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Tough Break (FSCU Pitbulls Book 3)

Page 11

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Care to share what you were thinking, Mr. Vance?” She stops her speech and stares at me sitting in the back of the class.

  I’ve learned procrastinating only makes her claws dig in further. “I was angry, ma’am.”

  “Excellent.” She smiles wide, like the old alley cat who used to topple the garbage behind the bar. “What were you angry about?”

  Well shit. Now the whole class is looking at me. I’m sure as hell they’re glad it’s me under the line of fire instead of them.

  How much am I willing to share with these people? Most, I’ll probably never see again. What the fuck should I care what they think?

  “I’m angry because I wanted my girl to spend some time with me and she dissed me.” I glare around the room, daring for anyone to snicker, smile, or even seem slightly amused at my predicament.

  None meet my gaze.


  Old Mrs. Griswold opens her mouth, her double-barreled words of wisdom aimed in my direction. “Did you tell her how you felt?”

  “No, I did not.” My jaw juts out a little and I cross my arms over my chest. What does she know about falling in love and putting yourself out there?

  Her brows raise meaning I’m supposed to fill in the details or receive a failing grade for the night.

  Lord Gawd Almighty. I am so fucked. “I mean, no, ma’am, I did not tell the woman in question I was angry with her.”

  “Pretend I am her. Tell me how you feel.”

  I grin and a couple of guys chuckle. It’s hard to imagine the octogenarian as my sugar but I close my eyes and recall the conversation at the door.

  “You made me angry when you said you wanted more time. After all we went through this weekend, I thought we were solid.”

  Mrs. Griswold uses a high girly voice, nothing like my girl. “Don’t be mad. I hate it when you frown like that.”

  Ah fuck. This is another test. What the hell is the response? I wrack my brain and finally remember my reading. “I got a right to my feelings. You need to respect them.”

  The whole class applauds and I figure I got an ‘A-plus’ and sit down.

  Mrs. Griswold isn’t quite done with me. “Your homework is to tell her in your own words and next week explain how it went.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Hell no, that’s not happening.

  However, after class, Danni waits for me and the play acting becomes real.

  “Listen, I didn’t mean to make you mad.” She touches my arm.

  In the past I would’ve denied my feelings but I figure I learned a few things and try out Mrs. Griswold’s touchy-feely shit. “You cut me deep, Danni.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. I just had a real shitty day and I took it out on you.” Her arms wrap around me and she puts her head on my chest. “Forgive me?”

  “I had a pretty bad day, too. Can I walk you home?”

  “Sure, that would be nice.”

  I don’t want nice. I want to bury myself deep inside her until all the messed-up stuff in our lives disappears but maybe I should try this communication thing.

  “I almost lost my job, too.” I open the door for her, then put my hand to her lower back.

  “Because of me? Last weekend?”

  “No, I don’t think the coach even knew about my little foray below the border. It’s about how I tried to help out one of the players, Jackson.”

  “No good deed goes unpunished, huh?”

  “You got that right.” I kick at a stone then take her hand, the anger within me dissolving.

  Inside the Union, I explain some more. “So, this really talented senior has some money problems and I send him the same guy I used when I was in a similar situation. I had no idea the dude had syndicate ties. My dad never told me. So here I am, thinking I’m doing this student a favor and turns out I’m fucking up his career. And mine. CJ is furious.”

  “I don’t quite understand.”

  “This guy, Shannon, pretends to be a trainer, which is allowed by the NFL, but is actually an agent. He pays off your debt, but later, takes an illegal piece of you if you go pro.”

  “Yikes. And you agreed?”

  “You have no idea how much it costs.”

  “Did you try to explain to Coach Quinn?”

  “I did, but he might need a few anger management classes himself. God. I’ve never seen him more pissed.”

  “What’s going to happen?”

  “He’s going to pay off the agent using his own funds and he’s put me on probation. Baby, we might not see each other until Thanksgiving break. I wanted to tell you, tonight, after we made love.”

  Her soft hands find their way under my shirt as we pause near the college entrance gates. I lean back and she steps between my legs so we can share a kiss.

  “I love you, Chris. It may be too soon to say it but I need you to know so you don’t worry about me when we’re apart.”

  Our eyes lock and the moment we share is so precious, it will be etched in my memory for all time. “Damn. I love you, too. I knew it the minute no one could find you. If I had lost you… “

  Words fail me so I kiss her again, holding her close to my hard on.

  I want to make love but she’s already shot me down tonight and I understand. Women are different. She’s had a tough few days and I should back off.

  “Let’s get you home.” My voice sounds raspy, maybe even angry, but it’s all I can do not to lay her down and take her in the long hay of the nearby overgrown field.

  “Are you mad?”

  “No. Horny as fuck.”


  “Don’t be. It’s still comes as a shock that my cock still works.”

  She snickers. “I still can’t quite believe he was broken.”

  No, I guess she wouldn’t.

  The next few weeks are tough. CJ is angry at me and the guys are antsy to win. We work every waking hour to improve. The rest of September passes in a blur and I was right about alone-time with Danni, it’s almost impossible.

  October has Columbus Day and with it comes a three day weekend. That doesn’t mean me and the team have off but it does give me an hour or two to spare. When she shows up at my door with an overnight bag, I almost jump her in the doorway.

  “Surprise! Karen is with her dad.”

  “We got an away game. I can’t-“

  She puts her finger over my mouth. “CJ got me a plane ticket. I’m coming with.”

  I kiss her beautiful lips that I’ve missed so much, pleased we’re going to spend more time together.

  Coming up for air, I ask, “How did you manage it?”

  “I may have had dinner with the faculty and may have mentioned your dad’s con to Melanie, CJ’s wife. I’m guessing they’re close because soon after we spoke, the tickets showed up in my inbox.”

  “Faculty? I thought you were fired. You didn’t say anything…”

  “Well, it wasn’t official until yesterday. I’m guessing bigger donors sided with the children. When it became public I was fired for my ordeal, the president had to rehire me with back pay. Not only that, my sister got the vet to pay her and is helping with the rent.”

  “I guess you don’t need me.” I step back, feigning to be hurt but she grabs me by the front of my jeans and pulls me forward.

  “Oh, I need you, all right.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I slip my arm under her and take her to the bedroom, hungrier than I’ve ever been for a woman.

  The last few weeks have been wicked hell, not being with her. I sure wish she’d change her mind about moving in together. At least we’d share the same bed. Even if our days were long and lonely, we could make up for it at night.

  She finds the hem of my t-shirt and tears it as it comes over my head. Then, she’s unfastening my jeans, and dragging them down my ass. She pauses at my cock and sucks me until I pull on her hair. Hell, I almost come in her mouth, ruining all the fun.

  I pull her up my body, turn her and figure the stretchy number must come off ov
erhead but she slithers out of it and it pools on the floor leaving her naked.

  “No underwear, huh?”

  She pushes my chest and I land on my back laughing until she straddles me.

  “Where’s the fire?”

  She smiles seductively. “If you don’t know, I’ll have to show you.”

  Cat like, she stretches out on top of my body, her toes touching my feet, her hands over her head, pulling mine up with them.

  “Damn, I’ve missed you.” I spread my legs then pull her up my body until our mouths meet.

  Our kisses heat up and the fire burning within ignites a passion too long withheld.

  She lifts onto her knees, places my tip at her core, and I impale her to the bone. She’s gasoline to my tinder. I grab her ass and arch into her while she crashes down.

  I want her to find her high first so I grit my teeth and hold back the volcano about to erupt. She’s on the edge. She bites her lower lip, her fingertips clamp into my shoulders, and her boobs bounce up and down.

  “Open your eyes. Come with me. Holy fuck, babe. Now!” I groan, turn her, and with Herculean self-control hold myself from exploding into her.

  Her nostrils flare, her mouth drops open, and her inner muscles clench on tight. Eyes rolling up, she arches, and screams out my name.

  I lose all sense of reality as my liquids burst. I think I shout and all of my nerve cells fire at once. Holy fuck, what she does to me.

  Still connected, she collapses onto my chest, her heartbeat pounding with mine. Our bodies have turned to Jell-O and melded. I have no idea where she stops and I begin.

  “Damn.” Sweat rolls off from me despite the air-conditioning.


  “You sure you don’t want me to move in?” I lift a lock of hair out of her eyes and as she twists my nipple piercing, my cock stirs inside her.

  Can you promise to fuck like this every night?”

  “I can try. It may kill us though.”

  “It’s a hell of a way to go.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Smiling, her clever finger continues to play. “Did these hurt?”

  “Not any more than any of my others.”

  “You have more?” Her brows raise.

  “I did. I let them grow in.”


  My coach in college wanted me to look more all American. He thought it would give me a better chance making a team.”

  “Was he right?”

  “I guess. I was selected in the first draft.” I sigh.

  “I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about it.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll never make big bucks again but a coach in a Division One team makes good money. If CJ ever forgives me, I could make assistant and be well on my way. If that happens would you want to stay in Freedham?”

  “If my boss hires me but I’m not so sure she will. The protest in Mexico may have blown my chances. I’m walking on thin ice.”

  “What do you want to do with your degree? Teach?” I play with her silky hair and kiss the tip of her nose.

  “I’m not sure anymore. My sister is settling in nicely, except for the stitches…”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Better than me.” She chuckles. “I can’t believe how far she’s come and can’t help but be angry at my mother for holding her back. Then, I feel guilty because my mom died of cancer and needed a care giver which only makes me madder because Karen never had a chance to blossom.”

  “I love how you do that.” Kissing her cheek, I take a fingertip down her curves.

  “Do what?” Eyes resting on mine, pillow to pillow, her hand cups my beard, my hair, and the back of my neck.

  “I don’t know. This touchy feely shit? I love how it flows out of you. For me, it’s not the same. Stuff gets jammed up in here…” I put her hand to my heart.

  “And doesn’t come out here.” Lifting her knuckles to my lips, I kiss them, while gazing into the brown eyes as dark and the evening desert.

  They sparkle like the moon setting over a dune. “Let me move in with you, babe. When you’re around, I’m a better man.”

  Chapter 24


  Chris’ amber eyes glow in the little light peeking behind the shaded window. The skull tattoo on his arm glowers while his skeleton hand points.

  They wait for my answer but I’ve risked so much, already. Do I dare ask him to share my space? What about Karen? What if she hears us in the night? How will we handle a shared bathroom? Certainly expenses would be easier but what if it doesn’t work out? It would complicate everything.

  “I want to be with you but I’m not sure if we’re ready.”

  His eyes flash pain for a moment, before he nods. “I understand.”

  But he doesn’t. His body tenses and his hand, which seconds ago was caressing me, moves back to his side.

  “Goodnight, Danni. We should try to sleep. Our flight is early.”

  I spoon close to him, my arms around his waist. “Don’t be mad. I love you.”

  He sighs deeply. “Love you, too.”

  His alarm bleeps and when I check my phone, it reads 5:00 AM and I groan. “You got to be kidding me.”

  Laughing, he pulls down the lovely warm comforter and jumps out of bed. His firm butt, thick thighs, and washboard abs make we want to pull him back to bed but the bus will be waiting for us.

  No time to spare, I wait for him to finish in the bathroom, duck under the shower, then dress. He grabs my bag, his knapsack, and we jog to campus in the dark where the diesel fueled vehicle idles. While I settle down in the front seat, he pulls out an iPad to take attendance. The players shuffle in, most of them half-asleep.

  A young man in a silk Pitbulls jacket does the same for the cheerleaders, flag girls, and the pep band.

  Chris double checks the roster, counts heads and taps the driver on the shoulder. “Ready.”

  He stands and puts the intercom mic to his mouth. “Everyone. When we arrive at the airport, stay together. You are each assigned a buddy. You fucking lose your buddy, you will both be benched, I don’t care who you are. Get your asses to gate A-fifteen. If you got a problem, you call me immediately, understood?”

  Everyone groans and grumbles in response.

  My man shouts, “I said, am I understood?”

  “Understood!” Young men and women respond the second time with much more enthusiasm.

  “Good. We’ll eat breakfast on the plane. I don’t care if it tastes like shit. Eat. Then, we’ll be taken to the field where we’ll warm up, and smash those motherfuckers into the dirt until they cry for their mamas.”

  Whoops, hell-yeah’s, and various other forms of male agreement resound.

  In the airport, we’re all whisked through first class and are loaded onto the plane filled almost completely by our group. The coach motions Chris to the seat beside him and head-to-head, they look over game videos while I stare out the window.

  Chris warned me but I’m still taken aback how I cease to exist. When breakfast comes, I eat, listening and watching him intently across the aisle. Is this what I want for the rest of my life? It’s like an on-off switch was flipped.

  On the ground, I follow the crowd to the bus as if I was one of the pep band and it’s the same on the field except everyone else has an assigned task. Alone, I sit on the bleachers and watch until my lids lower. In the warm sun, I lay back, and snooze.

  The noisy crowd wakes me as the stadium fills. To my right, the pep band warms up and in front, cheerleaders stretch. Men come in with buckets filled with Gatorade, juices, and water. Headsets are handed out and tested. According to Chris, there’s three other graduate assistants, nine assistant coaches, and the coach.

  I search for a helmet with a green dot. That must be Ryan, the quarterback. He has a microphone. A few men pat Coach on the back and run off. They reappear in the press box and CJ waves over a guy with a spare mic. They talk for a while and the technician exchanges some electronics.

  Chris’ boss barks out some orders, assistants take their places on the sidelines, and the Pitbulls rush onto the field. Other men run beside them with large cameras on their shoulders.

  Fascinated, I barely notice when Chris jumps up onto the stands and kisses me. “Having fun?”

  “Yeah. I had no idea…”

  He chuckles with his eyes on the field. “A lot goes on, right? I’ll be busy but I love having you here. It means a lot to me.”

  I touch his cheek and hold his gaze. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” He swivels on his heel and jumps down. Then, he runs off to speak in earnest to Jackson who’s stretching on the sidelines.

  I’m not real versed in the rules of the game but understand the coin toss. It determines who gets to kick and who gets to catch. I’m guessing our side won from the way the girls in front jump up and down waving pom-poms.

  The quarterback waves to a girl in the pep band and sits just below my feet. He jokes with another handsome young man who waves to a pink-haired percussionist. She signals back with her drumsticks in the air.

  Vive l’amore.

  The Pitbulls score almost at once but Chris doesn’t smile. Instead, he shouts from the sidelines. The coach on the other side of the field does the same, except louder and with angrier gestures.

  For the most part, I view the game from the large monitor until the drama on the field holds my attention. Jackson jumps impossibly high, catches the ball, and falls onto the field.

  When the opposition piles on top, CJ shares a worried look with my man. The referee blows a whistle and drops a red flag onto the field. As our team’s doctor rushes down the field, huge defensive players in white uniforms pile off Jackson.

  I hold my breath with the rest of the crowd. Below me, our players grumble about dirty tactics and getting even.

  After what seems like forever, Jackson nods at the doctor, jumps up, and waves at the crowd with a big grin. While thunderous cheers echo through the stadium, Chris’ brows furrow. He returns with our injured man and sits him down on the bench.


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