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Prime Salvation (Katieran Prime Book Six)

Page 12

by K. D. Jones

  ConEL shook his head. “No. It’s Morin. In fact, the Leader is Leader Krosis.”

  “The one that had you…?” TylOR looked down at TorEL only now realizing how quiet the young was.

  “Yes,” ConEL answered.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know for sure.”

  “It’s okay. Where was the message intercepted?”

  “Vector Section. One of our transports was passing by and intercepted this message that seemed strange to us.”

  The Vector Section was located in another Solar System a few days away. The Katierans didn’t patrol that area because it was further away and almost completely desolate. That would be the perfect hiding place for the Morins.

  “Are you sending out a scouting ship?”

  “Not yet. It could have been them passing through the area. We will continue to monitor it. We needed verification that it was not Katieran. Do you think there is a fleet of them still out there?”

  “Two fleets,” TorEL spoke for the first time. Both males turned their attention on him.

  “Two fleets? Are you sure?” Commander TylOR asked.

  “Yes. Krosis and his warriors spoke freely in front of me, seeing me as no threat. All that remains of the Morin race is on board the ships within the fleet.”

  “How many ships?” ConEL asked. He was never told much by the Morins.


  Both males were shocked. “They only have twenty-five ships in total?”

  TorEL nodded his head. “Can I go now? I am tired.”

  ConEL stood. “Yes, we’ll both go back to our quarters. It’s going to be a big day tomorrow. We’ll be on Kiljor.”

  They walked back to their quarters without saying anything. He let TorEL shower first and then he took his own shower. When he came to sit on his bed, TorEL finally spoke.

  “Do you think we will get a chance to get Krosis?”

  “I’m not sure. The Morins are desperate to find a new home world. Their numbers are down, but that only makes them more dangerous. I think they will make a mistake eventually.”

  “I hope we do. I would like to see Krosis die. I wouldn’t mind being the one to kill him.”

  Oh Goddess. What could he say to that? He felt the exact same way, too. But to hear his young say it with hate in his voice made him sad. Would the Morins continue to hurt his family forever?

  “I wish for justice, too. However, we need to live our lives regardless of whether justice is served or not.”

  Tor laid on his side. “I had an opportunity to kill him once. He forgot to have someone take me back to my cell. He went to sleep and I had a knife in my hand.”

  No…no…no. This shouldn’t be happening. It was tearing him up inside to hear this. “But you didn’t?”

  “I couldn’t do it. Not while he was defenseless. He deserved it though.”

  “He did deserve it, but you displayed the exact example of the difference between us and Morins. You displayed honor.”

  “Honor doesn’t bring back my mother.”

  “No it doesn’t, but living your own life with respect and duty, honors her life.”


  “Goodnight, son.”


  * * *

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lucy felt strange coming back to Kiljor. This was where she had been taken prisoner by the Morins. The Kiljorns were working hard to rebuild the destruction done to their planet.

  “Are you okay?” ConEL asked from the seat beside her. She was sitting in the middle of TorEL and ConEL this time.

  “I am a little nervous I guess.”

  He reached out a hand to squeeze hers. They hadn’t had a moment alone since last night. He had left for the operations room and had not returned. Once the medics told her she was okay to leave, she went back to her own quarters. She was grateful that Dr. Garrett was already asleep. She didn’t feel like talking to the woman.

  Though ConEL had said there had never been anything between them, it was hard for her to believe the other woman didn’t feel attracted to ConEL. He was a gorgeous man and that whole tortured soul, was very appealing.

  Dr. Garrett had been nothing but nice to her. It made it even harder to hate her. She wished the woman was ugly, even a little bit. But she wasn’t. She was beautiful. At least she didn’t have to spend more time with Dr. Garrett while on Kiljor. Dr. Garrett had remained behind on the transport with the little Dr. Connell. They would be leaving the next day for the Colony. She and ConEL were due back tomorrow, too.

  “Wow, there’s a lot of damage here,” TorEL commented, getting his first view of Kiljor from the viewing screen on the shuttle.

  “It’s actually better than last time. The Morins were trying to do the most damage as possible,” Lucy told him.

  The shuttle slowly lowered to the landing platform on top of the Prime Building. Prime Commander TylOR acted as co-pilot. His brother, AshOR, had argued about remaining on board the transport. TylOR agreed just to get him to shut up.

  The shuttle landed smoothly. They all started to unload. Prime Leader KadEN was waiting to greet them. Beside him was his new mate, Lindsey.

  “It is good to see you again, Prime ConEL.”

  “You, too. Congratulations on your mating ceremony.”

  Lindsey blushed as all eyes turned her way. “Thank you. It was a lovely ceremony.”

  Prime Leader KadEN greeted Lucy and TorEL. Lucy liked Lindsey. She never acted as if she was better than anyone else was. It was hard to believe she was now a Prima.

  “Lieutenant Daniels, you are looking well.”

  “Thank you, Prima. You are glowing with happiness.”

  TorEL shuffled his feet feeling a little awkward. “Hi.”

  Lindsey smiled at the young boy. “Hi, TorEL. My sister says you are a great friend to her. I want to thank you for that. Before you, she didn’t have anyone her own age to play with.”

  He blushed. “I like her. I never met any children before I was freed from the Morin ship, so I am grateful to have made such a wonderful friend.”

  “Well, she talks non-stop about you.” She turned to welcome the other two women who would be remaining on Kiljor to help counsel the families and survivors from the attack.

  “I can show you all to your quarters and then take you for the Midday Meal.”

  “We would appreciate that thank you.” Lucy, TorEL, and the other women followed Lindsey to the lifts while ConEL and Commander TylOR remained behind to speak with Prime Leader KadEN.

  “We’ll take the next lift down to the operations room. I want a full update on the transmission that was intercepted,” KadEN told TylOR.

  “Yes, sir.”


  Lucy shared quarters with the other two women, but it would only be for one night. She would be leaving with ConEL and TylOR to return to the transport ship and continue on to the Colony. She was looking forward to that. She wanted to meet Leader LarIS in person. If not for him, she might not have been able to get ConEL and TorEL off the Morin ship.

  She didn’t have time to shower before Lindsey came back to get them for the Midday Meal. She was hungry.

  “Will Prime Leader KadEN be joining us for the meal?” Lucy asked. What she really wanted to know was whether ConEL would be there.

  “No. They are in conference right now. I don’t expect to see them till the Evening Meal.”

  There were many people crowded into the Meal Room. More than usual. Some looked a little disheveled.

  “Most of the people here were victims of the attack. Their homes were destroyed and they had nowhere else to go. We have been working on relocating as many as we can to other places throughout Kiljor, but it is slow going. The rebuilding of homes is taking longer than we anticipated. We have succeeded in finding quarters to share for them, but with quite a few of our buildings damaged, it leaves few Meal Rooms available.”

  “Can’t they eat outside?” one of the counselors asked. />
  “Normally, yes. However, with the construction going on, there is still too much debris floating around. It would be unhealthy and unsafe.”

  “What about the transports?” TorEL asked while stuffing his face with food.

  “What are you asking?” Lindsey asked looking a little confused.

  “Some of the people could stay on the transports while the new housing is built.”

  All the women at the table grew quiet as they thought about the suggestion. Lindsey was tapping her chin with a finger trying to work out the logistics in her head. “It could work. It would be a temporary situation, but I think it will solve many of the space issues we have. Great idea, TorEL.”

  The little boy puffed out his chest proud of himself for thinking of something helpful. Lucy couldn’t help but be proud of him, too. Despite everything that had happened to TorEL, he seemed to be adjusting to his new life. He and ConEL were bonding more and more each day. They were becoming more comfortable around each other. Seeing ConEL with TorEL made her ache for something she knew would probably never happen, to have a family of her own. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. If ConEL had a hard time letting go of his old life with his dead mate, he certainly wouldn’t want to start a new family with Lucy.

  Several males that Lucy met previously when she had come to Kiljor stopped by the table to welcome her back. She happily introduced the men to the two women who would be remaining on Kiljor.

  “I’m kind of tired,” TorEL stated with a yawn.

  Lucy was, too. Space travel made your body tired more easily. “I’ll take you to your suite so you can rest. I’ll wait there with you until you father comes back.”

  The two of them said their goodbyes and went to the suite that ConEL and TorEL were assigned. It was similar to the ones on Katiera, but this one only had two bedrooms. She helped tuck TorEL into his bed and bent kissing his forehead. “I’ll be right outside in the main living space if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Lucy.”

  “It is my pleasure.” She turned the lights out and closed the door partway. She went to the couch and sat down. All of a sudden, she felt tired too. That’s what happened when you were in space. Your adrenaline keeps you going. Then there’s always a crash when you get to planet. She laid back on the couch and closed her eyes. Maybe just rest was what she needed. For just a moment.


  ConEL was frustrated. The Kiljorns weren’t going to send a scout to investigate the transmission. Leader KadEN wanted to keep all transports and warships available to protect Kiljor in the event of a second attack. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand the male’s reluctance. But it frustrated ConEL because it was possible to end the Morins completely with them only having twenty-five ships left. It should bother him to have thoughts of wiping out an entire race of beings, but ConEL could not muster any feelings of empathy for them.

  Their meeting lasted past Midday Meal. He went searching for TorEL and Lucy. Lindsey told him that they went to his suite so TorEL could rest. He didn’t realize how much a toll all this traveling would take on his son. Even the Morins had occasionally stopped at a nearby Luna or planet so their people could stretch their legs. It was on those rare occasions that he and Tor were able to view the sky and the sun. His son must be going stir crazy a bit.

  “Hello?” he called out when he entered the suite. It was really, really quiet. He walked by a bedroom with the door partially closed. He opened it to find TorEL sleeping deeply. He watched his young for a moment undisturbed. He looked so much like AriELa did when she had been his age. He missed out a lot with AriELa’s childhood, but he had a chance to have that with Tor and he realized for the first time that he wanted it. He wanted to watch his son grow into a strong and confident male. He wanted to help him do that. He closed the door back and went into the living quarters.

  At first he didn’t see her. Then he walked around to the front side of the couch. His goddess was there sleeping as well. He inhaled her scent deeply. No female smelled as delicious as his Lucy did. His Lucy? When has she become his Lucy?

  She mumbled something and stretched her arms over her head. He hardened instantly remembering their last sexual encounter. She loved it when he held her still. It shocked him that she would let him do that, and it pleased him as well to be able to dominate her.

  He tried to sit on the edge of the couch but the space was too narrow. He bent and hooked an arm under her knees and lifted her up into his arms. He carried her to the other bedroom. He laid her on the bed and stepped away to close and lock the door. He turned his attention back to the female that was playing havoc on his mind and body. He wanted to resent her for the feelings he had, but it wasn’t fair to do that. She probably didn’t want to develop feelings for him either. Especially after what happened with her dead mate. What a pair they made. Both with tragic pasts, suspicious of others motives, and both reluctant to start a new future.

  He removed his boots, shirt, and pants. Then he proceeded to remove Lucy’s boots. He unhooked her pants and slid them down her long smooth legs. Her legs would pop into his mind at the most inopportune time. Like when he was discussing the transmission earlier with Prime Leader KadEN.

  One minute he was listening to the Prime Leader, the next a graphic image of Lucy’s long bare legs spread open for him popped into his head. His pants became very painful to deal with. He had to shift in his seat without drawing anyone’s notice.

  He bent down on the bed to unbutton her shirt. His breathing increased with anticipation. He pushed the sides of the shirt apart revealing her generous breasts. He longed to tear the satiny coverings off, but he did not want to take more liberties with her while she was unconscious. He only removed her boots, pants, and shirt to make her more comfortable. Then he crawled up to lay beside her, taking her into his arms. She didn’t wake but she did wiggle her body closer to his, fitting him perfectly. One word came to his mind as he drifted off to sleep. Mate.

  * * *

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lucy was dreaming. It was the sexiest damn dream she ever had. Big strong hands were massaging her body. Hands familiar to her, ConEL’s hands. They cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples with his thumb and forefinger. Every time he pulled her nipple, she felt it straight down to her pussy.

  She moaned with pleasure and need as she rubbed her ass against his thickened cock. His lips closed over a spot on her neck and sucked on her there. Fuck! That felt good. It wasn’t until he bit down gently that she realized this wasn’t a dream.

  “ConEL,” her voice was raspy and thick with desire.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up so I can do this.” He released her bra hook from the back and pulled it off her. His hands returned to envelope the warm globes squeezing them with more enthusiasm.


  She felt the slickness between her legs. She reached around behind them to clasp at his butt, his naked butt. She gave him a tight squeeze causing him to pump his manhood against her covered butt cheeks.

  “Get these off me,” she ordered him with need as she attempted to yank her panties down her legs.

  ConEL groaned, her movements causing her ass to press further against his cock. He reached down her front, gripped the offending scrap of material and yanked hard, making the material break free from her body. She should stop wearing these little things; they only get in his way.

  Now that she was completely open to him, he tested her entrance to make sure it was slick enough. He loved that about her. She responded to him readily. He pumped one finger in and out. She tried to push at a different rhythm but he wasn’t ready to let go of his control. He added two more fingers stretching her channel for his girth.

  “ConEL,” she whined, wiggling her ass even more.

  He removed his fingers and hooked his hand around her inner thigh. He lifted her leg up as he positioned himself. There was not slow or easy. He pumped his hips hard and slid in to the hilt.

��God.” Lucy was on fire for him. His every thrust hit her core and rubbed her inner walls in the most delicious way.

  He drilled her from behind but wanted in deeper and he wanted her ultimate submission. He pulled out of her causing her outburst.

  “What the hell?! Get back here!” She tried grabbing for him, but he kept himself out of her reach.

  “On your hands and knees,” he commanded, he was in charge and expected obedience.

  She scrambled up onto her hands and knees, spreading her legs apart. She looked over her shoulder at him. Her breaths were rapid and heavy. She licked her dry lips. When he didn’t seem to do anything but stare at her backside, she wiggled it in the air temptingly for him.

  “You are teasing me now,” he growled. He gripped his cock in his hand and pumped himself.

  “Get over here then.”

  He didn’t need another invitation. He crawled up and over her. He rubbed her smooth mocha skin at the base of her lower back. His hands spread over her butt cheeks.

  She pushed back trying to lodge herself onto him. He slapped her ass with a lite stinging. It made her walls clinch and she felt her juices flow as her pussy soften in expectation of his cock.

  He was surprised by her response to his aggressive behavior. ConEL pushed firmly on her back making her lower to her breasts, pressing them to the mattress. He continued to stroke her ass, giving it a tap on each side. Then he would slap a little harder, quickly smoothing out the sharp pain to a burning pleasure.

  “You like that don’t you?” he growled in her ear.


  He would have continued to tease her a little longer but he needed to release and he couldn’t hold back anymore. He centered himself and drove into her, filling her channel. He pulled almost completely out, then slammed back inside of her to the hilt.

  They were both primed and it didn’t take long for them both to come to the release. He pulled out and released on the side of her. He had to fight every instinct he had to not release inside of her and claim her for his own.


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