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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 40

by Ahren Sanders

  Chapter 37

  June 19th—Destin, Florida

  The day is finally here, and nothing can tame the butterflies swarming in my stomach. All the women in my life run around the bridal suite in a tizzy while I sit on the couch, watching them calmly. Quinn starts to mess with my hair, and I slap away her hand.

  “Can you stop?”

  “Why does it feel like I’m more nervous than you are?”

  “Because you probably are. The only nerves I have are filled with excitement.”

  “I’d say you’re utterly disgusting, but you’d probably think it was a compliment.”


  “I can’t believe you’re about to get married.”

  “Pretty amazing, huh?”

  “I’m a little shocked you’re not a little more freaked out.”

  “If you’d gone through what I have, you’d understand. Remember, we almost lost Bryce a few months ago.”

  “That big klutz fell over his own feet and hit his head.” She giggles. “Let’s hope he’s more coordinated today.”

  I try to act aggravated but end up laughing along with her. Pretty soon, Sheila, Jamie, and Mom join in.

  Once Bryce was back on his feet and recovered, Quinn started teasing him. It was her own way of bringing humor to the situation, so every time we discussed it, we weren’t reminded of the sadness. He was irritated at first but then started ignoring her.

  “Has anyone seen Bryce?” I ask the group.

  “His ass has probably been at the altar since sunrise, waiting for you. Freaking sissy,” Quinn mumbles.

  “Okay, honey, I think everything’s ready. I’ll be back with the photographer soon. Then we’ll get you dressed,” Mom tells me, heading to the door.

  “Wait.” I get up and go to her, pulling her into a hug. “Thank you. This weekend has been perfect. You’ve done a lot of work, and I know I was distracted, but every single detail is exactly what I’ve always dreamed about.”

  Her eyes well up with tears, and she lays her hand on my cheek. “Your dad and I are so proud of you both. You couldn’t have picked a better man to love you so deeply. He’s always been a part of the family, but today, you make it official.”

  I fight back my own emotions and nod. There’s a knock at the door, and Crystal pokes her head in. “Can I join you guys?”

  “Absolutely.” I step back, and Mom leaves.

  “I have something for you.” Crystal holds out a small box, and I take it with a goofy grin. This is no doubt from Bryce. Before I get it out of her hand, a flash catches my eye, and I gasp.

  Her face splits into a blinding smile and starts to beam. She lifts her left hand and wiggles her ring finger.

  “Holy shit! Really?” Quinn bumps me, and we both gush over the gorgeous emerald cut diamond. “When?”

  “Last night after the rehearsal dinner.”

  “Morgan did a good job. I’m impressed with the grease monkey.” Quinn winks, and Crystal blushes.

  The term grease monkey is no longer an insult to Morgan Drake. It’s now a term of endearment that he owns with pride. True to his word that day in the coffee shop, he’s built a business and will give Crystal the world. Since they’ve gotten back together, she’s worn a smile on her face and the unmistakable look of love every day. The ring isn’t a surprise at all.

  “I’m happy for you.” I throw my arm around her.

  “I hate that you had to go through the years of heartbreak, but let’s be honest, this rock outdoes anything he could have given you at eighteen.” Quinn joins in our hug, squishing us all together.

  “Quinn!” Michelle comes in, shaking her head. “Sometimes, I don’t know where she gets her manners.”

  “What manners?” I question with a straight face then lose it, howling.

  “Jeez, I feel like an old maid. I’m only twenty-four, but still,” Jamie adds.

  I share a look with Quinn, and we know it won’t be long. Nate’s crazy about her. Bryce has told me more than once that it’s inevitable. There’s really no longer a Nate without Jamie. She’s included in all our family events, including my graduation last month, and my mom adores her.

  “Jamie, we’re an anomaly. I’ve known Bryce since I was twelve. Crystal dated Morgan for years before college. And Quinn is just lucky,” I try to reassure her.

  “Ow!” I rub my arm where Quinn pinched it.

  “Hussy, pretty sure he’s the lucky one. I’m a hot commodity.”

  “Oh lord.” Michelle hangs her head in embarrassment. “Poor Dean.”


  “Anyway, Jamie,” I go back to her, “you aren’t an old maid.”

  “Well, congratulations, Crystal. Your ring is beautiful.” Jamie flashes a sincere smile.

  “How about some champagne?” Sheila starts pouring before anyone answers.

  “Okay, girls, time to get Devon dressed.” Mom comes back in.

  We do a quick toast, and Mom goes into the bedroom to help me. Once the dress slides down into place, Mom starts to cry. I try to comfort her, but she throws her arms out, stopping me.

  “We can’t mess up your hair and makeup,” she wails, putting her head in her hands.

  “Quinn! Mom’s finally lost it! It’s time!”

  The door swings open, and Quinn busts through with our emergency bag in her arms. The rest of the women are on her heels. When Sheila’s eyes land on me, she immediately starts to sob, too.

  “Ladies, let’s have a seat.” Crystal ushers them to the bed, fully aware of our crisis plan.

  Quinn lays out tissue, a handheld fan, an additional make-up bag, shot glasses, and a bottle of tequila.

  “Karen, come here. Close your eyes and stay still.”

  Quinn uses the handheld fan to dry my mom’s tears and blots her cheeks with the tissue, careful not to remove all of her makeup. When Mom’s face is dry, Crystal takes the fan and repeats the same process with Sheila.

  Jamie starts reapplying their make-up, and I notice Michelle biting her lip, holding in laughter.

  Mom’s eyes well up again when she looks at me, and Quinn spins her to the mirror. “Lock it down, Karen! We don’t have time for this. Remember, we’re on a strict schedule here… and God knows, if Devon starts wailing because of your emotional outburst, we’ll never have a wedding.”

  Michelle can’t hold it in anymore and drops her head, trying to shield her giggle. Mom shoots her an evil glance, but then her face softens.

  “Okay, Quinn Jackson. You drive a hard bargain, but we can’t have Devon break down and ruin months of planning.”

  “Hey!” I protest, “I’m innocent over here.”

  “Well, you were, but let’s see what happens now.” Jamie hands me the gift Crystal brought in.

  I open the card first with shaky fingers.


  I’ve told you a million times, but I’ll tell you again. You own my heart. Today, my own fairytale comes true because you are giving me the greatest gift ever… you. Thank you for that gift. I will treasure it until my dying breath.

  You will always be my compass.

  All my love,


  I flip open the small box and suck in a deep breath, feeling all eyes on me. Inside is a diamond and pearl encrusted compass pendant on a delicate silver chain.

  The room is silent, no doubt waiting for my reaction. My heart swells so big my chest hurts, but I force back the tears.

  I put the necklace on carefully and then straighten and stand tall. “It’s time. Let’s do this.”

  Bryce holds his breath, his eyes piercing into mine. I read every emotion running through his mind because they mirror my own.

  “I do.” I don’t break his stare. “I absolutely do.”

  He exhales and moves to me instantly, his mouth claiming mine with little restraint. Vaguely, I hear the officiate announce us as husband and wife, but I’m lost in a fog. Bryce’s tongue caresses mine gently, and I follow his lead, paralyzed with the
love he’s pouring into me.

  A throat clears, once, twice, and on the third time, I finally snap back to reality. Nate mumbles under his breath, and Quinn makes lewd comments when we break apart.

  Bryce doesn’t let me go far and presses our foreheads together; his lips stay so close I can feel his breath.


  “Yours,” I confirm.


  “And always.”

  His eyes flash with approval, and he moves back, clutching my hand. We turn to face our small group that is now standing and clapping. Quinn starts whooping, which sets off a reaction from the whole crowd. I turn and reach for my bouquet and am stunned by the look on her face. Her tear-stained cheeks contradict the wide smile. I lean into her arms. Bryce comes to my back and holds my waist as I whisper to her how much I love her.

  Finally, I step back, and Bryce leads me down the aisle to more cheers. At the edge of the sand, the wedding planner takes us to a private area so the guests can go to the ocean-front restaurant and start cocktail hour while we do pictures.

  “This is probably one of the cruelest things that’s ever happened to me,” Bryce says into my hair, tugging my back to his front.


  “The last ten weeks I vowed that you’d have the wedding you deserve—the reception, the cake, the dancing, all of it. But, right now, I’m fighting a battle to take you upstairs and claim every inch of your body. My mouth waters thinking about devouring you. My dick cries to be inside you. My heart races, wanting to hear you call my name as I make you come. I’m literally twitching to steal you away. You are breathtaking.”

  I turn into his body and run my hands up his chest. “Pretty sure the sight of you in a tux started my own dirty fantasies.”

  “Dirty, huh? Think we can sneak away?”

  “Not if you want to live. Steve and Nate are right behind me!” Quinn gives us a warning, and Bryce drops his head to my shoulder, groaning.

  Once pictures are over, we join our guests in the restaurant and are bombarded by screams and loud cheers.

  Champagne, beer, and wine are shoved our way as Bryce and I try to get around the room to speak to everyone. The small crowd is made up of our families and close friends, which includes some of my cheer group, classmates, and peers from the Summer Expo. Bryce’s guest list is a few of his ROTC buddies and Navy friends. As we make our way around, I spot Dani, Rick, and his girlfriend at a window table. They all wave and raise their glasses.

  After Bryce was released from the hospital, Dani showed up at his house one day with a load of food and a sincere apology. Unlike Nicole, she was deeply sorry, and it was obvious she was a much more humble woman. I had already forgiven her, but she won me over that day. During the last few months when I’ve visited Bryce, she and I built a friendship outside of the Navy group, and I became fond of her. So when Bryce made his list, I insisted she be invited. The three of them are now a part of our small crew in Norfolk.

  We stop by a few more tables and take some pictures. When we get to Shana, I drop Bryce’s hand and wrap my arms around her.

  “There are a lot of things I’ll never understand in my life. One of them being that I married the man of my dreams. The other that my idol is here to witness it. Thank you for coming. I’m not sure how I got so lucky.”

  She hugs me back, and a warm tear falls on my shoulder. “I need to thank you. There’s a good chance you helped give me the greatest gift ever.” She stands back and rubs the small bump on her stomach.

  “Oh my God! Congratulations!”

  I jump to the side and throw my arms around Professor Grant’s shoulders. “This is amazing, Prof—”

  “Devon, I think it’s time you call me Henry.”

  I nod and look between him and Shana. Both are glowing to the point of blinding. “I guess your special assignment took a turn?” I ask Shana.

  “It took a turn in November. I’m now officially based in Charlottesville, Virginia. I never told anyone.”

  “Congratulations, Henry.” Bryce shakes his hand.

  “I should be telling you the same thing.”

  “We’re lucky men,” Bryce agrees.

  Henry’s eyes go to Shana and melt when she leans into his side. I reach over and touch her hand. “We got them,” I whisper, and she nods, squeezing my fingers.

  “Okay, I hate to be crass, but I’m doing the wedding thing until I can get my bride alone,” Bryce says, leading me away.


  Shana and Henry laugh, and she kisses me on the cheek. “Give him control for a bit. Then show him who’s boss.”

  I grin in understanding and let him lead me away. We stay attached all night until the DJ announces it’s time for me to dance with my dad.

  When I step into his arms, he leans into my ear and talks softly. “Time to give your old man a break.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “In the last five weeks, you’ve graduated with honors, turned twenty-one, and gotten married. In less than eight weeks, you’ll be covering the Olympics. Think that’s enough for a while. There’s only so much pride a man can have.”

  “You got it, Daddy. After this summer, I’ll be a boring daughter. No more extravagance for a while.”

  “Love you, Dev.”

  “You too.” I squeeze tight, swaying in his arms until the song ends.

  “Can I take over?” Bryce steps up, and Dad gives him my hand.

  “This time tomorrow, I’ll have you on an island with no sharing for seven days. Clothing is optional,” he whispers and then starts to nibble on my earlobe.

  “Optional? Is it a nude beach?” I tease, and he pinches my ass.

  “Not funny.”

  “Are we going to leave the room at all? What’s the point of going to Bermuda if we’re going to stay indoors? We could have done that here.”

  “We’re going far, far away from all these people. I want my wife to myself with no interruptions.”

  “I think we can handle that. I love you, Bryce.”

  He lifts my face to his, and his fingers rub the compass around my neck. Then he proceeds to fill my heart with more love than I ever thought possible.

  “From the very day you walked through my kitchen door with Nate, I’ve loved you. Growing up, all my dreams centered on you loving me back. The moment our lips touched when I was fifteen years old, I was ruined for anyone else. Even through the time when I cut you out of my life, my heart still beat for you. Moving on was never an option. I know that now.

  Thank you for not taking no for an answer and giving me the fairytale every girl dreams of. Your love and support are my lifelines, and without them, I’d be nothing. That may sound pathetic, but now that I’ve experienced the depth of your devotion, there’s no going back. I can only hope that you feel the same passion and adoration from me.

  My life is intertwined with yours, and I can’t fully breathe without you. All that matters is that we are together. I’d do anything in the world to see your beautiful blue eyes stare into mine right now. Physically and mentally, my heart craves your touch and the sound of your voice.

  Bryce Randolph, you’re the bravest, strongest, and most loving man I’ve ever known, and I’ll be honored to be your wife. Please wake up and marry me.”

  “You heard me,” I say breathlessly.

  “Every word.” He gives me his signature cocky grin. “And I did as I was told. I woke up and married you. Best decision ever.”

  I open my mouth to respond but change my mind. Instead, I start to laugh, knowing I have a lifetime ahead of me with this ridiculously, over-the-top man.


  Bryce Randolph

  5 years later

  Any guilt I have about waking Devon disappears when she rolls over, exposing her naked chest. The cool air causes her nipples to harden instantly, and my cock turns to steel.

  Oh yeah, there’s no way I’m getting out of this bed without fucking my wife.

I glance at the clock and determine how much time I have and where to start. Considering last night she let me do whatever I wanted, which included her on her knees screaming into the mattress, I think I’ll take it easy this morning.

  Careful not to dip the bed, I shift over her and brace on my elbows at her waist. My mouth licks a trail from her neck down to her breastbone and then back up again. Her hands come to my shoulders, telling me she’s waking up.

  “Good morning,” I say softly and suck a nipple deep in my mouth.

  She gasps and pulls back, causing me to suck harder. My dick jerks when she moans in her early morning raspy voice. I move to the other side and repeat then slide down her body, kissing every inch of flesh I pass.

  Her legs open, welcoming me as I lick around her glistening core, purposely making her wait. She starts to squirm and grips my scalp, trying to direct my mouth.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “You know what.”

  I grin and rub the three-day old scruff against her sensitive skin. Even after all these years, my girl is still shy. “Tell me.”

  She shifts her hip and then wraps her legs around my head. I take mercy and lick her slit then slide my tongue inside. She arches into me as I feast on the taste of her. My hands cup her ass as I change from licking fast and hard to slow and leisurely. I know the instant her orgasm starts to build when she pushes me deeper. My thumb finds her clit and rubs across the sensitive area gently.

  She tightens her legs and uses a pillow to muffle her cries as she comes, panting hard. I kiss softly around her now swollen lips and move up her body. My dick is screaming for relief, threatening to explode. I know from experience it won’t be long the second I slide into her wet heat. We both moan.

  The sensation of her warmth gripping me makes me feel like a teenage boy, trying my best not to blow. She knows what she’s doing and purposely clutches her muscles, teasing me.

  I stop all movement and take a few deep breaths, needing to clear my mind. She rakes her nails up my back until she reaches the back of my head then tilts my face to hers. She grins wickedly and bucks against me, causing a groan.

  “You started it,” she says seductively. “Maybe I should finish it.”


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