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Educating Emma

Page 2

by Kristina Wright

  Emma cupped and kneaded her own breasts, her head thrown back against Carlos’s shoulder as she moaned, ‘More, more!’

  Carlos began fucking the girl hard, raising and lowering her on his cock until she writhed and moaned. She clutched at her own body, twisting her nipples, scratching her thighs, and gyrating her cunt on the thick cock inside her. She was no longer a dedicated young art student; she was a wanton beauty, a sex-hungry slut.

  ‘I’m going to come!’ she screamed, announcing her impending orgasm to the room. ‘Fuck me, fuck me hard!’

  ‘Emma!’ The name sounded as if it was ripped painfully from Danny’s throat. ‘What are you doing?’

  She looked at him, through him, so caught up in the sensations of her body she could barely seem to focus. ‘I’m getting fucked, Danny. I’m getting fucked,’ she gasped.

  Carlos drove his cock up into her with such force the stool rocked. He held her in his powerful arms and fucked her senseless, groaning in masculine desire. Danny struggled in Ian’s powerful arms, whimpering pitifully.

  ‘Watch her get fucked, Danny,’ I taunted the boy. ‘See how she loves his big cock inside her? You can’t do that for her.’

  Two things happened almost simultaneously: Carlos came, deep inside Emma’s tight cunt and Danny came, in Emma’s pretty pink panties. Both men groaned, but only Carlos had the satisfaction of feeling Emma’s wet cunt surround him as she squeezed his cock in post-orgasmic bliss. He held her to him as he slowly softened and slipped free of her beautiful body, leaving a trail of glistening wetness behind.

  The pair cuddled on the stool as the class applauded.

  ‘That was beautiful, simply beautiful,’ I said. I looked at Danny, who was staring in misery at the wet spot his over-excited dick had left on Emma’s panties. ‘Don’t you agree this was a beautiful piece of performance art, Danny?’

  Danny looked at me, torn between humiliation and a need for approval. ‘Um, yeah, I can see that.’

  I shook my head, disgusted with Danny and determined to get him thrown out of the art program. I met Emma’s gaze from across the room and she smiled radiantly, mouthing two simple words.

  ‘Thank you.’


  by Sommer Marsden

  I remember saying it to him. I remember it clearly. My first book was out, my second in the works. I had a looming deadline and absolutely no fire under my ass to make any sort of progress.

  I would panic, calm down, and bitch. But I could not throw myself into my work. I was on the verge of tossing my laptop into the bathtub and turning on the faucet when Austin walked in.

  ‘Babe? What’s wrong? You’ve got the crazy hair from running your fingers through it.’

  Normally Austin’s warm, deep voice and easy smile were enough to take me off edge. It didn’t work.

  ‘I need discipline!’ I blurted out. ‘I am the most undisciplined person I know. I have exactly ten and a half days to wrap up this manuscript and turn it in.’ I gave my hair one more raking for good measure and let my head thunk on the desk. I would wallow in self pity. It wouldn’t help, but I would do it anyway.

  Austin rubbed my back and neck and gave a little chuckle. ‘Then finish it, Lizzie. Just finish it.’

  That put my hackles up. ‘I can’t! It’s right there. I mean, it is right there in my head, all ready but…’


  ‘No fire. No fire to write. I’m content to let it sit there all ready and waiting until the deadline is screaming in my ear. Then the fire will be there and as usual, I will be flying by the seat of my pants. It sucks.’

  ‘Change it.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘Ah, you won’t, is what you mean.’

  I hated when he called me on something. It was even worse when the something was a character flaw that I truly loathed.

  ‘Fine,’ I grumped, ‘I won’t.’

  ‘We’ll have to do something about that,’ he said on his way out of my office.


  He just smiled.

  Six days left until my deadline. I clicked my email icon. I checked my website. I checked my favourite blogs. All the while, I mentally calculated. I had thirty thousand words left to meet my length requirement. I had six days. That was an average of five thousand words or more each day. Panic swelled in my chest, making my head swim and my ears ring. Yet, I didn’t open the document containing my novel. Instead I went to my favourite used-books website and looked around.

  Austin popped his head in. ‘Super busy or you up for some grocery shopping?’ His dark brown eyes found the website and he grinned and shook his head. ‘I guess super busy is out.’

  I sighed. ‘Sure. Let’s go. Maybe realising that we’ll no longer be able to buy food if I don’t finish this fucking book will give me the kick in the ass I need.’

  ‘I don’t think you need a kick in the ass,’ he said, reaching for my hand. ‘You need something, but not to be kicked.’

  ‘What do I need?’

  ‘I have an idea, but it’s a secret. Let’s go. Errands! It’ll be fun.’

  ‘Fun,’ I muttered and let him hug me. I put my hand in the back pocket of his faded jeans and gave his ass a squeeze. ‘Maybe a good romp in the sack will get me fired up.’

  ‘We might have to give it a try,’ he said, walking me to the front door. He handed me my jacket and then pulled me in for a hug. ‘You trust me, right?’

  ‘Of course.’ Had I been that down? That snippy? For him to think that I no longer trusted him? ‘I love you and I trust you. You know that, right?’

  ‘Yep,’ he said, winking. ‘Just needed to hear you say it. Now let’s get our errands done and see if we can help Lizzie with her self-imposed writer’s block.’

  ‘I’m not blocked, just lazy,’ I sighed, climbing into the car.

  ‘Not lazy,’ he corrected, ‘you were right. You just need a little discipline.’

  For some reason when he said it, a little tingle swept up my spine followed by a satisfying shiver. And a tiny touch of arousal. Confusing but true. I let it go. Time to focus on groceries and then on my issues with working like a normal person.

  I shuffled through our errands and tried to mentally digest knocking out five thousand words. And then doing it again. And again. I was getting more distressed with each stop we made. Finally, after dropping off overdue books at the library, Austin turned to me and patted my leg.

  ‘Ready to go home and have a fire lit under your ass?’

  Zing! There was that arousal again. What was wrong with me? On top of being a top-notch procrastinator, I was getting turned on by his completely innocent comments. I gulped and shook my head a little to clear it. ‘Sure. You have a plan?’

  ‘Yes, Lizzie, I do,’ he said and then quickly tweaked my nipple through my thin hoodie. ‘I have several plans.’ The normally warm look in Austin’s eyes now bordered on dangerous. His gaze darker and more intense than I had ever seen it.

  ‘OK,’ I managed, though to my own ears my voice was unstable at best.

  ‘Let’s go.’

  I pondered his comment all the way home. What did he mean? Surely, he wouldn’t… hurt me. Never. Austin would never hurt me. Ever. I knew that for a fact. However, denying the look I had seen on his face was stupid. I had seen it. After seven years, I knew his facial expressions. I could honestly say that I had never seen that particular look before. And it excited me. A lot. The nipple he had pinched was still hard and sensitive. The other one was simply hard for moral support.

  ‘You go up and get undressed. I’ll be there once I unload the car,’ Austin said it as if he were asking me to shut the car door for him.

  ‘What? I’ll help. We can both unload the car and’

  Austin turned to me slowly and let his eyes roam my body for a second. Then he levelled his gaze and stared me right in the eyes. ‘I said, go up and get undressed. Wait for me. Take everything off. I will be up as soon as I’ve unloaded the car.’

  He said it quietly and slowly and each new word he threw out into the air sent another jolt of excitement from deep in my belly to the now wet place between my thighs.


  ‘Good girl. Go on. Hurry up.’ And then he turned his back to me.

  I felt dazed. Confused. I made my way upstairs and tried not to turn it over too much in my head. I trusted him. I had always trusted him. I would trust him now. Plus, I would be a liar if I said that my whole body was not radiating a pleasant, tingling anticipation. My cunt was already wet. Nipples hard. The smooth skin of my belly fluttered just from the friction of my denim waistband as I moved. I shivered when I pulled the ocean blue hoodie over my head and dropped it to the floor. Next my pink bra. Jeans. Lacy white thong. Socks. Shoes.

  Then I sat on the edge of the bed and waited. I held my knees together, my spine straight, ankles crossed. Austin hadn’t told me how to sit and I felt uncertain. Realising what a completely bizarre thought that was, I giggled. Austin would never tell me how I was supposed to sit. Or how to do anything else for that matter.

  But he just ordered you upstairs and stripped naked and waiting… and you listened.

  Another shiver, another pulse of excitement, another streak of liquid between my thighs. All true. I waited. I was cold. I sat. I didn’t know what to do, so I sat patiently and waited.

  He made me wait forever. Austin is quick but surefooted. He moves fast, talks fast, works fast and thinks fast. The only time he is languid and slow is in the bedroom. There he sees fit to take his time. Relish our acts and our time together. I adore that side of him. This time, as I waited I could hear him moving methodically downstairs. He seemed to be deliberately pacing himself. To make me wait. To draw out the excitement. It worked.

  By the time he finally appeared in the doorway, it was a struggle to keep my spine straight. My knees kept banging together no matter how hard I tried to keep them still. My heart beat so rapidly I felt almost sick and my ears felt stuffed full of cotton. Worst of all, I was positive that I had created a nice sized wet stain beneath me. My pussy was so slick and impatient it just kept generating more and more lubricant for the cock it so desperately awaited.

  ‘I like that,’ Austin said almost nonchalantly. He nodded at my posture and gave me a very small, smile. ‘Nice. You look like you’ll catch on quickly to this discipline thing.’ As he spoke he pulled down the blinds on all three windows. Then he pulled the armchair from the corner of the bedroom and nodded. ‘I want you here.’

  I rose slowly, fighting a sudden and overwhelming light-headedness. I walked to the chair and sat, hoping not to stain the butter-coloured brocade with my fluids. Austin shook his head and twirled his finger in the air.

  ‘The other way. Knees on the cushions. Arms on the back of the chair. Forehead on your arms. Legs spread wide so your knees touch the inside of the arms. Your weight will be spread evenly. You won’t lose your balance.’

  ‘Lose my balance? Austin what‘

  ‘Time to listen and not speak, Lizzie. I will not tell you again.’

  There it was again, I realised as I changed position. That surge of fear tinged with pleasure. I was out of my comfort zone but in hands that I trusted. The fear and the arousal were a heady mix. I swayed a little as I turned. Austin’s big, warm hands pushed the insides of my knees until the outsides of my thighs bumped the padded arms of the chair. He pulled my forearms back a little so they were evenly on the headrest and crossed them. Then he pushed my head down a little further. This forced my ass out. Out in the air. Vulnerable. Then his finger pushed into me and I gasped out loud.

  ‘I see that you have had plenty of time to anticipate. And think. And work yourself up.’

  His laughter was soft and dark. Nearly sinister. And yet, I trusted. He would never hurt me. Not really.

  ‘Choose a word,’ he said. I could hear him removing his socks and his shirt. The soft whisper of fabric being folded and discarded.


  ‘A word. I would like you to choose a word. To keep you safe. A word that you will say if you truly want me to stop. At any time. What’s the word?’

  I didn’t even thing. It popped right out of my mouth. ‘Procrastinator.’

  ‘Good choice, Lizzie. Because that word, related to you, is about to become a thing of the past.’

  My skin rippled with goose bumps and I bucked involuntarily as if he had touched me again between my legs.

  ‘Do you hear me, Lizzie?’

  ‘Yes. I hear you.’

  ‘Good girl.’

  I heard the clank of his belt buckle, then the long sinuous sound of the wide leather being withdrawn from the denim loops. ‘See, when I was a little boy, before my dad left us, I got whippings.’

  My nipples seized up and I couldn’t seem to swallow or speak. I was ready to blurt out the word right then and there but all that came from between my lips was an airless, hollow sound.

  ‘When I did not do the things expected of me. Things I was paid good allowance money to do, he didn’t take my allowance. He took the pay out of my hide. That’s what he called it. Taking payment.’

  I was paid to write. Paid fairly well, too.

  He spoke directly in my ear on my left side. He hadn’t touched me yet. I didn’t raise my head or my eyes. From my position all I could see of him was his bare flat stomach, the belt in his hands, his denim clad legs and his bare feet. My heart jittered in my chest and I struggled for air.

  ‘And I hated it. I hated him for doing it. It was humiliating and shameful and it pissed me off. I got better with my chores. I did things the way I was supposed to. I became faster and more efficient and more responsible. There was one thing I always noticed, though. I never admitted it to anyone. In fact, I’ve never spoken it out loud. Would you like to know what it is, Lizzie?’ His fingers stroked my hair so softly that I couldn’t believe he was talking about whipping me with his leather belt. The thought seemed ridiculous. But that was exactly what he was doing.

  ‘Yes,’ I said so softly I doubted he heard me.

  ‘I noticed that when all was said and done. When he had left the room after collecting his payment, that I was hard. Every single time. Hard as a rock. And the moment I could get into the bathroom and lock that door, I jacked off. They were the best orgasms. Those pleasurable releases stained with pain.’

  I felt a little sob well up in my throat. Now it wasn’t because he was talking about whipping me. About intentionally striking me. It was because I realised I wanted him to. Very much.

  I nodded but didn’t speak.

  ‘Are you willing to let me teach you some discipline? Make you a better writer? More efficient and conscientious?’

  Another nod. Another shiver. Another trickle of fluid down my inner thighs.

  ‘Good. Remember your word and count them off for me. I won’t hurt you too much, Lizzie. He did it to hurt me. I’m doing it to help and to give you something you’ve never had before. That release. You trust me?’

  This time I spoke aloud. ‘With my life.’

  ‘For this first time, we’ll start with ten.’

  He touched my hair one more time. Very softly. Reverently. Then he positioned himself behind me and I felt myself tense. I had never tensed up around Austin. I had never felt the need. With this new experience looming over me, I tensed. Thrust into a new sexual arena I felt a clawing terror in my chest mixed with curiosity and desire. I wanted this. To feel what it was like. To put myself in his hands.

  What you see in the movies is real. That whistle through the air. The shift of oxygen molecules. I felt the stinging bite of leather on my skin before my ears picked up the sound. The overwhelmingly loud crack! of it biting into my skin. The sound of my pain tore out of my throat as my body bucked in the chair. Breasts banging the back of the chair, legs twitching involuntarily.

  ‘One,’ I sobbed and then wondered how I would weather nine more.

  The second one connected in a different place wit
h a different sound. Higher on my buttocks, overlapping to some degree flesh that had already been traumatized.

  ‘Two.’ I gritted my teeth when I said it but there was a hint of scream in my voice. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to beg. And I wanted him to go on.

  By the time we hit five, my face was doused with salty tears. They ran off my forearms in little rivers. My ass was on fire. Throbbing agony that made way into softer flickers of pain. This wasn’t to hurt me, I reminded myself. Austin’s father had meant to hurt him. What must that have felt like?

  The next blow was so much lighter than the others. A kiss of the leather across my pulsing bottom. ‘Six,’ I said. It was almost a sigh. So pleasurable now. It had… had… what? Felt good. The pulse of my abused skin had reached my cunt and I felt it constricting with anticipation.

  Each one got a little lighter then as my counting grew to moans of pleasure. ‘Seven…eight…nine…’ I had relaxed into the chair. My weight rested on my head and my ass was raised almost whorishly.

  I heard the belt whistle but I was too late. That had been a tease. The final one was for real but my body wasn’t ready. It ripped across my flesh with a vengeance, igniting every nerve in my body. Burning them up with fierce, toothy pain.

  ‘Ten!’ I shrieked and collapsed, sobbing against the chair.

  The belt thudded to the floor and his hands were on me. He smoothed them over my bottom, so softly it felt like an air current. His mouth found my ear and dropped a wet kiss there. Then on to behind my ears. My neck.

  ‘ I am so very proud of you,’ he whispered. Even though I was still wracked with sobs, I couldn’t help the smile or the swell of pride.

  His fingers pushed into me. One finger, two fingers, three. I gasped and pushed back against him. Felt my body clench hungrily around his digits. Felt the beautiful light of pleasure swirl up my insides and settle somewhere around my ribcage.


  ‘Hmmm?’ I pushed back against his hand, forcing his fingers deeper. He knew my body so well. He hooked his fingers and stroked my G-spot.

  ‘Do you feel the difference?’ As he spoke, he probed with his fingers and smoothed his other hand over the still-throbbing flesh of my bottom.


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