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Come Together

Page 18

by Madelynne Ellis

  ‘Apparently not,’ Xane replied, strangely irritated by the remark. It wasn’t as if he was stereotypically camp, and actually it wasn’t widely known outside his immediate circle of friends and followers that he swung both ways. ‘Look, none of this matters. The important bit is that you can’t be around us.’

  ‘Yeah, well, that’s a problem, because I like being around you.’ Luthor leaned closer.

  Xane closed his eyes, afraid of what they might be giving away, because while he didn’t want anything to happen, he couldn’t deny the effect Luthor’s closeness was having on him. The region around his groin was feeling a little on the tight side all of a sudden.

  ‘Am I such a great temptation, you’re frightened you might slip up?’ Luthor pressed his hand to Xane’s chest. ‘Are you going to be overcome by your need for me?’

  Not overcome, no, but his body certainly liked the idea of a quick, rough tumble with this guy. Damn it, he was always picky and always eager. He liked sex. Sex with Luthor had been pretty bloody awesome the first time around, and he’d not been with a guy since Steve. However, he wasn’t about to betray Dani in the way she feared most.

  ‘She can’t know that we’ve been together before, or that there’s any trace of attraction left.’

  ‘Was that a confession?’ Luthor moved his hand suddenly, so his thumb briefly brushed against the bulge behind Xane’s fly.

  Immediately, Xane’s cock swelled, adding to his discomfort. It was next to impossible to think straight when so much blood was being diverted to other parts. ‘Don’t,’ he somehow managed to mumble. He raised his hands and pushed Luthor away, which achieved nothing, since he already had his back to the door. ‘You said you wouldn’t.’

  ‘Yeah, but I can’t resist teasing you a little bit. I need a few crumbs to seed my fantasies.’ He stroked the hummock of Xane’s erection, back and forth, making Xane crazy hard.

  Luthor leaned in again, put his head against Xane’s shoulder and breathed in his scent. His lips brushed the pulse point in Xane’s throat, further firing up Xane’s blood. God, not the neck. Teasing his neck turned him into putty. So–oo good, yeah! His hips were moving to the rhythm of Luthor’s hand.

  ‘You’d better push me away, because I’m not sure I can stop myself.’ He reached for the top button of Xane’s leathers.

  ‘Shit! No. That’s enough.’ Xane jerked away from him. What the fuck was he doing? ‘Get out of the way. Seriously, get out of the way.’

  Luthor moved too damned slowly, prompting Xane to use his fists. As the other man buckled, Xane dragged him away from the door by his T-shirt then lurched out of the cubicle. His heart was racing and his pulse echoed in his ears. He was stupid to have ever come in here.

  ‘Why not just tell her you’ve had me?’ Luthor called after him. ‘It’ll slip out eventually. Things always do, and then the repercussion of having not said anything will be much worse.’

  ‘Don’t fucking say a thing,’ Xane growled. ‘We’re the only ones that know. She can’t, Luthor. I mean it. Keep your mouth and your pants zipped.’

  ‘I’m not the one at half-mast.’

  Xane wrenched up his zip. He marched straight outside, his blood boiling and his mind on fire. Luthor wouldn’t have mattered if there wasn’t that residual trace of attraction remaining. But the fact was that fucking him good and hard was exactly what he felt like doing to him right now. He could lose himself in the other man’s arms, live completely and utterly in the moment. He tried his best to stay a little more lucid than that with Dani. She deserved better. Despite what he was sure his bandmates thought. He couldn’t fuck her and drive away thoughts of Steve. She meant too much. To stem the tide of his emotions, he had to be completely detached and the sex had to be the be-all and end-all of the act.

  Spook still stood in the foyer. He frowned at Xane, his gaze zooming in on the wood Xane was sporting and that his leathers failed to hide, but didn’t say anything. Outside, the street was peaceful, with only a few concertgoers still lingering in the vicinity. A few moved as if to approach him, but he marched past them to the tour bus. He wasn’t in the mood to be nice.

  A couple of the site security guards were manning the entrance. Xane yelled, ‘Are you set?’ to Dani from the kitchen area. ‘I thought you were raring for a bubble bath.’

  ‘Two minutes.’

  He never realised it could take so long to grab a few items for a night of debauchery.

  ‘Do you need help?’

  ‘No, don’t come up. I’ll be down in a few. I’m almost done.’

  Very well. He wouldn’t intrude. ‘I’m going to wait outside and keep an eye out for the taxi.’ He was too wound up to stay still. Besides, he could hear Elspeth in the bedroom at the back of the bus, and didn’t want to risk her coming out and finding him here. The last thing he needed was her adding to his misery by attempting to persuade him back into her arms.

  That possibility sucked some of the vigour out of the erection Luthor had left him with. He wondered at the truth of Luthor’s words. Was Dani truly aware of the other guy’s attraction to him, and yet still willing to communicate with him? Maybe she had a better handle on her fears than he’d given her credit for.

  It didn’t change anything, though. If she knew he’d actually fucked Luthor, he was sure it’d make her jumpy as hell and distrustful.

  The lot housing the bus and Black Halo’s other vehicles backed onto a canal. Xane passed a few excruciating minutes exchanging pleasantries with the two security guys in a mishmash of French and English – his Dutch was non-existent. Then, leaving them to watch for his taxi, he sauntered towards the water. The nearby buildings were reflected in the inky darkness. He closed his eyes and listened to the hum of voices on the breeze and the murmur of bass from inside the building. The gig was over, but there were still people around. He’d been standing there, enjoying the tranquillity for a moment under the boughs of a large tree, when he heard footsteps approaching. Assuming it to be Dani, he turned, only to find it was Iain, escorting a rather wobbly young lady. Rather than announce himself, he stepped further into the shadows, while Iain and his conquest got to know one another against the side of the building.

  Xane chuckled, realising they were out here because of the ‘no guests on the bus’ rule he’d insisted upon. It was nice to know people were adhering to some of his wishes. Although maybe open-air sex wasn’t such a good plan, as there were probably media sorts camped out in the surrounding bushes. It was a miracle he hadn’t been pestered yet.

  He didn’t interrupt Iain. A picture of his arse on the cover of some hideous gossip rag might even be vaguely entertaining. Also, he did a double take to confirm his suspicion. The young lady in question was indeed the same one he’d seen turning Iain down not minutes ago. OK, nearly twenty minutes ago. Evidently he’d worked for his reward, because her panties were now around her ankles. Fair play to him: it wasn’t easy to come back from chat-up lines like ‘My dick’s not infected,’ even if you were in one of the hottest groups on the planet.

  ‘There you are,’ Dani said, coming upon him in the shadows. ‘I’m all set. Shall we go?’

  She’d changed into one of the dresses he’d bought her back in Monte Carlo. It had a zip down the back that he took great delight in opening. ‘You look fabulous, but you didn’t have to change for me.’ She’d redone her hair and make-up too.

  ‘If we’re going somewhere nice, I want to look nice. You always look nice,’ she added when he looked down at his sweaty stage outfit.

  He pulled her tight against him.

  ‘Mm,’ she sighed, obviously feeling his arousal. ‘Something’s got you worked up.’

  At that moment, the girl with Iain screamed as she hit climax. Xane had never felt so thankful in his life.

  ‘Were you spying on them?’ she teased. ‘Sometimes I think you’re hopelessly perverted.’

  ‘Only sometimes.’ He grasped her hand and led her towards the taxi. ‘Let’s go and do something that
convinces you I’m beyond redemption.’

  ‘Have pity on my poor bottom, please.’ Dani laughed.

  He hugged her tight. ‘Maybe you should get your own back and do me.’

  He wasn’t going to fuck Luthor or any other guy, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get his girlfriend to do him as if she were a guy.


  Xane ignored the quaver of doubt in her voice. ‘I’ll go pick up some toys.’

  Chapter 24

  Luthor waited until he was sure that Xane and Dani had left before he entered the tour bus. For tonight, at least, Xane was right: he couldn’t be around him, because he was so on edge and didn’t know what he’d do. He’d meant well, had fully intended not to initiate anything with Xane when he’d locked him in the cubicle, just to talk, but then restraint seemed to have flown out the window.

  It was impossible not to act on his impulses when the man you’d wanted a second chance with for three long years was standing there letting you stroke him. Of course he’d come to his senses, but for a few sublime moments it had been wonderful.

  Luthor sighed. If it wasn’t for Dani, Xane Geist would totally have been his. But since she was around, he was willing to incorporate her into his fantasy. The image that assaulted him of the three of them entwined in a huge old-fashioned bed did nothing to calm his emotions.

  Pfft! Wasn’t going to happen, no matter how much he longed for it. His being repeatedly overt about his desire for Xane had helped dampen her reaction to the thought of Xane hooking up with another man, but her doing a complete 360 wasn’t on the cards.

  Luthor stripped off completely and climbed into the upper of the two bunks reserved for the crew. From one of the many pockets of his shorts he pulled the photographs Dani had left him to dispose of. He’d kept a couple – just hadn’t been able to let them go. His favourite was predominately of Xane. Whoever he was with was a mere blur, with no distinguishable features other than his behind. The picture reminded Luthor of an old promo still of Xane he’d once ripped out of a magazine and made himself sore admiring. Well, minus the fucking part.

  Xane and that picture had put the seal on accepting that he swung both ways.

  Luthor took a long hard look at the current black and white image, then closed his eyes and imagined himself as the man Xane was with. He didn’t muck about. He wasn’t sure how much time he had before the band and the rest of the crew stumbled back from the bar. His hand closed fast around his cock and he stroked quickly, efficiently. Xane’s touch was sure. When he made love, he threw the whole of himself into it. There was no hesitation in his actions, he knew what he liked and was confident enough in his abilities to please and read people to make things good for the person he was with too.

  That was no doubt how he was making love to Dani. Luthor’s arousal heightened as he imagined Xane’s hands encompassing her soft breasts, his mouth exploring her pussy. Dani wasn’t inked in the way Xane was, but she still had a blazing hot body. What he’d glimpsed of it so far was very appealing. He guessed she had the moves too, despite looking so sweet. How else could she possibly keep a sexual master such as Xane Geist entertained? He didn’t believe for a moment it was all straight-up vanilla sex between them, though what games they indulged together he couldn’t quite imagine.

  He knew what he’d like to play with them.

  A long pleasurable shiver rolled up Luthor’s spine as he imagined Xane sliding into his rear, riding him so good, while at the same time Luthor buried himself in Dani’s sweet pussy. He’d never been with two people at the same time before, but he sure did like the idea of satisfying all his fantasies in one go.

  The imagined heat of two bodies around him, two people whispering words of love to him and to one another, made his actions grow brisker and more fluid. He groaned as pre-come leaked from his tip and aided the glide of his hand. His arms never ached, no matter how frantically he pumped. He considered that a bonus of learning to play drums. Xane hadn’t minded having his hand wrapped around his cock that time. He’d got Xane off that second – or was it the third time? – while he was right inside him, possessing him in every way he could.

  God, he wanted to do that again, so damn badly.

  He couldn’t see a way that could possibly happen, just as he couldn’t see a way he’d ever become Black Halo’s drummer. But reality didn’t matter when it came to dreams. He could have everything. He and Xane could share a stage and tumble off it after each performance straight into Dani’s arms. She in turn would love them both, and she’d totally get off on seeing them fuck one another.

  ‘Yes. Yes. Yes.’ He was so close now. Imagining the scent and taste of Xane’s skin and the soft featherlight touch of Dani’s hand brushing the curve of his arse as she watched Xane fellate him.

  That idea contained a lot of powerful magic. He came in one long, delicious spurt, still picturing Xane on his knees before him, his beautiful, sensual mouth forming an O.

  The door to the back bedroom opened as he was cleaning up, causing a sudden draft that wafted the photograph off his lap. Luthor made a futile grab for it, but missed and had to watch it float to the floor. It landed by Elspeth’s bare feet. To his horror, she picked it up. ‘Here,’ she grumbled. ‘If you’ve a non-sticky hand free.’

  Damn, she’d obviously overheard him. They ought to soundproof buses better. At least he’d only been making groaning noises and not speaking his thoughts aloud as one of his old band members used to do.

  Luthor rolled onto his side and stretched out to collect the picture from her, but as she raised her arm she caught a glimpse of the content, and suddenly snatched it back for a closer look. ‘Where did you get this?’

  ‘I found it lying around,’ he lied.

  She stared at him uncertainly a moment, her red mouth drawn into a thin scowl.

  ‘I’m sorry – it’s not yours, is it?’ There was a distinct possibility that the second man in the picture was her former husband, and he hadn’t forgotten Dani’s suspicion that Elspeth was responsible for sending the photographs in the first place.

  ‘I imagine it’s one of Spook’s,’ she snapped. Instead of returning the photograph to him, she slipped it inside her dressing gown. ‘I’ll make sure he gets it back.’

  She swanned past him into the kitchen and closed the door behind her.

  Luthor sagged against his pillow. Oh, shit! Dani wasn’t going to be pleased with him, nor would Xane. It didn’t matter that his slip-up had been inadvertent, because there wasn’t a single scenario he could envisage where Xane’s ex-girlfriend knowing that he had a massive crush on Xane was a good thing.

  Even if she wasn’t the one responsible for trying to scare Dani off, she could still cause untold damage. It wouldn’t take much to plant doubts in Dani’s head, and if she happened to stumble across a photograph of him and Xane together in Spook’s collection, then God help them all. There’d be no chance of keeping a lid on the past then, no matter how much Xane desired to.

  The band would probably implode.

  * * *

  He was a bastard, and he knew it. Xane lay beside Dani in the bed, only touching where a few strands of their hair lay tangled on the pillow. They’d fucked to the point of exhaustion, but his mind still refused to let him sleep. Dani had slipped into quiet dreams over an hour ago, and continued to rest quiet and content. He’d had her do him so hard that he ached and felt stretched in places that really weren’t designed for such punishment, but it’d been necessary in order to drive the demons from his head. What he couldn’t figure out was why it hadn’t worked. Calm hadn’t infused him. It didn’t hold him in a gentle embrace. Instead, he felt raw and uneasy … and, yes, pretty despicable too.

  Not cool, Xane, thinking about someone else while you’re with someone you claim to love.

  He did love Dani. That wasn’t in doubt. He couldn’t bear not to be around her. Hell, all he had to do was look at her and he got butterflies and a hard-on. The only time he truly felt at peace was
when he was cocooned in her embrace, and yet tonight he’d been thinking about someone else. He couldn’t get goddamned Luthor out of his head, and normally he was good at locking stuff he didn’t want to think about in a chest in the recesses of his brain.

  Not Luthor, though. That blond-haired devil insisted on being front and centre. Xane’s thoughts kept turning to what they’d done together in the past and what they could do in the future.

  Well, he couldn’t have Luthor, and he wasn’t about to cave in to temptation. The old Xane might have done, the one who’d had sex whenever and with whomever he pleased, but the current incarnation had a steady girlfriend and was committed to this relationship. He’d been looking for her too long to risk screwing it up. He didn’t like betraying her even in his head.

  Xane turned onto his side to lie closer to her. He curled his fingers and stroked the curve of her cheek. Keeping secrets wasn’t what he wanted between them. Openness was damned important to him. He wanted … needed that bond. Yet, if he attempted to explain about Luthor, he knew she’d feel threatened. Worse still, he couldn’t say, ‘Hey, it’s all in the past,’ because it wasn’t. He did still desire the other man. The episode earlier this evening had proved that to him. All right, he wasn’t about to run off with Luthor, but he certainly wasn’t averse to the idea of screwing him senseless.

  All his adult life, Xane had never been monogamous this long. He’d always supposed that was because he’d never found the right person, but now he wasn’t so sure. Dani was definitely the right woman, but his libido still said fucking Luthor would be awesome fun. It wasn’t just a hankering for a man either, because he had no interest in screwing any other guy, only Luthor.

  He watched Dani breathe, her lips ever so slightly parted. Xane leaned forward and kissed them. As he withdrew, she opened her eyes.

  ‘Xane? Is something wrong?’ She reached out to touch his face. ‘What time is it?’


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