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A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories)

Page 79

by Leal, Samantha

  Chantel ran her hands through his hair and smiled. Even though she had been to bed with other men, she knew exactly what he meant. Nothing quite compared to this. It wasn’t the fact that he hadn’t experienced physical love before, because he certainly knew what he was doing, it was because their bodies seemed made for one another. They fit together perfectly in every way possible, even just lying there felt as if they were finally slotting back into a place that they were always meant to be.

  “I know this is crazy,” she whispered. “But I never want to leave here.”

  Eli smiled and pulled her in close. “I never want you to either,” he admitted.

  As they held each other tightly and Chantel listened to the beat of his heart her mind raced with thoughts and possibilities of how she could keep him without having to sacrifice the rest of her life.

  If only there was a way they could make it work.


  When Eli reluctantly rose from the bed and Chantel lazed back and watched him walk across the room naked, before he gathered up a robe and wrapped it around himself, she realized she had no idea how long she had been away from home.

  Would people have noticed she was missing?

  Would Sarah have alerted the police?

  Would her family be looking for her?

  Would they think she was dead?

  Her mind began to race and she felt the dread creeping up inside of her again. She knew that she couldn’t stay there. She couldn’t give up her life in order to roam around space with her hot alien lover, no matter how much she may want to.

  Eli turned to her with a sad smile as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “I’ll be reluctant to take you home,” he said. “But I know it wouldn’t be fair to keep you here.”

  Chantel wiped a lone tear from the corner of her eye. The last thing she wanted to do was say goodbye.

  “You must think about what I said,” Eli said with a smile. “How you respond to all of this once you return home. Remember, I said that you have been given a unique opportunity and set of information.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, growing frustrated with how cryptically he spoke.

  “I mean, you have seen things no one of earth has ever seen, and you have knowledge of the universe that not many know. If you wanted to, you could help me, in the future.”

  He said it hopefully and raised his eyebrows and Chantel felt a rush of excitement.

  “I could help you?” she asked with glee.

  “Yes,” he smiled. “Now you know what to look for in the beings of X-11 and of how they try to organize large groups of women together when they are off their guard. Maybe, you could be like a watcher for your planet. I could certainly do with the help.” Eli walked back over to her and took her hand.

  “Oh my, Eli.” she gasped. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Please, just say yes,” he said as he leaned over and kissed her softly on the forehead. “I couldn’t bear the thought of taking you back to your planet and never seeing you again.”

  “And if I become a watcher?” she asked.

  “Then you will have one of these,” he reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a watch similar to the one he had been wearing when he rescued her. “And you’ll be able to contact me whenever you need me.”

  He held her hand and looked deep into her eyes. Chantel wasn’t sure if she could handle the responsibility of having to watch over her entire planet, but she knew she didn’t want to lose Eli. Maybe they could have secret space rendezvous and travel together again. Maybe he would show her other planets and tell her much more about the universe. It was sure to blow her mind, but she knew that it was something she was willing to explore and open up to.

  “Of course I will,” she smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’d be honored to help you Eli.”

  They kissed and she stared into his eyes again. He really was an incredible being, whether he was a man, or an advanced version, he certainly had all of the qualities she wanted and loved and she knew she had found someone special.

  “I think it’s time,” he said sadly as he got to his feet and held out his hands.

  Chantel stood up beside him and gathered her clothes. As she dressed Eli watched her and she knew what he was thinking because she was thinking the exact same thing. Out of an entire universe, they had been brought together and had shared an amazing, life changing experience. She would love him forever and she would never forget him.

  Eli wrapped his arms around her and slipped the watch around her wrist. He fastened it in place and Chantel looked down at it. On first glance it just looked like a plain circular face, but when she looked closer she could see the intricate system of stars glinting within in.

  “When you need me,” he whispered. “Just ask.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her again.

  “I’ll be watching over you Chantel,” he smiled. “And I’ll be back for you soon.”

  Chantel kissed him and tried to cling to him as the whole expanse of space around them seemed to begin to disappear. She felt her body jolt and her mind begin to spin. She could see stars. Millions of stars. Shooting past her and swirling, gaining momentum and forming a spiral.

  With a crack she was in darkness and when she opened her eyes she realized she was back in her own bed. She sat upright and in the other corner she could see the mound of Sarah’s body, breathing softly beneath her duvet and snoring ever so slightly.

  “Sarah?” she croaked.

  Sarah groaned and rolled over, rubbing her eyes and peeking out at Chantel through the dark.

  “What?” she said sleepily.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” Sarah leaned up with irritation. “You bailed and left me at the party so I had to come home. You were passed out drunk here.” She rolled her eyes and flopped back down on the bed.

  For a moment, Chantel really did think she had imagined it all. Could it have all been a dream? But the small watch that was still strapped tightly to her wrist told her otherwise. She had been somewhere else that night, somewhere she could never, and would never tell anyone about.

  She lay back down in bed and turned towards the window. The stars above her twinkled brightly in the night sky and she smiled. For the first time ever, she had a very special secret and it felt good. Now every time she looked up at the heavens she would only think of one person. Because now she knew what was out there, and she couldn’t wait to experience it again.


  Through the Gateway

  Iona Savage

  Copyright ©2015 by Iona Savage. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work! Please

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 The Cellar

  Chapter 2 Flickering Light

  Chapter 3 The Cruel Truth

  Chapter 4 Fresh Tangy Oranges

  Chapter 5 Mind Reading

  Chapter 6 The Traveler

  Chapter 7 By My Side

  Chapter 8 Jolly Jack

  Chapter 9 Little People

  Chapter 10 Traitor is Your Name

  Chapter 11 Discovery of Magic

  Chapter 1 The Cellar

  “You sure you want one of them?” Tammy double checked with the guy, if she couldn’t change his mind, it meant lugging a crate of beers from the cellar.

  “I’d like what I asked for, if it’s all the same with you?” Niyol was not going to change his mind.

  Tammy tried to stare him down. Okay, so he was a good looking guy, tall and handsome, with a trace of Native American features, but didn’t he realize that her shift was nearly over and she really didn’t want to go into that damp, dark cellar, just to g
et his bloody beer?

  “Is there something special about that particular beer, that none of the others taste like?”

  Niyol noticed the cold stare she was giving him, but he knew he wasn’t going to change his mind. It wasn't by chance that the beer he wanted was in the cellar.

  “Sorry,” he replied, staring back at her with no intention of being the one to look away.“That’s the beer I ordered, and that’s the beer I want.”

  Tammy knew her cold stare wasn’t going to work on this guy. She was going to have to go down there, in the last ten minutes of her shift, just for this punk.

  “Right,” she said, in his face,“you’ll have to wait until I fetch some up from the cellar, won’t you?” she told him, hoping this might change his mind.

  “I suppose I will,” he replied, equally as cocky,“you better get going then.”

  Nothing she said was going to work. With a loud audible sigh, especially for his benefit, she turned and looked for the cellar keys. Tammy slammed the drawer open and shut, ensuring he knew exactly how she felt about his bloody beer.

  “Sorry,” she said, turning back to him,“it seems Paul, the cellar guy, has taken the key with him on his lunch.”

  “Is that not it there?” Niyol asked, pointing to a key hanging on a hook, just under the wine glasses shelf. She really wasn't making this easy for him, he thought.

  That was her last throw of the dice, she knew exactly where the key was, and it seemed that so did he. She had tried to appeal to his better nature, but this guy didn't have one, Tammy thought to herself. There was no point asking anyone else either, because the few staff on duty were all new here. This job sucked. Staff were always changing, customers were awkward, like this guy here, and all she wanted to do was finish her shift, go home and pick up with her friends on Facebook.

  “Okay, I won’t be long, Sir,” she placed extra emphasis on the sir, letting him know exactly what she thought of him.

  Tammy opened the cellar door, reluctantly. She hated the cellar, it always gave her the creeps, and she usually refused to go down there. It was definitely haunted, she was sure, or perhaps it was just her imagination, but there was something about it. Maybe she should just get her coat and go home now, she had less than ten minutes left on her shift, no-one would be any the wiser. Nah, she couldn’t afford to be sacked again, the rent was due. She’d just have to suck in air and get down there. Quickly, she turned around to see if she could change his mind, but he had his back to her. If only she knew where this particular crate of beers was located, then she could be up and down in no time at all. It was going to take ages to find it.

  Switching on the light, she mustered up courage and put one foot in front of the other, descending into the damp smelling, black hole of a cellar. The light was dim, Paul her boss was a cheapskate and hadn't replaced the blown bulbs down here, making it difficult to see. Somewhere there was the drip, drip of water. She wouldn’t be surprised if mushrooms didn’t grow down here, or something worse. She quickly scanned all the crates, searching for this guy’s particular brand, desperate to get out of this place, when she heard a noise, like a scraping, as if a door was opening.

  She looked in the direction of the noise but could not see anything in the darkened corners, although one corner looked a little darker than the others. She was about to turn her head again when she felt a light breeze flow across her face. Staring hard now into the corner, she was now convinced that it definitely was darker than anywhere else in the cellar, as though there was another room. She’d never noticed another room before. Maybe the specialist beer crates were in there, because she couldn’t find them here. As she neared the darkened shape, she could make out it was an entrance to another room. She supposed it was a bit hidden away. With this dim light it was no wonder she’d not noticed it before. With a bit of luck the crate would be in here, and then she can get off home.

  Chapter 2 Flickering Light

  As soon as she stepped into the passageway, she knew she had made a mistake, it seemed to go on forever. What was she thinking? Just turn back round Tammy girl, get your coat and go home, sod the dude and his pretentious beer. Then she turned to look back but couldn't see the entrance, all she could see was the cellar wall, she must have made a turn somewhere, without realizing. Looking in front, she could see a light glowing. With an increasing feeling of trepidation, she headed for the light.

  The light flickered, like a flame, but she couldn’t see anyone lighting a fire down here. A breeze blew up the tunnel and she realized she was about to step outside. How could it be the outside? She looked on in puzzlement, yes, it was definitely the outside, it led to a woodlands. There were no woodlands at the back of the bar, she was certain.

  Her heart pounded in her chest and her legs felt like jelly, but bravely, she stepped out of the end of the tunnel, and into a dense woodland. Sat in a small clearing, next to a camp fire, was a figure. It seemed to have a cape or blanket over the shoulders. As she approached the figure, she could soon make out that it was an old man.

  “At last you’ve returned to us, Princess Tamara, and not a moment too soon,” the figure spoke to her with a deep rattling voice.

  Tammy was surprised to hear the old man call her by name, her Sunday best name at that, but she had never met him before, she was certain.

  “I think you’ve got the wrong person, old man, I just work in the bar over there, and I ain’t no one’s Princess,” she turned back in the direction she had come from, and all she could see were trees in her wake.“Where the f… I’m telling you, I just came down a passageway, back there, and now I can’t see it. I have to get back, there’s a customer waiting for me.”

  “You have bigger problems than customers, Tamara,” the old man told her.

  “Do I know you? I’m sure I would have remembered you. How do you know my name?” Despite her question, she was certain she’d never met this man before in her life.

  “I gave it to you,” he replied, with no further explanation.

  “Are you crazy? I don’t even know who you are, or how I got here. And, while we’re at it, where is here, exactly, it’s no part of Baltimore that I know of?” She was beginning to feel afraid and unable to keep the rising levels of panic out of her voice. Something was wrong, maybe it was just a dream.

  “Calm yourself, Tamara,” a voice spoke behind her.

  Tammy swung around at the sound of the voice behind her, and was a little stunned at what she saw. It was the guy from the bar. Speechless, all she could do was stare at the man.

  “Are you following me?” she managed to utter.“Just because I work in a bummer of a job, doesn’t mean you can stalk me.”

  The man looked at her with contempt, but said nothing, instead he walked over to the old man.

  “It’s a mistake to bring her here, look at her, she cannot help us Father.”

  The old man looked at his son.

  “She is our only hope, she always was,” he looked at his son harshly.“Make your peace, divided we are weak, and that suits no one but our enemies.”

  Father? There was some crazy stuff going on here, and Tammy’s head was in a spin.

  “I don’t know what you two are about, but I think you’ve got the wrong girl, here,” she huffed at him and walked away, only thing was, she had nowhere to go.

  Turning to Tammy, the old man beckoned her to sit by him.

  “Come, I have much to explain and little time to do so.”

  She stared at the two men, unable to see any resemblance between them, although the father’s skin was darker, and his features more pronounced. His eyes were dark, almost black, and seemed to look like deep pools, but she found them calming. He smiled at her and beckoned to her again. She was still uncertain, but the fire looked warm and comforting. What did she have to lose, she thought to herself as she walked up to the old man and sat down next to him.

  “My name is Angeni, and if you are ready, I shall begin?”

  She nodded and waited f
or him to start.

  Chapter 3 The Cruel Truth

  She listened to what the old man had to say, with rising incredulity at what he was telling her. It was simply unbelievable.

  “You are from a bloodline of Royalty that has ruled this land for a millennia,” he started, what followed was nearly an hour of pure fantasy in Tammy’s mind. These guys were playing some kind of trick on her.

  “Look,” she said to the younger guy, when the story had finished,“can you just show me how I can get back to the bar? I don't mean to be disrespectful to the old man, but that story is simple nonsense. Surely you don’t expect me to believe all this crap about me belonging to a Royal family and my brother’s gonna murder me if he discovers I’m in this fairy land. All because I can neutralize his magical powers. Hah!” she spat out her last word.“Are you two nuts?”

  “I told you it was a waste of time, Father. She’s not worth the effort,” Niyol said, contemptuously.“My Father holds a lot of faith in you. I warned him not to bring more bad blood into these lands, we have enough with Vaclav. How do we know this sister will not side with her brother?” He turned to the old man as he asked this question.

  The old man ignored his son, turning to Tammy,“Please Princess Tamara, sit back down and watch.”

  Tammy did so. He pulled a small leather pouch out of his pocket, opened it, and poured some fine powder into his hand. Throwing the powder onto the fire, it caused it to flare up, brightly.

  “Look,” she said, a little hesitantly as she didn’t want to upset the old man.“I’m sorry, but I don't need any parlor tricks, I need to get home.”

  While she said this, she didn't take her eyes off the fire. It seemed, for a second or two, when the flames died back down, that nothing was going to happen. Tammy was just about to turn away, when something caught her eye. The flames were flaring up again, and this time, embedded in the flames was a moving image. It was hazy and distorted as the flames flickered, but it was clear to see. Tammy sat back down mesmerized by what she was viewing.


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