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The Mistress Enchants Her Marquis

Page 30

by Christina McKnight

  Sam averted her eyes as heat flooded her cheeks at his softly spoken endearment. “And I am content to follow you to the ends of the known world, Elijah.”

  “Thankfully, I will never ask that of you.” He released her hands and turned to Sam’s sister. “I make a solemn vow to return Samantha to you whole and unscathed by the heathens in Baltimore.”

  His eyes danced with merriment as Jude laughed once more.

  It was something Sam would never tire of: Elijah’s smile, his presence at her side, his vow to protect her at all costs. He was everything she’d ever sought in her life.

  “My lord!” Ames waved his arms frantically to gain their attention. “Last of the trunks have been loaded and only a few crates of supplies remain. A carriage arrived just now. A fancy gent is making his way aboard. Shall I greet him and ask his business here?”

  “No,” Elijah called. “I can handle that. Thank you for your assistance thus far, Ames.”

  Jude hurried to the railing and peered over, leaving Sam and Elijah alone. Her husband did not waste a moment, as he immediately leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon her lips.

  They were wed and the need to hide their affection was no longer a concern. Sam wrapped her arm around him, pulling Elijah along the length of her body. She felt his desire stir as she opened her mouth and deepened their kiss.

  In the fortnight since the small, intimate ceremony that’d made them man and wife, Elijah had delighted in showing her all she’d longed to know about what happens between a man and a woman after marriage, though they did not always wait to be behind their closed bedchamber door.

  “Sam.” Jude tugged her from Eli’s arms, pulling her to the side of the schooner. “It is the viscount. Whatever is he doing here?” Her twin’s eyes narrowed and her shoulders stiffened, anticipating the argument to come when Sam confronted their father once more.

  “Calm yourself, Lady Cartwright,” Elijah said with a chuckle. “Sam invited him to see us off.”

  “You…what?” Jude sputtered. “That cannot be…Sam…you invited him?” The woman threw her arms wide, to take in the entire harbor. “—you invited him here?!”

  “Why do you make it sound so unlike something I would do?” Sam asked before turning to Elijah. “Will you go meet him? Jude and I will join you in a moment.”

  “Of course.” He placed a quick kiss to her cheek before sauntering across the deck, his steps sure as if he’d spent a majority of his life on a rocking boat, his entire body used to the fickle movements aboard a ship.

  “Have you a change of heart, dear sister?” Jude raised a brow, crossing her arms and blocking Sam’s path.

  “Not a change of heart exactly, but if Elijah has taught me one thing, it is to willingly accept people who put forth an effort, even after many years of neglect.” Sam smirked at the thought, and the immense change her husband had brought around in her. She’d always thought herself incapable of change, especially of bestowing forgiveness on those who’d wounded her. Yet, Elijah had shown her that unless one is willing to give a person a chance, they cannot ever earn forgiveness. “Has Father written you since your arrival in London with Simon?”

  Jude averted her stare and her shoulders tensed once more. “Yes,” she confessed. “And I have written back. I visited his London townhouse soon after returning from Simon’s country estate. I never told you because—”

  “That is not important, Jude. You were under no obligation to tell me, but I thank you for allowing me to come to my own understanding of the situation and how to proceed. As much as we look alike, we are far different people. Our own selves. It is time that we realize that, as well as others.” If Jude had told Sam she wished to know their father, start an actual relationship with him, Sam would have laughed in her face; then lectured her on the many mistakes she was making. But recently, she’d learned family—especially those who sought a relationship—should be embraced and not pushed away. “He wrote me, as well. It is only that it took a bit more time—and Elijah—to show me the importance of forgiveness. And even I am capable of such a thing.”

  “He is not a horrible man.” Jude met her stare, pleading for Sam to believe her words.

  “I will give him a chance, I promise.” With a reassuring hug, likely the last she’d share with her sister for several months, the pair turned toward Elijah and their father. The viscount nervously looked between the women, and Elijah leaned close to whisper something to him.

  “Samantha.” He nodded, and she was struck—not for the first time—at the resemblance between her and Beauchamp. “Wedded bliss adds a glow I would recognize anywhere.”

  “Father.” Sam tested out the word, still foreign and awkward. “Thank you for coming to see us off.”

  “There is not another place I would rather be than here…with the pair of you.” He cleared his throat. “And you as well, Lord Ridgefeld.”

  “It is lovely to see you again, Father.” Jude stepped forward and embraced the man. It appeared so natural, as if they’d been close all their lives and not newly acquainted.

  “And you, Jude,” Beauchamp said, glancing around the deck. “Is Lord Cartwright with you?”

  “No. He had business to tend to and wanted me to spend some time with Sam before she departed.” Jude returned to Sam’s side. “He will return for me shortly.”

  “That is good. I was going to offer to see you home.”

  “Thank you for accepting my invitation.” Sam needed to say her piece before the captain informed Elijah it was time to depart while the wind and sea were cooperating. “Elijah and I would like you to join us in Liverpool upon our return—Jude and Simon will also come—to celebrate our wedding.”

  Beauchamp’s eyes rounded and he stood a bit straighter. “Of course. I would be delighted to attend.”

  Sam stepped forward and embraced her father, surprised to discover the hug did not feel out of place or unnatural in the slightest.

  “That is wonderful, my lord.” Elijah settled his arm around Sam’s waist when she stepped back. The reassuring squeeze let her know he was proud of her.

  Sam wanted to please her new husband—in every way possible.

  And if she also found peace with her past, that was truly a positive.

  “M’lord,” Misgaviage, their captain, called. “It be time.”

  “Very well.” Elijah nodded. “It is time we say goodbye. Not forever, but for now. I will give you a few moments, Sam.” With a quick peck on the cheek, Elijah went to converse with the captain, leaving Sam alone with Jude and Beauchamp.

  “I will miss you—“ Sam started, adding, “—both of you.”

  A tear streaked down Jude’s cheek and her twin brushed it away. “And I will miss you, but I plan to write. In fact, I have already written my first letter. It will be sent tomorrow and will greet you when you arrive.”

  “We will stay at the McDowell Inn and Tavern in Baltimore.”

  “Elijah informed Simon last night at supper.”

  “And I will also write, my daughter.” Beauchamp smiled, and the man looked ten years younger than when they’d met in Derbyshire. “It has come to mind that there is much you and Judith do not know about me, my family, and my time with your mother.”

  “I look forward to reading all about it,” Sam confessed. Shockingly, she did. The man knew a part of their mother that Sam and Jude had never been privy to. A time in Sasha Davenport’s life that she’d been happy, thought she’d found her forever love.

  It was the same with her and Elijah. Yet, their relationship, their love and devotion, was far more than Beauchamp and her mother had ever achieved.

  “Goodbye, sister.” Sam embraced Jude.

  “Not goodbye,” Jude countered. “Safe travels. May the wind be always in your favor.”

  “Thank you.” Sam looked over her sister’s shoulder to where Elijah watched, keeping a close eye on his bride. “I think it is time we set sail.”

  “Certainly.” Beauchamp offered his arm to J
ude. “I will escort Judith to the dock and we shall wave you out of port.”

  “I would enjoy that.” The trio joined Elijah by the plank leading from the deck to the dock. Hugs were shared all around before Beauchamp led Jude from the schooner.

  Sam was immediately in Elijah’s secure hold once more as so many emotions flooded her. She loved her family. She would miss each one—even her father. But, she’d found her forever love.

  And come hell or turbulent waters, Sam would never let Elijah go.

  “A penny for your thoughts, Lady Ridgefeld?” he whispered close to her ear before setting his lips to the tender spot below her earlobe.

  A shiver traveled through Sam’s entire body. “I was thinking that you have given me a truly rare gift—one I may never be deserving of.”

  “Oh, do share, my lady.” He trailed his lips down her neck to her collarbone and nipped gently. “I am ravenous to hear.”

  “Beyond love, you have given me hope…”

  “And you are undeserving of hope?” He pulled her back against him as he massaged her waist. “I find that difficult to believe.”

  “Before meeting you, I would have said yes, I was very undeserving of hope.”

  “What changed?”

  Sam looked up to see her sister and father waving from shore with Lord Cartwright at their side.

  “Not what, but whom,” she mumbled, waving back at her family. “You showed me the importance of forgiveness. Not of others but for myself.”

  “Remorse, regret, and ill tidings toward another will weight a person down.”

  “And without them, I am filled with a great amount of hope.”

  “That is certainly good because we may face insurmountable odds when we arrive in Baltimore to convince my mother to journey back to England with us.” Elijah stood straight and waved to the gathering on the dock.

  “It is with luck you have married a most persuasive woman, my lord.” Sam’s throaty laugh echoed on the breeze. “I love you, Elijah Watson.”

  “I am convinced I love you far more, Samantha Watson.”

  “Impossible, my lord,” she retorted, giving a final wave to her family and turning in Elijah’s arms. Sam pressed her body into Elijah’s and felt the familiar hardening in his trousers. “Now, dear husband, show me to our quarters. We have a long journey with many endless days and nights to fill.”

  “Then it was advantageous of me to bring along our wedding gift from Lord Cummings.”

  “A wedding gift?” Sam’s mind swam. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “We will have to adjourn to our chambers below deck to find out, my enchanting marchioness,” he teased, settling his lips against hers.

  However, Sam had a hunch she knew exactly what awaited her below deck. In their short time as a wedded couple they’d explored all realms of the naked flesh, but there was always more to learn.

  “Then, by all means, lead the way, dear husband.

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  Other Books by Christina McKnight

  A Lady Forsaken Series

  Shunned No More, Book One

  Forgotten No More, Book Two

  Scorned Ever More, Book Three

  Christmas Ever More, Book Four

  Hidden No More, Book Five

  A Lady Forsaken Box Set (Books 1-5)

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  Standalone Novella

  The Siege of Lady Aloria, a de Wolfe Pack Novella

  For The Love Of A Widow: Regency Novella

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  Craven House Series

  The Thief Steals Her Earl, Book One

  The Mistress Enchants Her Marquis, Book Two

  Coming Soon:

  The Madame Catches Her Duke, Book Three

  The Gambler Wagers Her Baron, Book Four

  * * *

  Lady Archer’s Creed Series

  Theodora by Christina McKnight

  Coming Soon:

  Georgina by Amanda Mariel

  Adeline by Christina McKnight

  Josephine by Amanda Mariel

  Connected By A Kiss Series

  A Kiss At Christmastide: Regency Novella (Book One)

  By Christina McKnight

  How To Kiss A Rogue: Regency Novella (Book Two)

  By Amanda Mariel

  A Wallflower’s Christmas Kiss (Book Three)

  By Dawn Brower

  About the Author

  Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since.

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  Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books . . . don’t forget her books! Most days, she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.

  Stay connected with Christina:



  Author’s Notes

  Thank you for reading The Mistress Enchants Her Marquis

  (Craven House Series, Book Two).

  If you enjoyed The Mistress Enchants Her Marquis,

  be sure to write a brief review at any retailer.

  * * *

  I’d love to hear from you!

  You can contact me at:

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  Or write me at:

  P O Box 1017

  Patterson, CA 95363

  Check out my website for giveaways, book reviews, and information on my upcoming projects,

  or connect with me through social media at:

  Twitter: @CMcKnightWriter



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  * * *

  There are several people I’d like to thank for staying with me through the emotional journey of writing this book.

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  To Marc, my amazing boyfriend—thank you for always being you!

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  To Lauren Stewart, my critique partner and best friend, you pushed me to explore new avenues of thought that I never dreamed possible. If we were in a true relationship, it would be one based on co-dependency, but in a good way. My writing would not be what it is without your comments, criticism, suggestions, and guidance.

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  I’d also like to thank the wonderful women who’ve supported me in both my writing career and life, including (but not limited to): Amanda Mariel, Debbie Haston, Angie Stanton, Theresa Baer, Erica Monroe, Ava Stone, Roxanne Stellmacher, Laura Cummings, Dawn Borbon, Suzi Parker, Jennifer Vella, Brandi Johnson, and Latisha Kahn. I know I’m forgetting people…You have all been very patient and wonderfully supportive of my eccentric ways.

  A very special thank you to my editor, Chelle Olson with Literally Addicted to Detail, your skill and professionalism surpass all that I expected. Chelle Olson can be contracted by email at

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  Also, a special thank you to historical and developmental editor, Scott Moreland.

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  And to my proofreader, Anja with Hourglass Editing, thank you for embarking on yet another journey with me.

  Cover and wraparound cover design and website design credit to Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs.

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  Finally, thank you for supporting indie authors.



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