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Wed Under Western Skies

Page 8

by Carolyn Davidson

  Campfires were built quickly and food prepared for cooking before the flowing water was visited by the men who rolled empty barrels onto a wagon, then drove it upstream where they had decided the water would be the cleanest and fittest to drink. The wagon was pulled to the location chosen and the barrels filled with buckets. A slower trip back to the camp saw the barrels unloaded onto their owners’ wagons, assisted by much muscle and the loud groaning of those involved. Supper was made ready, with Elizabeth preparing a hearty soup from venison, shot by another of the men early on in the day. She found wrinkled potatoes in the wagon to add to it, and plants on the prairie that resembled onions, adding even more flavor.

  Gathering dirty clothing was simple, for the task included almost all of the wardrobe she and Cameron owned. A gallon jug she’d once thought held a supply of rotgut turned out to be a supply of glutinous soap. Certainly easier to use for laundry than the coarse yellow bar she’d been using. Two clean towels had been set aside for just this circumstance, and a bath was in order once the clothes washing had been accomplished.

  The bank of the stream was alive with an assortment of women and a few men who were forced to do their own clothing. Two of the ladies ran a thriving business doing the washing for several bachelors. One of their erstwhile customers, a grinning Cameron, was even now smugly kneeling beside Elizabeth as she scrubbed his clothing along with her own. A long line was strung between trees for the use of the ladies, and Dallas had said they would not break the circle tomorrow, until everyone was rested and the ladies had all of their chores completed. Comparatively speaking, it would be a day of rest for all. Although the womenfolk disagreed, since it was up to them to sort out the clothing and restore it to its rightful owners once it was dried and folded.

  The children planned for a picnic on the banks of the stream on the morrow, then a swimming party farther west, closer to the water supply, where the bottom of the shallow runoff could be readily seen. Some of the men took horses and sought live game for their meals during the next day or so, and found that rabbits were in good supply.

  Excitement ruled the encampment as the clothing fluttered in the breeze and the sun set in a blaze of glory. Coffee was set to brew over campfires as the children were tucked into bed and the adults enjoyed the time of visiting and relaxing before they faced the mountains ahead.

  “Dallas said we’d pack up after noon sometime tomorrow,” Joe told them as he filled his tin cup to the brim with the strong coffee Elizabeth had brewed. “He wants the ladies to have time enough for their wash to dry, and for you and me to go scouting a little, Cam. He says we’ll be in the foothills by tomorrow night if we move right along.”

  “And then we’ll be in Denver, right?” Elizabeth asked buoyantly, feeling the effects of being clean and well fed. Washing in the cold stream had not been anywhere near having a warm bath drawn back East, but considering the bits and pieces she’d been able to wash in a basin over the past weeks, she felt greatly refreshed.

  The men had waited their turn in the stream, watching for stray riders as the ladies frolicked in the water. The women had dried themselves quickly, dressing before they went back to the wagons, gathering up shotguns and rifles and then returning to keep watch while the menfolk splashed and carried on.

  It was fully dark by the time Elizabeth made her way to the back of the wagon, and Cameron followed her apace, lifting her from the ground and into the wagon bed where she scurried to the feather tick. He leaned over the tailgate and called her name.

  “Elizabeth, come here, please. I need to talk to you for a minute.”

  She turned from fluffing the feather tick and frowned. “Don’t you dare climb inside, Cameron. We’re in enough of a fix already. Several of the women wanted to know your intentions, and I was hard put to make any explanations.”

  “All you had to tell them was the truth,” he said quietly.

  “I don’t know yet what the truth will be,” Elizabeth said, with a catch in her voice. “What if I find my father in Denver? And what if he wants me to go on with him to Oregon? I can’t just turn my back on him.”

  “In the first place, you haven’t found him yet, sweetheart, and in the second place, you owe me some bit of loyalty, I think.”

  “More than a bit, Cameron,” she told him quickly, making her way to where he stood. “But I need to try seeking him out. You must understand that.”

  “I do. But the first thing I’m going to say when we find him, is that he’s going to be privileged to walk you down the aisle of the nearest church. Your reputation is in my hands, Elizabeth. And I’ll take good care of it…and you. If you’ll let me.”

  He reached for her, catching her wrist and drawing her closer. Both hands clasped her shoulders now, and he brought her up against the tailgate, bringing her within reach of his kiss. It was different this time, more demanding of her, seeking out the pulse spots in her throat, the softness of her cheeks and the sweet taste of her lips.

  “Cameron, I’ve never…I mean to say, no one has ever…”

  His groan was heartfelt as he released her, and then with a quick move climbed inside the wagon. His words were hoarse, deep and guttural.

  “I know that, sweetheart. You’re a woman of virtue, and until our wedding night I mean to keep you that way. Kissing me won’t damage your status anymore than it has already.”

  His arms circled her, his hands warm against her ribs and back, and then he eased her from him the slightest bit, looking down to where her breasts formed beneath the dress she wore. “I want to touch you, Elizabeth,” he breathed softly. “Will you let me put my hands on you?”

  Even as he spoke, she felt the puckering of the flesh beneath her clothing, felt the thrill his words sent skimming down her spine, and the anticipation of his fingers actually forming to her curves. “I don’t know why that part of me is so appealing to you, Cameron, but if touching me will please you, I won’t stop it from taking place.”

  He smiled, his eyes narrowing, his jawbones firming and his nostrils flaring, as if they caught a scent about her that was pleasing to him. His fingers undid the buttons she’d so recently put in place, first one, then the second and finally the third, allowing him access to the shift beneath her dress. Tiny pearl buttons fastened it over her bosom and with gentle care, he freed the fabric and exposed her warm flesh to his sight.

  The moon rising cast its glow through the rear opening of the wagon, bringing to life the pearly glow of her skin, turning the gentle curves and hard, beaded crests into a sight he welcomed. His hand slid beneath the fabric of her shift and he lifted one breast from its covering, holding it, as he might contain a priceless treasure in his palm. For indeed, the fact that Elizabeth was allowing this intimate venture was akin to him opening a chest of the most precious jewels in the world.

  She caught her breath as his fingers tightened on her, whispered his name as he brushed the puckered peak with his fingertips, and then looked up into his eyes with a latent hint of passion that brought him to a full, stunning erection. She was ripe, ready for his loving, and yet not so, for her natural resistance to this seduction would call a halt should he attempt to gain any more ground tonight.

  “Cameron.” It was a whispering sound that told him of her desire for him, that promised a full surrender to him, once the promise of their wedding night was fulfilled.

  He bent to her lips again and took what she offered, blending his tongue with hers in a foretelling of the joining of their bodies that would come. He was careful, cautious, well aware of her unfamiliarity with such intimacy, and strove for patience lest he frighten her with the fire of his hunger.

  But to his surprise, there was no withdrawal, no retreat of her lips from his, only a warmth that lured him further, an invitation of such innocence he felt awed that she would allow his touch upon her. With care, he opened her shift wider, his gaze unhindered as he bent to touch his lips against the flesh thereby exposed. His mouth moved closer to the center of her breast and she
inhaled quickly, as if she feared the touch of his lips and teeth against her.

  “I won’t hurt you, sweetheart. Just let me kiss you here,” he begged, touching the dark crest with his tongue and then drawing it into his mouth. She shivered in his grasp, a low moan sounding from her throat, an unspoken phrase that resounded in his mind. She wanted him. This beautiful, untouched girl desired his touch, would marry him and be his wife.

  Triumph rose in his chest, spilling out in words of love he could not contain. “Sweetheart.” The single word was heartfelt, a groan from his depths, and he inhaled, as if he sought breath for his declaration. “Elizabeth, I love you. I’ve never said that to another woman in my life, I swear it. I want to live my life with you and keep you by my side so long as we live.”

  His hands rose to her shift, there to button and hide her beauty from himself. The fastenings on her dress were dealt with next and he was gentle as he moved her apart from himself, looking with longing on the gown that hid her from his sight.

  “Please, Cameron,” she whispered, her voice a sigh. “Let me think. You have my mind in a boggle, and I’m not sure just what you’ve done to me. I only know that I’m hot and cold at once and my skin is burning, even while I feel chilled. You make me into someone I can’t recognize, and that frightens me. I’m not fearful of you or what you do to me, only of myself and the choices I must make for my future.”

  “Whatever your future holds, I’ll be a part of it,” he swore firmly. “I’ll help you try to find your father, and I’ll make it right with him, so that he knows I love you and am prepared to look after you. That’s all I can promise for now, Elizabeth. But I want your acceptance of my offer.”

  He waited, his hands once more on her shoulders, watching carefully lest his ultimatum should place her beyond his reach. “Can you care enough for me?” he asked softly. “Enough to marry me?” He watched closely as her eyes closed for a moment and then smiled as her eyelids fluttered a bit. Blue eyes looked into his, and tears filled them to overflowing as she attempted to speak.

  “I care for you, Cameron. You know that. But I can’t make any promises until I at least look for my father.”

  He nodded. “I can live with that answer. Once we get to Denver, we’ll set out on a search.”

  Chapter Six

  The morning sun was hot and the clothing strung on rope lines dried quickly. Before noon, the ladies had finished their chores and Cameron had gone out to roll up the rope he’d volunteered for their use. His gaze swept westward as he worked, idly estimating the time it would take to reach their goal. Three or four days would do it, he expected.

  Three days or so in which to lure Elizabeth further into his web, for that was surely what he was doing. Weaving his way into her heart was a pleasant prospect, he decided, and capturing the girl as his own would complete the plans he had for his life.

  The wagons lined up right after the noon meal and started out, the oxen and horses fresh from the extra time they’d spent watering at the stream and finding fresh food to crop beneath the trees and bushes. Elizabeth spent the next hours inside the wagon, straightening and folding, moving Cameron’s supplies to and fro, until she was satisfied with the arrangement she’d brought into being. Unfolding the clean sheets she’d washed and hung to dry, she caught the fresh scent of clean air and prairie flowers in the fabric, and hugged the sheet to her, inhaling the welcome smell. The white material floated like a falling leaf to the feather tick and she folded it in around the edges, fluffing the pillow, now covered with a clean case, and putting it in place.

  A quick trace of guilt touched her as she thought of Cameron sleeping beneath the wagon on the hard ground, with only a flat, useless pillow beneath his head. Tonight she’d swap pillows with him. And with that thought, she climbed back on the wagon seat, catching Cameron’s eye as he walked beside his team of oxen.

  “Tonight, you get the good pillow,” she announced with a grin. “I’m not going to be selfish anymore. From now on, we’ll take turns.”

  His look was accented by a raised eyebrow as he dropped back a few paces to walk directly beside the seat where she perched. “In a couple of days, I’ll be entitled to share that nice fat pillow with you every night, sweetheart. And the feather tick, too.”

  She blushed, not an uncommon thing for her these days, she thought. It seemed that Cameron had the ability to bring a hot flush to her cheeks with only a few words or gestures. She thought of his kisses and the warmth of his hands on her body. It was almost too much to be considered, that his whole body would one day touch hers, his potent masculinity would lay claim to the feminine parts of her that even now yearned for him.

  “What are you thinking, sweet?” he asked in a low, coaxing voice she had heard before. “Thoughts of me?”

  “You make me all flustered. But my thoughts are my own, I’ll have you know. One of these days…” She broke off as Joe rode toward them, his smile wide and triumphant if she was any judge.

  “We’re in the foothills, Miss Elizabeth. Not too steep a grade this side of Denver, not like going over the mountaintops, but dangerous enough to be ready for any event.”

  The oxen did not seem to strain unduly as the trail developed an upward slant throughout the afternoon, but they tired earlier in the day than was usual, and Dallas called a halt to the wagons well before sunset.

  Campfires blazed and food was consumed by the hungry travelers as the talk between the men centered on the coming climb to the city that was rumored to be surrounded by clouds. Plans for using ropes to help the teams haul the wagons uphill were made, and the women and children were warned that they would have to walk most of the day tomorrow and probably the next. The weight in the wagons must be lightened as much as possible, and only one very pregnant young woman would be allowed to ride during the struggle to climb upward to the city that awaited them.

  Euphoria gripped Elizabeth as she planned ahead to the search for her father. The memories of her past were coming together as might a patchwork quilt, the days of her childhood yet a blur, but the memory of her mother coming clearer to her as she searched the corners of her mind for that lady’s face and form.

  A tall Christmas tree seemed to be important, gifts beneath it piled and waiting for eager hands to tear aside the colorful wrappings. Her mind dwelt there for long moments, aware of the happiness she’d owned, the love that had surrounded her.

  A house with many rooms, a cat with a litter of kittens, and the green grass of a city called Philadelphia came to mind. It was where she had lived, she knew it as a fact, and the anticipation of sharing her new memories with Cameron filled her to overflowing.

  She walked now beside Cameron, having fulfilled her duties after the early morning meal and packing bread and meat for their dinner at nooning. They would not stop for that meal, just eat it as they walked, halting long enough to feed and water the animals should the occasion arise.

  As it happened, by the time they were thinking once more about a meal, a river appeared at their left, flowing down the mountains in a rush of white, tumbling water that the children were warned to steer clear of, lest they be sucked away by strong currents. And this river would be crossed, up ahead at the tree line that loomed at the far reaches of her clear vision.

  They found that, by placing their wagons next to trees, they were assured of not tumbling down the mountain that night. It was a touchy procedure, but Dallas refused to go any farther once the sun had gone over the mountain peaks. Night fell swiftly, and the usual campfires were lit for only a short time, with travelers finding their beds early. Dallas had said that tomorrow would bring a rigorous few hours when the river was crossed, and the menfolk were adamant that they should all rest as much as possible in preparation for the tasks ahead.

  Cameron found Elizabeth still sleeping when he crawled into the wagon early in the morning. His touch roused her immediately, and she turned to her back, smiling up at him joyously. “Good morning,” she whispered. “Is everyone up and a

  “No, just a few of the men. We’ll be leaving as soon as we find food enough to eat while we walk. Should reach the river crossing by noon.”

  “No cooking this morning?” she asked, surprised at the unusual change of schedule.

  “One campfire with several coffeepots over it. We’ll take canteens full once we’ve drunk our morning coffee here, and other than what we have ready for our breakfast, we’ll do without until after we cross the water.”

  “I’ve got bread sliced, along with cold sausage left from supper, and I found some cans of tinned peaches last night,” Elizabeth offered. “We can eat the bread and meat, and then open the fruit later. The juice will taste good.”

  “You’re a good sport, Miss Elizabeth,” he said, bending to kiss her quickly. “I’ll take my clothes and change behind the wagon while you get ready for the day.”

  Her heart lifted as Elizabeth thought of the crossing today and the lure of Denver just ahead. To see real stores and wooden houses on actual streets was a thought that kept her going for the whole of the morning as they walked and struggled up the mountain. She clung to trees as she went, at times almost on her hands and knees.

  “I’m not as strong as you are,” she complained to Cameron as he strode upward, seemingly without effort.

  “I’m a man, and my muscles are probably better equipped for this than are yours, or those of any woman for that matter,” he explained. “Men are stronger than women, but women are softer and cuddly, just the way men like them to be. That’s why it’s so easy to care for womenfolk. A man knows that his woman will respond to his concern for her and give him the warmth he needs to keep him happy.”

  “Will I be able to keep you happy?” she asked wistfully. “I sometimes think you don’t need me along. I’m only a burden to you.”

  “Ah, yes. But one smile, or one kiss gives me all the strength I need to tote you along with me, sweetheart. I love taking care of you, and making certain you’re safe and sound.”


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