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Ex-Rated Attraction

Page 7

by K. Webster

  “You can touch him if you want,” Miles encourages, his hips slowly thrusting inside me.

  Drew smirks at me and I laugh. It calms my nerves considerably. With shaking hands, I grip his shoulders.

  “I’d had another place in mind but I guess that’ll do,” Drew teases with a grin.

  Miles chuckles behind me, his lips pressing soft kisses to the side of my neck.

  “Want me to touch your clit for you?” Drew offers, flames flickering in his blue eyes.

  “I think so,” I murmur. “I think so.”

  Drew smiles gently. “If you want me to stop, just tell me.”

  His fingers aren’t as rough as Miles’s when he touches me. I can tell the difference between the two men but it isn’t unpleasant. Just different.

  “Oh,” I whimper.

  “Still good?”


  “You want both our cocks at once?” Miles asks, the heat in his voice hot enough to burn me to my core.

  I shake my head. “No. I like this but I don’t want to have sex with him.”

  Drew chuckles without losing speed on my clit. “My feelings are hurt.”

  His faux pouting makes me laugh too.

  “My dick’s better,” Miles assures me as he nips at my shoulder. “You made the right choice, damsel.”

  “I guess I’ll have to jack myself off,” Drew complains, but his voice is light. Happy and carefree. He reaches into his trunks with his free hand and jerks his arm in time with his strokes on my clit. His jaw clenches in pleasure.

  “Still good, beautiful?” Miles murmurs, his hips thrusting harder with each passing second. “You’re doing so well.”

  I nod. “Yes. This is...”

  Drew does something with his fingers, an applied pressure as he rubs it just the right way, that has me crying out in pleasure. The world darkens and spins as I ride a blissful orgasm for what feels like hours. When my moans finally die down, both men make erotic choked sounds as they find their own release almost in unison.

  “That was fun,” Drew says, his voice thick with lust as he pulls away. He backs himself to the other side.

  “It was,” I agree and slide off Miles’s cock. Then, I turn and straddle him. “As much fun as it was though, I think I prefer when it’s just you and me.”

  Miles gaze is dark and I love how it sends shudders rippling through me. “Me too, damsel.”

  Chapter Ten


  It’s been three weeks since I made the decision to sleep with my son’s girlfriend. And my life has been bliss ever since I sunk my cock into her tight heat. The girl is quite insatiable. When I can sneak her over to the house without Caleb finding out, she begs me to try new things. And who am I to tell the gorgeous girl no?

  We’ve gone down the questionnaire she completed and discussed a lot of the items. She wanted to know my experience with them. Some, after I told her my opinions on my own personal dislikes, she respected them and moved on. Just like the threesome, she was convinced she wanted it until it was happening. I was impressed with her maturity as she firmly guided what went down with the three of us. No meltdowns or tears. Just yes and no. She hasn’t asked for that again.

  She has, however, asked to go into all the locked rooms. My playrooms. At first, I was hesitant to have her try them. Iron. Sensory. Cell. Dream. We’ve tried all but one. In the iron room, I shackled her wrists and ankles as I drew pleasure from her. The sensory room was all about heightening her senses. I think my girl likes to be blindfolded. And finally, in the cell room, I enjoyed locking her in the cage and watching her beg me to fuck her through the bars.

  I’m hesitant to take her into the dream room.

  That room is for role play. It’s easy to lose yourself in there.

  “When will he be home?” Olivia asks as she traces the lines of my abs with her fingertip.

  “Not until tomorrow afternoon.”

  She sits up on her elbow and chews on her bottom lip as she gives me the innocent pouty look she’s so good at. “Miles?”

  “Yeah, damsel?”

  “I want to do the dream room tonight,” she says, her voice rising with excitement. “There’s still one fantasy I am dying to try.”

  I know exactly what she wants me to do. She wants me to chase her. To tackle her. To force myself upon her. It’s not really my thing. I’m more of a teasing lover. I like making her beg for it. But this... I’m not even sure I can keep my dick hard for it.

  “What you want is difficult,” I explain as I stroke a dark strand of hair from her eyes. “It can be scary.”

  Her lips press together as she frowns. “We can make a safe word.”

  “There has to be absolute trust—”

  “I trust you,” she blurts out, the fire burning in her eyes.

  I smile at her. “I know, baby. Trust me, I know. It’s more about me trusting you though. This kind of shit, if it goes south, can look really bad on a man.”

  Her gaze darkens. “You think I’d tattle on you? That I’d tell people you took advantage of me?” She sits up and crosses her arms over her chest. Her brows are furled together as she pouts. “I thought we... I thought you trusted me...”

  “I do,” I say firmly. I scrub my palm over my face. “What if I like it too much? What kind of person does that make me?”

  She rubs her palm across my chest, over my heart. “You’re the kind of guy who spoils his girl with orgasms and fancy dinners. The kind of guy who buys his girl presents she doesn’t deserve.” Her fingers go to the heart locket at her throat I bought her last week and she rubs it absently. “You’re the kind of guy who indulges your curious girl’s silly fantasies.”

  “They’re not silly,” I assure her. “We’ll do this tonight but let’s set some ground rules first.”

  She beams and it’s so fucking beautiful. “Okay, so what’s rule one?”

  “Stop. Just say that word and it’ll all be over. We’ll go swimming or to a movie or to go get a snow cone. All you have to do is end it,” I say, my tone fierce.

  “Got it.”

  “And if you feel too overcome to speak or your mouth is full,” I say smirking before turning serious again. “Then you show me three fingers. That’s our hand signal.”

  “Oooh,” she teases, “this is complicated.”

  I give her nipple a pinch through her thin tank top and laugh. “Hardly. If we’re doing something and you don’t like it, tell me. Too hard, I need to know. Too soft, I want to know. This is all about fulfilling this fantasy for you. I want you to enjoy it. What do you want out of this?”

  “Well,” she says, her nose scrunched up as she thinks. “I want to be overpowered. You already do that a lot anyway but I definitely want to be manhandled by you.”

  My dick twitches at her words. “Manhandled. Done. What else?”

  “I like when you talk dirty.” Her nose flares. “But I don’t want to be called a come Dumpster like they do on the porn shows.”

  This has me chuckling. “Duly noted. No mean names at all?”

  She shrugs. “You can call me something mean, just not that.”

  I can’t get over how fucking adorable she is as she sits here and calmly outlines how she wants her fantasy to play out. I love this about her.

  “Anything else?”

  Her cheeks turn bright red and she won’t make eye contact. “Ummm...”


  “You can hurt me.”

  My cock throbs in my boxers at her words. “Hurt you how?”

  “Any way you want,” she whispers as she meets my stare. “I like it when you choke me. If you wanted to do other stuff, that would be nice.”


  When I choke her, it’s far from nice.

  It’s feral and hungry and fucking hot.

>   “So I can slap your ass and your tits and that pretty little pussy?” I question with a brow lifted.

  Her throat turns bright red but she nods. “You can pinch me and bite me too.”

  All this talk has my cock completely erect, straining through the material, and ready to play. Down, boy.

  “So we’re role-playing,” I agree. “What are our roles?”

  She taps her bottom lip and thinks. “Oh! I’ve got it.” Her palm splays on my chest as she leans in. She licks her lips in an innocent way that has my dick bouncing with excitement. “You can be the naughty neighbor who just got out of prison. I’m the young virgin girl home alone. He chases her and pins her down. Takes what he wants. It’ll be taboo and dirty.” Her green eyes flicker with lust

  Goddamn, why does she have to be so fucking hot?

  I’ll give her anything she asks for so long as she bats those pretty lashes at me and asks sweetly. I’m a goner with this girl. Totally fucking gone.

  “Did you take your birth control?” I question.

  She huffs and grumbles. “Way to kill the moment.”

  “Did you?”

  Shame skitters across her skin and her cheeks burn bright red. “Sometimes when I come to spend the night here, I forget to grab it from my bathroom. Don’t worry, I’ll double up tomorrow.”

  We’re careless when we have sex. If we’re not careful, she’s going to wind up pregnant. Images of her in my bed with a swollen, rounded stomach take root in my mind. It’s my fantasy. I like the idea of her carrying a baby for me. Leigh never wanted to have kids—Caleb was an oops baby. I’d loved holding the tiny little thing in my arms and smelling his sweet baby scent. I would have had plenty more children with Leigh had she not lost her mind.

  With Olivia though, she’s sweet and funny and caring. Nothing like selfish Leigh. When I’m grumpy, Olivia is concerned. She does everything in her power to cheer me up. I’ve woken up to breakfast in bed several times when she’s stayed over. And after we get up, she makes up the bed, careful to arrange the pillows just the way she likes them. I can’t ignore the way my heart stirs at seeing her so familiar in my home.

  “Olivia,” I utter as I grab her hand and tug it to me. I kiss her knuckles but my gaze never leaves hers. “This isn’t just sex for me.”

  Her full lips curl into a delighted grin. “Really?”

  “It never was. I wanted you. Not because you’re young and hot. Not because your tits are sinful as fuck.” She laughs as I continue. “I wanted you because you’re different. You stand out among other women. Something about you calls to me. It has since the moment I heard your voice. When I looked into your bright green eyes, I knew I’d fallen in deep. Everything about you screamed at me to run the other direction. And you know what this motherfucking villain did?”

  Her grin is wicked. “He came for his damsel.”

  “Damn right he did.” I kiss her knuckles again, this time openmouthed as I run my tongue across her soft flesh. “I ran right toward you because when it comes to you, I can’t not be around you. I need to have you in my arms and my cock buried deep inside you. We fit together. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

  Her lip wobbles but Jesus Christ she looks so fucking happy. “So we’re...”

  “You’re my girlfriend and I’m ready to shout that to the entire goddamned world.”

  She leans forward and kisses my lips hard. “You think Caleb will be mad?”

  I stroke her hair. “He’ll learn to get over it. If I wasn’t serious about you, I wouldn’t tell him. But, baby, I want to see where this goes between us.”

  “My dad is going to be pissed,” she murmurs. “Forewarning you.”

  I cringe slightly. So maybe we won’t tell everyone right away. The last thing I need is Judge Rowe after my ass for defiling his baby girl.

  “You want to wait to tell him?” I ask.

  She nods. “At least until I graduate.”

  “Whatever you want,” I assure her with a grin. “So when are we planning to fulfill your wildest fantasy?”

  Her lips tug up on the corners with mischief. “I was about to suggest right now, villain,” she purrs, her palm sliding down my chest toward my dick. “Or should I call you sexy neighbor convict?” She slaps my stomach before rolling off the bed and bouncing her perfect ass that’s barely covered by her silky panties toward the door. “Catch me if you can!”

  I’m out of the bed before she can even finish her sentence.

  It’s on, damsel.

  Nobody can save you now.

  Chapter Eleven


  I dart out of his bedroom door and let out a squeal when I hear his heavy footsteps behind me. I love that he’s so eager to try things with me. I’m curious and he satisfies my curiosity.

  “Come sit in Buddy’s lap,” he hollers from behind me. “Prison was rough.”

  I snort and cast him an amused look over my shoulder as I run. “Buddy? Really?”

  “You won’t be laughing when Buddy impales you with his animal cock,” he snarls.

  I start laughing until a giant man tackles me. We hit the floor hard, causing him to grunt and me to cry out. My knees and elbows burn as we skid across the hardwood floor. I start to struggle, my heart racing in my chest. A thrill shoots through me when he pins me roughly to the floor. I can feel his erection pressing against my thigh as he works his knee between my own.

  “You’re going to give me that tight virgin pussy,” he hisses. He wrangles my hands behind me and pins them together with one of his hands.

  “But Daddy will come home!” I shriek. “He’ll kill you for touching me!”

  He starts ripping at my panties. I cry out when he tears them painfully from my thighs. That’s going to leave a bruise. My wrists hurt as I struggle against him. His fingers push into me without warning causing me to scream.

  “Want me to stop?” He’s no longer in character as his fingers slowly fuck me.


  Once he’s made sure I’m okay, he goes back to assaulting me with his hand. “I’m going to make you come all over my fingers, my sweet niece. You’re going to get me nice and wet.”

  “Buddy,” I holler, biting back a laugh at the name, “let me go!”

  “Not until I’ve had my cock buried deep in your ass,” he snarls.

  I tense at his words. I might let Miles fuck me there, especially since I’ve gotten used to some ass play and enjoy the butt plugs. But Uncle Buddy sure as hell isn’t doing that. I need gentle when that goes down.

  He manages to push his boxers down and his erection slides against the back of my thigh. My muscles are tight and sore from exertion but I still feel compelled to fight against him. When he loosens his grip for a moment, I take my chance and roll away from him. I’ve barely crawled away when his strong hand grabs my ankle and yanks me back, scraping my knees along the wood floors. My fight or flight senses kick in and I jab at him with my foot.

  “Ooof!” he grunts out the moment my heel hits him in the mouth.

  I manage to scramble away from him and I push through the closest door. It, for once, is unlocked. The dream room. I stumble inside and want to take a moment to look at all the props lined against the wall. Costumes spill out of boxes. I’m so curious but then a hand covers my mouth from behind and I’m being dragged over to the small bed in the center of the room.

  My screams are real as he bends me over the bed but they’re muffled with him covering my mouth. I claw at his wrist and the comforter in an effort to get away.

  “Show me your fingers,” he orders.

  He wants me to show him three fingers, to tap out. Instead, I give him a thumbs up. A hiss of pleasure escapes him as he starts rubbing his hard cock between my thighs. His grip on my mouth never loosens. I whimper when he starts pushing his length inside my wet pussy. Of course
I’m turned on. Miles Reynolds can pretend to be the Pope and it’d still be hot. In fact, I’m filing that fantasy away for another day.

  “Take it, tempting bitch,” he snaps as he drives into me hard from behind. His mean words turn me on and I squirm. “Oh, so you like it when I’m an asshole?”

  I give him another thumbs up but my hand shakes because an orgasm is on the horizon.

  “Your cunt is mine,” he bites out as his hand slides past my mouth to my throat. He’s rough as he fucks me and I love it. Absolutely love it. His grip on my throat tightens. The choking added to the feral fucking has me screaming with pleasure. “That’s it, damsel,” he says, no longer acting as Buddy. “Come all over my fat cock.”

  I’m shuddering wildly with my orgasm when I hear another familiar growl.

  “What the fuck, Dad?”

  Miles rips himself away from me and it takes me a moment to realize that Caleb walked in on us. His fist cracks against his dad’s jaw once, twice, and then a third time before I’m screaming at him to stop. Jake storms into the room behind him. One quick assessment of what’s going on and Jake’s trying to pull me into his arms to save me.

  I don’t need saving from the villain.

  I belong to him.

  “Stop!” I screech.

  Everyone goes still, even Miles, at my tone. I swat at Jake and then grab the comforter to cover me up. “What this looks like is not what it is,” I explain to Caleb, shame coating my voice. “I’ve been sleeping with your father. This...” I trail off. “This was role play.”

  Caleb releases his father and stumbles back a few steps. “I just walked in on you two having freaky sex?”

  Jake’s lips curve up on one side as if he’s amused but Caleb is horrified.

  “Fuck. Dad? You and my ex-girlfriend?” he hisses.

  Miles pulls his boxers up to cover his dripping cock—clearly, he found his orgasm in time—before swiping away the blood from his lip. He crosses his arms over his chest, frowning at his son. “I’m sorry.”


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