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Last Knight of Jarna (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 7

by Alexis Martin

  Not more than three hours into the arduous journey he came to a pensive stop, listening to what sounded like the wings of a dragon descending upon him. There was disturbance amongst the treetops, a swaying that caused the leaves to rustle. He placed the wide palm of his hand over the hilt of his sword and scanned in all directions. A sharp sting assaulted his left thigh. Glancing down he saw what appeared to be a black crossbow bolt lodged into his flesh. It was smaller than a bolt though, fashioned more like a dart with bright-red feathers for fletching. He ripped the dart free and noticed that only a small portion of the barbed tip had punctured his flesh.

  A blur crossed his path about twenty paces ahead and another bolt struck his upper chest. He pulled it clear and shouted a battle cry.

  “Come out and face me!” he demanded of the ghosted figures that flitted around him. Suddenly, the shimmering images slowed and stood completely still with raised bows of black horn.

  His eyes narrowed, seeing two figures clearly for the first time. Two stunning women stood before him, the likes of which he had never seen before. They were pleasantly voluptuous with fiery-red hair that curled around their shoulders with wide, translucent wings that resembled a butterfly, colored with bright greens, royal blues, and bold yellows.

  As he edged closer, the full scope of their beauty was captivating—full-figured women, wearing only thin loincloths, their heavy breasts uncovered. His gaze finally rose to see the pupils of their catlike eyes intently staring back at him.

  They were anything but human.

  A third pesky bolt was loosened and plunged into his right thigh. He yanked it free and broke the short shaft with one hand. “Stop, for the love of all things holy, or I shall be forced to retaliate,” he warned with a grimace. The damn things stung like a wasp. “I do not wish to hurt you. I am only passing through.”

  Their jaws unhinged as he stepped closer. “Why is he not sleeping?” The winged female to his immediate right asked the other one.

  “He is a big one—like a bear,” she replied. “It will take a few more.”

  Their voices were enchanting, like a song to the ears, almost hypnotizing. Two more darts pelted him in the arms, and he had enough, he had to defend himself. Dodging another dart he sprinted forward with his blade leading the charge. He did give them fair warning, and now they would feel his wrath—beautiful and half-naked or not.

  Then it seemed that all of his drive, his energy was pulled from his body, an overwhelming sense of exhaustion swamped him. He dropped to his knees a few yards away from the closest forest faerie. The sword, too heavy to hold, fell from his fingers. There was a bitterness in the back of his tongue, an acrid taste that resembled brass. It was then he knew these winged creatures were cunning.

  He had been poisoned.

  “What are you?” he managed to ask before the weight of his body met the ground.

  “It’s never taken five before,” the nearest faerie commented, squatting over his body. He reached up still trying to fight the effects of the drug in his system, and she lightly gripped his finger. She smiled displaying a single ivory fang. “You were a tough one to bring down, but we always win in the end.”

  “Yes,” the second one piped in. “This one will sustain us for years.”

  And then all went dark and he heard not a single word.

  Chapter 10

  When Thane woke, his arms and legs were spread wide in an X-pattern to a large four-poster bed. The bindings were tight but not uncomfortable, and his back felt the softness of a feathered mattress. The room was calm and quiet, the delectable scent of spiced candles filtered to his nostrils. There was a soft glow from a late afternoon sun that bathed the room in amber light and a window on the ceiling that gave a spectacular view of the sky where he could see the peaks of giant redwoods. The entire structure he was inside was made of wood, and he quickly realized this half-moon-shaped chamber was an elaborate tree house.

  He struggled against the restraints, pulling with the large muscles of his legs and arms, but there was no give in the rope. The material was strong yet ultrasoft, made of something he was not familiar with. He flexed against the bindings once again to no avail. A light rasping of wings caught his attention and his apprehensions grew. It was the same sound he heard just before he was attacked. Seconds later a winged goddess with red hair emerged from around the corner. The sway of her hips held his gaze as she neared. She had the face of an angel, but the diamond-shaped pupils of a demon possessed. The contrast was exotic and almost frightening.

  She sat next to him on the bed and softly placed a hand on his chest, curling her fingers through his hairs. “My name is Olesia,” she told him. “You are very intriguing for a human. We have not seen one of your size before.” Her eyes rotated toward his cock as her hands continued to roam over his chest, the fingertips lightly brushing his left nipple, making it stand on end. “What is your name?”

  “Thane Ragnirak of Jarna. Who...what are you?”

  She laughed lightheartedly, displaying the long curve of her sharp incisors. “Some know us as blood fairies, others refer to us as vampire nymphs, but we are and always have been the Koltoi—protectors of the forest.” She ran a hand down the line of dark hair below his bellybutton, and his cock reacted. “Humans are such destructive creatures. You take and take from the land and never replenish it—like a plague that destroys everything it touches. Why are you trespassing in our forest? Hmmmm...”

  Before he could answer, a second winged woman entered. Olesia turned and greeted her with a devilish smile. Shit! That nefarious smile sent shivers down Thane’s spine. He wasn’t scared of these women, obviously he probably should be, but they looked like daughters of Satan himself that crawled up from the seven hells of Hades. They were intoxicatingly beautiful but clearly powerful, deadly, and mischievous.

  “Don’t play with the food, Olesia. We both know what happened the last time.”

  “Velika, my sweet. I was just evaluating him.” She sighed.

  * * * *

  She remembered what happened the last time. She became too attached to the human after fucking him for days and allowed him his freedom, jeopardizing their livelihood. Human blood was their only source of nutrients. Well, they could survive on animal blood, but it was so bland and tasteless—not like the sweet goodness of human flesh.

  Velika sat on the opposite side of the bed, her wings coiled behind her back. Thane stared menacingly at her or at least he tried, given his vulnerable position. “Did you refer to me as food?”

  Velika gave a tawdry smile. “Don’t worry about that now. We will feed sparingly and you should last us years.” She patted the square of his cheek and then ran a finger over his lips. “Olesia, you may leave us alone for a while. I will be the first to taste him tonight.”

  “But, Velika.”She pouted.

  “No buts.”

  Olesia, the younger and more inexperienced of the two Koltoi, held in her anger and shuffled away. Velika then nestled against the giant and began to swirl her fingers over his chest hairs, her large breasts flattened against his ribcage.

  “What are you planning to do with me?” Thane queried, fighting hard to block out the burning in his loins. But damn, these woman knew how to stir a man.

  * * * *

  The sight of his naked body threw her concentration, and Velika hesitated at the question. This was the first human that sparked something deep inside that pulled painfully at her inner depths. He was big in all the right places.

  “You are an enigma,” she said. “You are the first of your kind to pique my interest.” She palmed the valleys of his rippled abs and rested her delicate fingers over the dark hairs below his bellybutton. There was a subtle rise of his cock, a flinch of his long muscle. “But do not be deceived,” she said huskily. “We are hunters of man, and we need to feed to survive. We will both drink of your blood.”

  “How about this? I will spare both of your lives if you release me right this instant,” he countered,
his voice even.

  Velika chuckled loftily, encircling the base of his cock with her thumb and forefinger, holding him tightly. His mouth fell open and his hips jerked. “You are hardly in a position to be making such demands. I like you. You seem so different than all the rest. You are strong-willed and have spirit. The blood will be much sweeter.”

  Velika was hungry for two things—the rich, fulfilling taste of human blood and the touch of a man. It had been six months since she fed, and it felt as if her stomach were wrapped around her spine. But it had been roughly six years since she experienced the fill of a man, and she planned on changing that very soon.

  She had Olesia, always would. They were inseparable. Olesia satisfied her in a countless number of ways. She loved exploring her body and watching as her face cringed and shriveled during orgasm. She loved Olesia, but she longed for the touch of a worthy man. It had been far too long.

  Her lips tickled the large vein that pulsated down his neck, and he tensed against the restraints. The bed jostled and squeaked as she licked the underside of his chin, her palm now fully clamped around his ever-growing shaft. She could feel the blood rushing to his loins as she stroked his length. “Sometimes,” she began in a sultry voice, “I like to bite down here when it’s fully swelled with blood then suck as hard as I can. That way I feed while you receive pleasure from it. You won’t even feel the bite.”

  “Seducing me will prove impossible,” he said defiantly, straining against her manipulations. “Parasites that feed on human blood do not interest me in the least.” His voice was quavering now. “You are wasting your time, young lady.”

  “Young.”She chuckled. “How old do you think I am?”

  “You have not yet seen your twenty-first season.”

  “Flattery will get you nowhere, but you are very kind. I have lived ten of your lifetimes. Your life, like all humans, is just a heartbeat of the Koltoi.”Her nostrils flared and she took in his scent. She inhaled the sweat that glistened from the surface of his skin, the testosterone surging through his body, and ohhh...yes, the blood flowing through his veins. It caused her clit to throb and inner walls to tighten in preparation for what was about to come.

  The heat from his shaft burned her hand, and she dropped down to touch the tip of his cock with her long tongue. She swept across the head and tried driving her tongue into the tiny hole. He bucked and turned his face. It was a defiant act. She knew his mind was telling him no, but his body was saying something completely different.

  “You can try, warrior, but you will not be able to resist me forever.” She parted her lips and took him into her mouth, twisting his shaft as she went down on him. She had to consciously relax her jaw to allow his girth to slide to the back of her throat. He was a big one. An involuntary reaction caused her to gag, but she sealed her lips around him and twisted the root with a strong grip. Sucking hard, she only managed half his length with any success, but that was all it took before she tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum washing across her tongue. She knew there was not a male alive that could resist her and the muskiness of his inner essence proved that fact. In all of her lifetime this was the most impressive cock Velika had ever witnessed, and soon she would be drowning it with her cunt.

  * * * *

  This winged woman was going to eat him, and yet, he could not contain his arousal. There was an unspoken knowledge in her catlike eyes, a confidence that told him he was her pet, a plaything that she could use to her heart’s content.

  He shuddered at the fingers that stroked him, at the mouth that slurped all over his shaft. In desperation he thrashed his legs and tried to jerk his cock from her affectionate mouth. She paused and looked up at him with fire in her eyes. “Why fight what your body wants?” she coaxed in a hypnotic voice that sent goose bumps along his arms.

  Thane could resist many things, fight honorably against invading armies, and conquer most anything, but the soft touch of a beautiful woman would always defeat him. There was no known defense for that, or at least, he never heard of one. He was human and some things a man could not resist. The slick heat of her wicked tongue laved along his shaft and he gasped, giving in. He tried to relax and allowed the forest fairy to suck him, the length of her fangs raking the outside of his cock.

  He was dying inside for her to slide on top of him, she had successfully piqued his interest, and his only thought was release, any way possible.

  “Are you ready for me yet?” she purred, but he knew she already knew the answer to that one.

  Velika threw her leg over Thane’s waist and rested atop his hips. With her cunt pinned against his erection, she began sliding back and forth, slicking the underside of his shaft with her cream. She bowed forward so her clit could experience the pressure of his swollen cock. Her nipples lightly teased his chest while her wetted folds continued to leak over his shaft. He smelled her womanly perfume, and he could not stand for much more of this torture. He arched against slick folds, vying for entry.

  “Damn—you’re killing me, woman.”He grunted.

  “Well.”She smiled. “That is the whole idea.”

  She clawed his shoulders and stilled her movements, leaving her soft mounds planted against his nipples, her long wings gently fluttering. “Men are such simple creatures,” she whispered. “I knew you could not resist me.”

  Thane was willing to admit defeat. His only clear thought at this precise second was to fuck her—an overpowering urge to split this redheaded faerie’s center.

  Olesia stepped into the room, bringing with her four spice-scented candles. “I could smell your arousal, Velika. It is permeating through the entire house,” she said, giving her a stern expression. “Sure—send me away so you can have him all to yourself. You are such a selfish bitch sometimes.”

  Velika smiled sweetly at her partner. “I had a sudden urge,” she explained. “Why don’t you join us, my dove? I am sure the warrior would not object right now.”

  He had still been trying his damndest to sneak his cock into Velika and did not even hear Olesia enter the room. In the low lighting conditions they could have been mistaken as twin sisters. They both had the same cream-colored skin and hair of bright crimson.

  Her delicate wings seemed to shimmer in the candlelight as Olesia stepped onto the bed. She planted her feet at his side and turned toward Velika. He had the most perfect view of her teardrop-shaped ass and shapely legs from this position. He watched intently as Olesia spread her womanly folds with two fingers. Wrenching Velika’s long red hair with the other hand, Olesia pulled her head to her pussy. There was no hesitation as Velika opened wide for the woman and mouthed her perfectly shaped slit. Velika’s hands cupped Olesia’s ass as she split her folds.

  It was an amazing sight that fueled him further. Watching one woman please another was much more enticing than Thane could have imagined. The only major problem here was that they seemed to have totally forgotten about him.

  Olesia was panting in moments, whimpering at times, as Velika’s well-practiced tongue brought her close to orgasm. Thane nudged Velika with his cock, reminding her he was still down there. Olesia spun her head and eyed him. “Wait your turn!” she snapped, then turned to allow Velika to lick her again.

  Thane bumped against Velika even harder this time, disturbing Olesia’s nearing orgasm. Olesia swung from Velika completely and straddled his face, shoving her wet cunt to his lips. She held her tender folds just out of reach from his mouth.

  Her womanly perfume was intense, and Thane lashed out with his tongue toward her moist center. Her aroma made him mindless. It was like the most powerful aphrodisiac known to man, and it completely shattered any resistance. His head came forward to taste the fairy, but she trapped his head by his long dark mane and slapped his cheek lightly.

  “You are an anxious one,” she commented in a lusty voice. “You will finish what Velika started. Have no worries about that, but you will lick me the way I want to be licked. You will obey me and only do as I command.” />
  Velika laughed suddenly. “I always do enjoy it more when you take full control of a situation.”

  Thane ignored his direct order and went in a second time with a sweep of his wide tongue. Olesia slapped his cheek once more with an open palm and jerked his head back down to the bed. It felt like a light tap and did nothing to deter him from tasting the woman. He was so close, less than an inch, a hair’s breath away from her bliss.

  “You seem to be a slow learner,” said Olesia. “I want your tongue here,” she ordered, lowering the bulbous mound of her swollen clit to his lips.

  This time he obeyed the command, laving furiously at her pebble-like clit. Anytime he strayed from Olesia’s orders, he was stilled by the hairs of his scalp being yanked back. Velika moved her palm over the pre-cum that had leaked onto his stomach and smoothed it over the head of his cock then laid the head against her entrance. He thrust against her saturated folds and plunged into her depths. She yelped at his motion and her body tensed. He could feel a slight resistance at first as he fought to find her womb, arching into bliss.

  Inching down slowly, she paused to steal a few breaths then continued her descent down his massive shaft. His needy thrusts threatened to destroy her in seconds, and she was forced to accept more than what she was prepared for. Once he was root-deep, she cried out in the Koltoi dialect. It was a singsong voice that shattered a crystal ewer on the shelf along the far wall and rattled Thane’s ears.

  * * * *

  No mere man, or woman, had elicited such a response from her. Velika had lost all control. The sense of time and space had no meaning as Thane’s powerful hips drove into her, again and again.

  Olesia’s moans of pleasure sent Velika careening toward the edge of release.

  “Your tongue, warrior,” Olesia grunted. “I want all of it in me now!”With that Olesia ground her clit against his nose and fisted his scalp as his tongue slid all the way into her, splitting her pussy lips.


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