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Come Together

Page 15

by Madelynne Ellis

  ‘Not like that. Not this time. Take off your knickers, Dani, and then turn around.’

  Stepping out of her underwear, she understood. She turned around. He encouraged her to bend forward and find something to cling to, then lifted her skirt and folded it over her back. His big warm hands settled on the globes of her bottom, bringing sudden heat to her skin in both sets of cheeks.

  ‘Xane, is this really the place to do this?’ He’d taken her in the arse once before. She’d been terrified, but he’d made the experience incredibly sweet. She still couldn’t help thinking of it as dirty, some kind of cardinal sin. Sheesh, her grim upbringing didn’t half screw with her head sometimes, but it also made her want to try it again. ‘Shouldn’t we save this for some other time, because don’t we need lube or something …’

  Xane ran his fingers between her pussy lips and found her wet with desire. ‘I don’t think so.’ He stilled a moment, then laughter erupted from him. ‘Oh, my God, what are you imagining?’

  ‘Nothing.’ Damn, she’d obviously completely misread his intent. It was the fault of all these pictures in her head of him fucking guys.

  ‘Come on now, babe, spill it. Is this some fantasy you’ve been holding back?’

  Of being fucked in the arse in the store cupboard at some fancy French restaurant, absolutely not. Yet both her bottom and her pussy twitched in anticipation.

  ‘I just misread.’

  Xane swept his thumbs back and forth along the ridge between her cheeks. She waited in breathless expectation for the touch of his cock, quaking slightly as he inched closer to her forbidden hole.

  He leaned over her and his teeth caught the edge of her earlobe. ‘Is this what you were imagining?’

  ‘I thought it’s what you wanted.’

  ‘Well, now you’ve sown the seeds, my interest is definitely piqued.’ She felt him then, hot and hard in the groove of her arse. ‘But you’re right. We’re not really prepared. I think it might have to wait until we get to the hotel. I even have a special something we could use to keep your pussy happy while I’m back there.’

  ‘Oh, God!’ What had she initiated? She knew he and Steve had fucked Elspeth together, and he’d hinted that he’d shared girls with Ash in the past too, but she dearly hoped that wasn’t what was on his mind now, introducing the idea of penetrating her in two places at once.

  ‘I don’t want another man in our relationship.’

  ‘Dani, I’ll kill any other man who comes near you. You’re mine. No way am I sharing.’

  Relief at hearing him say it made her giddy. ‘I never want to share you either.’

  ‘It’s OK,’ he soothed. ‘I’ve already warned Ash not to try anything funny.’ She forced a laugh, but it wasn’t Ash she was concerned about. Did Xane have any inkling of how desperately one of his roadies – Luthor – wanted to fuck him?

  Instead of sliding into her, Xane dipped at the knees and brought his mouth to her rear. He licked her right where his cock had just been, tickled her puckered entrance before worming a wetted finger inside. Her muscles clenched tight around him.

  Oh, that felt sweet. But her pussy begged for action too. ‘Fill me,’ she pleaded.

  Xane stuck his tongue into her, which hadn’t been what she meant, but threatened to make her legs buckle all the same.

  ‘With your cock,’ she whispered, realising he was waiting for her to be specific. He liked hearing her spell out all the dirty things she wanted him to do to her.

  Xane stood. He filled her pussy with one deep thrust, using some preternatural sense to aim true in the dark. He ground his hips and gave a little moan that had her longing to be able to see what had caused it. She didn’t have the wit to ask him, though, being too absorbed in the motion of their bodies.

  This was one of the benefits of going without condoms, she was learning, instant gratification of her wishes. There was no time lost fumbling for a rubber or checking that it was on properly. They didn’t need to put barriers between them before they fucked. Instead, they were free to mash their bodies together as close as it was possible to get.

  He wouldn’t be doing this, she realised, if he were interested in someone else. Xane might have player credentials, but he took his and his partner’s safety seriously. That surely meant he really did consider her special and them exclusive.

  ‘Fuck, I love the way you tug at me,’ he muttered. ‘It’s like you’re determined to suck me deeper.’

  ‘Deeper.’ She had no objections to that. She loved it when he was as deep as he could get and pounding into her so hard they were in danger of damaging property. She pushed back against him, their bodies slapping against each other.

  Something clattered to the floor behind them, reminding her that they didn’t have time to hang about. She could lie in his arms and linger over making love to him once they reached the promised hotel room. For now, they needed to finish this, and make short work of dessert so they could excuse themselves and slip into the night.

  ‘Slow down a little. I don’t want to short-change you.’

  ‘You never do. Someone will come if we don’t hurry up.’ They’d have heard that clatter.

  ‘Another minute.’

  His motions became more determined, while his breathing grew increasingly ragged. ‘You’re not there yet. Got to make you fly, Dani.’

  He always, always did.

  ‘Put your finger in me again.’ Just the thought … simply saying it was enough to make her legs wobble.

  ‘Yeah,’ he sighed. ‘You’re really hot on this idea tonight, aren’t you? I’m going to go into you while we’re facing, with all the lights on, so that you can see what I can see when I enter you.’

  She wasn’t sure how the angles involved in that would work out, but she was prepared to give it a try … more than prepared. ‘What if you take a picture of me while you’re doing it?’ she said, suddenly overcome with eagerness to experience things as he saw them.

  Xane made an airless sort of gulp, and seemed to lose all sense of rhythm for a moment. ‘Dani,’ he croaked, and slid a finger back inside her arse, tipping her over the edge. She shattered into a million bits of rabid bliss.

  Her pussy was still clenching greedily in an epic climax when he pulled out and finished over her bottom and the backs of her legs.

  She was trembling and breathing too hard to make any protest. She always liked it best when he finished inside her, but she understood that Xane liked to mark his territory, so to speak. Sure enough, he rubbed the spent fluid into her skin as though it were a rich moisturiser before lowering her skirt again.

  It was too dark to relocate her panties.

  ‘We need to get out of here and into a taxi, so I can take that photograph.’

  ‘Into a bed,’ she corrected him. They weren’t getting kinky until they were safely behind closed doors with no possibility of an audience.

  ‘Bed, right.’ He smacked her bottom. ‘Let’s go.’

  They were both smirking ridiculously when he inched open the cupboard door. Dani was still blinking from the brightness of the lights as Xane led her back to their table. Only Spook remained. ‘Where is everyone?’

  The waiter came over and Spook handed him his credit card to settle the bill.

  ‘We weren’t that long. What, did they all leave together?’

  ‘Pretty much. Elspeth seemed to think your slipping off for a quickie was intended as a personal slap in the face.’

  Dani blushed. Damn, had they really been that obvious?

  ‘Like fuck it was. She never entered my thoughts.’

  Xane pulled back a chair and sat beside Spook. ‘Forget blame – she’s just determined to be pissed off at me. She’s the one that set this whole situation in motion. I’m not altering my lifestyle because she can’t hack how it turned out.’

  ‘I’m not expecting you to, same as I don’t expect her to be sane. I just want to make music, Xane. And I’d like to say goodbye to a good friend in the best way I know how.�

  ‘Yeah.’ Xane bowed his head. He patted Spook’s knee. ‘I’m sorry, I mucked up your attempt to set things on a more even keel, but I don’t think we’re quite ready to sit down and play happy families yet.’

  ‘What I want to know is, will you ever be?’ Spook gave a long-suffering sigh. ‘Because if the answer is no, then what the fuck are we all doing on the road together? Maybe it’s time we started giving serious consideration to cutting our losses.’

  ‘We’re good on stage, and that’s what the fans want.’

  ‘It’s not only about them.’

  ‘I know. Look, let’s give things time. We don’t need to make any rash decisions. It’s not as if we’re all at each other’s throats, it’s just a little tense. Things will settle.’

  Dani wondered if he believed his own words. She prayed so, because she couldn’t bear the thought of Black Halo splitting, even if it meant she’d no longer have to deal with Elspeth every day. ‘I won’t steal him away again,’ she promised.

  Spook turned to face her at once. ‘You’re not the issue, Dani. You never have been. Just make sure he treats you right, OK.’

  ‘He does. Always.’

  The intent look he gave her with his beautiful baby blues suggested he wasn’t entirely convinced.

  ‘Where did motor-mouth go?’ Xane interrupted. ‘Not with Paul and Elspeth, surely?’

  ‘He made some calls. I think he’s gone off to hook up with some old friends or something. Elspeth nearly shrivelled him with her glare when he dared to suggest they share a cab.’

  ‘Maybe she’ll warm to him eventually,’ Dani suggested. Not that she was overly fond of Iain herself, but she appreciated that it was difficult being an outsider in a tight knit group. And for all their current woes, the various members of Black Halo were fairly tightly bonded.

  ‘I haven’t,’ Xane confessed. ‘I don’t know what the hell he was playing tonight, but it sure as hell wasn’t anything I’d written.’

  ‘Maybe we should drop “Fatal Error” from the set,’ Spook suggested diplomatically.

  ‘Like fuck we will. He’ll learn to play it or I’ll find someone else who can.’

  Chapter 21

  In a typical show of extravagance, Xane booked them a suite at one of the oldest hotels in Paris. The room, which boasted a stunning view of the Tuileries garden, a marble bathroom and a walk-in closet the size of Dani’s former flat, was awash with pastel-coloured silk and traditional French furniture. After the tour bus, it felt like a palace.

  ‘Don’t tell me, your family maintain a place in Paris too,’ she said, recalling the suite they owned in the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo.

  ‘Art probably does,’ Xane remarked of his brother. ‘But this is a strictly off-the-cuff booking. No one knows we’re here. No one can contact us.’ He shut down his mobile phone and unplugged the room phone from the wall. ‘It’s just you and me, and this here very large, very springy bed.’

  ‘Yippee,’ she called, diving onto it and sinking into the mound of covers. ‘I’m so beat, aren’t you? I could literally fall asleep right here.’ She sprawled over as much of the vast bed as possible, then peeked up at him, only to shriek with laughter at the look on his face. He had to realise she was joking. Christ, as if she’d waste such an opportunity. They could be in Copenhagen or Riga before they got an opportunity like this again.

  ‘Sleep,’ he snorted. ‘You know it’s overrated.’

  She watched him strip off his shirt, then his leathers, so he was standing before her completely bare, with only the ink-work of his tattoos as camouflage. How could one man be so incredibly fit? It physically tugged at her pleasure centres to look at him. Yes, sleep was overrated, especially when he was present. Besides, she could sleep as long as she wanted tomorrow, while they were travelling.

  ‘What do you recommend instead, O wise master?’

  ‘Exercise.’ He grasped hold of her ankles and tugged her towards him. ‘And you getting your sexy butt over here for starters. Followed by an ungodly amount of hardcore sex.’

  ‘I’m not sure that sounds like something I’ll enjoy. What about it makes it hardcore? Are there whips and restraints involved?’ She nibbled her lower lip apprehensively. She’d suffered too much pain in her life to take any pleasure from the notion of being hurt, and she enjoyed touching Xane too much to want to be tied up.

  ‘The fact that it involves a lot of X-rated imagery and a long section of ass-play?’

  ‘Does that involve donkeys?’ she asked facetiously.

  ‘It does not. It involves my cock, your sweet derrière and the rather large bottle of lube I was able to acquire on the way here.’

  ‘How?’ she wondered aloud. They hadn’t stopped anywhere, and she didn’t think the hotel clerk happened to have a handy supply of sexual lubricant stowed beneath the reception desk. Condoms, maybe, but …

  Xane fished his jacket off the floor and produced a bottle of olive oil that he’d obviously stolen from the restaurant they’d dined at.

  Oh, Lordy, he was serious about doing this.

  ‘Do you have condoms? We need condoms if we’re doing it that way, right?’

  ‘Babe, I think of everything. There are probably at least five stowed inside the lining of this beast.’

  She wasn’t sure why they were in his coat lining, but hey, as long as he had them. She bit her lip, overcome with nervousness. ‘You said something about a toy as well.’

  ‘We’ll get to it,’ he said, running a soothing hand down the side of her head. ‘Take off your dress, Dani.’

  ‘Will you dim the lights?’ He knew she didn’t like her own nakedness. Even though she’d been naked with him many times before, it still made her apprehensive every time she had to take her clothes off and face his reaction.

  Xane shook his head. ‘Dani, I know how you look – hot, so hot you rob me of my senses – every time. So quit with the coy and strip.’

  ‘Do you really think I’m hot?’

  ‘“Do you really think I’m hot?”’ he repeated. ‘Babe, do you know how many beautiful women I turn down every day? None of them comes close to you and the way you make me feel. You’re the only woman on the planet that I want to shag. You’re not just hot, you’re so damn hot you’re likely to scorch my fingertips off.’

  He made her giggle when he got growly.

  ‘Dani, I love you. All of you, and, if you’d let me, I’d kiss every silver line on your skin better a thousand times over. You’re my girl, and you’re seriously sexy. So strip before I have to tear the damn dress off you.’

  * * *

  Xane stared at her with love in his heart, but not expecting her to undress. He knew better than to mention her scars. It didn’t matter how sexy he found her, even the tiniest reminder of those imperfections was generally enough to make her balk over getting naked. He wished he could get her to understand that he didn’t find them ugly. The way she’d come by them was ugly, and he’d like to strangle everyone involved in inflicting that pain upon her, but the scars themselves weren’t horrid. He actually rather liked the feel of them.

  To his astonishment, she sat up and took off her dress. ‘I love you too,’ she mouthed to him, gazing up at him with her big brown eyes, which pretty much drove him nuts. A thousand … nay, ten thousand fans chanting his name as he belted his heart out on stage couldn’t compare to the way it made his heart swell to hear her say those words, and all because he knew that she didn’t love Xane Geist, the rock star. She loved the man he was inside – the silly, foolish man who was scared of monsters and craved nothing more in life than someone to genuinely want him and care about him.

  When his fingers brushed along the curve of her cheek, she leaned into the caress, and he grabbed the opportunity to be gentle with her for a moment. He had a reputation that was all about sharp edges and grinding, pounding beats. He was seen as a man of action who needed things to be a little bit rough, a little twisted, to really raise his sap. It wasn’t true. Som
etimes he liked to be gentle. Affectionate, he thought, stumbling over the word. That was something he’d never been with Elspeth. She’d never been interested in that side of him.

  Momentarily, he was torn between wanting to make gentle love to Dani and filling her up in the way they’d discussed. She made the decision for him, wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling up tight to his body. His cock welcomed the cuddle, growing stiff against her. Her hand encompassed him, stroked a line down his shaft to his balls, while she kissed the tip of him. She didn’t stay there, though, but shimmied back onto the bed, drawing him down with her, so that he knelt between her splayed thighs, looking at her naked except for her bra, which hid nothing, but nevertheless had to come off.

  She unhooked it for him, the moment his gaze settled upon her breasts, and then chucked it away.

  Xane smoothed his hand up the soft, pliable flesh of her outer thigh. Hardcore could wait a moment longer. First he needed to cover her, kiss her, make her understand the depth of his care for her. She watched him warily as he kissed each thigh before progressing higher. He didn’t kiss every one of her hundreds of scars, but he did kiss a great many of them. Dani tipped her head back and didn’t flinch. He was so proud of her for that.

  Xane moved his attention further upwards, latching on to her nipples and sucking them with great delight. Her soft groans grabbed him by the balls and made his cock stiffen even more.

  They could do this for hours, him making love to every inch of her beautiful body, until she was a wet, writhing mess, and so desperate for him that she was willing to guide his cock home. She’d never done that. She’d guided him to the right place, but had never gone the final step and fitted them together.

  Her hands fisted in his hair. ‘Xane. I don’t want to wait. I want you … I need you inside me.’

  ‘I’m all yours, and you know it.’ He took her hand from his hair and guided it to his cock. ‘Put me where you want me.’

  She guided him right between her legs and the slick lips of her pussy. ‘Inside,’ she whispered, but he held himself still, until she lined up the head of him perfectly with her entrance. She lifted her hips as he sank down, so their bodies came together.


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