Ezra Pound: Poet
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Barney, Natalie 7, 67, 183 Bel Esprit scheme 35, 36
Barr, Alfred 306
Barry, Iris 306
Bartok, Béla 195, 210
Beach, Sylvia 8, 33, 62
Beals, Judge 99–100
Beckett, Samuel 191
Bedford, Agnes 7, 10, 18–19, 35, 59, 66, 189, 255, 268
Beerbohm, Max 68, 219
Bel Esprit scheme 35–8 Eliot’s repudiation of 38–9
Beneš, Edward 264
Benton, Thomas Hart 171
Berman, Louis 11, 29, 40, 368n
Biddle, Nicholas 172
Bifur (magazine) 96
Binyon, Laurence 190, 258
Bird, William 41, 52, 58, 59, 62, 78, 79, 193
Black, Hugo 150
Black Sun Press 127
Blair, Philip Rice 192
Blues (magazine) 96
Bonaparte, Napoleon, in Cantos 165–7, 215–16, 229, 230
Borah, William A 147, 155–6, 199, 202, 305–6
Borgatti, Renata 254, 270
Borgia, Lucrezia, in Cantos 90
Bosis, Lauro de 118
Boulanger, Nadia 304
Bowen, Stella 29, 46, 56
Bowlker, Charles 232
Brancusi, Constantin xi, 4, 6, 72, 107, 183
Braque, Georges xi, 6
British Union of Fascists 208, 209, 261, 307, 308
British Union Quarterly 208, 261, 265
British-Italian Bulletin 200–1, 202, 203
Broletto (magazine) 255
Brookes, Romaine 67
Broughton, John 329
Browning, Robert 79
Buddhism 278–9
Bunting, Basil (12), 56, 104, 159, 204 abdication of Edward VIII 235–6
breaks with Pound over anti-Semitic views 262–3
in Rapallo 184, 185
‘Villon’ 56–7
warns Pound about his political associations 244–5
Burckhardt, Jakob 50
Butchart, Montgomery 258
Butler, Nicholas Murray 118
Byron, Lord 79
Caico, Lina 242, 243, 260–1
Camerino, Aldo 263
Canby, Henry Seidel 298
Cannell, Skipwith 302
Cantos, The: anti-Semitism in Canto 52 273
banking and economics in 81, 85, 146–7, 163, 164, 168, 171–2, 173–4, 177, 212–14, 216, 218–20, 287, 289, 290–1, 292, 330
Cantos XXXI–XLI 146, 160–1, 191–2
‘China’ cantos 273–84
de luxe editions 52, 54, 58, 59–61, 78–9, 360–1n
Draft of the Cantos 17–27 (John Rodker) 78, 83
Draft of XVI Cantos (Three Mountains Press) 78, 79
Draft of XXX Cantos (Hours Press) 78
epic of the capitalist era 180
Fifth Decad of Cantos 146–7, 234
as foundation myth of a universal civilization 79
‘Hell’ cantos 40, 45, 53, 78, 81–2, 173
‘John Adams’ cantos 284–96
major themes of 80–4
‘Malatesta’ cantos 32, 41–4, 46, 48–51, 84
musical form in 17, 161–2, 165, 178
open intelligence of the poet 159
‘Siena cantos’ (42–45) 212–18
states of mind and emotions 95
struggle of the individual 80
usury 205, 217–20, 228–32, 234
Williams’ appreciations of 93–4
Yeats’s criticism 92–3
Zukofsky’s review of Cantos 1–27 95
Canto 1 13, 80
Canto 2 11–17, 76, 88
Canto 3 81
Canto 4 80
Canto 5 80, 84–5
Canto 6 80, 81
Canto 7 80, 81
Canto 9 45–6
Canto 12 40, 81
Canto 13 45, 53
Canto 14 81–2
Canto 16 58, 82
Canto 17 88–9
Canto 18 61, 65, 83 , 84
Canto 19 65, 84
Canto 21 61, 85–6
Canto 22 61, 67
Canto 23 67
Canto 24 85
Canto 25 86, 87
Canto 26 86, 87
Canto 27 71, 84
Canto 29 88
Canto 30 89–90
Canto 31 160, 161–2
Canto 32 162–3
Canto 33 163–4
Canto 34 164–9
Canto 35 169
Canto 36 169–71
Canto 37 169, 171–2
Canto 38 173–5
Canto 39 175–6, 221
Canto 40 177
Canto 41 177–80
Canto 42 213–14
Canto 43 214
Canto 44 214–16
Canto 45 205, 217–18
Canto 46 205, 218–20, 329–30
Canto 47 220–3
Canto 48 223–5
Canto 49 (‘Seven Lakes’) 225–8, 386n
Canto 50 228–31
Canto 51 231–4
Canto 52 76, 273–4
Canto 53 274–8
Canto 54 278–9
Canto 55 226, 279–80
Canto 56 280
Canto 57 280–1
Canto 59 281–2
Canto 60 282
Canto 62 286–7
Canto 63 287
Canto 64 287–8
Canto 65 288
Canto 66 288–9
Canto 67 289–90
Canto 68 290–1
Canto 69 291
Canto 70 291–2
Canto 71 292–5
Canzoni 111
capitalism: crisis of 143–4, 149
loan capitalism 85, 237, 266, 388n, 394n
Pound’s criticism of 102, 136, 246, 390n
Pound’s hatred of 146 see also banks; credit; economics; money; usury
Carlyle, Thomas 229
Carnegie Endowment for Peace 118–19
Casella, Alfredo 69
‘Cavalcanti’ (essay) 109, 112
Cavalcanti (opera) 114, 115–16 outline of 321–5, 402n
Cavalcanti, Guido 72, 108 Canzone d’amore (‘Donna mi prega’) 108, 109, 110, 112–13, 115, 169, 170
Pound and philosophy of 111–14
Pound’s celebration as psychologist of emotions 110–11
Pound’s edition of Le Rime 108–10
significance for Pound 170
Cendrars, Blaise 4
censorship 101, 104–5
Cerio, F Ferruccio 130
Cernikoff, Vladimir 121
Chace, William M 161
Chamberlain, Neville: assurances to Poland 271
Munich Agreement 264
Pound’s approval of 265, 268
Chigi Saracini, Guido 184, 255
Chilesotti, Oscar 186
China: Canto 49 (‘Seven Lakes’) 225–8, 381n
Pound’s ‘China’ cantos 273–84
principles of good government 271–2, 283 see also Confucius/Confucianism
Chinese ideograms, Pound’s study of 248–50 see also Fenollosa; ideogrammic method
Christianity 34, 45, 53, 91, 248 Christian virtues 250
Churchill, Winston 135, 153
Ciano, Count Gian Galeazzo 193
Circe 175–6, 221, 222
Clay, Henry 168
Clermont-Tonnere, Duchesse de 7
Clusmann, Heinz (renamed Heinz Henghes) 190
Cockburn, Claude 198, 236
Cocteau, Jean xi, 4, 6–7, 183
Coetzee, J M 161
coitus 112, 223, 228
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 113
Collignon, Raymond 69
Comité des Forges 174
Committee for the Nation to Rebuild Prices and Purchasing Power 147
Comprehensive Mirror for the Aid of Government 272, 273
Confucius/Confucianism 45, 52, 53, 74–6, 209, 227, 234, 247, 251, 265, 277, 282, 396–7n aim of government 271–2
Chinese ideograms 249–50
sp; education 252
hsin 1 ideogram 89–90
international understanding 256
Li Ki 27, 273–4
totalitarian thought 248
transmission of ideas to Europe 272
Confucius/Digest of the Analects 247, 252
Contempo (magazine) 96, 144
Corker, Charles E 305
Coughlin, Charles E 150, 152, 330, 375n
Cowley, William H 309, 311
credit: banks control of 148, 172, 218
basis of 149, 213, 214, 273
Medici 85
Nazi Germany 238
need for state control of 141–2, 148
states’ lack of control of xi–xii, 102
unequal distribution of 141, 146 see also banks; economics; Social Credit
‘Credit and the Fine Arts: A Practical Application’ 35
Creekmore, Hubert 297, 298
Criterion, The 37, 38, 39, 146, 210, 249 Eliot closes 269–70
‘Malatesta’ cantos published 41, 48
Cros, Guy-Charles 4
Crosby, Caresse 8–9, 127, 129, 183
Crowder, Henry 121
Cummings, E E 183–4, 301, 307 on Pound 8
Cunard, Nancy 41, 48, 67, 78, 119 Spanish Civil War 243–4
Cutting, Bronson M 104–5, 147, 148, 150
Czechoslovakia 263–4 German occupation of 271
Pound’s reaction to German seizure of 265
Dada 4
Daladier, Édouard 264
Dante Alighieri 23, 43, 82, 113, 154, 174, 176, 233–4, 372n
Darwin, Charles 77
Davie, Donald 283, 285
Dazzi, Manlio 47, 183
Dekker, George 283
democracy, and Pound xi–xii, 76, 100 commitment to the idea of 150, 180
disgust with failed state of 102
election of ‘sewage’ 105
failure to support the arts 36, 146
impatience with 104–6 see also political thought
Demott, Robert 232
Depression of 1930s xi, 122, 125–6, 144, 147, 149–50, 237
Desai, Meghnad 327–8, 329
Deutsch, Babette 192
Dial 3, 39 Canto II published 11
gives annual Award to Pound 90
‘Malatesta’ cantos rejected 48
Pound’s dismissal from 4
Pound’s ‘Paris Letters’ 4, 5, 28, 34, 35–6
Dionysos 11–12, 13, 14, 34, 80, 81, 95, 176, 228
Doolittle, Hilda (HD) 11, 121
Douglas, Clifford Hugh 35, 84, 125–6, 136, 147, 148, 149, 153, 175
‘Dr Williams’ Position’ 99
dramedy 321
Drummond, John 190
Duchamp, Marcel 6, 183
Duncan, Ronald 256, 267–8, 270
Dunn, James Taylor 242
Dunning, Ralph Cheever 62–3, 98, 210, 357n
Eastman, Max 307
economics, and Pound: ‘a cold thing’ 29
anti-Semitism 157–8
campaign for economic reform 145–8, 149, 153–9, 193
in Cantos 146–7
credit 102, 148–9
cultural heritage as source of value 149
economic propaganda 147, 153, 154–7, 193, 201
economic war 202, 204
effect of bad economics 23
on the importance of economics 144–5
lack of purchasing power as cause of Depression 147–8
need for radical reform 146
positive view of Nazi economic policy 237–8
pre-occupation with 143
principal ideas from ABC of Economics 151
shorter working day 106, 365n
Social Credit 147, 208
social dividend 149
solution to economic crisis 144
stamp scrip 147, 154–5
state control of credit 141–2
sterling crisis 125–6
support for the arts 36, 39, 146, 194–5
unemployment 146
volitionist economics 138–42, 154 see also banks; credit; money; usury
Edel, Leon xi
Eden, Anthony 202, 265
Edward VIII 235–6
Eichmann, Adolf 257
Eleusis 111, 114, 116, 223, 225, 228, 325
Eliot, T S (14), 28, 29, 58, 144, 253 After Strange Gods 82
closes the Criterion 269–70
The Criterion 37, 38, 39
criticism of Pound’s poetry 90
East Coker 112
‘The Hollow Men’ 39
intellectual differences with Pound 90–1
leaves Lloyds Bank 39
nervous breakdown 30
personal relations with Pound 91
Pound’s Bel Esprit scheme to raise funds for 35–8
Pound’s editing of The Waste Land 31–2
on Pound’s hell 82
Pound’s praise of The Waste Land 32
Pound’s reservations about The Waste Land 32–3
reaction to Munich Agreement 269–70
repudiates Bel Esprit scheme 38–9
Selected Essays 1917–1932 129
visits Pound in Rapallo 68
visits Pound in Verona 37
The Waste Land 30
Eliot, Valerie 31
Eliot, Vivien 30
Ellerman, Winifred (Bryher) 36
Erigena, Scotus 170
Ernst, Max 129–30, 184
d’Este, Niccolò 85
Euripides, The Bacchae 12
Exile (magazine) 69–70, 72, 73, 77, 97–8, 101, 118
Ezekiel, Mordecai J B 241
Farrar and Rinehart 127
Fascism: changing meaning of term 209
distinction from Nazism 371n
Fascist Party as aristocracy 101–2
individual responsibility 101
not for America 142, 303, 307
Pound a Jeffersonian Fascist 147
Pound’s disposition to think well of 101
Pound’s endorsement of Italian xii
Pound’s experience of 47, 138–9 see also Italy under Mussolini; Mussolini, Benito
Fenollosa, Ernest 76, 248, 249, 391n
Ferdinando III, in Cantos 214, 215, 216
Fiddle Music: First Suite 61
Fisher, Margaret 25, 26, 116, 324
Fitzgerald, Desmond 33
Fitzgerald, F Scott 56
Fitzgerald, Robert 116, 283
fly-fishing 232–3
Ford, Charles Henri 96
Ford, Ford Madox (3), 29, 71 borrows money from Pound 125
death of 303
encourages Pound to come to America 298–9
on Pound 93
on Pound’s parents 121
in Rapallo 68
transatlantic review 56, 57
Ford, Henry 237
form: Brancusi’s sculpture 4, 72, 107
Cantos, The 54, 77, 87, 95, 127, 167, 178, 232
‘forma mentis’ 51, 52, 64, 72–8, 116, 170–1, 199, 367n
form/content dichotomy 90
musical composition 28
social and political life 72
Franco, Francisco 198
Frobenius, Leo 72, 73, 117
Front (magazine) 96
Frontier (magazine) 96
‘Fungus, Twilight or Dry Rot’ 101–2
Futurism 103, 104
Gallup, Donald C 109
‘Gaudier: A Postscript’ xi
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri 4, 82, 87, 306
Gellert, Hugo 72
genius: a force of nature 9–11
idea of 139–40
of Mussolini 138, 141
paideuma 140
in Ulysses 34
in The Waste Land 33
George V 52
Gesell, Silvio 147, 153, 155
Gilson, Étienne 108, 110, 112
Gingrich, Arnold 236
Godfrey, Michael 328
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von xi
Gold, M
ike 107
gold standard 125
Gourmont, Remy de 9, 73, 139, 225
government: aim of democratic government xi, 246
‘China’ cantos 273–84
Chinese principles of good 74–5, 271–2, 283
Confucianism 209, 234, 247–8, 250, 252, 271–2
criticism of American 105
ideal government 73–4
the individual and the state 5–6, 73–6, 79–80
irresponsibility of capitalist democracies xi
‘John Adams’ cantos 284–96
loss of control over money 148, 172
Mussolini as force for enlightened 100, 101, 136
will to order 139–40 see also political thought
Gramont, Elisabeth de 7
Granet, Marcel 271
Greek philosophy 247–8
Green Shirts 159, 208, 245
Gregor, A James 140
Griffith, Arthur 29, 84, 153
Grosseteste, Robert 112
Guide to Kulchur 42, 44, 51, 205, 237, 247, 262, 273 removes banned passages 258
sextant (list of books) 79–80
Guido Cavalcanti Rime 109–10 critical reception of 110
Guilbert, Yvette 18
Guinicelli, Guido 231, 232
Gurdjieff, George 52
Hall, Donald xi
Hamilton, Alexander 287, 289, 291
Hamilton College 124, 309–12 awards honorary doctorate to Pound 309, 311–12
Pound declines to give money to 311
Pound’s disagreement with Kaltenborn 310–11
Hamish Hamilton 127
Harding, A E F 114, 115, 183, 321
Hargrave, John 159, 208, 245
harmony, Pound’s theory of 25–8 Great Bass 26–7, 28, 72 see also music
Harvard 304–5
Heap, Jane 39
Hemingway, Ernest 41, 46, 56, 57, 62, 63, 69
Hemingway, Hadley 46
Henderson, Alice Corbin 3, 33, 35
Henghes, Heinz 190, 380n
Heppenstall, Rayner 192
Hess, Rudolf 233, 257
Hesse, Eva 232
Heyman, Katherine (‘Kitty’) Ruth 119
Hindemith, Paul 210
Hitler, Adolf 137, 183, 187 Anschluss 257
anti-Semitism 242, 262
Czechoslovakia 263, 271
Nazi-Fascist Axis 198–9
Pound’s negative view of 236–7
re-armament 196, 199
Rhineland 197
seizure of supreme power 191
Spanish Civil War 198
Sudetenland 264
Hoepli, Ulrico 46
Hollis, Christopher 229, 327
Holmes, John Clellon 304
Homage to Sextus Propertius 56
Hound and Horn (magazine) 96, 97
Hours Press 78
‘How to Read’ 72, 188