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Page 79

by Mercedes Keyes

  "Why you all sittin' back here in the back of the church? Them days is over... you all should be up front - oh and hi... I'm the grooms mother, Gert and your name is?" She asked Sheila.

  Who was recovering from almost having said, "Dai - am!" in the Lords house, she couldn't believe she came out with that about them sitting in the back of the church. All four of them shook there heads, saying, "No ma'am... we fine right where we are." This said as the hired photography made rounds snapping pictures of everyone.

  "I'm Sheila, this is Edwina, that's Ellen and that's Vivian." She introduced each of them. Gert had her eyes fixed on Vivian. "Oh my goodness look at you! Lord... I got to do some praying now!" Gert announced with a pounding in her heart, staring at Vivian. Who wasn't sure what to make of what she was getting at.

  "The music's started, I better get to my seat... at the reception, I wanna see all of you at the front table... understand?!"

  They all smiled, "Yes ma'am... we will."

  As soon as Gert walked away, they all looked at Vivian. "She got her eyes on you for somethin'! We liable to find your ass strung up in these back woods somewhere... you best stay close... this some spooky Steven King shit!"

  "Girl quit cussing in the Lords house!" Ellen chastised Sheila.

  "Oops - shit...sorry..."

  "Girl! You did it again!"

  "Oh shit!" She said it again, covering her mouth.

  "Sheila! The Lord gone strike yo'ass and fry you to a crisp!" Ellen furthered.

  "Oh... you said ass!"

  "Ass is okay, its in the bible... but not shit!"

  "Now you saying it!"

  "Just shet up ya'll... Vivian... like she said... stay close, too many woods and trees to get lost out here!"

  Shawn stood with his stomach tied in a tight knot, with his brother Derrick by his side, he held his breath waiting for her to show up and make her way down the isle. Angela, Sasha, Jenny Lee and then Shanna led the way and then the change in the music happened and everyone stood turning toward the back as it announced the coming of the bride.

  After a brief pause, she appeared, holding onto his father's arm and a huge arrangement of flowers. Her friends had arrived, and gestured to her. She looked over at them and smiled. He could see the relief on her face from there that she was happy they'd shown up. Towards the front was Crystal and Mundo, dressed impeccably smart with beaming smiles. She searched them out and smiled again when she saw them, then with nervous expectant eyes, hers met his.

  Shawn went weak and prayed that his legs would hold him. The pull of attraction and need was so powerful between them, he could not wait until she was there by his side, where he could touch her, hold her there next to him, until all the vows were said and reverend Hamilton announced them as husband and wife... Shawn needed that to happen, more than anything... he wanted this... he wanted her... more than ever.

  He took a million snaps of her in his mind, just as the photography did his job capturing her every nuance until she arrived there to stand by him and was handed over to him by his father. They both looked at each other. Spellbound in disbelief that they were finally there, standing and about to say vows that would secure them as one. The music drew to its end and all attending sat down, friends, family and distant relatives were present.

  As silence grew within, signalling that all were ready with their full attention, reverend Hamilton said right away. "I ask all who sit in view of this marriage ceremony, if anyone has any reason to stay the joining of these two in holy matrimony, say so of it now, or forever hold your peace."

  Sylvia stood with her eyes closed, holding her breath, scared to death that someone would. No matter what battles came ahead, she wanted this. She wanted Shawn, she just wanted it to be over with so they could move on and she could then cleanse her soul... just set out the truth so they could move on from there. A full minute went by that felt to them both, like an hour. Satisfied, the reverend petitioned all to bow their heads, then said a prayer over the ceremony. Following an amen, all lifted their heads and the ceremony went forward.

  Shawn wished the reverend was a CD in a player so he could just speed him forward to the part about kissing the bride and have it done with. But he wasn't and there was no rushing to be done. Each vow was given, by both of them, next the I do's, followed by the exchanging of rings. Sylvia proudly placed his ring on his finger, just as he had done to her. Both were growing excited as the ceremony was brought down the home stretch to the reverend announcing... "I now... pronounce you... husband and wife... Mr. McPherson, you are now free to kiss your bride."

  Shawn blew out a deep breath so hyped with excitement he almost shouted out his joy.

  "Come here baby! You're mine now!" He announced loud and proud, making all within hearing chuckle as he pulled Sylvia to him for a big kiss. Sylvia was so relieved, she could have fainted. It was done! They were now... husband and wife! With her arms around his waist, she kissed him back glorying in the feel of being his, cheering made them laugh and finally break the kiss. They turned to all assembled while they clapped, cheered and whistled, pictures were being taken from every direction. Finally they were a married couple, and made their way slowly through the aisle, smiling and stopping for snap shots. Both beaming and happy.

  The family had to stay at the church for pictures, and after an hour of photos being taken - they went to Shawn's parents to change. Rather, Sylvia wanted to change. She wasn't about to wear the gown beyond the ceremony. Had in fact bought herself a long, white, shimmering gown for after the wedding to attend the reception in. After changing and rearranging her hair, they showed up an hour later at the wedding hall because the ceremony was not complete without the driving through town and blowing their horns with the help of Shawn's nephews and friends. Now the celebrating could begin...

  Chapter 73

  Gert couldn't remember the last time she was this giddy with excitement. She had to learn more about that girl... that woman... she remembered her name. Vivian. Riding last behind the long train of cars to the hall with her husband in their Lincoln Towne Car, she could barely sit still.

  Bart chuckled, "Okay... what's got you squirming and your legs shakin'?" He asked, driving careful and slow as he did.

  "You didn't see her?"

  "See who mother?"

  "How could you miss her?! She stood out like a black shinning star sparkling in the bright morning sky! Oh my lord... I love my Sylvie... but that one there! Oooh I gotta find out about her. Let's pray Bart - pray real hard that she not married! That she free - 'cause I wanna'ha!"

  Bart chuckled shaking his head at her.

  "Supposin' you mean Jake, what about Doris?"

  "What about her?! She just somethin' for him to do with hisself!"

  "Its been six years!" He reminded her.

  "He stick with her 'cause he too lazy to pursue another, and she can't have babies! You know our Jake, she means nothing to him. It's time now he settle down. I want him settlin' with that one - that smooth black velvet - godalmighty did you see her!? Oooh Bart, I'm tellin' you - I'll die a happy woman if I can get that son of yours to see what he could have, instead of going after his brother's all the time!" She went on with her mind going crazy, daydreaming of the possibilities. While the child Sylvia carried ran toward the possibility of being light skinned, even white - there was no way in hell one by the smooth dark Vivian would be. She matched up Jake and Vivian in her mind, seeing them together, and grew more anxious.

  "Lord please, I'm beggin' you... let her be single! Let her be single!"

  "Mother you need to leave our young men alone and let them go where they will... with whom they will."

  "They'll mess it up! You can't depend on them to know what's good for'im! Derrick the only one make sense in his choosin'! Look what Shawn come home with at first!"

  "I liked Deidre... she was nice."

  "May be - but - she obviously wasn't right for our Shawn... after all, look how it ended! 'Sides, if it hadn't been for her, my Sh
awn might've come home long time ago."

  "Yeah but - had he come home long time ago, he might'ah met someone else and then there'd be no Sylvia."

  "That's true... anyway... he's sorted out and married up to the right one. Now, we just gotta focus on our Jake - get him goin' on his own so peace can reign with the two here together... we don't get Jake involved - find him his own, he not gonna leave Shawn alone."

  "They men now Gert... leave'em to their own lives."

  "But he's been messin' with her Bart." She finally informed him.

  "Messin' with who?"

  "Sylvia! Jakes been comin' on to her! Trying to wreck things for Shawn!"

  Bart inhaled deep and long. "How do you know?" He asked.

  "'Cause she told me. Poor thing is scared to death; I'm not gonna have it! I will not have Jake messin' things up for them, I think you should talk to him." She advised.

  "I haven't seen the boy all week and he didn't show up for his brother's wedding."

  "Well that's why Bart... I don't think he wanted to see him marrying Sylvia. I talked to him... warned him about her. However, in view of new things - Vivian to be precise, I can only pray he shows up at the reception. I didn't want him to at first... but now... I hope he will. I may have to call him, make sure he does show up."

  "Well make up your mind mother! You want him there or not?!"

  "I want him there now... because I want him to see Sylvia's friend! But I don't want him coming there to mess with them! This is Shawn's day! I don't want him blowing it!"

  "Well you've warned him, that's enough. Too much pesterin' him'll only push him over the edge! Make'im do something out of resentment."

  "We might've had more control of'em if you'd just taken more time with him when he was a boy." Gert sat back looking out of her car window, growing irritated by it all.

  Bart sighed again.

  "I'm trying to make up for that now aren't I?"

  "If you ask me... I think its too late. Damage is done. Lord I swear... if we could just take them, make them live their lives in the way we know it will work for them. Work for us all, then everyone would be happy... and peace would reign."

  "Well it don't work that way mother."

  "I know that Bart. Don't stop a body from hopin' it. Wishin' it! I just want my children... all my children ... to be happy. That's all I want. And... well... Jake ... to get that black velvet - oooh Bart you gotta look at her when we get to the hall! She wearing a knock'em out - drop dead gorgeous red dress... and I mean she wearing that red dress! Lord'amercy! If Jake don't see the potential of that one... there is no hope!"

  "What if he don't like what he see? What if he not attracted to her?" Bart asked reasonably.

  "Oh Bart, don't rain on my parade! I can't think like that right now! We got to think positive! First thing I gotta pray is that he show up! If he don't show up - I don't know what we gonna do!"

  "We?!" Bart laughed.

  "Yes we! When we get there... you get a look at her... a good look ... and tell me if you think our son will notice her or not."

  "All right... I'ah take a look. What you gonna do though if she's single, catches his attention, but isn't the marrying kind? What then?"

  "There you go again... pissing on my bonfire! I'm just gonna have to find out ... I gotta know. I'm tellin' you now... I want her for my Jake... I want that black mare for my Jake... lord'amercy I'm tellin'yah now... I just gotta have her!"

  Bart said nothing more, grinning at his wife. She was like a little girl collecting Barbie dolls... however, these Barbie dolls were living and breathing. She was now sick with it, sick with the match-making fever... and he could tell, she wasn't gonna be happy until she made that match.

  * * *

  "Sheila why you always gotta argue with somebody? Let's just drive around a bit... let everybody get there... then we show up." Vivian wrestled to get her way.

  "I ain't thinkin' 'bout you! I gotta go talk to my girl! Lord didn't she look good?!" Sheila drove, praising Sylvia.

  "Her man look good! I'm tellin' ya'll now... I've seen his ass somewhere before... I just don't know where. But I never forget a face - if I could just remember." Edwina continued on having said it once already earlier, whispering it during the marriage ceremony.

  "How you figure you seen him before? You don't know no white folks!" Sheila argued.

  "How you know what I know?! Who I know! Ya'll ain't the only people I circulate with! You know I do have other acquaintances!"

  "I don't care who you know - you don't know nothing about him!" Sheila went on.

  "Will ya'll hush for a minute - I'm on the phone! I can't hear nothing he saying!" Ellen barked at them with her cell phone to her ear.

  "Get off the phone then! Tell that Mexican, call you later! You can't take a shit without him checking to see what's in it!"

  "Don't worry 'bout what my man checkin' on me! Hm baby?..." She argued with Sheila then went back to talking to Jose. "... you know how Sheila get... don't mind her. Naw, I ain't gone say that now-..."

  "What he say?! What he say?!" Sheila asked looking in her rear view mirror at Ellen, "... tell'im I got something for his lil'Mexican ass! Gimme the phone - I'ah set his ass straight right now!" She fussed.

  "Baby look... don't worry about it - we'll be back tonight-..."

  "Tell'em you be back when we get back! Goddammit! Who he think he is - he'on run shit!"

  "We better be gettin' back tonight! You know I gotta' work in the morning - don't be messing around, Sheila!"

  "Look, you just sit there and chill out. All ya'll gettin' on my nerve! That's what I get for bringin' ya'll asses! Next time - get yo'own goddamn ride - messin' with me!"

  "Next time I am... every time we ride with you, we gotta be put through some shit! Now come on Sheila... I don't wanna go straight there! I gotta step off in there last, so they can see me... shit - I wore this red dress for a reason! I can't be showing up with everybody at the same time... looking all anxious and shit!"

  Sheila shook her head laughing, "Yo' lil'young ass ain't learned nothin'! Showing off! That red dress gone fool around and snag you something yo'ass ain't gone be able to handle! You ought'ah learn that from Hocki Socki!"

  Ellen and Edwina cracked up in the back seat, "HOCKI SOCKI!!!" They laughed until tears were in their eyes.

  "His name is Laek Chan!" Vivian corrected her, then turned to them in the back seat, "Ya'll need to shet up! Ain't nothin' funny!"

  "I'on care what his name is! You got his ass with that red dress! You need to retire that goddamn thing! It don't do nothing but get you in trouble!"

  "Hey - lil'trouble don't scare me! Bring'it on! Shit - ain't nobody crazy as me! Whoever it snag... he best be ready! I'm the goddamn trouble here!" Vivian bragged grinning.

  "Em hm... that's what yo' black ass say now, but yo'ass was cryin' a few months back over Jackie Chan ass!"

  "Can we get out of the past please!? I'on wanna hear about that - that's over and done with - let's go to that Kwik Trip back there! I need some gum and breath mints!"

  "I passed it now!"

  "You got breaks?! Steering wheel! Turn this son'va'bitch 'round!" Vivian instructed in her bossy way.

  "Lil'girl! You better learn to respect yo'elders!" Sheila fussed and waited until she got to a junction in a street and turned down it to circle back, going on as she did so, "Yep... I'm done cartin' ya'll asses around. You should'ah got all this shit before we left... million and two goddamn stores in Chicago - and you wait till now to get that shit... and hurry yo'ass up in there too! 'Cause I will leave you!" She warned pulling into the busy Kwik Trip parking lot, pulling up to park.

  Vivian turned and stepped out of the van, smoothing her dress down her body and stepped up to the sidewalk, swinging, swaying her hips with each step she took.

  "Look at her ass in that red dress! I can't stand her ass!" Edwina grumbled watching her walk that walk that snatched the eyes of anything male in the area, female as well for that matter. Sh
eila laughed, "You just jealous cause you can't flaunt yo' shit like that! If I had her figure - I'd do the same goddamn thing - and so would yo'ass! But she better hurry up, 'cause she'll be needin' it to get a ride!"

  "Leave her ass Sheila, that shit would be too funny!" Ellen suggested, off the phone now, laughing at the thought.

  "Hell naw - not yet I won't... but she better get a move on and leave that hip swinging for later."

  "Look at'em ya'll!" Edwina started cracking up laughing, "He gonna blow up the goddamn gas pump! White boy got gas pouring all out the pump!" They were watching as three men stood pumping gas at their cars and truck, all of them suddenly craned their necks, eyes popping out of their heads to see Vivian walk toward the Kwik Trip doors, she pulled it open giving them a view of her from the rear. Sheila was laughing slapping Ellen and Edwina's hands, because they knew there wasn't a man alive who could resist ogling Vivian - especially in that dress.

  Jake had made up his mind to go to the reception. He'd almost talked himself out of going. He knew he would miss the dinner and the toasts because he had to run by the lumber company to speak to his boss about something before he left town for the next two weeks, and it couldn't wait - considering that he'd just gotten back himself from the big delivery to Minnesota. The plan had been to go in, speak with him - and then return home and get ready for the reception. He stood in Kwik Trip at the counter holding a Pepsi and a pack of beef Jerky, waiting for his turn to purchase a pack of cigarettes as well when the man standing in front of him made an exclamation of, "Holy Jesus - fiery hell what is that... Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" He muttered low.

  Lost in thought, having his head down, Jake looked up to see what all the men in the convenience store eyes were locked on, to catch sight of a red dress and red high heeled shoes!

  One man who had been out at the pumps rushed into the store and stood staring with the door open. Behind the counter, the store clerk was frozen with his hand taking money from one in line paying him. Both held onto the ten dollar bill as their eyes followed the smooth sway of a creature neither had ever seen before in these parts of Wisconsin.


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