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A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories)

Page 51

by Leal, Samantha

  Jennifer walked in slowly and paused, listening to see if she heard anything. By this time she was getting almost used to random people appearing in the home. It did belong to her mother and she just had to deal with her penchant for giving out sets of keys.

  There was a light on in the back by her mother’s room and as she walked back there her hands found a glass vase to use, just in case. Having grown up in a safe neighborhood, and knowing her mom, she wasn’t too worried really. As she got closer, she could hear the shuffling of papers, but despite her feeling it would just be another random friend of her mother’s, it took her a moment to get the courage up to peer around the corner to see who it was. This was the downside of the free room and board.

  Jennifer came around the door with the vase in front of her and, although relieved, was still shocked when she saw that it was her mother.

  “Mom! What are you doing here? I thought you were on your honeymoon for the next two weeks? It’s only been three days.”

  “I know baby, but Ryan had a merger deal that ran into some sort of trouble unexpectedly, so he wanted to get back and take care of it. I guess we’ll take the honeymoon later.”

  Jennifer could see that her mother was hurt, but that she would never admit it. Her mom was all about appearances. She wanted everyone to think that it was all okay, even if it didn’t feel ok for her. Once again, Jennifer was not going to upset her fantasy world.

  “So what are you looking for?”

  “Oh, just papers on the house. Ryan wants to have his lawyers look at them and find a buyer as soon as possible.”

  “I don’t understand why you have to rush everything. It is not like you guys need the money.”

  Darla looked back at her daughter and shrugged.

  “You know how Ryan is. He likes to get stuff done, no procrastination. That’s why he has been so successful.”

  “No, actually, I don’t really know ‘how he is’ at all. All I know is what you tell me. I have only met him twice mom.”

  “I know dear and he suggested that you come by and have dinner with us soon.” She said evasively. “I see that you met new your brother Charlie. I was so happy to see you two getting along.”

  “Wait, what?” Jennifer felt the blood drain from her face.

  “I saw you and Charlie at the table talking. He’s your new stepbrother, well one of them. He is the oldest and his younger brother stopped by after the wedding. Maybe you met him too?”

  Jennifer’s heart rate increased dramatically and she felt like her throat was closing up. While she couldn’t speak from shock, her mind screamed for her to answer. She needed to say something to fill the void. And to find out if what she said was true. Jennifer could not imagine that the man who had his hands all over her at the wedding and whom she kissed so passionately was really her new stepbrother. How could that be?

  “The one I danced with at the wedding is my new stepbrother?”

  “Yes. One of them. I swear dear, it is like you are not even listening sometimes.”

  Jennifer leaned back against her mother’s bed. Darla turned around with some papers in her hands and waved them like they were the winning lottery ticket. Apparently she had been searching for them for a while.

  “I just don’t understand why you have to sell the house. Maybe I want to buy it.”

  “Oh now Jenny, don’t be dramatic. I know you will miss it, but you don’t want this house.”

  “But this was the house that we all lived in. Dad lived here and if you sell it, it will be like losing one of the last pieces of Dad.”

  It was finally said. Jennifer was finally able to voice what she had wanted to say for a while. Her father had been gone for 7 years and her mother didn’t even say his name anymore. Jennifer’s older sister wouldn’t talk about him either. They acted like he had never existed and Jennifer just didn’t get it. She knew that was just their way of coping, but she couldn’t be that way. She wanted to hold on to the house. She felt like it was all she had left of him.

  “Baby, it’s just a house. You don’t really want this old house, not really. It’s got too much wrong with it. The porch needs to be fixed and it needs a new roof.”

  “I don’t care. I do want it. How much are you trying to sell it for?”

  “I don’t know. I was going to let Ryan take care of all of that.”

  “Of course you were.”

  Jennifer was done talking. Her mind reeled from the thought of making out with her stepbrother, but her heart sank from the idea that her mother was really going to go through with selling the house.

  “Well, when you find out let me know. I might go down to the bank and see if I can get a loan.”

  “You know they‘ll never approve you Jennifer.”

  “They might. I will figure something out. Thanks for the show of support though. So are you staying over there tonight, or here?”

  Darla looked at her youngest daughter and sat down on the bed. The older woman had not realized how much all these changes were going to affect her. It was true that there were a lot of memories of her husband in this house. That was one of the main reasons that she was okay with selling it when Ryan suggested it. She couldn’t deal with all the memories and selling the place would mean one less painful reminder to deal with. For the most part she had made a kind of peace with it, but she hadn’t thought about how it would affect Jennifer.

  “Honey, I know this has all happened so quickly, but I am married to Ryan now. So yes, I will be staying with him. You are staying here until you go back to school, right?”

  “Yeah. I guess I will get a storage unit and get my stuff out of here.”

  Jennifer did not want to sound bitter, but she was and she didn’t know how to let it go. She was more than just a little disappointed, she was devastated. Darla stayed to grab a few more items that she threw in a suitcase. Jennifer heard a noise downstairs and she looked to see the same man that had walked in the day before. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t been concerned with who he was yesterday. She was just so distracted with everything going on. She had figured he was an assistant or something. He waved slightly and she wondered if he had heard what she had said about his father. Or had he heard what she had said about her own father?


  Jennifer did not stay much longer at her mother’s house. She packed up most of her things and took some of her father’s things over to a storage facility. Jennifer had a feeling that the house would not be in the family the next time she was back in town and the thought saddened her. There was nothing to be done though, so she left to go back to school a couple of days early.

  Her mother had called several times to try and get together, but Jennifer had ignored the messages and didn’t bother texting her until she was back at school. Even then, it was just to tell her that she made it back safely. The two women did not talk for the next several months and Jennifer even started to ignore the calls from her sister. She sort of went into a protective bubble.

  Jennifer just tried to immerse herself in school and forget about what was going on back home. She had actually found a boyfriend too. It weirded her out though, because she found herself constantly comparing him to Charles. Charles was taller, she would think to herself. And she had felt differently as he had held her close. She didn’t feel the same way about her boyfriend Steve, though he was nice and they did have a good time together. They hadn’t gone all the way yet though. Jennifer had before, of course, she just hadn’t given it up yet with him. As the time stretched on, she wondered if she ever would. Maybe it had something to do with Charles, who lingered in the back of her mind, despite her attempts to dispel any thought of him.

  Finally, the holidays were upon her and Jennifer felt compelled to go see her mother for Christmas. She had opted out of Thanksgiving and Darla had actually seemed uncharacteristically upset. She had called her the next morning and made Jennifer feel bad, so she had promised to go home for a couple days during the next holiday.

She dreaded the trip for many reasons though. One of the big ones was the reminder of the imminent loss of her childhood home and all those memories of her father that she was afraid would go with it. There was also her mother’s unwillingness to talk about it. On top of that she would have to deal with her new rich stepfather that she couldn’t stand to be around. And of course, the main reason to stay away would have been to avoid seeing the stepbrother she had sucked face with and whom she had allowed to feel her up. That was kind of a big one. It would have been a lot for anyone and Jennifer just felt so overwhelmed. She wished that she could find a good enough excuse to just skip the whole thing. But she was out of excuses.

  The day that she was packing up for what would probably be her last ride “home”, she received a large envelope folded over in her mail box. It was a crisp textured eight and one half by eleven inch white envelope with no return address. Opening it curiously, she found a small collection of papers inside. There was a note that was on the top of the stack of legal papers that at first just confused her. Then it made tears well up in her eyes, blurring her vision. She could hardly believe it and had to read it through three times before it would begin to sink in.

  “Jennifer, Samuel overheard the conversation with your mother about your childhood home. We hope this is not unwelcomed or too ostentatious of a gift, but we decided to buy it for you and would like to give it to you as an early Christmas present, if you will accept. Of course we will have to deal with some tax implications, etc. but we have attorneys for that sort of thing. Along with the house will also be a fund to be used for upkeep and repairs for the foreseeable future, so that this does not become a burden to you financially. You probably are wondering where this is coming from. We know what it is like to lose a parent and to want to hold on to their memory. We lost our mother. It is our sincerest wish that you accept this small gift on our behalf. You would be giving us great pleasure in receiving it. I hope to see you soon. Charles”

  After she picked her jaw up off the floor and stopped crying tears of both joy and relief, she looked at the pages once more to be sure she wasn’t imagining it. The letter trembled in her hands as she read the important parts several times over. Then she looked at the new deed with her name on it. There it was in black and white, but she still couldn’t believe it. People don’t just give other people a house. Did they? Well, apparently. These guys did. It seemed like they had done that very thing. Jennifer was speechless as she made her final preparations for the trip home. She realized she was driving towards her home for real now. I was hers, unless this was some kind of trick. It was still hard to believe it in her mind. If it was true, she did not know how she could repay them for their kindness.


  “Hey baby, are you leaving soon? I’m all ready.”

  “Yeah Steve. I’m leaving now.”

  “Ok babe. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Jennifer hung up and grimaced, she hated being called babe. Baby wasn’t so bad, but babe just grated on her nerves for some reason. She had mentioned it to Steve, but he did not seem to care too much and continued punctuating his sentences liberally with the nickname.

  She had decided to take Steve with her for purely selfish reasons. The visit was already going to be more than she wanted to face and she planned to use her boyfriend as a buffer. This approach wasn’t going to win her any girlfriend of the year awards, but sometimes you just had to do what you had to do. The dinner was supposed to be at Ryan’s mansion and her stepbrothers were going to be there, as well as the rest of Ryan’s family. She had not met them, but Jennifer already imagined that she knew how it would go. She knew they were just people like her, but sometimes the money thing could be a lot to take. Of course those stepbrothers had just bought her a house, so maybe it was time to see them in a new light.

  So she figured Steve could do the small talk thing with the rich folk, since he came from a pretty well-off family. She also figured that Steve would keep her mind and her lips away from the forbidden ones that she still felt attracted to. The knowledge of her new familial connection with Charles had not dampened the memory of the heat she had felt between them. Jennifer could still feel Charles’ body against hers. That feeling and the memory of that encounter had kept her up late at night on several occasions in the intervening months since she had seen him. She imagined that a man like that would always have a girlfriend but despite the obvious problems it would present, she couldn’t help but wish that he was available.

  Jennifer picked up Steve and was glad to see that he had dressed up a bit with a button down and some slacks. He looked nice. Now if he could just leave out all the “babe” comments.

  Since Jennifer supposedly had her own home now, she figured she had somewhere to escape to if things got to be too much on the trip. That helped her relax a bit. She assumed that her new benefactors had left the house as it was. She had actually lost track of what had happened with the house when she retreated into her bubble over the summer and fall. Anyhow, even though the family situation would be marginally more manageable now, she also realized that in coping with it she had potentially created another problem. By inviting him to meet the family it was very possible that he would assume that she was stepping up the relationship. That, of course, would mean sex for Steve. That would be a pretty reasonable conclusion actually. The problem was that Jennifer still wasn’t sure if she wanted to have sex with him, even though it had been several months since they had started dating. She had given him a few blow jobs to satiate his needs a bit and to let off some of the pressure he was no doubt feeling inside. She had certainly relieved that pressure admirably, but it clearly wasn’t enough. He wanted it all and she knew that that weekend, he would try to get it.

  He kissed her as they were about to drive away from in front of his dorm but Jennifer was the one who pulled back when his mouth became more insistent. She pretended she had to focus on the drive ahead of them. From the look in his eyes, she imagined he was pretty sure they would be sleeping together any day now. At times like this, he seemed to look at her almost as a possession, Jennifer thought. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. Almost against her will, her body responded to his soft lips and probing tongue, and she momentarily contemplated ending her self-imposed dry spell. She really did need to have sex and so it was starting to look like Steve just might be in luck after all. The way she kept vacillating around this issue, she could understand how crazy men thought woman were. She felt a little crazy herself, she laughed inside.


  “So I thought we were going to your mom’s?”

  “We are. I just wanted to put our things here. I haven’t seen the house since I was here for the wedding. And I haven’t seen it since it became mine. It feels pretty good. I thought we could tidy up a few things while we are here.”

  She had not given him all the details of what had transpired with the house. She just said that her mother had told her to treat it like her own house. She further implied that her mother was the one who would sign it over to her. She stopped just short of lying. No need to complicate an already complicated situation by telling Steve about the gift. Steve’s face screwed up at the mention of tidying up though. He did not like the sound of doing any kind of work apparently and Jennifer doubted that she would get any help from him. She just hoped that the rest of house was not a complete mess. Her mother, Darla had a tendency to leave work for everyone else to do, so there really was no telling what the state of the basement and main rooms would be. At least it was hers though, she thought. She assumed her mom wouldn’t care about the furnishings, but who could tell.

  The house was surprisingly well kept, and just as she had last seen it. The customary hidden key outside had been replaced with a shiny new one that opened the front door. On the kitchen table she discovered the rest of a new set of keys resting on top of a note from Charles welcoming her home. Apparently they had changed all the locks, giving her even more of a feeling that it was really her
s. So it was really true. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at the familiar handwriting. Jennifer folded the note and stuck it in her pocket before Steve came in with the bags. She saw his nose crinkle at her new home, his upper class breeding coming in again. To see it from his eyes, she was sure that it was a let-down.

  “Wow, this place is tiny.”

  “It’s a three bedroom, two-story house, Steve, and it is just for me. So I think it is plenty big enough”, she said, trying not to feel, or sound, too annoyed. Then again, what he said was objectively annoying she thought.

  That was the difference between them in a nutshell. Nothing was ever good enough for a guy like Steve, who was promised the best of everything from the time he came out of his mother’s womb. He just always got whatever he wanted. He expected to get his degree and work at one of the prominent law offices in the city where he grew up. His family had connections and it was practically a done deal already. His career path was chosen purely on a monetary basis, while Jennifer wanted to get into law to help people. Her school had kids representing both sides of that fence. While some just wanted to make a difference in the world, others were just getting a license to swindle money from everyone they came in contact with. Maybe that was a bit of an extreme way to see it, but that was her view.

  “I guess. I don’t know if I would want something this small though. I need room to move.”

  She wondered if Steve realized that with every word out of his mouth, his chances of getting in her pants were dropping exponentially. Putting that thought aside, Jennifer looked around at her house proudly. It was perfect for her.


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