping her understand our lifestyle.”

  “What lifestyle?” Bryce walks in, clueless. He comes straight to me and tucks me to his side.

  “The Navy lifestyle. Liza was telling me that it takes some adjusting to.” His chest tenses under my hand.

  “Well, lucky for us, by the time you’re done with the Master’s program and move to Norfolk, I’ll help you adjust.”

  Liza’s face changes at the mention of my continued schooling. Her thoughts are clear.

  “Quinn, can you watch the oven? I need to speak to Devon for a sec.” Bryce takes my hand and leads me to my bedroom.

  Her words bounce around in my head, and I debate relaying our conversation. He turns me to him and cradles my cheeks, lifting my face to his. The instant our eyes lock, I know it was stupid to let her get to me. She’s a callous, jealous, and nasty woman who knows nothing about Bryce.

  “I don’t know what she said, but I heard Quinn call her a bitch. Do you want to tell me why you look like you’re about to cry and scream at the same time?”

  “She’s very interested in you, Bryce, and I’m afraid even the ring on my finger isn’t going to distract her. She’s beautiful and—”

  “Stop. It’s done. No more. I’ll have a talk with her and make sure to set things straight.”

  “She’s your co-worker.”

  “Yeah, and I’ll have to deal with her. But you won’t.”

  “I can handle it.” I shove my face into his chest, and his hands massage my shoulders.

  “You can, but you shouldn’t have to. You’re my priority. She made you feel uncomfortable, which is unacceptable. I’ve never given her any indication we’ll be more. I’ve been off the market since a certain sassy-mouth came into my life at fifteen years old. It wasn’t until three years later, when she laid her perfect lips on mine, that I knew she was going to be my angel. I fucked up once and paid dearly with a void in my heart. Do you really think I’m stupid enough to fuck this up?”

  “No, and I’m an idiot. She played on my insecurities. Don’t you see her positioning herself into your personal life?”

  “Not until this morning. That’s exactly why, once I get my ass back on base, she’s nothing more than a colleague. This was a mistake to come to Charlottesville together.”

  “No.” I sigh and look back up at him. “It makes sense to carpool since it was a work function. I’m being childish.”

  “As of this second, erase her from your mind. I want you concentrating on this morning.” He nibbles lightly on my earlobe. “Until you visit me in two weeks, I’m going to replay the vision of you underneath me, squeezing my dick until I saw spots, the taste of your skin on my lips.”

  “Bryce.” I squirm, rubbing my legs together.

  “Yeah, I’ll remember that, too. All the ways you say my name when I’m inside you. This is what I want your mind to be filled with, not anything else, because there is no woman- ever- who will turn my head. And if I haven’t proven that by now, then I’m falling down on the job.”

  “I’m sorry. You never make me doubt you.”

  “Remember our rule. Never be sorry. Always be honest.”

  I nod and lift up, brushing my lips against his. “Always. Now, we better get back in there because Quinn may have used her entire Portuguese dialect and started on more creative phrases.”

  “Tell me you love me,” he hums against my mouth.

  “I love you more than anything.”

  “Don’t forget it, Devon. We’re a team, and the Lizas of the world can’t threaten my feelings.”

  I nod and smile with a renewed sense of security.

  Fuck you, Liza!

  Chapter 20

  “Girl, you have no idea how much you have done for me. I’ve got Christmas almost done for our families with these pictures.” Nicole gushes about the photo file I sent from TJ’s birthday.

  Quinn listens over the speakerphone and fakes a gag, shaking her head. “Nicole, you have to stop. There’s not enough room in the car if her head gets any bigger!”

  “Shut up, bitch!” I slap her across the seat. “They were great pictures.”

  “When will you be here? I can’t wait to meet this girl.” Nicole refers to Quinn.

  “Her boyfriend, Dean, is flying in at four-fifteen, so we’ll swing by the airport and then meet Bryce at the hotel.”

  “The sitter will be here at eight. See you at the bar at eight-thirty. Everyone is excited for a night out.”

  “Umm, Nicole, who’s everyone?” I bite my lip nervously and shoot a quick look at Quinn.

  “Normal crew, Tommy, me, Rick and his date, and Dani,”

  We stay quiet, waiting to see if she mentions anyone else.

  “Devon, if you’re worried about Liza, don’t be. When Bryce got home two weeks ago from your place, he made it clear to Tommy and Rick that Liza made you uncomfortable. Tommy doesn’t know details, but no one invited her tonight.”

  “Shit, that makes me sound like the biggest bitch in the world. She’s your friend and works with the guys.”

  “No, you’re not a bitch. I’d like to think Tommy would make the same request if someone were making me uncomfortable. She and Tommy have worked together for the three years we’ve been stationed here. In a way, I feel sorry for her.”

  “Why would you feel sorry for her? She’s obviously doing well with her Naval career, not to mention, she’s beautiful and intelligent.”

  “Devon, she’s exceptional at her job. Tommy says she’s the type of person you want working with you due to her precision and skill. But when it comes to personal relationships, she’s very misled. She carries a chip on her shoulder. Her dad was military and did a number on their family when she was a teenager. She never recovered.”

  “When she was at my house, she mentioned a half-sister who was the result of a ship tryst. Then she proceeded to tell me I’m not cut out to be a Navy wife.”

  “Shit. What did Bryce say?”

  “She didn’t tell him,” Quinn pipes in. “She really should because he’d go fucking ballistic if he knew Liza insulted either of them that way. Bryce is a maniac when it comes to Devon’s happiness. He would verbally annihilate Liza.”

  “Well, you don’t need to worry about anything tonight. It’s a public bar that’s popular among the guys, but if she shows up, we’ve got your back.”

  “Isn’t she your friend? I don’t want to cause friction.”

  “Friend is an intimate word. I tolerate her for Tommy and Dani’s sake. Dani is one of the best women I’ve ever met, and for some reason, she puts up with Liza. She shared her sob story one night when drunk. Her dad fucked up her opinions on love and relationships. She has no guidance.

  “Tommy talked about his bunkmates often, and through him, I learned about you. Knew immediately we’d click. When the guys got back to base, it was obvious Liza had her sights on Bryce. But I think he made his feeling about you clear at TJ’s party.”

  “At this point, I’ve held back, but if she fucks with Dev this weekend, I’m going to step in and tell Bryce everything. And let’s not forget Nate. When he unleashes, it’ll be nasty,” Quinn informs the both of us.

  Nicole’s laughing fills the car, and then a small squeal sings in the background. She tells us TJ’s waking and promises to see us in a few hours. When we hang up, Quinn stares out the window quietly.

  “What’s on your mind?” I ask.

  “I’m thinking about how different our lives are going to be. You’re marrying a military officer. If things go well, I’m marrying a lawyer. It’s finally hit me that we’re not going to have houses in the same neighborhood where our kids grow up together.”

  Tears spring to my eyes when her voice breaks. I reach for her hand and hold tight. “We may not live in the same neighborhood, but we’ll always be us. Nothing can tear apart the duo.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Distance can’t stop us. We�
��re still going to take the journalism world by storm and kick ass.”

  “Damn straight.”

  She whips her head and looks at me with wide eyes. “Damn straight? What are we, doing a throwback?”

  “What? Damn straight is a hip term.”

  “If you’re my mom…”

  “Darn tootin’,” I shoot back.

  We both burst into laughter, erasing the somber mood from earlier.

  “Can we talk about something not so heavy and depressing?”

  “Yes, let’s talk about my plan to get Crystal and Morgan together.”

  I nod eagerly. “Let’s hear it. It’s time to see if she can get her man back.”

  We walk into the bar, and Nicole spots us immediately. Bryce places his arm around my waist and leads us to the table with Dean and Quinn following. As soon as we’re in range, Nicole launches herself at us, wrapping Quinn and me in her arms.

  “I never thought you’d get here!”

  “Pffftt! We’re lucky we’re only an hour late. Bryce rarely lets Devon up for air the first twenty-four hours they’re together,” Quinn informs the whole table.

  “Quinn!” Heat floods my cheeks when everyone around us laughs. Well, everyone except my brother, who looks sick.

  As usual, Tommy hoists me into his arms in a tight embrace while Bryce introduces Dean and Quinn to the crowd. Dani gives both Quinn and me an enthusiastic hug and launches immediately into questions about school. If she’s disappointed about Liza not being invited, it doesn’t show.

  “You ladies are at least two drinks behind. Need to catch up.” Nicole claps loudly, and Bryce and Dean head to the bar.

  Rick introduces us to his date, who also greets us warmly. As soon as the guys return with our drinks, we migrate to the end of the table. Bryce kisses my cheek softly then moves down by my brother to watch sports on TV.

  An hour later, Quinn decides we need tequila. After three shots, we go to the dance floor. Nicole breaks loose, and I turn to Quinn. We throw our hands in the air screaming when Fifth Harmony’s ‘Worth It’ sounds through the speakers.

  Unfamiliar hands land on my waist, and Quinn’s eyes go wide. She starts shaking her head viciously to whoever is behind me. I turn right as Bryce physically removes the unknown guy’s hands and tugs me close, crushing his mouth to mine. My hands fly to his head and frame his face as he deepens the kiss. Our tongues dance in the same rhythm as our hips start to grind. My heart pounds faster and I grow dizzy as our lips continue to move urgently against one another. He breaks away, laying his forehead against mine and allowing me to breathe his oxygen. The warmth of his breath on my sensitive lips sends a ripple directly down my body.

  The heat in his gaze is enough to singe my skin, and I struggle to regain my senses. He kisses me again, this time rougher, more intense, and I move so we’re plastered together. His hard erection rubs on my thigh as his hands grip me tighter. I can barely hear the song over the ringing in my ears.

  Catcalls and whistles finally wake me out of my Bryce fog, and I withdraw slowly. He doesn’t let me go far, burying my head in his neck, lifting me off the floor.

  “Mine.” Even with my body blazing, goose bumps break out on my arms.

  “Yours.” My voice is hoarse.

  He sets me down but doesn’t let go. The songs bleed together, and Bryce never allows more than an inch between our bodies. I’m pretty sure our erotic showcase should be a bit more private, but I can’t seem to break away. His body seduces mine with each dip and movement.

  The music pauses, forcing us to stop dancing, and I notice we have a small audience. Dani and Nicole are leaning into each other, pointing at me teasingly. Behind them, Liza stands with hatred and jealousy glowering on her face.

  Bryce places his finger on my chin and forces my eyes to him. His intense stare is full of passion, and I forget about Liza instantly.

  “One hour. Then we’re gone.”

  “One hour,” I agree, thankful Dean and Quinn have my car.

  “Tonight and tomorrow, you are naked except for the one surprise I have planned. My cock is in fucking agony, begging for you.”

  As if in a trance, I bob my head. “Naked.”

  His lips rub across mine, and he turns me so my back is to his front, hiding the bulge in his jeans. Easily, he maneuvers us through the crowd and back to our table.

  “We could probably have gotten in trouble for that extremely public display,” I whisper to him, feeling my face blush.

  “Don’t give a fuck. Served several purposes. First, every fucking dick in this place knows you’re taken. Second, no room for misinterpretation on my status either.”

  Nate shoves my phone I left on the table at me. “I think you need to check your messages. Someone’s ass is on fire because it’s buzzing off the hook.”

  Quinn runs up, waving her own phone. “Crystal says we need to find Shana’s station and turn it on quick! Like 9-1-1 quick!”

  I scroll through my messages while she looks up the channel. I have three missed calls and five texts:

  Shana: Devon, if you can get to a TV, turn to my station at 11

  Shana: Haven’t heard back- you around?

  Shana: Shit! Never mind… You’re with Bryce this weekend. Call me when you can. I have news!

  Shana: (Group message) Crystal, Devon, Eric, & Kenny- try to find time to watch the 11 news segment on the national station. I’ve been harboring a secret and want you to know first. I get a pop on the rest of the mentors. Touch base on Monday. Quinn Jackson, if you’re seeing this, girlie, I’d better see your name.

  The last message is from Crystal.

  Crystal: (Quinn & Devon) – check your fucking phones and get to a TV stat!

  Everyone at our table looks at the television above us when Quinn begs the waitress to turn it. The closed caption runs across the bottom, but Quinn shoves one of her ear buds at me, streaming from her phone. We watch the host introduce Shana as a special correspondent.

  The camera spans to Shana’s face, and the closed caption is delayed by at least five seconds. I close my eyes and listen to her open her segment about her time in Brazil and the projects she has been working on the last few months.

  Her face shines with delight, staring at the screen with confidence and poise. I gasp when she specifically gives the name of the blue team she worked with in Rio and announces our accomplishments since returning to campus. This is my national spotlight. Quinn elbows me in the side and points to the screen right as my name flashes across the CC banner.

  Our group goes wild, and Dean orders a round of shots from the clearly confused waitress. We continue watching, a crowd forming around us.

  Shana’s eyes glance downward for a split second before she smiles bigger and brighter than I’ve ever seen. She looks straight into the camera, and excitement seeps into my bones. She’s talking to me.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve achieved a lot of things in my career but none as exciting as this. My network peers and I got together and over the last few weeks have created an accredited internship program for students in both undergraduate and graduate programs to join our four networks and work under us collectively. As a beta program, we have chosen to work with the University of Virginia for our first year. We will, of course, release the specifics as we go forward, but I will be honored to work with these talented young folks again as we cover the Olympic Games together.”

  As if her words weren’t enough, she makes the motion I do every day. She spins a ring around her finger. An enormous, blinding diamond sparkles so bright the TV dims a bit. To the average viewer, this is nothing, but Quinn and I reach for each other.

  I forget the crowd hasn’t heard and is reading, and when I’m lifted and thrown around, the ear bud rips out. I scream, surprised to see Nate with his arms around me.

  “Fuck, you’ve done it. I have about two point four seconds before Bryce pushes me away, but GOD, I am so happy for you!” His eyes start to glisten, which sets me off.

  I’m shifted, and Bryce has me over his head, not caring about the tears streaming off my cheeks and landing on his face. He instead twirls us until I beg to be lowered.

  I catch Quinn’s eye, and they are wet as well. This is not only about us, but Shana is marrying the love of her life. The ring was a statement.

  “What exactly does this mean, girls?” Nicole yells over the excitement.

  “It means these two are going to be working with the most respected journalist in the industry and going to cover the 2016 OLYMPICS!” Bryce answers her, spinning me again.

  Cheers erupt, and the celebration begins. One shot after another is served as we explain the whole situation to everyone while I’m nestled in Bryce’s lap. I try to move several times, but he holds me close. Finally, he lets me up to go to the restroom.

  The girls follow me, giggling. We get to the door at the ladies room, and Liza stops us, glaring at me.

  “You know Shana Willis?” she questions acidly.

  “Yeah! I do, and I love her to pieces! You know her?” I slur slightly.

  “Figures the cheerleader would idolize her. Bet she’s going to help you get a fancy job on TV.”

  At her accusation, Quinn straightens and tenses. I press a hand to her chest and shush her.

  “If you really want to know, on-air broadcast journalism isn’t my style. I’m more of an ‘in the field person’. I’ll learn the technique but nothing more. And I can get a job on my own. I’ve worked fucking hard to get where I am.”

  Liza squints angrily and opens her mouth, but I raise my hand to shut her up. Quinn shifts to my side, but I slice my eyes to quiet her, too.

  “Liza, your snide petty remarks aren’t going to ruin my night. As a matter of fact, I’m confused why we’re talking at all. It’s obvious you don’t like me, and I DON’T CARE.” There’s so much more I want to say, but I snap my mouth shut, aware of our audience.

  If looks could kill, I’d burn alive from the hatred blazing in her glare. I can only hope my stare is equally as heated. Quinn tugs on my arm, forcing me into the bathroom, leaving Dani, Nicole, and Liza behind.


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