The Right to Vote

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The Right to Vote Page 75

by Alexander Keyssar

  See also Property requirements; Taxpaying requirements


  Constitutional power to determine suffrage laws

  control over election administration

  federal setting of voting requirements in new

  and women’s suffrage

  literacy tests

  municipal voting rights

  suffrage laws during Revolutionary era

  suffrage laws prior to Constitutional Convention

  suffrage laws, 1776-1920

  suffrage laws, Tables A.1-A.20

  Steinfeld, Robert

  Stevens, John Paul

  Stevens, Thaddeus

  Stewart, Potter

  Stewart, William M.

  Stone, Lucy


  “Strict scrutiny”

  Suffrage, Tables A.1-A.20

  Sullivan, James

  Sumner, Charles

  Sunset laws

  Supreme Court


  Congress’s right to lower the voting age

  districting and dilution

  disfranchisement of felons

  Election 2000

  late nineteenth century

  literacy tests

  municipal and special-purpose elections

  partisanship of members of

  photo ID requirements


  residency qualifications

  ruling against grandfather clauses

  selective economic qualifications for voting

  right of states to determine suffrage law

  upholding disfranchisement of blacks in South

  upholding of poll tax

  Voting Rights Act

  voting rights and citizenship

  Warren Court

  white primary laws See also individual cases

  Taft, William Howard

  Tait, Andrew

  Tammany Hall and suffrage movement

  Taxpaying requirements

  “Indians not taxed” provisions

  rebellions by suffragists See also Poll taxes

  Technology. See Voting technology

  Temperance movement



  and minority voters

  pauper exclusion

  redistricting controversy

  tax requirement in

  residency for members of military

  voter registration procedure

  white primary

  women’s suffrage in

  Thernstrom, Stephan

  Third parties

  Thomas, Clarence

  Thornburg v. Gingles

  Thorpe, Francis N.

  Thurmond, Strom

  Thurner, Manuela

  Tilden, Samuel

  Tilley, M.E.

  To Secure These Rights (Committee on Civil Rights)

  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Totality of circumstances standard

  Townshend, Norton

  Trujillo, Miguel

  Truman, Harry

  Turner, Frederick Jackson

  Turnout. See Voter turnout

  Tuskegee, Alabama, racial redistricting in

  Tweed, William Marcy “Boss”

  Twenty-second Amendment, proposed

  Twenty-fourth Amendment

  Twenty-sixth Amendment

  Two-party system

  Tyler, John

  Udall, Levi

  Uggen, Christopher


  Union League Club

  United Auto Workers

  United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburgh, Inc. v. Carey

  United States v. Classic et al.

  Universal suffrage

  congressional proposal for in 1963

  criticisms of

  insufficiency of for fully democratic political order

  international comparisons

  Radical Republicans 1864-1868

  supporters of in late nineteenth century

  ways to have good government despite

  women’s suffrage movement

  U.S. attorneys, firing of


  Vagrants. See also Pauper exclusions; Residency rules

  Van Buren, Martin

  Vandenberg, Arthur

  Verba, Sidney


  Veterans of Foreign Wars

  Vietnam and lowering of voting age


  antebellum period

  from 1870-1910

  residency requirements

  state constitutional convention of 1829

  suffrage during Revolutionary era

  women’s suffrage

  Vote suppression. See Voter suppression

  Voter Action

  Voter Education Project

  Voter registration. See Registration, voter

  Voter suppression, 2000-2008

  Voter turnout


  decline in after 1896


  effect of registration laws in late twentieth century

  and Motor Voter act

  in 1920-1960 period


  assistance in the process of


  Help America Vote Act

  individualistic conception of

  limiting of elective offices

  physical act of and changes in, 1790s-1850s

  technology of

  voters with disabilities, election machines and

  Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act (1984)

  Voting age

  Voting Rights Act of 1965 (and later amendments and reauthorizations)

  felon disfranchisement

  language-assistance provisions

  legal challenge to 2006 renewal

  Native Americans

  1982 amendment restoring totality of circumstances test

  preclearance provision of


  Supreme Court upholding

  vote dilution and districting

  voting age and See also Fourteenth Amendment: equal protection clause; Fifteenth Amendment; Supreme Court

  Voting technology

  DRE machines

  optical scanners

  punch cards and mechanical lever machines

  security issues with voting machines

  VVPAT (voter verified paper trail)

  Wadsworth, James

  Wage Earners’ Suffrage league

  Wald, Lillian

  Wallace, Henry

  Wang, Tova


  absence of, and contraction of suffrage from Civil War to World War I

  expansion of suffrage See also Military service

  War against Mexico

  War of 1812

  Warren, Earl

  Warren Court

  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, George

  Washington (D.C.), voting rights in

  Washington (state)

  Weber, Max

  Webster, Daniel

  Weil, Gertrude

  Wellman, Mrs. E.F.

  Wesley v. Collins

  West Virginia

  “Whig” or triumphalist interpretation of history

  Whig party

  Whitcomb v. Chavis

  White Citizens Council

  White primaries

  Whiting, Willie D.

  Whiting, Willie J.

  Why Americans Don’t Vote (Piven and Cloward)

  Wickersham, George W.

  Williamson, Chilton

  Wilson, Charles

  Wilson, Henry

  Wilson, James

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wilson-Pakula Act in New York

  Winchell, Alexander


  Woman Suffrage and Politics (Catt and Shuler)

  Woman Suffrage Party of New York

  Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

man’s Party

  Woman’s rights national convention of 1851

  Women’s Rebellion

  Women’s suffrage, Tables A.17-A.20

  acquisition of partial suffrage

  alliance of movement with National Labor Union

  and citizenship

  and “equal rights”

  arguments against

  arguments in favor

  Civil War era

  1870s and 1880s

  1890s and early 1900s

  ethnic and class prejudices

  in New Jersey

  retarded by fear of any expansion of suffrage

  in school board elections, Table A.17

  in the South

  Seneca Falls convention

  and tax rebellions

  in the West

  and World War I

  and the working class See also Nineteenth Amendment

  Womens Trade Union League

  Wood, Gordon

  Working class

  Works Progress Administration

  World War II, and suffrage


  Young, Samuel

  Young, Thomas

  Youth Franchise Coalition

  Zimmer v. McKeithen

  Copyright © 2000 by Alexander Keyssar

  Original edition first published in 2000 by Basic Books

  A Member of the Perseus Books Group

  Revised edition first published in 2009 by Basic Books

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Keyssar, Alexander.

  The right to vote : the contested history of democracy in the United States / Alexander Keyssar.

  p. cm.

  Includes index.

  eISBN : 978-0-465-01014-1

  1. Suffrage—United States—History. 2. Voting—United States—History. I. Title.

  JK1846.K48 2000






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