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Come Together

Page 7

by Madelynne Ellis

  Chapter 9

  Xane held himself still, savouring the moment. He was balls deep inside her, and the walls of her pussy were hugging him so tightly he feared for a moment he genuinely would lose control and come on the first thrust like some gauche boy. He’d totally forgotten how good this could be. Not that there was anything wrong about sex with a condom, but it was so damned smooth without.

  ‘You feel so –’

  ‘Yes,’ she agreed, instinctively understanding. ‘Move a little.’

  Just a little. Yes, he thought he could do that without blasting off into space. He lifted his hips, hated the loss of contact and slid back down. Dani groaned right along with him.

  ‘Oh, God, you feel so good.’

  Agreed. Totally agreed. Though what came out of his mouth was more a guttural groan.

  When it came to sex, Xane had done almost everything at least once. Even this, way back in the dim days of his youth, before Black Halo hit it big and he got wise to the ways of the world. But none of his past partners had ever meant anything to him. None of them ever came close to touching his heart in the way Dani did. They met and hooked up, fucked and moved on, with the one exception of Steve, and he was gone and no longer an option. The thought left him momentarily choked, but then he stared down at Dani and all the dark shadows in his life rolled away.

  Xane wasn’t sure he believed in soulmates, but if they did exist then Dani was definitely his, because that’s what it felt like, being deep inside her sans condom, that they were meant to be bound together. That the only way the universe could continue to exist was if they remained joined in this way.

  Beneath him, Dani struggled against the confines of her clothing. ‘Get these ruddy things off.’ She managed to dislodge her shoes. Xane helped her rip her jeans off, whereupon her legs wrapped tight around his back so that her heels dug into his arse.

  That was even better. He pushed deeper, and his body locked into a rhythm that paid no regard to his sanity. To be fair, he didn’t care if he was a blubbering wreck at the end of this. It was too damn good to stop.

  She fitted him like a glove. So, so perfectly.

  ‘Lift up,’ she insisted a moment later. ‘I want to see.’ She released her grip on his body, so that he could raise his body as far as his hips. Her gaze, which had been fixed on his face, rode down his body. Xane followed her line of sight and watched his cock dipping into her pussy. Oh, hell, yeah! That was hot.

  ‘Can I touch?’ Her cheeks grew cherry-pink at the request.

  She could touch him anywhere she liked. He nodded, still incapable of speech.

  Dani’s fingers scisssored around the base of his shaft then drew upwards to stroke her clit.

  She’d been really self-conscious about satisfying her own needs when they’d first met, but he’d taught her it was OK, that she should never hold back from taking what she needed, or asking for it.

  ‘Let me,’ he managed to gasp. Even though it was hot as fuck watching her stroke herself, he liked to pretend he was a gentleman. He used his thumb a moment, until a better idea struck him.

  He inched up the bed a fraction, so that their hips weren’t quite so perfectly aligned. It meant each time he moved, his shaft stroked against her clit. The angle appeared to do something else too, because she was suddenly panting.

  ‘Fuck. That’s good.’

  Xane smiled on hearing her swear. While most of his acquaintances and all of the band were foulmouthed beasts, Dani, as a rule, was far too nice to use such language. She always blushed after using even the mildest expletive.

  ‘Tell me that again.’

  ‘So-o good.’

  ‘I meant the same as you said it before. The uncensored version.’

  She gripped his waist tight, head shaking. ‘Can’t.’

  ‘I want to hear you scream it. I want the whole world to know how good this is.’

  She kept her lips pressed tight.

  ‘I can’t get enough of fucking you,’ he told her. ‘I want you always.’

  ‘I love you,’ she said right back at him, and he knew it was true. He saw it in her face, her eyes.

  She was so beautiful. He was the luckiest man on earth to have found her.

  ‘How close are you, Xane?’ she muttered against the bare skin of his shoulder. They were sandwiched together again. ‘Because I’m so close … I’m going to … want us to get there together.’

  ‘Say it, Dani. Tell me how good it is, and I’ll be right there with you.’

  She shook her head, while mewling hard.

  Xane eased away from her a fraction. ‘You’re not going to say it. You’re refusing?’ He pulled out, though it damn near killed him to do so. He wasn’t far from the point of no return himself. ‘Reckon I can persuade you.’

  He flipped her over and used the wetness seeping from her pussy to lubricate the slide of his cock against her bottom.

  ‘Oh, fuck!’ she blurted immediately. ‘You’re not going to. Not here. People might arrive.’

  ‘You think? That’d make for an interesting conversation, don’t you think? Hi, guys, this is my girlfriend, Dani. She’ll be joining us on the tour. We’ll shake hands in just a moment, as soon as I’ve done fucking her in the arse.’

  ‘You wouldn’t!’ she protested. He noted that she didn’t actually order him not to.

  ‘Just giving you a little encouragement. He pulled her up onto all fours, and slid back into her pussy. His back was virtually against the bunk above, but he didn’t give a damn. He suspected the restriction even added a certain something.

  Not content with driving them both demented with his thrusting, he teased her back entrance again, and wiggled a finger inside.

  ‘Fuck!’ she swore. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’

  Xane wrapped his arms tight around her body and pinched her already steepled nipples. ‘That’s right,’ he encouraged. ‘Say that naughty word, you naughty girl.’

  ‘Fuck,’ she said again, as he drove them both flat against the mattress.

  ‘Uh-huh. That’s right, Dani. God, I love fucking you.’

  She matched his pace, slap for slap, their bodies slick from the exertion and completely attuned. Xane rode the wave right into oblivion. Lost his focus completely and came hard, aware that she was flying right along with him.

  When he finally came down off his high, Dani lay breathless and still quaking beneath him. She nuzzled against his cheek. ‘You’re a bastard sometimes, do you know that?’

  ‘I thought that’s why you loved me.’ He squeezed her tight.

  ‘I think I’m lying in a puddle.’

  Yeah, that was the hazard of skinny-dipping. Things tended to get a little messy afterwards. ‘Roll over. I don’t mind lying in it.’

  ‘For real? I take my last comment back. You’re an utter saint.’

  They switched positions. Dani rested her head against his chest, breathing quietly. Only after sex did she ever seem entirely at ease in her own skin. Still, he took care not to touch her anywhere that would make her self-conscious. He’d got her to be comfortable around him when she was nude, and it would only damage that to draw attention to her scars in any way.

  ‘How long do you think we have?’ she asked. Pretty soon the rest of the band would find their way here, and they start their long journey around Europe. There weren’t quite as many stops on this tour as they’d played on past tours, but the venues were all considerably bigger. It’d be gruelling, but the fans needed a chance to say goodbye to Steve as much as they did.

  He just couldn’t keep Steve out of his head, though the multitude of endorphins currently flitting around inside him helped keep at bay the melancholia that normally overwhelmed him when he thought about his friend. ‘I’m not sure. Not very long.’ He thought she probably meant to leap up and get dressed, or at least pull on her nightwear while there was no one around who might see her naked and ask awkward questions about the rows of regimented silver scars. ‘Why?’

  Her pretty mouth o
pened into a smile. ‘Because, handsome, I’m not done with you yet. Have you any idea what it’s been like, having to be apart from you? You’ve taught me to –’ She paused and covered her mouth with her hand, but her shy smile had him intrigued. So too did the crimson blush that spread across the top of her cheekbones.

  ‘Go on,’ he coaxed, giving her hand an encouraging squeeze. ‘I’ve taught you what exactly?’

  ‘To expect … and, well, to like certain things. Then when you weren’t around, well … there wasn’t any action happening.’

  ‘There wasn’t any at the studio either.’ So they’d pulled fifteen-hour days. The best way not to get maudlin about the fact she hadn’t been around had been to apply himself to the music. The miracle had been that Ash hadn’t objected. No doubt he was making up for fourteen days without pussy right now by banging Dani’s friend Ginny and whoever else had smiled sweetly at him.

  Dani threw a sceptical glance in his direction. ‘So my nightly phone calls didn’t prompt you to any sort of activity?’

  He grinned, remembering the tension that had flooded his body every time they’d spoken on the phone. Most of those times, the sexy talk had indeed resulted in him heading to the nearest quiet corner to decompress. ‘That doesn’t count,’ he said. ‘Anyway, I bet you were doing the same thing.’

  ‘I was not!’ she huffed, then dug her teeth into her plump lower lip. ‘All right, once or twice, but only in the dead of night when I was sure Ginny wouldn’t overhear.’

  He laughed. ‘That’s cute.’ It tickled him how uptight she could be about some things. Her years of abuse had conditioned her to think badly of herself for seeking pleasure. Her mum and those dreadful women had a lot to answer for. If he had his way, they’d be locked up for their crimes, but Dani was insistent that it would result in more harm than good. Mostly, though, he suspected she simply didn’t want to relive the pain.

  Dani looked at him contemplatively, as though she’d tuned into his thoughts.

  ‘What?’ he asked.

  She shook her head, casting off the sudden darkness. ‘I just realised, I’m naked and you’re not. Get undressed properly otherwise it’ll look really slutty if anyone comes in.’

  Like she wouldn’t be covered up and hidden at the sound of the first footstep.

  Even with the curtains drawn, she’d be convinced the guys were all lined up on the other side watching them via X-ray vision. Although, to be fair, if they had X-ray goggles, they probably would be.

  ‘How’s this going to work?’ she asked, seeming to realise what she’d just said.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Xane said, tucking her against him. ‘They probably won’t even remember you’re here. In fact, if you’re really unfortunate, that’s exactly what’ll happen, and then you’ll have to put up with four naked male bottoms wiggling about in front of your face in addition to mine.’

  The notion instantly sobered her. ‘You mean, you all strip off in front of each other?’

  ‘Have you seen the size of the bathroom? Babe, it’s like a locker room in here. There’ll be so many arses waving about you’ll not be able to look in any direction without being mooned.’

  ‘It’s not their backsides waving about I’m concerned over. What if I walk into one of them and they’re hard?’

  ‘Then tell him to get it out of your face, or I’ll tear the fucking thing off.’ He wasn’t having anyone making any moves on her, and, while he trusted Spook to be a gentleman, he didn’t put it past Ash or Paul to try it on. Ash didn’t understand the concept of exclusivity, total man-whore that he was. As for the new guy, Iain, well … who knew a damn thing about him? With any luck he’d turn out to be gay.

  Actually, scratch that. With Dani’s hang-ups, having a gay guy on board would be terrible.

  ‘Do you get hard in front of one another?’ she asked tremulously.

  Xane made a tactical decision not to answer. Considering how much time he and the guys spent living in confined spaces together, of course he’d seen them all standing to attention. He’d heard every one of them masturbate too, except Spook. Spook didn’t do that sort of thing. He’d also shared beds with all of them and done a bit more than that with one person, but Dani really didn’t need to know that.

  ‘Are you going to help me get out of these things?’ he asked instead, lifting one leather-clad leg.


  She wriggled down to the foot of the bed in order to drag his leathers off him. Xane happily shimmied out of them and left them on the floor for somebody to trip over. ‘And now what?’ He cocked an eyebrow. ‘Now that you have me totally naked in your bed – what are your plans for me, O wicked one? Are you going to bind me to the bedposts, torture me with feathers and ice cubes? Drive me demented with a hundred thousand nips and kisses?’

  She pressed a finger to her smile. ‘None of them. I thought I’d do some total hero worshipping and suck you.’

  ‘Yeah. Want me to wash first?’

  ‘Uh uh.’

  Oh, boy, being dirty was washing off on her. He hoped hanging around the bus with a bunch of bad asses didn’t change her too much – he liked her exactly as she was.

  ‘Is that wrong?’ she asked.

  Xane stroked her hair. ‘Of course not. It’s hot.’ His cock stirred to life at the mere prospect of her mouth coming anywhere near it. It was fully awake again by the time she’d meandered down his body, by way of his nose and his lips, one elbow, a section of ribs and one or two other bits as well. He liked that she took her time and didn’t just dive on him. Most of the women who claimed to want him had done exactly that. They seemed to be labouring under some strange notion that if they dived straight for his genitals, bypassing conversation, imagination and pretty much any other sort of pleasant human interaction, he’d somehow love them best. Not that that had bothered him for much of his adult life. He freely admitted he’d used sex as a coping strategy. If there was shite in his life, then fucking had been the answer.

  It wasn’t like that with Dani. They’d inhabited some of the same dark spaces in the world. They spoke the same language, saw things through a similar lens. Sex with her was a celebration, not a means of escape … at least, mostly. Could he help it if he always craved sex most when he was in emotionally bad places?

  ‘Hey.’ Dani nipped the flesh near his navel, which made his cock jerk. She was poised over him, ready to deliver on her promise. ‘Say please.’

  ‘Pretty please.’

  ‘With a cherry on top?’ She flicked a glance up the length of his body. ‘That’s kind of what your cock looks like, when it’s this red and shiny.’ She gently flicked her tongue over the very tip, causing his cock to flex and grow harder.

  ‘I can taste myself on you.’

  Xane’s fingers curled against the sheets until his knuckles were in danger of cracking.

  ‘So good. Think I need to taste you some more.’ She swirled her tongue around the tip, as though she were licking an ice-cream, then wrapped him in her heat and started making infuriatingly teasing pulls on his cock.

  ‘Come here, you.’ Xane made a grab for her and managed to upend her and twist her around so that she was straddled over his face with her knees planted beside his ears. Two could play at this game.

  He stuck his tongue out and licked along the whole length of her slit, which caused her to buck and damn near hit her head on the bunk above. ‘Xane! You can’t expect me to concentrate if you’re going to do that.’

  ‘But I like doing that.’ He did it again to prove the point.


  He liked the way it made her shudder too.

  Dani peeped along the length of their bodies at him. ‘Is your view as good as the one I’ve got?’

  ‘Better. I like having your knees as ear-muffs too. Come closer. Sit on me.’ He pulled her down onto his face, which let him push his tongue right into her. Hell, but she tasted good, all musky and sweet, and, to top that, she gently danced her fingertips over his balls. He t
ensed a little when he realised what she intended to do, but trusted her to be gentle.


  She gently drew one of his nuts into her mouth, and then released it. It felt irrationally good, but bordered on too much. ‘Stop,’ he hissed after a minute or two. ‘Just suck me.’

  She did, but he could feel the tension building inside her.

  ‘What’s the matter, Dani?’

  ‘Do guys give better blowjobs?’

  Oh, fuck! Where had that come from? Were thoughts of him and Steve together still playing on her mind? He wished he could come up with a way of convincing her that his desire for her wasn’t some sort of temporary anomaly. He wasn’t suddenly going to come out as being gay.

  ‘Xane,’ she prompted him, and he realised his silence had given her the wrong impression.

  ‘It’s not really about gender. It’s about the individual. And you’re perfect in every way. You don’t have to compete with anyone. Not even a memory.’

  Besides, Steve had sucked at sucking. But she didn’t need to know that. The best blowjob he’d had had been courtesy of someone else entirely.

  Chapter 10

  Dani wanted to believe him, but the fact that he had experience with men and was attracted to them niggled away at her and stirred up all the abandonment issues she had been bequeathed by her father. He’d pretended to be straight – until he ran off with their neighbour’s son. It was hard to believe that Xane wouldn’t eventually do the same.

  That said, if she didn’t have faith, then they had no chance of surviving.

  Dani looked at him spread out before her. He was perfect in every way, with his ink, his washboard abs and the cute V-shaped ridge she didn’t know the name for that led down to his loins. How could she possibly hold on to him? He was a rock star, and she … she was nobody.

  ‘Are you doubting that we’re made for each other – again? I guess I’ll have to do something about that.’ He pulled her down onto his face again. Dani shivered as he used his tongue against her clit. It was hard not to believe in him when he was prepared to do this, and to keep on doing it until his tongue surely ached.


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