The Right to Vote

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by Alexander Keyssar

  Ireton, Henry

  Irish immigrants

  Isenberg, Nancy

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Jesse, Jr.

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeffords, James


  disfranchisement of in colonial America

  end of disfranchisement during Revolutionary era

  fear of

  voter registration on Yom Kippur in 1908

  Jim Crow laws

  Johnson, Andrew

  Johnson, Arthur T.

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Jones, Samuel

  Julian, George W.

  Justice Department, U.S.

  boundaries of Tuskegee, Alabama

  civil rights

  maximizing black representation



  Katzenbach, Nicholas

  Katzenbach v. Morgan

  Kearney, Belle

  Kearney, Denis

  Keating, Kenneth

  Kelley, Florence

  Kennedy, Anthony

  Kennedy, Edward M.

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kent, James


  Kerber, Linda

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kleppner, Paul

  Knights of Labor


  and voter registration

  immigrants and

  later nativism reminiscent of

  Kohl, Herbert

  Kousser, J. Morgan

  Kramer v. Union Free School District

  Krock, Arthur

  Kruman, Marc

  Ku Klux Klan

  Labor, Table A.8

  Labriola, Joe

  Lamar v. Dillon

  Lambertson, G.B.

  Lassiter v. Northampton County Board of Electors

  Latin America

  Latino immigrants. See also Hispanics

  Law and Order Party of Rhode Island

  League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry

  League of Women Voters

  Leigh, Benjamin Watkins

  Let Us Vote (LUV)

  Lewis, Cal

  Lewis, John

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Liquor interests’ opposition to women’s suffrage

  Liquor licenses, women’s suffrage and

  Literacy tests

  disfranchisement of blacks in the South

  Fifteenth Amendment debate

  for naturalization

  in Massachusetts and Connecticut

  in New York

  in the early 1800s

  in the South in the 1950s

  intelligence test and

  Know-Nothings and

  permanent ban on

  power of Congress to ban

  Puerto Ricans in New York

  Supreme Court decisions regarding

  Voting Rights Act

  women’s suffrage

  Local voting rights. See Municipal voting rights

  Locke, John

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  Lodge Force Bill

  Long, Earl

  Long, Huey

  Long-term care facilities, voting in


  Louisville, Kentucky

  Loyalty and disfranchisement

  Luther, Martin

  Luther, Seth

  Luther v. Borden

  Madison, James

  Magnuson, Warren


  Majority minority districts

  Mansfield, Mike

  Manza, Jeff

  Marcantonio, Vito

  Markowitz, Deb

  Marshall, John

  Marshall, Susan

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Marxian Workingmen’s Party


  from the American Revolution to the Civil War

  military service and the vote

  residency requirements

  Mason, George

  Mason, Lucy Randolph


  abolition of tax requirement in

  colonial and revolutionary period

  felon disfranchisement

  Know-Nothing success in

  paupers’ right to vote in

  registration system

  state constitutional convention of 1820-1821

  suffrage from 1790-1850

  waiting period for naturalized citizens

  women’s suffrage

  Matalin, Mary

  McAllister, H. Nelson

  McCain, John

  McConnell, Mitch

  McGovern, George

  McKay, John

  McKinley, William

  McMillan, John

  “Memorial of the Non-Freeholders of the City of Richmond”

  Mental illness and voting


  pre-Civil War suffrage in

  women’s suffrage in

  Military service and voting rights

  absentee balloting

  blacks during the Civil War

  blacks during the War of 1812

  during Revolutionary era

  Native Americans

  residency requirements

  women and

  World War II See also War

  Mill, John Stuart

  Miller v. Johnson

  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  Minish, Joseph G.


  Minnite, Lorraine C.

  Minor, Virginia and Francis

  Minor v. Happersett

  Minorities and language minorities See also African Americans; Asian Americans; Chinese immigrants; Hispanics; Latino immigrants; Native Americans



  Mitchell, John

  Money in politics and elections

  Monroe, James



  Montgomery, David

  Morgan, Charles

  Morris, Gouverneur

  Morse, Wayne

  Morton, Oliver P.

  Motor Voter act

  Mott, Lucretia

  Municipal government and appointed officials

  Municipal or special-purpose elections, with economic qualifications

  Municipal voting rights

  Munro, William B.

  Myers v. Anderson

  Naar, David

  Nader, Ralph

  Nation, The

  National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Association of Secretaries of States

  National Bureau of Standards

  National Commission on Federal Election Reform (NCFER)

  National Congress of American Indians

  National Education Association (NEA)

  National Institute of Standards and Technology

  National Labor Union (NLU) and alliance with women’s suffrage movement

  National Popular Vote Initiative

  National Student Association

  National Uniform Registration Act

  National Voter Registration Act (1993). See also Motor Voter act

  National Voting Rights Institute

  National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA)

  National Woman’s Party

  Native Americans

  citizenship debate

  Committee on Civil Rights

  collective action for enfranchisement

  controversy over fraud and suppression

  Fifteenth Amendment

  “Indians not taxed” provisions

  late 19th-century contraction of voting rights

  literacy requirements

  military service

  myth of universal suffrage in the 20th century

  Revolutionary era voting rights

  Voting Rights Act

  women’s suffrage and


  exclusion of Native Americans
  Fourteenth Amendment

  laws requiring waiting periods after

  presentation of papers by voters

  requirements for



  New Bedford, Massachusetts

  New Deal

  New Hampshire

  New Jersey

  electronic voting issues

  paupers in

  registration requirements from the Civil War to World War I

  suffrage in, 1790-1850

  Women’s Rebellion

  women’s suffrage in

  New Mexico

  New Orleans, Louisiana

  New Republic, The

  New York City

  immigrant vote

  Know-Nothings in

  suffrage in

  New York (state)

  attempt to disfranchise unemployed in

  defeat of 1870s municipal property requirement in

  felons in

  Know-Nothings in

  literacy tests

  pauper exclusion

  pre-Civil War voting rights

  restrictions on African Americans 1790-1850

  success of Know Nothings in passing voter registration laws

  voter registration

  women’s suffrage

  New York State Economic Council (NYSEC)

  Ney, Bob

  Nineteenth Amendment

  Nixon, Richard

  Noncitizen voting . See also Immigrants and immigration

  Nonretrogression standard

  Norfolk, Virginia

  Norfolk State Prison, Massachusetts

  North American Review

  Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District Number One v. Gonzales

  North Carolina

  districting in

  pre-Civil War suffrage

  North Dakota

  Northwest Territories

  Obama, Barack

  O’Connor, Sandra Day


  debate regarding alien enfranchisement

  black disfranchisement and suffrage

  Fifteenth Amendment

  Know-Nothing victories

  registration requirements

  residency requirements

  2004 election

  women’s suffrage in


  “One person, one vote” principle

  Order of the Star Spangled Banner. See also Know-Nothings


  Oregon v. Mitchell

  O’Reilly, Leonora

  Other Bostonians (Thernstrom)

  Otsuka v. Hite

  Over votes

  Overseas Citizens Voting Rights Act (1975)

  Paine, Thomas

  Palm Beach County, Florida

  Parkman, Francis

  Paul, Alice

  Pauper exclusions

  elimination of in 1960s

  international comparisons

  during the New Deal

  Massachusetts referendum (1972) on pauper disfranchisement

  Peasantry and rural Southerners and slaves


  revolutionary period

  taxpaying requirements in

  People’s Convention of Rhode Island (1841)

  People’s Party

  Pepper, Claude

  Perkins, Frances

  Perth Amboy, New Jersey



  Phillips, Wendell

  Physically disabled voters

  Pierce, Edward L.

  Pingree, Hazen

  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  Piven, Frances Fox

  Pole, J. R.

  Political machines

  immigrant support of

  registration laws

  women’s suffrage

  Political parties

  dynamics of partisan competition

  enfranchisement of new voters 1790-1850

  single-party dominance 1920s-1950s

  third parties See also individual parties

  Poll taxes

  and Twenty-fourth Amendment

  Harper et al. v. Virginia Board of Elections et al.

  Soldier Voting Acts of 1942

  Voting Rights Act of 1965

  Pope v. Williams

  Popular consent

  Popular elections and expansion of suffrage


  Porter, Kirk

  Porter v. Hall


  Presidential elections, right to vote in. See also Electoral College

  Presley v. Etowah County Commission

  Primaries, white

  Primary elections

  Progressive Party and women’s suffrage

  Progressive reformers

  Project SERVE

  Property requirements

  arguments for

  dismantling of

  European comparisons

  Fifteenth Amendment debate

  ideological opposition to


  prior to American Revolution

  resurrection of

  Roosevelt’s criticism of

  Supreme Court judgments with respect to

  use of by whites in post-Reconstruction South

  Propertyless proletariat

  Proportional representation

  “Protection of the Ballot” (Adams)

  Provisional ballots

  Quay, Matthew S.

  Quincy, Josiah

  Race and voting rights

  and class

  and cold war

  and felon disfranchisement

  before the Civil War, Tables A.4, A.5, A.9

  Chinese and

  disfranchisement of blacks in the South 1890-1920

  elimination of barriers to voting based on

  Fifteenth Amendment debate

  in the South in 1950s and 1960s


  poll tax

  redistricting and

  women’s suffrage

  World War II

  See also African Americans

  Racial threat

  Radical Republicans

  Randolph, Jennings

  Randolph, John

  Rankin, Jeanette

  Raspberry, William

  Reagan, Ronald


  Reconstruction, “second”

  Reconstruction Act of 1867


  Reform Party

  ReformersWar to World War I

  Registration, voter

  “agency registration”

  and allegations of fraud and suppression

  disabled voters

  Help America Vote Act

  immigration and


  National Voter Registration Act

  political machines

  universal system

  Voting Rights Act of 1965

  Rehnquist, William

  Reich, Robert B

  Reid, David S.

  Religion and suffrage


  and demographic proportionality

  and popular consent



  Republican Party

  between 2000 and 2008


  literacy tests

  post-World War II voting rights


  redemption in the South

  residency laws of the early 1800s

  Southern conservatives in the late 1960s

  support for African-American suffrage after Civil War

  voter registration

  women’s suffrage

  Voting Rights Act(s)

  Residency rules, Tables A.9, A.14

  blue-collar workers

  Colorado court definition of

  disfranchisement of blacks in the South

  ending of lengthy duration requirement

  homeless individ

  in 1790-1860 period

  international comparisons

  military personnel


  Revolutionary era

  Revolutionary War

  Reynolds v. Sims

  Rhode Island

  Algerine laws

  Dorr War in

  Fifteenth Amendment debate

  post-1850 property and tax requirements

  referendum on pauper exclusion

  suffrage during Revolutionary era

  Richardson, Joseph

  Richardson v. Ramirez

  Richmond, Virginia

  “Right of the Ballot, The: A Reply to Francis Parkman and Others” (Babcock)

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rove, Karl

  Russell, Charles T

  Russell, William

  St. Louis, Missouri

  Salyer Land Company v. Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District

  San Francisco, California

  Sanford, Nathan

  Sarasota, Florida

  Sargent, Aaron A.

  Scalia, Antonin

  Schattschneider, E.E.

  Schnell v. Davis

  Schools and partial women’s suffrage , Table A.17

  Schouler, James

  Scruggs, William L.

  Seneca Falls, New York convention of 1848

  Sensenbrenner, James

  Sentencing Project

  Sequoia Voting Systems

  Serebrov, Job

  Shattuck, Harriette R.

  Shaw, Anna Howard

  Shaw v. Hunt

  Shaw v. Reno

  Shellabarger, Samuel

  Sherman, John

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  Shuler, Nettie R.

  Siegenthaler, John

  Smith, Abby Hadassah

  Smith, Julia Evelina

  Smith, W. H.

  Smith v. Allwright

  Soaries, Deforest B., Jr.

  Social contract theory


  Socialist Party

  Soldier Voting Act (1942)

  Souter, David


  American exceptionalism

  disfranchising of blacks after Reconstruction

  enfranchisement of freedmen in Reconstruction era

  enfranchisement of whites to aid in formation of militia

  literacy tests to exclude blacks

  opposition to disfranchisement of blacks

  race relations in post-World War II era

  repeal of poll taxes before World War II

  women’s suffrage in See also African Americans; race

  South Carolina

  South Carolina v. Katzenbach

  South Dakota

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

  Stanton, Henry B.

  State constitutional conventions

  black suffrage 1790s-1850s

  defining shape of electorate and electoral process

  disfranchisement of blacks in South

  in 1790-1860 period


  residency qualifications

  women’s suffrage


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