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Ex-Rated Attraction

Page 5

by K. Webster

  “So you comforted her by putting your dick inside her?” he demands, a slight edge to his voice. “She’s a teenager, man.”

  “Eighteen,” I correct. “I know. I told you I fucked up. When I had her in my arms, I didn’t think about the consequences. I just went with it.”

  He stands and swipes the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. “You know you have to end it, right? If he cheated on her or not won’t matter once he finds out his dad is fucking his girlfriend.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. “That’s what’s fucked up. Olivia wants to wait him out. She wants him to confess.”

  “And in the meantime, you guys are just going to fuck with him in the other room?” he demands, his voice rising.

  “No,” I grunt. “Shit. I don’t know.”

  “End it,” he says firmly. “You have to end this before it gets messy. Teenage girls are complicated. Way too complicated for your simple ass.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and level him with a glare. “I fucked her bare.”

  “You what?” he roars, his head darting around the gym making sure nobody heard.

  “It’s fine,” I argue, my teeth gritting together. “It won’t happen again.”

  “Look,” he huffs. “I can’t tell you what to do because you’re a grown-ass man. But dude, this girl is going to destroy your world if you’re not careful. She comes with too much baggage. Are you willing to sacrifice your relationship with Caleb to poke his big-titted girlfriend?”

  I shove him away from me. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t talk about what? The fact that you’re risking everything by getting your dick wet in some teenage skank?”

  This time, I shove him so hard he lands with a thud on the mat. “Don’t fucking disrespect her like that or I’ll put my fist through your goddamned nose.”

  He shakes his head and bounces to his feet. “You’re losing it. One night with the girl and you’ve lost your damn mind. When this all blows up in your face, I’ll be the first to tell you I told you so.” He stalks away toward the locker room, leaving me to feel like a big asshole for shoving my best friend.

  Drew’s right.

  I’m losing my fucking mind over her.

  This can’t be good. Last woman to captivate me this hard right off the bat was Leigh. Look how that turned out. With a sigh of frustration, I trot toward the locker room for a shower and an apology ready on my tongue.

  I have to get control over myself or I’m going to fuck my life up somehow.

  Caleb is my son and he’s the only thing that matters.

  So why do I have a hard time convincing myself of that?

  Green eyes. Plump lips. Huge tits. Legs for days.

  Jesus, Olivia, why do you have to be so fucking perfect?

  Chapter Seven


  The hard metal seat on the bleachers makes my sore sex throb. I shift uncomfortably beside Daddy, who is none the wiser. Earlier, I’d come home and showered. After a long nap, I threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before twisting my unruly hair into a bun. I’d rather be anywhere than Sophia’s game but Daddy is a stickler when it comes to supporting family. Just like tomorrow, I know he’ll be there with Soph watching me at my track meet.

  “Her coach is running her too hard each week. I can tell she’s fatigued,” he grumbles, fretting over his baby girl.

  “Who? Soph? That girl loves a challenge.” That’s the truth. She’s the best one on their team.

  My phone buzzes which causes my heart to flutter. I’m oddly disappointed when it’s Caleb.

  Hey, babe. Dad’s having some friends over tonight. Wondered if you wanted to come over. I’ll be bored with all those old people.

  At the mention of Miles, my nipples harden.

  Did you guys have fun cleaning out the garage?

  His response is immediate. I’m hurt when it’s a big fat lie.

  Lots of fun. But now I can spend time with my favorite girl.

  Tears well in my eyes at his betrayal but I blink them away.

  “Is that Caleb?” Daddy asks as he nosily reads over my shoulder. “I don’t mind if you have dinner with them. Just get home early enough that you get rested before your meet.”

  I flash Daddy a sweet smile but it’s as fake as Caleb’s words. “Thanks.”

  He pats my thigh and then starts clapping for Sophia when she hits the ball earning her an easy shot to first base.

  I’ll be there. What time?

  Seven. Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit. I miss you, baby.

  I wince but don’t reply. When my phone buzzes again, it’s an unknown number.

  I’ve done some thinking...maybe we shouldn’t see each other.

  The crowd cheers when Sophia steals second base but my attention is on Miles.

  Something changed since I rode your cock this morning?

  I delete both texts quickly before Daddy sees.

  Goddammit. I ought to put you over my knee and whip your pretty little ass for that comment.

  My core immediately throbs for him.

  Don’t tease if you can’t deliver.

  I can deliver, damsel. I will deliver.

  I’m smirking in triumph as I delete the messages. The crowd goes wild when my sister goes to steal third. As she nears the base, the ball is thrown to the third baseman. The girl catches it but then her foot wobbles and she falls. It all happens in slow motion.

  The fall.

  The crack.

  The scream.

  Daddy is already out of his seat and tearing off toward the dugout. Soph is wailing as she clutches her hip. The coaches from both teams surround where my sister writhes in the dirt.

  “That looks terrible,” one of the moms from the team cries out.

  My heart thunders in my chest when Soph’s head coach hollers for someone to call an ambulance.

  * * *

  “Your hip wasn’t broken. It was simply dislocated,” Daddy assures my groggy sister. She blinks at him in confusion as she wakes up. “Bad news is you have a pretty nasty tear on your hamstring. The doctor wants to see if it will heal up on its own before considering surgery.”

  Unshed tears glisten in Soph’s eyes. “What about the scouts coming to next week’s game?”

  Daddy glances over at me and heartbreak is written all over his face. “Baby girl, you’re out for the entire season.”

  My sister starts to cry and Daddy asks me to go fetch a Snickers for her from the vending machine to cheer her up. I can’t ignore the ache of sympathy in my chest I feel for Soph. If she’s out for the season, her chances for getting a scholarship fly out the window.

  I’m staring at the vending machine when someone taps me on the shoulder.

  “Mind if I squeeze in and grab a package of Oreos?” a familiar female voice asks. “I’ve had one helluva day.”

  I turn to see Ava Prince from my French class smiling at me. Her eyes are bloodshot and her black rimmed glasses are sitting on top of her head, versus perched at the end of her nose.

  “Yeah,” I say absently. “Go ahead. Is everything okay?”

  She shrugs and her bottom lip wobbles. “I just told my mom about the French trip this summer to Paris. She’s an ER nurse here.”

  “Oh, yeah. Daddy just sent the school my final payment so I can go. Are you going?”

  She sniffles. “I wanted to. At the beginning of the year, Mom said she’d have the money. That she’d been saving it this whole time. When I asked her about it, she told me she used the money to fix the engine on our car. So now I can’t go.”

  I feel bad because Ava is the school nerd. She aces all of her classes—been that way since I first met her in the third grade when she moved here. Of all the people going on that
trip, Ava is the most deserving.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Madame Clare told me she could extend the deadline for a couple of months. I have to get a job. Know anyone who’s hiring and pays well?” She worries her lip between her teeth.

  I smile to calm her. “I’ll ask Daddy. He knows lots of rich lawyers. Maybe they have some bookkeeping slots or something open. Your number still the same?”

  She nods, relief making her stiff shoulders go slack. “Thank you. Anything could help. I really want to go.”

  Laughing, I shake my head. “Do you really want to spend five days with Gunnar Williams telling you every random fact about everything?”

  She cringes at the mention of the most obnoxious kid at our school. “Oh, God. But the Eiffel Tower. It’ll be worth his annoying stories.”

  I’m hardly convinced.

  We chat for a bit more as we buy our snacks. She gives me a quick hug before striding away. I’m still watching her when my phone buzzes in my pocket with an incoming call. I answer it without looking.


  The person on the other end doesn’t have to speak. His breath gives him away. I’ve memorized the way it tickles my flesh when he’s near me.

  “You never responded,” Miles murmurs, his voice deep and gravelly. “Did I scare you away?”

  I smile at his words. “Hardly. My sister was injured at her game. We’re up at the hospital now.”

  His voice switches from sexy to concerned. “Is she okay?”

  “Dislocated her hip and tore her hamstring. She has a long road ahead of her. My sister lives for softball so now that she’s out for the season, I’m not sure how she’ll handle not playing,” I say sadly.

  “I’m sorry. When you come over, I’ll introduce you to a friend of mine. He’s a physical therapist—the best if you ask me. Take one of his cards to give to your parents.”

  I wince slightly. “Just Daddy. Mom passed away when we were little.”

  “I’m sorry,” he says again. “Now that we’ve had the most depressing conversation ever, I want you to come over so I can cheer you up.”

  “How are you going to do that when Caleb is still pretending to be my boyfriend?” I question, poking at him.

  The possessive growl that rumbles through the line warms my heart. “Fuck. Well, I can cheer you up with my burgers. They’re the best.”

  Grinning, I start back for Sophia’s room. “Throw in some dessert and you’ve won me over.”

  He chuckles, the sound dark and delicious. “Sweetheart, you are the dessert.”

  * * *

  I’m about to knock on the door when it swings open, revealing the hottest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Miles is wearing a holey pair of jeans and a tight white wife beater. He’s barefoot too, which somehow makes him sexier. His dark hair is mussed up in that just fucked kind of way that makes me weak in the knees.

  “Hi,” I breathe. His sculpted tattooed arms are on full display.

  “Come in, beautiful.”

  Our eyes meet for a heated moment. His palm finds the small of my back once he closes the front door and he guides me through their massive house toward the kitchen.

  As soon as Caleb comes into view, the heat from Miles’s hand disappears and I’m swept up in a familiar Caleb hug. My heart squeezes a bit before I remember he’s been cheating on me for some time and my heart hardens. Knowing that I slept with his dad makes me feel simultaneously better and worse at the same time.

  “You look cute,” he murmurs as he presses a kiss to my cheek.

  “Yo! Caleb, catch!” Jake’s annoying voice hollers from somewhere behind me. I don’t miss the jealous twinge in his tone.

  Caleb releases me to catch the beach ball Jake threw. He flashes Jake a grin before looking my way.

  “Jake and I were about to hop in the pool. Want to come? It’s heated but I’ll warm you up if you’re still cold,” he teases. It saddens me that he’s been playing me this whole time.

  “Yeah,” I murmur. “Let me change.”

  I hurry away from him toward the bathroom down the hall. I’ve just pushed inside when someone follows in right behind me. I don’t get a chance to turn on the light before the door closes behind us.

  “I’ll help you,” Miles utters in the darkness.

  His body is pressed against mine in an instant. I let out an embarrassing moan the moment his beard tickles my face. The moan gets louder when his teeth find my ear.

  “I got you a present,” he whispers. “That is, if you’re brave enough to try it.”

  I grab his cheeks and draw his face to mine. Our mouths meet in a desperate kiss as he lifts me on the bathroom counter. My dress gets shoved up my hips as he unfastens his jeans. In the darkness, I can’t see a thing but am dying for him to find me. His long fingers hook into my panties and he pulls them aside. The next moment, his hot dick is teasing against me. He’s not gentle or slow. With a hard thrust, he drives all the way in.

  “Shhh,” he hisses, his palm covering my mouth. “Be quiet and make this quick.”

  My head falls back against the mirror with a thud but he keeps his hand firmly slapped across my mouth to keep me from making noises. His hips are powerful as he thrusts into me hard over and over again.

  “Don’t fuck him,” he orders, his tone fierce. “You’re mine. You can pretend all goddamned day but this pussy is mine.”

  His words crawl their way inside my veins and take root. When his fingers slide against my clit, I start writhing in pleasure. Like the expert he is, he massages me quickly to orgasm. The moment I start shuddering as my climax tears through me, he lets out a grunt before his heat floods inside me.

  He leans forward and his mouth finds my ear again as his cock continues to throb out its release. “I like the idea of my come leaking out of your tight body while you play grab ass with my son. Everyone fucking wants this perfect cunt but I’m the only one who gets it. I want you to remember that as it runs out.”

  Heat threatens to suffocate me. His words turn me on. I want him to keep me trapped in this bathroom forever.

  “What happens when it all runs out?” I challenge the moment he lets go of my mouth. “Will you fill me back up again?”

  “Goddammit!” he curses and pulls out of my body with a jerking motion. My panties don’t slide all the way back into place. The drenched outer seam rubs along my slit and my sensitive clit.

  The light is suddenly turned on and I’m nearly blinded by it. He’s already pulled his jeans up, much to my annoyance. Thankfully, he hasn’t buttoned them and I can see the thick root of his cock. God, he’s gorgeous.

  “I have an idea of how to remind you of me,” he says, his grin wolfish in nature. “Bend over the counter and let me look at your pretty ass.”

  I smile at him shyly but obey. In the mirror, my reflection is of a woman I don’t recognize. Her eyes are half lidded with lust, her hair is messy from just getting fucked, and her lips are parted as she pants. She’s hot.

  The villain behind me must agree because he devours me with his gaze. I let out a whimper when he pulls my panties down my thighs. Then, he shoves his hand into his jean pocket only to pull out a silver butt plug with a green heart-shaped rhinestone at the end.

  “What’s that for?” I squeak.

  His gaze darkens as he palms my ass. He teases my pussy that’s still dripping with his seed to lube up the toy, his eyes never leaving mine in the mirror. “This,” he snarls as he slides the cold metal against my puckered asshole, “is your reminder.”

  I whimper when he firmly begins pushing it in. Fire explodes from within me. I claw at the counter top, a plea for him to stop on my lips. But just when I can’t take any more uncomfortable pain, my ass seems to suck it in and it doesn’t hurt any longer.

  I just feel...


  “So fucking beautiful,” he praises, his palm giving my ass a quick pop. My ass clenches and a spark of pleasure courses through me.

  “Will it fall out?” I question, my nose scrunched up. I’m still not sure how I feel about the butt plug inside of me.

  He unzips the back of my dress and lets it fall to the floor. Then, he rids me of my bra. His large hands cup my breasts from behind and they seem small in comparison to him. “It’ll come out when I take it out,” he murmurs as he nips at my shoulder. “Not a moment before.”

  “Are you going to fuck me with it still inside?” I bite at my lip and meet his hungry stare in the mirror.

  “Jesus,” he mutters. “You tempt me with that sweet mouth of yours. Why don’t you run along and play with the boys until it’s time to play with the adults?” His hot mouth presses against my flesh. “I’ll answer your questions later, damsel.”

  He slips out of the bathroom, leaving me way too hot and bothered.

  This man is going to kill me with pleasure.

  What a sweet death.

  Chapter Eight



  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Following Olivia into the bathroom was risky to begin with. But what we just did could have caused a real goddamned scene had anyone discovered us. Luckily, Caleb and Jake are already outside in the pool. Drew and my buddy Eddie who owns the town’s only mechanic shop, are out on the back patio arguing over the grill. I quickly run upstairs to change into my swim trunks before heading back down. I couldn’t bring myself to wash the sticky remnants of my girl from my cock though.

  I thicken just thinking of how good she felt.

  Tight and slick as fuck.

  * * *

  When I step outside, a quick sweep tells me Olivia is still in the bathroom. At least we won’t look suspicious coming out together.

  “Charcoal is too hot,” Eddie grunts. “I told this asshole but he doesn’t listen.”

  Drew bends over to check the coals. “Fuck you. It’s just right. Go get the patties.”

  I lean between them and shake my head. “Too hot. Not yet.”


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