Book Read Free

Collision Course

Page 17

by C. P. Rowlands


  That night Jordan read to her kids for an extra half hour before bedtime, thankful down to her bones for both of them. How did Brie stand it, living alone? She opened Brie’s second book, noticing the acknowledgments and dedication. Of course, it was dedicated to Niki. What wasn’t dedicated to Niki? She stared at the writing. “Grow up, Carter.”

  History was fun when Brie wrote it, the way she included the small things and understood feelings, the humor, making her feel as if she were part of the story. She checked the clock. It was about time to call Brie. Then she had a sudden thought about the weekend. She called her mother and asked if she would watch the kids. Next, she dialed Brie.

  “Caught me, just getting in the house.” Brie sounded a little breathless.

  “Want me to call you back?”

  “No, just hang in here with me. I’ll be done in a minute.”

  Jordan could hear Brie moving through her house. “The briefcase is in the office and I’m going to put the phone on speaker, okay?”

  Jordan grinned. “Are you getting into something comfortable?”

  “If I don’t get these stupid panty hose off, my toes are going to turn blue.”

  “What are you wearing? The light gray suit you had on this morning?”

  “Yep.” Brie exhaled. “It’s hard to get out of. Hang on.”

  Jordan concentrated, visualizing Brie’s every move. Top is on the bed. Does that mean she’s down to her bra? Brie sighed audibly. There went the bra. She heard a zipper release. And the skirt. Now the panty hose.

  “That’s better,” Brie said. “I hate panty hose. If I had my way, I’d wear something like a sarong or whatever it is those lucky women just get to wrap around themselves.” She laughed a little.

  Jordan was riveted. Brie, standing in her bedroom…naked? Her mind lept to Brie in that swimming suit and had that off in a heartbeat. She’d love to touch her body, run her hands over that…tattoo. Her hands were sweaty and other parts were getting wet as well.

  “What the hell?” she mumbled.

  “What?” Brie asked.

  “Nothing,” Jordan said, more curtly than she meant to.

  “You said ‘What the hell’ out of the blue.” Brie took a big breath. “I love my bed,” she said and turned the speaker phone off.

  “…it was something else.”

  Jordan hit herself in the forehead with her fist. What had Brie just said? She looked around her bedroom for something, anything, to take her mind off Brie, naked on the bed. She found herself staring at Pete’s photo and turned it around.

  “How are my favorite two children in the world?” Brie asked, her voice relaxed and even.

  Jordan told her about the hobbits and Tolkien.

  “Are you going to do Harry Potter for Ty?”

  “No, I thought I’d do the hobbits first. By the time we finish, he can read the Potter series on his own.”

  “What else are you reading to Jenna, other than the book I read last night?”

  “I have this down to a science. Tyler gets his hour of games while I read to Jen in her room. Right now she’s into horses, as I’m sure you heard last night. She always falls asleep and then Ty and I tackle the hobbits. Truthfully, I’m enjoying them as much as he is.”

  “Next time we get together, I’d like to read to her again.”

  “What are you doing Saturday night?” Jordan asked casually, rubbing her hands, which were sweaty again. “How about another meal?”

  “Are you asking me out?” Brie said softly.

  “I am. Maybe some dancing…?”

  Brie responded with a sexy laugh. “I certainly want to dance with you again. And—”

  “Stop it.” Jordan grinned but hoped she wouldn’t. God, she was going to have to take another shower.


  Brie lay on her back and stared at the ceiling. She pulled the sheets up, thinking about the construction site that morning. She was glad she’d remembered Bix. She would be helpful to Jordan. She could still see the look on Jordan’s face when she left, watching her in the rearview mirror. Those astonishing eyes, silvered by sunlight, narrowed slightly as Jordan had stood, perfectly quiet, watching her drive away. It was Jordan’s I am thinking of what to do next expression. They would either be just friends or, lovers. “I vote for lovers,” Brie whispered into the silence of her room.

  Turning onto her side, she stared at the photo of Niki. “Well, baby, here I go. For better or worse, I’m going to try. I might get my heart hurt, but what could hurt more than you? You always used to say that we should take a trip around the moon, just once. Wouldn’t that have been fun? I hope you do that. Night, darlin’, wherever you are, I love you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Calm down,” Jordan said to herself in Brie’s driveway. She had been sitting there for what seemed like hours, but she knew it was just minutes, trying to decide how to handle this evening. “It’s just dinner and dancing.” She laughed a little. “And touching and looking and kissing.”

  The door flew open before she could even ring the bell, and she looked into Brie’s happy eyes.

  “Hey, gorgeous, get in here,” Brie said and pulled her inside. “Let me see you.”

  Jordan wore a dark green silk shirt with a chained belt and black pleated pants. Her heart beat so hard that she was certain Brie could hear it.

  “You’re going to kill me, Carter,” Brie finally said breathlessly.

  “Your turn—” Jordan began but immediately went quiet. The light blue dress stopped right at the knees and matched the color of Brie’s eyes. Matching strappy heels made her legs go on and on, but it was the front that knocked Jordan into silence. Or lack of front.

  “Sweet mother,” Jordan said, staring at the vee of the halter dress that barely covered her beautiful breasts, screeching to a stop at the navel, mid-tattoo. “Are you even wearing a bra?”

  “Ah, my little secret,” Brie teased, watching Jordan’s eyes. “You’re the one who didn’t wear underwear.”

  “You’re going to freeze.”

  “Not if you hold me.”

  Jordan pulled in another deep breath, thinking of all that skin against her. “Where’s your coat? You have to wear a coat with that.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Oh, yes, you are planning on it. You’re wearing a coat,” Jordan said, leading her to the closet. “In fact, can you dance in a coat?” She went through several garments hanging in front of her. “Brie, damn, you’re…exposed.”

  Laughing, Brie held out a coat that matched the dress and let Jordan help her into it.

  As Jordan drove, Brie talked about the Ice House, located in the Riverwalk section of Milwaukee. It was surrounded by a number of small bars, good restaurants, and trendy shops. Emma’s gallery was only a block away.

  “I don’t know if the public should see you in that dress,” Jordan grumbled as they got out.

  “You’re going to like this place,” Brie said, tugging Jordan toward the neon signs that lit up the entrance.

  Jordan hardly heard her, looking at Brie’s sensuous mouth, remembering the taste. She tried to swallow but her mouth was too dry. “If you’re there, I’ll like it.”

  “Wow,” Jordan said as they walked inside. The entire room was patterned after a professional hockey arena. The dance floor was shaped like a hockey rink and the surface was constructed out of a material that resembled ice. Jordan followed Brie up to the fourth level that looked down on the entire club. The music was loud and the crowd was noisy, but the high-backed booth was quiet. The couple in the next booth broke apart as they sat down, and Jordan watched one of the women close a button on the front of her shirt. She turned to Brie, who had seen it also.

  “What can I say? We’re a lusty lot,” Brie said but added a mischievous grin.

  Jordan helped Brie off with her coat, sighing over the beautiful shoulders and well-defined arms. Brie sat close. They ordered margaritas and watched the crowd for
a bit in comfortable silence. Jordan thought of Brie’s talent for making people feel completely at ease. There were two Bries, in fact: the one that mourned and flailed at herself over Niki and the murder, then the laughing, easygoing woman that most people came in contact with every day. Over the weeks she had seen less and less of that first woman.

  The music changed to something hot and fast and couples flooded the dance floor.

  “Come on.” Jordan held her hand out. “And by the way, it’s official. I can see your tattoo.”

  Dancing loose and free, Jordan concentrated on Brie and the music. Women were laughing, singing along, moving against her. Even her bones felt like liquid. Brie simmered in front of her and she moved closer, trailing her fingers down the bare shoulders and arms. She tipped her head back and just let herself move, then danced behind Brie, wrapped her arms around her, fingers mapping the skin on her stomach. She saw goose bumps rise on Brie’s skin as her fingers inched up muscles that moved in time with the music. Four songs later, the DJ took a break and they sat down, dabbing their foreheads with napkins.

  Jordan sipped her drink and watched the crowd. “How do you keep yourself inside that non-dress with all those moves?”

  Brie licked her lips, her mouth very inviting. “Remember. My little secret.”

  “Not too little,” Jordan said and then bit her lip.

  “I didn’t know you’d noticed.” Brie’s smile was both surprised and amused.

  Jordan looked away. The swimming suit, the softball banquet, and now…little shards of memories of Brie swept across her mind, leaving her helpless in front of her own desire. Almost with relief, she saw someone from her softball team at the bar. “Hey, there’s my catcher and her girlfriend.” She gestured at the bar.

  Brie squinted a little. “Which ones?”

  “The little blonde and the tall lady. Whoops, the ones that are lip-locked right now.”

  “Would you like to say something to them or just hide up here?”

  “They’ll faint, I promise. Can you put up with all the questions?”

  “Bring ’em on.” Jordan walked down the steps and fluidly threaded through the dancing women, moving toward the bar. “Be ashamed, O’Malley,” Brie said. It hasn’t even been two months and I’m mentally ripping her clothes off! The day in the restaurant when I first met Niki was…minutes. Is this the same thing? She pondered that for a moment. It’s more than just getting naked with her. It’s the same feeling, the knowing. Brie clenched a little at the thought of Niki and jerked her attention back to Jordan.

  The couple did look shocked to see her. Jordan turned and pointed at Brie. The three of them made their way up the stairs. After introductions and everyone was sitting, Shelly and Terry gave Jordan and Brie slightly amazed looks.

  “When did this happen?” Shelly stared frankly at Jordan. “The last I knew, some guy from the diamond next to us was trying desperately to get your home phone number.”

  “Long story.” Jordan laughed.

  Terry spoke to Brie. “That was a nice piece you and Dannie did for Niki at the banquet.” Terry never took her eyes off Brie as she spoke to Jordan. “Is this the date we dared you to ask for, Carter?”

  “No, this is the second time we’ve been out.”

  “The hell you say.” Terry blinked at Brie as if she were unreal.

  “Take it easy, Terry,” Jordan said. “Brie, this is one of our pitchers. They’re calculating as hell.”

  “Seriously,” Shelly said, elbowing her girlfriend. “When did this happen?”

  “Not too long ago, actually,” Jordan said and cleared her throat.

  Brie teased her. “Yes, tell them, Jordan.” She slid her hand obviously inside Jordan’s shirt, caressing her tight stomach.

  “Uh, well, Brie and I sort of met in the park, the big one by our ball diamonds, McKittrick Park. Things just kind of went from there.” Jordan floundered, squirming under Brie’s fingers. Her stomach had gathered into one big knot.

  “So, you two are…” Shelly frowned, confused.

  “Honey,” Brie said, helping Jordan out, “did you order?”

  “No,” Jordan answered. “Have you girls eaten?” she asked Shelly.

  “We’re on our way to a party,” Terry said and stood. Terry looked openly at Brie’s dress and raised her eyebrows at Jordan.

  “That went well,” Jordan said once Shelly and Terry had left.

  Brie took Jordan’s hand and rubbed it. “When you see them again, you can explain.”

  “This is like running with scissors.” Jordan groaned. They both laughed as they looked through the menu.

  “I’ve eaten here a lot,” Brie said, “but I’ve never had the house special.”

  “What is it?” Jordan said and scanned the menu again.

  “Lobster. Are you game?”

  “Let’s do it. I haven’t eaten that in years.”

  A slow dance began and Jordan led Brie to the dance floor, anxious to be close. She closed her eyes as Brie’s body moved against hers. This and kisses had been on her mind all day.

  “This feels good,” Brie said into her ear, her breath tickling Jordan’s skin.

  “Good,” Jordan echoed, holding her a little tighter. She bit her lip as her entire body tightened with need. Brie pushed into her and Jordan held back a groan. The sensation was indescribable. The music went into something fast and they walked back to the booth, fingers interlaced.

  Jordan pulled Brie close in the booth, not wanting to lose the intimacy of their dance. “Do you see anyone you know?” she asked.

  “I haven’t been looking. I’ve been looking at you.”

  Jordan never hesitated. She kissed her. Brie gave a little start of surprise but leaned in and returned the kiss. Brie’s hands suddenly were on her and ran up her ribs, holding on hard. The sound of plates on their table startled them both as their food arrived. They grinned at one another, faces flushed. Both stared at the huge meal in front of them.

  Later, Jordan admitted, “I’m too full to dance,” and pushed her plate away. “Let’s take a walk along the river. How about it?”

  It was a cool but clear night and they walked along the Milwaukee River for a while.

  Brie put her arm through Jordan’s, staying close. “It was nice to see where you work. That was fun.”

  Jordan stopped and leaned on the wooden railing with her elbows, her back to the water.

  A boat full of noisy partygoers cruised by. “Thanks for coming over. I’m kind of proud of that place. Bix almost fell over when you walked up. I talk to Bix, ask her advice and…things.”

  Brie leaned on the railing, next to her. “You should ask me.”

  “Yes, I should.” She turned to face Brie.

  “Well? Here I am.” Brie opened her arms and grinned. “Ask away.” When Brie opened her arms, she looked carefree and young. Jordan grinned at her. Carefree was perfect.

  “That day we crashed and met again at Urgent Care. What were you thinking?” Jordan said.

  “How cute you were. Val had said some cute woman had crashed into me and I saw that she was right. I know you’ve heard this before, but you are adorable.”

  “No, I’m not—”

  Brie placed a finger on her lips. “Yes, you are, Jordan Carter. You’re gorgeous. You were the first woman I’ve looked at since Niki. I mean, really looked at.”

  “Thank you,” Jordan said and looked down, turned on and revved up. I’ve never had a woman flirt with me before like this. How do men stand it? It’s so powerful. Her heart pounded. The years in the bars, man after man, flashed across her mind. She understood all of that. But this beautiful, intelligent, genuine woman before her touched a new place inside her. “You said your life would confuse me. I don’t think so, Brie.” She smiled. “But I admit, it’s new.”

  Brie put her arm through Jordan’s again. “Did Bix explain why lesbians don’t date straight women?”

  “Wouldn’t it just be a matter of preference?”
br />   Brie nodded. “Sometimes, but usually straight women are just curious and then drop the person. Or maybe they just don’t care for it, once they find out what it’s really like.”

  “I’d never do that.” Jordan opened Brie’s coat and lightly brushed against her body, hands around her waist. She heard Brie pull in a quick breath. “What’s the it you’re talking about?”

  “Take me back to the house and I’ll show you,” Brie teased but her voice was low. She gave a little shiver.

  “You’re cold,” Jordan said.

  “I said I wouldn’t be if you held me,” Brie murmured and leaned against Jordan.

  “Let’s go home.”


  “Come to the kitchen with me,” Brie said as she hung her coat in her closet. “I’ve been brewing something that we used to make and I’d like you to try it.”

  Jordan followed her and settled down at the big kitchen table as Brie placed a pitcher of sangria and two glasses on the table. “Take a taste and then decide.”

  “Oh, sangria,” Jordan said after she’d tasted the drink. “A little tart and a little sweet.” She poured them each a glass.

  “Pretty much.” Brie took a drink. “Actually, we usually kept some on hand all summer, into fall. We tried just about everything in this, had some fun with it.” Brie took Jordan’s hand. “I want to show you something.” She led Jordan down the hallway. For a wild moment, Jordan thought she was taking her to the bedroom, but instead, they stopped at Brie’s office. Brie turned the lights on over her desk and held up several inches’ worth of paper. “See?”

  “What is it?”

  “I’ve been writing all week, the first decent work in over two years. I’m supposed to have a trillion more words by next month. That’ll never happen, but I’m going to give it a shot.”

  “The meeting with your editor in New Mexico?”

  Brie nodded. “I may save my contract.”

  One of Pete’s books was open beside the papers. “Those books helped?”

  “Good information,” Brie said and showed her the old letters in the file box.


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