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The Guarded Widow

Page 21

by K M Gaffney

  Gavin had realized he’d never known real terror in his life, until he’d caught a glimpse through the cabin window, of Johnny Johnson viciously attacking Olivia. His emotions over the course of the last couple days had ranged from anger with Olivia, to acknowledging that no matter what, he was in love with her.

  He wanted, no, he needed to spend the rest of his life with her.

  Gavin grinned as James and Luke threw open the front door and raced down the steps to greet him. I love these kids; he conceded as he wrapped their little hands within his own and climbed the front porch steps in stride with them.

  He lifted his hand to knock on the partially ajar front door, but Olivia had already stepped into view with a shy smile enhancing her pretty face.

  Gavin felt his heart literally swell within his chest.

  He loved her. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind.

  Within seconds, Tommy and Michael raced out and began bombarding him with questions about how he’d beat up the bad guy. Curiously lifting his eyes to Olivia, she gave him a slow grin.

  “I may have embellished the story a bit. You’re a hero in our eyes.”

  Standing before her, he drank in the sight of her and began to experience a physical ache from his desperate need to touch her.

  “Would you like to come in, Gavin?” Olivia asked. “I’m sure your parents would like to see you.”

  He walked through the front door and saw his mother straighten up from the hidden position which enabled her to spy out the dining room window, undetected.

  “Hi, Mom,” he said as he turned his head and then nodded a greeting to his Dad.

  Gavin realized his impatience was going to make him sound rude, but didn’t care.

  “I need to talk to you, now,” he told her, taking her hand. “In private. Let’s take a walk.”

  Olivia looked over at Elsa, who was beaming as she exclaimed, “Honey, you take as much time as you need.”

  Casually, Olivia reached into the closet for her jacket. Impatient, Gavin swiped it off the hangar and practically stuffed her into it.

  The afternoon sun was flickering through bare tree branches, scattering light across the driveway, as they walked along side one another, holding hands. Once they were out of sight from the house, he stopped and turned to face her.

  “I’ve really missed you, Olivia.”

  She smiled, tenderly.

  “I’ve missed you too, Gavin. I know you’re really mad at me…”

  He raised his hand to stop her words so he could speak first.

  “I was, I was really angry with you. I’m not anymore. I think more than anything, my pride was hurt. After I got over the initial insult to my pride, I realized it wasn’t a personal attack against me. As I listened to you give your statement the other day, I accepted the fact that you acted out of love and concern for your Dad. I admire that,” he said, lifting his hand to touch her, but then abruptly dropped it again.

  “Gavin, I’m so sorry I ran off and placed myself in such a precarious situation. However, I am happy with the outcome.”

  She shifted nervously as he narrowed his eyes.

  “Well, maybe not the entire outcome. But I am glad I was alone with him long enough for him to tell me about Tom. Believe it or not, Johnny Johnson has inadvertently helped me to be able to forgive Tom. I feel like I have closure now. I feel as though I’m ready to move on to a new phase of my life.”

  With lightening speed, he reached out dragging her into his arms.

  “I want a new phase in my life, too. I’ve been so miserable these last two days. I miss you and the boys, terribly. I want to be with you every day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Olivia.”

  Tears welled up in her hazel eyes as she raised her hands to place them lovingly along the sides of his face.

  “I’ve missed you too. So have the boys, they’ve been asking me if you’ll return. Oh Gavin, I love you.”

  Ever so slowly, he lowered his mouth down to Olivia’s and gently moved his lips over hers. Thrilled to be in his arms again, she pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

  “I need you, Gavin,” she murmured.

  Sliding his hands under her jacket, he felt the warmth of her skin through her thin cotton shirt. “Believe me; I need you too, Olivia”.

  Then with a great deal of reluctance, he removed his hands from her and reached into his coat pocket. Slowly, with his warm blue eyes smiling lovingly into hers, he withdrew a small black box and proceeded to drop down onto one knee.

  “Olivia, will you marry me?”

  She gazed down at him with tears glittering in her eyes.

  “Yes, Gavin, I would love to marry you.”

  He stood up to kiss her again and then lifted her off her feet, swinging her around in his arms.

  “I want to be married as soon as possible. I won’t sleep in your house again until I’m your husband. I was thinking we could be married within two weeks.”

  As Gavin spoke, he gently placed her down in front of him and flipped open the box. He chuckled when her eyes widened with surprise as she stared down at the breathtaking diamonds flashing brilliantly in the winter afternoon sunlight. She laughed happily, admiring the stunning ring, as Gavin lifted her left hand and slid it onto her finger.

  “Let’s go tell the boys and your parents,” she exclaimed, feeling as though she’d burst from excitement.

  Gavin slid his hands up to frame her face.

  “In a few minutes, I need one more taste of you first.”

  She slid into his arms to ravage his mouth with a sultry kiss.

  Then they turned to walk up the lane, hand in hand, thrilled to share their joy with their families.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Their marriage vows were exchanged under a heated canopy on Mulligan’s outdoor patio. Olivia had specifically requested an evening wedding complete with candles and decorative white lights, similar to those which had graced the patio on New Year’s Eve. Afterwards they celebrated with immediate family and close friends, in a small private room within Mulligan’s restaurant.

  As the evening came to a close, Maddy finally managed to pry her sister away from Gavin for a few minutes. She grinned at Olivia before reaching out to embrace her.

  “I’m so happy for you, Olivia. You look beautiful; Gavin can barely take his eyes off you. Enjoy your evening tonight,” Maddy drawled with a sly insinuating grin.

  “I intend too,” Olivia said, huskily.

  Goodness, did she ever intend too.

  Tightening her grip around Maddy, she thanked her profusely, again, for volunteering to keep the boys for the next two days.

  Then glancing over at Gavin, she was amused to find he’d lined the kids up in a row and now they were all impatiently awaiting a good bye kiss from their mother. It didn’t escape her attention that her husband appeared to be impatiently waiting for their mother too.

  Once good byes and well wishes were finally completed, Gavin took Olivia’s arm under his own to guide her toward the car. After helping her in, he slid his long frame into the driver’s seat and then reached across to her. He placed his hand gently along her cheek, drawing her toward him and kissed her tenderly, before murmuring against her lips.

  “Olivia, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’m overwhelmed that you’ve agreed to be my wife, thank you for allowing me to become a part of your family. I love you.”

  She smiled at him as he leaned back into his seat to start the car.

  “Thank you, Gavin,” she said, quietly.

  Then they did not speak again throughout the remainder of their drive home.

  An acute case of nervousness gripped her, making her palms begin to feel damp, as they approached the house. Desperately, Olivia wished for a glass, or two, of the white wine she’d asked Maddy to drop off for their wedding night.

  So when Gavin parked out front, she reached over to open the car door, hoping to leap out and alleviate her anxiety. But
he stopped her quick retreat by clasping a firm hand over hers and asking her to wait. Then he leapt out of the car and bound swiftly up the porch steps, taking the stairs two at a time. He unlocked the front door and tossed it wide open, before returning to the car and courteously opening the door for her. Placing his hand down to grasp hers, Gavin slowly drew her out, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Then without warning, he reached down and swept her up, lifting her completely into his arms.

  Surprised, Olivia asked, “Gavin, what are you doing?”

  His voice was low as he answered her. “I’m going to carry my wife over the threshold.”

  She quietly chuckled at him until he arched a brow at her.

  “You won’t be laughing when I finally get you through the front door of that house.”

  His fierce tone of voice combined with the intense storm of passion in his eyes made her stomach flutter deliciously with long awaited anticipation. He carried her in, gave the front door a light nudge with one foot to close it, and then focused his intense fiery blue eyes on his wife.

  He placed her down, directly in front of him. Keeping her eyes on his, Olivia lifted the white wrap off her shoulders so she was wearing only the slinky ivory wedding dress. Gavin reached up to remove the sequin barrette from her thick wavy hair, allowing the curls to cascade seductively down her bare shoulders.

  “I like it this way,” he ground out, his voice gravelly with desire.

  Olivia’s lips curved into an inviting smile.

  Then they reached for each other, feverishly.

  He nudged her toward the staircase, his mouth ravaging hers as he tried to shrug his arms out of his jacket. She aggressively helped pull it off of him, and then she tossed it into a heap upon the foyer floor.

  Greedily, she began unbuttoning his shirt, only managing to part it open halfway before sliding impatient hands over his chest. He groaned as she began running her lips across him, tasting him. Annoyed with the remaining buttons, she ripped the shirt open the rest of the way, causing them to scatter and dance across the hard wood floor.

  Gavin grinned with appreciation.

  “Olivia, you speak my language.”

  Then he started walking towards her until she was backed up against the front door.

  “I’d promised myself we’d make it to the bedroom,” he muttered as he slowly slid the wide straps of the wedding dress down her arms.

  Nipping his shoulder with her teeth, she huskily replied, “There will be plenty of time in the future for the bedroom.”

  Her words drained the last ounce of Gavin’s self control. Dragging the wedding dress down over her waist, he grinned enthusiastically as he watched it trail to the floor. Then he paused, wanting to allow himself a moment to memorize the sight of her standing before him, hair flowing down her shoulders, waiting for him with a welcoming look in her eyes.

  As she reached for him, he slid his hands up over her white satin bra and unhooked it from behind with one hand. With a guttural groan, he liberally helped himself to his wife.

  Olivia dug her nails into his broad shoulders as he tasted and taunted her, without doing so, she would never have been able to stand up under the devastating assault of his mouth.

  The raging heat and intense need he was creating threatened to consume her as she reached down for the button on his pants.

  He growled against her skin as he ripped away the thin satin barrier which prevented him from touching her and when he slid his finger inside, he groaned her name upon discovering her aroused physical response to him.

  She smiled sensually and then pulled his mouth back down to hers. As they hungrily feasted upon each other, Gavin lifted her up in his hands and joined his wife, enabling them both to finally quench their intense longing for one another.

  They’d both collapsed, completely spent, upon the staircase. Gavin’s head was resting heavily against her stomach while Olivia lay on her back with one arm thrown above her head, smiling lazily, feeling quite content.

  He’d made her feel beautiful, deliciously craved, and it felt absolutely wonderful.

  “I’m so grateful to be married to you. I can’t believe I get to enjoy this kind of passion for the rest of my life,” he said as he raised his head, grinning at her.

  Chuckling aloud, she ran her fingers through his hair and informed him. “I certainly hope you have more from where that came from. Remember, I’ve been waiting for over two years.”

  Gavin flashed a suggestive smile before reaching down to gather her into his arms. Then he carried her up the staircase, more than willing to reap the benefits of having to satisfy his demanding bride.


  A light summer breeze was gently rustling the lush green canopy of leaves overhead as Olivia sat on the front porch, rocking peacefully. Her hand was resting tenderly upon her rounded belly, her face wearing a soft smile while she relished feeling the baby move within her. When Gavin stepped out the front door, holding two tall glasses of cold lemonade, he recognized her serene smile. After setting the glasses beside her on the rustic wooden table nestled between the two white rockers, he leaned over to lay his large hand over her smaller one. As he saw and felt the movement of his child stirring within her, he gazed down at his wife, amazement lightening his eyes.

  Lifting his hand, he settled it along her cheek and tilted her face up to his.

  “I love you, Olivia Rafferty,” he whispered as his lips met hers.

  Sudden whooping, hollering, and stomping feet interrupted their moment of intimacy as the boys came barreling wildly around the corner of the farmhouse. Olivia and Gavin grinned at one other when they overheard Luke’s voice send a warning to his brothers.

  “Let’s get out of here! They’re kissing each other again.”

  Smiling contentedly, Olivia watched as her sons enjoyed the freedom to run off and play in the warmth of the summer afternoon sun.

  Her heart soared as she listened to their shrieks of delight and cackles of laughter once they’d discovered Gavin had jumped off the front porch, chasing after them.




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