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The Aquarian Age Chronicles_The Lost Aquarian

Page 8

by Tabitha Stevens

  The energy began to quiet around him, “I could have?”

  “Yes. If I had not come at the time, I did, Zeke could have died, Skipper. You should be lucky that I was there.” Raven walked passed him and sighed, “we all have a set path, Skipper. I want you to realize that life takes us in many forms.”

  He glanced up to her and exhaled. Skipper felt in some parts she was right but it was unknown to him if he could accept the world she was referring to. He started to understand that gravity of the situation was grave. His power was increasing and needed to be maintained. He sat down on the floor Indian style and looked up to a dark pointed ceiling. His piercing gaze looked up at the ceiling and he could see where the galaxy began and ended. Skipper could see Jenny’s face among the stairs with his parents and Zeke. She was right about what it could do to them. He sighed openly noticing the blue-green energy around him. He was destined for something much more as to what Aquarian had told him. He wasn’t sure if he was what she said about being in the center of everything, but thinking back to what he almost did to Zeke terrified him.

  “Raven, would you train me?” he peered back at her.

  She was a taken back and smiled gently, “we should leave from here. I know a place where we can properly train.”

  Skipper got up and glanced at her gloomily, “Raven, I don’t know about all of this. I’m scared. I don’t know how I can handle all of this ideally. I have powers, I can’t explain and I need to know how to control them.”

  She strolled over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “I know and I can help you, but we will need to leave.”

  “Why?” he questioned.

  “Because even for us as gifted people don’t want to hurt the people we love most,” Raven said dejectedly.

  The energy melded around him “Raven—”

  “We need to leave now, Skipper. We are at war and those other people will come look for us or rather you. Come with me. We are beyond the invisible. We see things that others don’t. We fight for a better future. We need to believe in the good for everyone. We are the ones chosen by Aquarian. Our destinies are intertwined.” She said looking up at the makeshift space in the ceiling with sadness in her expression.

  “Raven, can you give me till the dance and I will try to go with you?” he begged.

  She turned to him and patted his shoulder once more. “I guess one more last stop for normalcy? Sure. I can do that but you must come to me every day to help train you some basics before we leave.”

  He nodded and she hugged him. Skipper’s eyes widen as she embraced him. This cold girl had emotions. He chuckled to himself and hugged her back.

  “I don’t have many friends and I hope you can one of mine,” Raven smiled pulled back from squeezing her.

  “We can be friends, Raven,” Skipper grinned at her.

  She was eccentric to him but he felt a connection to her. He didn’t know but her presence soothed him. He never hated or disliked her, but thought of her strange. Raven had a tendency to always be there when he needed some comfort. She would be the one he turned to the most.


  Zeke searched everywhere for Skipper but couldn’t find his friend. He had called his phone and disbelieved what happened in the park. Strange and unusual things were beginning to happen but Zeke really contemplated if Skipper was doing it again. He secretly wanted his friend to be normal but didn’t want to have to deal with the special part. He hid his own feelings about Skipper. He was his friend because he wanted Skipper to be ordinary. Not many of the students wanted to be his friend after that incident.

  Zeke sighed as he looked up at the tree and held out his phone. He didn’t want to cause alarm to Skipper’s parents, but he had not seen him all day. Skipper had vanished and nowhere to be found. Zeke began to dial on the phone then stopped because he feared something would destroy their friendship if he let this thing slipped. Zeke didn’t want to be the cause of that, then he would have to corner Skipper about what happened. He needed to know if it was happening again.

  “You have to face me some time, Skipper.” Zeke said quietly.


  The sun shined brightly over the sky. Jenny marched with her friends then crossed the street. Skipper ran over to her and smirked. Her friends frowned as she turned to run toward him. They walked close together, chatting and talking. Skipper smiled as Jenny began to talk about their recent assignment. He wanted to forget the dreams he was having and live in the moment.

  Jenny moved closer to him then took his hand into hers. He smiled and closed his fingers around hers. They continued to walk to school. Raven carried her books to the side, sneering at them both. He had to make a choice and Skipper was trying to react to everything around himself.


  A red ball of energy emerged on the sphere as Aquarian glanced down at it. He glowered and noticed the red eyes turning into blue-brown. He took a step back and frowned.

  “So, it has begun. The rivaling champion has been chosen,” Aquarian whispered.

  Fate and Destiny held their golden scissors and walked by Aquarian, “the child of prophesy must have a balance. His choice will determine all of his but who shall he fight for? Earth or the people he loves?”

  Fate and Destiny faded into the darkness. Aquarian grimaced, for all the fates and destinies were connected but they were this galaxy’s trusted visionaries of the ones themselves.

  “I see,” Aquarian stood there looking at the waters fall off the edge pouring into the forgotten world whirlwind of the void.

  Chapter Eight

  The stars grew heavy as the meteors fell from the sky. The void continued to fall and descend. Dark chimes wrestled in the background as the water flowed outward to the endless void of darkness. Elven men and two women stood together as they glanced at one another. Aquarian stood in the center of the where his sign placed and glowed. Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini, Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Aries, and Leo stared at Aquarian. The zodiac symbols underneath them shined as they were shadowed by the darkness. Their glowing eyes glanced at Aquarian as he moved his hand in a tribal manner. The sounds of chimes continued on as he moved in a fashion to dance as the others watched him.

  Aquarian stopped after a few minutes then glanced at the others for a brief moment. “I come to you my brothers and sisters because we need to establish a set way to deal with Pisces. He has overstayed his welcome and threatens the cycle of what we are. We are the guardians of this galaxy and I belief in what we can do is at question,”

  Aries’s eyes burned red and the symbol underneath him flared to life. “A snake in the grass as to promote his own intentions. He came into my age and should have awaited though couldn’t. We are needing to place Pisces into a position where he must be stopped and it is a must.”

  The others look at Aries and nod. Leo’s eyes glanced at Aquarian and sighed. The symbol under the lion flared to life as the others looked to him.

  “It is forbidden for another zodiac to enter in another’s one age and influence. The darkness has started already far back more than we can continue. The declaration of life is going at war now. As we enter in each age, the previous guardian is weak and it must be taken into account of Pisces’s punishment.” Leo said glancing at the others.

  Scorpio shook his head and sat down looking up at the stars. Scorpio’s eyes burnt in the darkness shrouded in the darkness. “Pisces has known how to enter in all the ages, then the weakness of other guardians has arisen where we now must protect and stand together in this age of Aquarius. We need to remember that he has overstepped the power and control.”

  The others nod together then Capricorn took a step forward with a flaring energy. “It is important to remember what Pisces has brought to the age of his own. Look at the creation of what man did. We can’t forget what the direction humans have done. There are other creatures and species that have done but humanity has moved faster because of Pisces.”

sp; Cancer, Taurus and Gemini nodded in agreement in Capricorn. Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarian, Aries stare at Capricorn as the zodiac sign had lost his mind. Virgo and Libra peeked at their fellow guardians and shook their heads.

  Virgo’s eyes took to the center and sighed, “we are here to discuss what to do with our fellow guardian and not to blame. We need to remember to keep the business of the meeting.”

  Libra’s eyes were profound in the darkness, “we need to remember that the object of opinion should be kept out of this meeting and facts alone should be set.”

  “The tale of the guardian has been disrupted by Pisces through the last four ages. We have to address the range of control and how it should be set. This is my age and I lose control over my age then I will grow weak. Pisces is trying to destroy the wheel.” Aquarian thundered.

  “If he takes control of Aquarian’s age then we are surely to weaken. One guardian can’t have all the power but just enough can alter the set of this galaxy. We can be absorbed into Pisces.” Aries rose up and his eyes flared to life.

  “No one wants a reset button on us and if he gains too much control than we are inklings to the eternal Pisces as our power holds over each age. We need to check him now or we will be lost. He need to come to a conclusion as a fight to our own survival is important. We are guardians that are about to face extinction from Pisces.” Sagittarius stated.

  “We can’t overtake Pisces by ourselves individually or almost together. We need Aquarian to rise in his age and overtake him. We must rely on the task at hand which is to see what Pisces does. If he can be stopped in Aquarian’s age then the path to balance is set.” Aries worried.

  “We can’t set a dark path to have control of the stars. We need to look at the aspects of what the guardian has done to the galaxy and how it has evolved. There is the merit of what has been done. We need to focus on the direct route of success of what our fellow brethren has done.” Cancer addressed.

  “We are guardians and we shape this galaxy in the direction of what the Eloum guides us to do. We are the constellations that move and bend just like other galaxies. We must stand together to help keep others out who would do us harm.” Gemini viciously said.

  “As caretakers, we are subject to the whims of the galaxy as a whole. There is no going back on a decision as to what to do with our fellow friend.” Taurus stated.

  Libra and Virgo peeked at one another and sighed. “We are wonderers as to see the balance of both arguments, but we have to leave this to Aquarian. When more evidence is presented then we shall have another case to decide immediately.”

  Virgo and Libra disappeared as the water flowed in reverse upward. Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus’s symbols blazed then vanished. Sagittarius disappeared. Aries and Scorpio peeked at Aquarian.

  “Despite what was said, if Pisces isn’t stopped we will have a guardian who will break the chain of an ancient order. Pisces wants to rule this galaxy himself. He is selfish. Look at what he did with my age. I can never fully get back my influence or power. I warn you, Aquarius, fight as hard as you can.” Aries said downtrodden.

  Aries turned then disappeared into the shadows, “remember, you will always have my support, my fellow brother. I stand with you.”

  Scorpio looked at the void of darkness clashing in the background. “There is a war between us and Pisces. We need your age to have the power to overtake Pisces. We have to declare a stance. We can’t execute this as it is forbidden. I stand with you, Aquarius. We have to remember that life is precious and who is the real enemy.”

  “The Piscean Age is over, but Pisces wants to extend his power to all the ages. If he takes the power in your age, we are doomed as the guardians for he will have the most power and can reset the chain. Breaking the chain will destroy this galaxy. The ancient order can’t be interrupted. His ambitions will succumb to death for all.” Scorpio pleaded.

  Aquarian nodded then placed a hand on Scorpio’s hand to not worry. “I know what you say, Scorpio. I will make sure that this age is taking back what is mine. I know the others can’t agree or choose on the sides, for we need to have a majority voice. I will have control over my age, Scorpio, fear not.”

  Scorpio placed a hand on Aquarian’s shoulder and sighed heavily before shimmering into the darkness. Aquarian turned and sighed for he now had to deal with Pisces alone, but he had the help of Scorpio and Aries. The three would need to stand together; nonetheless, his two fellow zodiacs couldn’t directly help him for it was forbidden, but other ways they could help he was sure.

  The waters flowed in reverse and he looked up at his own constellation and scowled descending to the star itself. Aquarius glowed in the distance. A figure’s eyes flamed in the darkness. Chimes and chants were heard in the background as shadow figures moved as the area glowed with the symbols of the other zodiacs. Pisces shimmered into the area and smiled for the war had begun.


  Raven’s hands formed into a ball and glowed as raw energy invaded her senses. Her eyes burned and she shot the ball into the air. It flowed outward and pressed into the walls. The sparkling of lights flew up and all around moving back to Raven. Her eyes stopped glowing then turned to Skipper.

  “You have to have total concentration. The energy and power comes from within you. Skipper, you will need to learn to control your own power,” Raven said casually.

  “How can I? …I don’t know even how to control my power,” Skipper said glancing down at his hands glowing.

  Raven moved closer to him and exhaled, “you will learn more control in due time, but recognizing that you need to restrain is harder than releasing.”

  He looked up at her and questioned how she was so wise for her age. She wasn’t a normal teen and communicated like an old wise leader to him. He wondered if she had family relations to Yoda. Skipper laughed at his thought then nodded to her comment. He saw she was right. Raven stood up and extended her hand toward him.

  “Shall we begin?” she smiled.

  Skipper glanced at her hand and smiled, “yes.”


  Jenny and Skipper turned to one another and smiled. He sat on the front porch looking up at the sky. He was unsure of everything around him. The dreams were increasing and becoming unstable. He felt apart of himself changing to see what choices he was making. He smiled sitting next to her. At the same exact time, the stars of Aquarian glowed in the background as it watched its champion down below.

  Jenny snuggled closer to Skipper, for they spent a little more time with each other each day. Jenny and Skipper were learning one another. Jenny pointed to another star and Skipper blinked his eyes as to see some red and orange behind the Pisces star map.


  Skipper had wondered as to how he was seeing everything around him. He was trying to figure his place in the world and see how things were evolving around him. He continually felt confused as his life was growing more complicated. Zeke would see him sometimes in the hallway but Skipper turned away from him not wanting to talk to him. Zeke feared he was losing his friend to the other people. Skipper leaned against the locker glancing at Jenny with some longing. He moved to her direction and smiled to her. He began to talk to her once more as he was trying to remain normal to talk to the girl he liked but feared everything about himself.

  Jenny watched Skipper express himself animatedly and felt comforted by him. They held hands and smiled to one another. Raven watched him slowly and shook her head for Skipper was trying to hold onto all normalcy but he wasn’t. She understood in some ways he had to overcome this part in his life. She closed her locker then closed it turning down another direction. Zeke watched Raven leave and frowned at her. He felt a sudden hate for her. Before she had moved here, things in there was ordinary now it had changed.


  For the next few days, Raven and Skipper a great of time together. After school, she would take him to the place of theirs to train. Skipper wasn’t too thrilled as he was forced
to put be placed in mediation mostly. Raven would come behind him and push him into the ground. Raven would leave him there for hours and come back with food only to replenish him. Skipper glanced up the teenager speculating if she had an insane brain cell. Raven placed the food on the ground then vanished. She watched him from the shadows and looked at a symbol formed on his head. She sniggered for it was the symbol of Aquarius. He was the child of prophesy and the connection to Aquarian was showing through from his touch.

  Raven contemplated if Aquarian had moved more of his influence into Skipper to help his cause. She considered if Skipper would ever truly understand that Aquarian placed a sample part of his connection to Skipper, for the boy to have better access to his power. She narrowed her eyes, for the guardian took a gamble in such a child to enact an old ancient connection with celestial to mortal.

  As he ate, the mediation seeped into him as he was linking to his power. He felt a slight change where he could summon a small ball of energy. He opened his hand a green-blue energy of fire formed. He gasped as he felt it form then disappear.

  “How?” Skipper asked confused.

  The energy streamed out of him and he fell to the floor for it was too much. Raven appeared next to him. She put her hands over him and began to heal him.

  “I need you to focus on mediating then defensive attacks. We can’t have you to use offensive attacks when you aren’t ready just yet,” Raven reminded him.

  Skipper cried out as the energy was too much for him. “I’m trying.”

  She raised her hands over him and the energy moved all over his body. “Once you have better control the power will come to you at ease. Just relax and focus on mediation than physical attacks. Control and creating barriers will help slowly.”


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