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Falling for Her Soldier: A Perfect Kisses Novel (Entangled Bliss)

Page 21

by London, Ophelia

  Slowly, he bent her backward, leaning her into a dip, her back arching as he hovered over her. She was vaguely aware of the crowd’s whoops. Their steps weren’t perfect, and after a while, they weren’t even proper tango steps, proper anything ballroom, but Ellie held onto Charlie as he swept her across the floor, spinning her under his arm, holding her by the hips. Their eyes locked the entire time. When his hand slithered down her bare back and landed a few inches south of a PG rating, Ellie shivered and giggled, accidentally stepping on his foot.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “My fault.”

  Charlie grinned. “I forgive you, baby. Now hold on.” As the song headed into the final chorus, Charlie spun her around three times under his arm while keeping his other hand sliding across her waist as she rotated. Back in his arms, he locked her hands behind his neck, pressed his forehead to hers, then ended their dance by dropping her into a very low dip, their foreheads still touching. Ellie was grateful she had a tight hold around his neck, because when Charlie finished the move by running his hand all the way up her bare thigh, her feet nearly came out from under her.

  She threw her head back and Charlie dipped his chin, resting his mouth to her neck, just like he’d done so many times in rehearsal. Her body trembled instinctively, every hair on her skin recognizing his touch. She’d missed it so much, missed him so much that she tightened her grip, leveled their faces, and kissed him so hard she saw spots. Charlie’s response was immediate, the pressure of his fingers sinking into her skin, his lips moving with hers, turning her muscles to jelly.

  Maybe he couldn’t suspend her weight any longer in the dip, because Charlie broke the kiss much sooner than she expected, their noses touching. She could feel his breath against her cheek, rapid and winded, like hers.

  “Nice job,” he whispered.

  “You, too.” She smiled. “If you give lessons in that, I’m signing up.”

  Charlie laughed and gave her a full-body squeeze, then pulled her to a standing position. She teetered on her heels, leaning into him for support. The crowd went wild, five camera lenses in their faces. She was a little bewildered, so she glanced at Charlie, whose arm was still hooked around her waist. He was smiling and nodding to the crowd, so she did likewise.

  A moment later, Chick was at their side. “Wasn’t that something, folks!” he exclaimed. “Let’s hear it one more time for Ellie and Hunter!”

  The crowd erupted anew, and Ellie couldn’t help looking at Charlie again, hearing his nickname. He seemed to be thinking the same thing, because he was looking down at her, a worried expression in his eyes behind his steady, camera-ready smile. She gave him a little squeeze and he seemed to relax.

  “That was wonderful,” Chick said. “Tell us how long you’ve been dance partners.” He moved the mic to Ellie.

  “Five—” She panted, still catching her breath. “Five days.”

  “Only five days? Well, it just goes to show, nothing’s impossible for two people in love. Am I right?” He gestured toward the crowd to get them cheering again.

  In love? Had Chick just announced to all of central Indiana that they were in love? Presumed Charlie loved her…on live TV? She could die of humiliation—twice in three days.

  When Chick moved the mic back to her, she could only gape, dumbfounded. But then Charlie grabbed it. “I couldn’t agree more, Chick,” he said, straight into the microphone. “I’m one lucky man to have a woman like Ellie. She’s the love of my life.” The crowd “ahhh-ed” and Charlie passed the mic back to Chick, who went on to say a few things.

  Ellie stood still, except for a spiral of heat whirling in her chest. The next thing she knew, the spotlight was off, lights in the room were up again, and the band on stage was tuning, ready to kick off the ball.

  “Hey,” Charlie said into her ear. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, peering at him, at his wise and beautiful, trusting blue eyes. “Yes,” she repeated. “I’m…”

  But she didn’t get the chance to finish. With the cameras pointing elsewhere, about a dozen people swarmed in to say they loved the dance and asked Ellie if she gave lessons. She tried to answer, but all she wanted was to talk to Charlie alone.

  “Sorry, guys,” he said, cutting off the questions. “We really need some air. Can we get back to you?”

  Gratefully, she allowed herself to be ushered out the exit and into the cool night air.

  “Whoa.” Charlie bent over, braced his hands on his thighs and dropped his head. “That was intense.”

  “Right?” Ellie agreed, still feeling stunned, blinking away the remnants of the spotlight behind her eyes.

  “What a rush. All those cameras.”

  “They seemed to love it.”

  Charlie tipped his chin and looked at her, then slowly straightened. “They loved you, Ellie,” he said, moving toward her just as slowly.

  “Yeah?” She felt a smile growing the closer he came.

  Charlie was smiling, too, his eyes bright. “Oh, yeah.”

  “Thank you for doing all this, for showing up.” She nodded toward the building. “And for getting the news here. Really, it’s incredible, it’s—”

  “You’re incredible,” he said, taking her hand. “But I didn’t come here to put on a show and say things for the cameras. I came for you.” He pressed her hand over his beating heart. “I’m in love with you.” Slowly, he entwined their fingers, linking them together. “Though I would’ve rather told you in private, maybe at your studio, with only Elvis as witness.”

  His words melted Ellie’s heart like homemade brown sugar syrup. “Charlie…” she whispered, unable to say more.

  “I love you, Ellie,” he repeated, his strong, manly voice breaking. He gently tugged her arm, pulling her closer. “And I’m sorry for what I did. If you can find it in your…your big, beautiful heart to forgive me, I promise I’ll spend every day making it up to you.” He touched her chin, then tucked some hair behind her ear. “I love you,” he whispered, “with everything in me.”

  She tried to squeak out a reply, but her heart was too full, her throat too tight to speak. So she wrapped her arms around him, rose up high on her toes like she was wearing pointe shoes, and found his mouth…showing him how she felt. He tasted like cake and sunshine and the sweetest love. His fingers combed into her hair, making her back arch, pressing her against his body. He felt solid, as indestructible as her feelings.

  The moment she knew she could speak clearly, she took his face between her hands. “I love you, too,” she said. He gazed at her for a moment, then lowered his eyes, so Ellie kissed them one at a time. “Charlie…” She rested her forehead against his cheek. “I love you.”

  She squealed in surprise when he hooted and pulled her off her feet, swinging her around. “Where’s a mic when a guy needs one?”

  “No more mics, please,” she said, laughing into his shoulder.

  Because of her long, tight dress, she was unable to wrap both legs around him like she wanted to, so her leg with the slit hooked around his back while the other sort of pointed out behind her.

  “Is that a ballet move you’re doing on me?” he asked.

  “Huh, sort of,” Ellie said, twisting to look over her shoulder at her extended leg. “Kind of a kinky développé.”

  Charlie squeezed her. “That does sound kinky.”

  Heaven shrouded them as she cradled his head in her arms, his lips hot on her bare shoulder. She kissed his forehead, his temple, stroked his short, silky hair. When he reached up to her mouth, his strong arms both boosted her up and locked their bodies together, and the world began to slip away.


  “Hey. Psst! Branjelina!” Jane was poking her head outside the front door of the WS. “You know everyone can see you, right? This isn’t one-way glass.” Her head disappeared.

  Charlie laughed, gave Ellie one more kiss, then set her on her feet.

  “I guess we should go in,” she said, her makeup and hair beautifully mussed.

  After admiring her for a moment, Charlie straightened his tie. “Face our adoring fans,” he said, draping an arm around her shoulders and kissing her temple. “Ya know, this dress of yours is about to make me go blind.”

  “This old thing?” Ellie said, putting an arm around his waist as they strolled toward the door. “I only wear it when I’m hoping some hot soldier will tango with me, then run his hand up my thigh. Nice move, by the way,” she added, sliding her hand down to just south of his rated-PG zone.

  “Eleanor,” he said, feeling his temperature rise.

  She looked at him. “Yes?”

  He exhaled a slow, controlled groan. “How many days left until you’re a free woman?”


  Charlie squinted in thought, then nodded. “Okay. That should give me a fighting chance to make up for lost time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He ran his hand along the back of her neck, under her silky hair. “My orders came in. Well, they came in saying they need me here a little while longer.”

  Her soft green eyes were huge. “How long is ‘a while’?”

  He smiled. “Two months.”

  She clutched his arm and squeezed. “Are you serious? You’re on post another two months?”

  Charlie nodded, his own smile growing as quickly as Ellie’s. “But you do understand that means we only have something like forty days after your nineteen days are—” Ellie cut off his words with a kiss so hard it nearly knocked him off his feet.

  When he could breathe again, he touched his forehead to hers, their breath mingling in the cool night air. “Before we go back in there,” he said, glancing toward the glass doors, “I need to say one more thing.” He dropped his chin and couldn’t speak for a moment. “Your e-mails meant the world to me, every single one. But what I did, not telling you who I was the first chance I got, not trusting you, I’m sorry—”

  “Hey.” Ellie took his face in her hands, her soft fingers stroking him. “You apologized and I forgave you. Okay?”

  He swallowed and nodded, unsure if he would ever be truly worthy of this woman. “I was already a little in love with you, I think,” he said, pressing his hand over hers. “All those months ago.”

  Ellie smiled. “Me, too.”

  “And then we met.” He shook his head. “And you were more incredible than I ever imagined.” He motioned at the WS. “You saved this place. You.”

  “You helped, Mr. Dirty Dancer.”

  “I’ll show you dirty.” He grabbed her around the waist and pinned her against the glass door, not caring who witnessed the act. “I love you, Eleanor Bell,” he said, touching his forehead to hers.

  He heard her gaspy inhale, then she sighed contently. “And I love you”—she held his face—“Charlie Johansson.”

  Hearing those words along with his real name was like an electric jolt to his heart. He pulled her off her feet again, laughing as she giggled and wrapped both legs around his back. They both froze at the sound of tearing fabric.

  “Oops,” she snickered into his neck.

  As surreptitiously as possible, Charlie ran his hand up her thigh, inspecting the damage. “Darling,” he said, “it appears your dress is now torn up to your…” He trailed off, skimming his hand higher up her skin. He felt her tremble. Or maybe it was him. “Now what am I supposed to do with you?”

  “Well, I obviously can’t go inside,” she said, her mile-long legs tightening around him to make her point. She was a strong one, that Ellie Bell.

  “Obviously,” he agreed. “The question is, where can I take you for one more kiss? Then it’s hands-off for nineteen days.”

  “Hmm, where do I want one more kiss?” She grinned and bit her lip, glanced toward the parking lot then back at him. “In the Impala.”


  Twenty-three days later

  “What did they say? Is it the same date as before?” Ellie let out the breath she’d been holding. After knowing Charlie for twenty-eight days, she’d yet to master reading his facial expressions. The phone was still at his ear, even though he’d said good-bye to his commanding officer.

  “Charlie.” She knocked his shoulder. “They didn’t change your orders, did they? You’re still not PCS-ing for another month, right?”

  He glanced at her, dropped the phone on the bed and pulled back a slow smile. “Slight change,” he said. “It’s now three months.”

  Ellie grinned back. “You’re kidding.”

  Charlie burst into laughter and scooped her up, laying her back on the bed. While wearing the most gorgeous smile, he leaned down and kissed her, making her head go all swimmy. “Three months, baby,” he growled sexily.

  It really did seem like forever, especially since the last four days had felt like a heavenly lifetime. Since the stroke of midnight on her one-man-less-year mark, Charlie had indeed been making up for lost time…as promised.

  “God bless this beautiful Army,” she whispered, running a hand up his arm. She stopped at the tattoo, skimming it with one finger, then she reached up to kiss it. Charlie’s skin tasted salty and heady, making her mouth water for more.

  “Where are you going after the four months?” she asked.

  He narrowed his eyes, but his expression was soldier-boy blank.


  He nodded, his eyes locked on hers.

  The point was moot, really. She was committed to him, to them. Traveling was an adventure, and wherever Charlie was going, she would join him as soon as possible. The dance studio was stronger than ever now, and hadn’t Jane suggested that Ellie take a pretty extended leave of absence when winter classes started up again in a few months?

  And because of the hugely unexpected number of donations thanks to that little news broadcast…on five channels…the Warrior Station was out of danger for the next decade.

  Therefore, Ellie was good to roam.

  “Overseas?” she asked.

  Charlie glanced up and to the right like he had to consult a mental map, but then shook his head.

  “Damn. Texas?” she said with a pout. “Charlie, you know my hair can’t handle the humidity.”

  He laughed softly, stroking a hand through her hair. “Guess again, Red. And while you’re at it, you might want to think about shopping for an extra bikini or two.” He kissed her forehead. “And a surfboard.”

  After a moment of thought, Ellie squealed. “No way. Hawaii?”

  Charlie pulled back an inch. “What do you think?” he asked, staring at her with a serious expression, as if he was genuinely worried about her answer.

  “I think it’s amazing!” She threw her arms around him, kissing him almost as hard as she had on day one after her man-less year. She felt Charlie’s strength and his love flow to her from his lips. The way he answered her kiss was as mind-blowing as the first time. Ellie held him tight, then ran a hand down his back to the bottom of his T-shirt, pushing it up and out of her way, stroking his tight skin, the hard muscles beneath.

  “Everyone’s outside waiting to hear the news, you know,” Charlie said, even as his mouth went trailing down her neck.

  “I don’t care,” Ellie replied, pulling her hand off his back and hugging his head to her chest, feeling his hot breath through her thin cotton shirt. “Let’s tell them you only have one more day. Maybe they’ll leave us alone.” She felt Charlie’s silent chuckle.

  “Diabolical ruse.” He propped up on his elbows and gazed down at her. “I’ve never loved you more.” He dipped his chin and kissed her, causing her heart to gallop like a racehorse.

  “I think they’re all leaving at three,” she whispered, gasping a little as his hand found her bare stomach. “That’s less than an hour—”

  “Yo, Chellie.” It was Jane knocking on the bedroom door. “What’s the word?”

  Charlie growled into Ellie’s hair. “I hate that name.”

  “At least they’re not calling us Branjelina anymore,” Ellie pointed out, stroking the back o
f his neck where the hair was extra short.

  He exhaled and collapsed on top of her. “We’re busy,” he called, his voice muffled by her hair.

  More knocking. “We’re not leaving till you come out. Burgers on the grill. Come on.”

  “I loathe every single one of our friends right now,” Charlie stated, rolling off.

  “We’re coming, Jane,” Ellie called, not bothering to hide the defeated tone in her voice.

  Jane knocked on the door once more, then it was quiet.

  “They care,” Ellie said, rolling to her side so she could properly examine the man she loved. “Friends and family are silly that way.”

  “I know. But can’t they save their caring until tomorrow?”

  She smiled and ran a finger over his face, circling his mouth. “We made it nineteen days, my sweet love. Our journey is just beginning.”


  Charlie would never get tired of hearing her voice, or touching her delicate skin, secure in the bond they shared. The joy and meaning this woman brought into his life was extraordinary.

  He propped up on an elbow to get a better view. Her hair was splayed across the bedspread, while one of her arms was lazily stretched over her head, her pupils like floating lily pads. His throat went desert-dry, like it had the first time he’d seen her.

  “Okay, let’s go,” he said, more than a bit begrudgingly. But before leaving his bedroom to join the others out back, he gathered Ellie into his arms and told her one more time in private how much he loved her, appreciated her, cherished her.

  After their friends left, he intended to show her. As many times as she wanted.

  Holding her hand, they stepped out to his patio to share the good news. Tess shrieked and hugged him, nearly toppling them both over with her huge pregnant belly. Sam slapped him a high five. Jack gave him the thumbs up with one hand, his other hand holding grilling tongs. Rick was sitting on a patio chair, Mac on his lap. When she slid off, they too offered excited congratulations. But Charlie only had eyes for Ellie.

  With his arm around the woman he loved, and surrounded by his closest friends, Charlie’s heart was so incredibly full of gratitude, it felt like he could shoot to the moon. He honestly didn’t know what he’d done to deserve such good fortune, but with his regular group sessions at the WS, he was learning to deal with the past and focus on becoming a better man, for the soldiers he led and for Ellie.


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