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Prime Salvation (Katieran Prime Book Six)

Page 7

by K. D. Jones

  It has been long enough for mourning; it was time for her to really live her life. However, when she thought about who she would want to do that with, an image of ConEL came to her mind and she couldn’t get it to go away. She barely knew Prime ConEL. He may have forgotten all about her.

  She couldn’t understand why she was consumed with thoughts of a man she may never have a chance with, but here was a man that she had gotten to know quite well that wanted her. She liked AtOM as a warrior and as a friend. She could picture a nice and safe life with him. Did she really want nice and safe?

  “I did not realize that I was asking for something so complicated.” He started to pull away, but Lucy reached for his hand and held it.

  “It’s not complicated. I’m just…out of practice with all this. I like spending time with you. I enjoy your company. You have been kind and a very good friend.”

  “A friend? Is that the only way you see me?” He frowned.

  She leaned closer to him. “You are sexy, smart, and fun to be around, but it may take time for me to get past the friendship status for us. That’s what I am used to.”

  He nodded his head keeping hold of her hand. “I understand that, but know that I will be showing you in every way possible that I can be more than just a friend.”

  She laughed squeezing his hand. “I’m glad to hear it.”


  “How are you feeling today?” Dr. Garrett asked, picking up her digital tablet. She had planned to make this a short session because she wanted to do some behavioral observations with him. See how he interacted with other people.

  “I am…good. I have a completely healthy check up from the Medics. I no longer need the nanos to repair damages to my body. I am advancing with my warrior training. Now I am helping with training others.”

  “Do you like that? Training other warriors?”

  “I do. I never thought of myself as a trainer, more as a commander or leader. But I get a sense of accomplishment whenever someone uses a technique that I have trained them on and they meet with success.”

  “How are things going with your family?”

  “Better. I shared a private Meal with all of the Prime family to celebrate a birthday for Prima SandELa’s stepdaughter. Everyone was there. It was good to see the young playing together. It was a very good evening.” He looked sad for a moment. Dr. Garrett watched him closely and noted the slight shift.

  “Did something happen at the meal that upset you?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing happened. But I have been thinking since then that…I don’t know exactly when my son’s birthday is. The Morins would not let me anywhere near MariELa when she got close to her due date. So I was not made aware when she had gone into labor. It was months after before they allowed me to see MariELa. They brought her in carrying our son. She had tried to name him, but the Morin leader Krosis would beat her whenever she called our young by the name she chose. She began to refer to the young as simply, ‘son’.”

  “At least you got to see them.”

  He didn’t seem happy at that. “It had taken a while before she broke down and told me about the forced intimacies. The head medic believed that she might be able to conceive easier if they took her immediately after the birthing. She had no sooner given birth to our son before the Leader Krosis and others that were still functioning came at her. She had almost died from repeated injuries. It took months for some of the damages to heal. They brought her that day so she could leave the young with me while the Morins …”

  “You don’t have to say any more if you feel uncomfortable.” It bothered her hearing the atrocities, but this was what a therapist had to do to help people.

  He took a deep breath. “They continued to try to breed her with their own males. There were so few of them that produced seed. Every time she came with our son, it would be for that reason. To leave him with me so they could hurt and abuse her.”

  “Did you start to resent TorEL for that?”

  “No! Maybe…a little. I know it was unfair and it wasn’t his fault. I just felt so helpless.” A tear trailed down his face, he didn’t even notice it.

  “What about now? When you look at your son, do you still resent him?”

  “No. I just feel guilty for not being able to protect him as I should have.”

  “What could you have done differently to protect him?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe if I could have known where he and my mate had been taken to on the ship, I could have gotten them off somehow.”

  “Did you have an opportunity?”

  “Once. Two years after the Morins had taken us prisoner. The Morin warriors guarding my holding room got careless. They left the door unlocked thinking that I was too weak to do anything—but I wasn’t—not then. I overtook two of them. I searched for my son and mate, but they had been moved further away. There was a point where I had to make a choice. I could keep searching and possibly get caught again, or I could take the escape pod that was closer to me and escape.”

  “You chose to stay and search for them?”

  He nodded his head. “It didn’t do any good though. I was still recaptured and punished for my attempt. Sometimes I wonder if I could have done more good if I had taken the escape pod to seek help.”

  “From what you said in previous sessions, you didn’t know where you were. They moved from solar system to solar system trying to find them a new home world since their own had become unlivable. So even if you had gotten off the ship, you probably would have been lost and with no way to contact your people.”

  He knew all this, but to hear it said to him made the weight of responsibility and guilt he had been carrying around for so long ease for him. Was this what therapy did? He felt like he was finally understanding now about why it was important for him to talk about things. He still preferred to use his physical method like his warrior training, but discussing what happened let him see things in a different way, as an observer. He could plainly put the blame for what happened on the Morins.

  “Thanks, Dr. Garrett.”

  Rose smiled at him. It was time. “I think we can stop meeting regularly. I want to do a follow up with you at three months, six months, and then at a full twelve months from your release date today.”

  “I’m done?”

  “Yes.” She stood and walked over to him. She reached out a hand careful to clasp his forearm and not his hand. “It has been a pleasure working with you, Prime ConEL.”

  “Thank you so much for your help, Dr. Garrett.”

  She smiled at him warmly. “Would you like to join me for the Evening Meal? We can discuss what to expect at your follow ups.”

  “I would be honored.”


  Lucy went to the suite she shared with some of the other Earth military women. Only a few remained in service. The rest retired so they could become full citizens of Katiera. Lucy had been tempted to do the same, but she was too fully invested. She loved being a soldier, just like her friend, Jaxon.

  She hadn’t been able to get hold of Jaxon since she landed. She had hoped to be able to share an Evening Meal and catch up on things. AtOM had to report in to his superior so he wasn’t available to eat with her either. The other women in her suite all had plans. She was on her own.

  Lucy took a quick shower and changed into something different than her usual uniform. She had worn mostly uniforms for two and a half months straight. She chose to wear a pale blue halter dress. Its hem came up to just an inch over her knees. She let her hair down and grimaced a little. It had grown longer since she was gone and curlier. She didn’t have the energy to straighten it so she let the tresses hang down her back in curly waves. She decided to put on the blue high heels she had always avoided wearing. Jaxon always teased her that the high heels made her already long legs look like they could reach the sky. The heels gave her confidence and for some reason, she needed that tonight.

  She headed to the lift that would take her down to the ground lev
el where the large Meal Room was located. Most people were already there so there weren’t a lot of people strolling the hallways.

  She entered the Meal Room and headed for the counters where the food was located. It was buffet style so she was able to choose her own selections. Then she went in search for an empty table. As she passed by, a couple of males offered to share their table with her, but she declined. Instead, she found a table in the corner where she could keep an eye on the room. It was a habit of hers. She ate her food enjoying the difference in the taste from what she had on Southside.

  About fifteen minutes later, she looked up and watched as ConEL walked through the door. She gasped. It took a moment for her to recognize him. He had changed so much since the last time she had seen him. His dark brown warrior coat stretch against the corded muscles rippling beneath. His shoulders were huge and he looked like he had grown five inches taller. His face was bare of any facial hair. He had a strong chin. She could see his dark eyes with the gold pupils even from the distance she was. His hair was smoothed back, but it was still salt and pepper coloring. It made him look very distinguished. He was truly magnificent. She wanted to get up and go to him, but he wasn’t alone.

  Walking beside him was a beautiful red haired woman. She wore a gray pencil skirt and a white silk blouse. She smiled at him and whispered something, which made him laugh.

  His laugh was a deep throaty one that sent shivers down her body. He was not the same man she had found locked up on the Morin Transport. He was strong and confident. And evidently, he was in a relationship with the hot redhead. She frowned. Jaxon hadn’t mentioned him dating when she spoke over the digital tablet. Lucy suddenly lost her appetite. All she wanted to do was leave before he saw her.

  She stood to leave but he spotted her at that exact moment. He froze in his tracks as his eyes locked onto hers. She tried to move but she couldn’t.

  ConEL froze. It was her. Oh Goddess KatieRI. Lucy was more beautiful than he had remembered. Her lovely dark skin was bare on her arms. ConEL felt the immediate need to touch her, taste her, and take her.

  “Prime ConEL? Is everything okay?” Dr. Garrett asked with concern. His breathing had changed to an irregular beat and he was growling.

  “It’s her.”

  “Her who?” Dr. Garrett looked in the direction that ConEL was looking. She saw a gorgeous, African American woman standing frozen in place staring at ConEL.

  “It’s Lieutenant Daniels.”

  Oh, the woman that had saved him from being drowned but had to be punished because of the Katieran Laws.

  “Go ahead and get your food, I must speak to that female for a moment.”

  “Okay.” By the looks that those two were giving one another, Dr. Garrett doubted he would be coming back to eat with her. She sighed. Sometimes being a therapist first meant that you ate alone a lot of the time.

  ConEL made his way to the female that had haunted him day and night. Everything male in him was screaming for him to take her to his suite, tear her clothes off, and lick every square inch of her. She seemed a little different. Where he had gained weight, mostly muscle—she seemed to have lost weight. He preferred her as she had been before. Her hair was longer, and curlier. He liked seeing it down. She was the most beautiful female he had ever laid eyes on.

  “You are back,” he said when he reached her. That was not what he wanted to say, it just came out wrong.

  “I am. You look…good.” Fucking hot is what he looked like. She felt her nipples harden and her pussy slickening.

  ConEL blinked a couple of times as he took several deep breaths. He aroused Lucy. It was the most delicious thing he had ever smelled.

  “You look beautiful.” He gave her a sexy smile. Her scent just got stronger.

  Lucy was in trouble. Here was the man that had plagued her every waking and sleeping moment. She fretted over his well-being. She prayed for her God and for the Katieran’s Goddess to watch over him and to help him. Now he stood before her strong, whole, and looking more jaw dropping tasty. She wanted to lick him head to toe. Fuck, the man was dangerous to her. She wouldn’t last five seconds if they were alone. She would be all over him and she wouldn’t complain about it one bit. However, he might have a problem with it, once the pleasure faded.

  “How was Southside?”

  “It was hot, but it was fine. I learned a lot.” She fidgeted with her hair. She wished she had taken the time to straighten it.

  There was a moment of silence between them. Both of them looking each other from top to bottom. The sexual tension was a tangible thing, growing and getting stronger. Lucy could have sworn she felt like a magnet being drawn to him. She glanced away feeling self-conscious. Big mistake. She caught sight of the redhead who was watching them like a hawk—the bucket of cold water that she needed.

  “Well, it was good to see you again. I’m glad you are doing well.” She turned and walked out of the Meal Room, not caring where she went as long as it was far away.

  “Lieutenant Daniels?” ConEL frowned when the female just walked off. Had he done something wrong? He walked to the table that Dr. Garrett sat at.

  “Something wrong?” she asked him.

  “She just left. I thought …”

  “You thought what?”

  “I could sense her arousal. I thought she was interested in me.”

  Rose blushed. The Katieran’s sense of smell was very enhanced. She thought about what she had observed. “Her initial body language did suggest she found you attractive.” He looked up at her in surprise.

  “So what happened?”

  “She twirled her hair, which is a tale for her. Someone who normally doesn’t act girlie suddenly doing a very girlie thing such as hair twirling is a sign of feminine need and desire.”

  Wow. Did she learn that in school back on Earth? “Why did she leave?”

  “My best guess, she saw me and thought we were here on a date.”


  “She was jealous. She thought you and I were here on a date and it bothered her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “She practically stormed out of the room. I am sure.”

  Lucy was interested in him. Lucy was jealous that he might be with another female. “What should I do?”

  “Go after her.”

  * * *

  Chapter Nine

  Lucy stood on the shore barefooted. She had taken her heels off to walk on the sand. She stopped a short distance away. It was the same spot she had seen ConEL take his plunge into the Waters of Katiera ten weeks ago. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  “Why are you here?”

  She jumped at the male voice that came from behind her. She turned to find ConEL walking toward her.

  “I came out here because I needed fresh air.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Why did you come to Katiera in the first place?”

  “I wanted a different life.”

  “Different from being a warrior on Earth? But then why continue to try to be a warrior here?”

  Was that an insult? “I am a warrior. Through and through. Just like you. The difference is that I have breasts.”

  ConEL couldn’t help but look down at the breasts in question. They were outlined quite obviously by her form fitting dress. His cock was instantly hard. He had dreamed of her for months. He couldn’t believe she was finally back, within his reach.

  When he first started to fantasize about Lucy, he felt like he was betraying his dead mate for wanting another female. However, the counseling helped him work on grieving for the loss and he began to put things in perspective. He realized the best way to honor MariELa was to live his life. Feeling these emotions for another reaffirmed that for him. He thought about a saying that his people had, “Feeling is part of living. If you’re not feeling it, then you’re not living it.”

  He moved closer to her. He breathed in her scent. The closer he got the stronger her fragrance grew. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.
  She took a step back from him. “Don’t you have a date to get back to?”

  “I do not understand.”

  “You know—you and the redhead.”

  “Dr. Garrett and I had just finished our counseling session and we decided to share a meal together.”

  She snorted. “Is that how they do counseling now? The therapists date the clients?”

  “I do not understand. You are angry with me?”

  She shrugged and looked out over the water. The Luna shined down making the water sparkle.

  “She’s beautiful,” she said without looking at him.

  “She is, but I am not dating, Dr. Garrett. I have not dated anyone.”

  She still wouldn’t look at him. He said they weren’t dating but men say things sometimes to get what they want.

  “I’ve thought about you a great deal.”

  She looked up at him in surprise. “You have?”

  “Yes.” He closed the distance between them.

  “I’ve thought about you, too. I was worried,” she admitted to him.

  He frowned. He did not want her worry. He wanted her passion. “As you can see, I am fine.”

  She looked him up and down, lingering on his lips. “I see that.” She licked her own lips.

  ConEL could not deny himself any longer. He had to taste her. He swooped down claiming her plump lips in a brutal kiss. Flames went inferno throughout her entire body. Never had just a kiss done this to her before.

  Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck. She grasped his hair keeping his mouth on hers. Her nipples were hardened and her breasts felt heavy. A tightness built within her.

  He plunged his tongue deep inside her mouth taking her as he wanted to take her body. He growled as his hands took hold of her firm and voluptuous backside. He pulled her covered pussy up against his manhood. He had to get inside of her; the need for her was bad. His need was so great he was trembling as he pulled the hem of her dress slowly up her body.


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