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Chasing Trust: A Small Town Steamy Romance (Harper Family series Book 3)

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by Nancy Stopper

  All around her, couples were in committed relationships. Shoot, even Izzy and Justin had found true love, although Justin’s struggles earlier this year had Serena wondering if any of them could ever really be happy. Why, then, couldn’t she let go of her deep-seeded doubt and trust that there was someone out there for her? Someone who would be faithful to her.

  Her gaze strayed to Chase, who had closed his eyes and laid his head back. Could he be that person? She wanted him to be. Hopefully that was enough to make it so.

  As though he felt her attention, his eyes opened, and his gaze locked on hers. An easy smile formed on his lips. He looked over her shoulder and then back to her, stood up and extended his hand. “Would you care to dance, Ms. Harper?”

  She placed her hand in his. “I would love to, Mr. Foster.”

  He guided her to the small dance floor. As she turned to face him, he took her right hand in his left and tucked them close to his heart and then slid his right around her waist. Her other hand slid around his neck, holding on as her knees threatened to buckle.

  Chase stared deeply into her eyes, a look that penetrated straight into her soul. Could he see that she was falling for him? That it wouldn’t take much for her to topple over the edge and fall completely in love.

  She’d never known that not talking could be such a turn on, but Chase was a master. Beneath their joined hands, she could feel the steady beat of his heart. She looked away, as though turning her head would hide what she wasn’t ready to reveal.

  “Look at me,” he whispered in her ear.

  She turned back to him and his intense eyes smoldered. His gaze dropped to her lips for a moment. If she wasn’t looking, she may have missed it. Then he lowered his head, his gaze locked on her until the moment he pressed his lips to hers.

  She relaxed into his kiss, the flavor of rich, red wine exploding on her lips. He tilted his mouth to take hers more fully, his tongue slipping into her mouth. She could only cling to him as he possessed her with his kiss.

  His body surrounded her, his groin tight against her belly, his erection swelling beneath his denim jeans. The mere thought that she turned him on like that was intoxicating. Her body was on fire, her skin feeling too tight as arousal swept through her. How did he turn her on with just a kiss? In that moment, she realized that it had always been him, from the day they’d met, and no one ever had a chance with her since. She hadn’t even known she was waiting for him and may have lived happily alone if he hadn’t come back into her life. But now that he had, she didn’t know how she’d lived without knowing this feeling.

  He broke the kiss and pulled her to him, his chest heaving. After a few breaths, he leaned in. “I keep finding myself apologizing to you. But I’ve never felt so caught up in emotion as I am with you and I lose track of where I am and who else is around. All I can see is you.”

  Wow. For a man who didn’t experience a lot of love growing up, he sure had a handle on his emotions now. Good thing one of them did. “I think we both need to stop apologizing for how we feel.”

  He nodded. “How about we get out of here? I can think of a lot of other things we can do instead of apologizing to each other.” His playful look replaced the intense one of a minute ago and she appreciated he was giving her a chance to rein in her own emotions.

  She’d barely nodded before he dragged her off the dance floor, threw a few bills onto their table, grabbed his camera and escorted them back to his jeep.

  * * *

  Chase drew in a few deep breaths as he steered his car back to Cedar Hill. He couldn’t remember the last time he wanted to say the hell with everything and make love to a woman like he did to Serena when they were dancing. Maybe that’s because he never had. Had never made love. Before now, it had always been about sex and nothing else. He’d prided himself on his ability to remain detached in his relationships, knowing that he was never sticking around long enough to invest emotionally. He made sure the women’s needs and his were met. Nothing more.

  Until Serena.

  He pulled into the lot and slid his jeep into park.

  “Do you want to come in?” Serena’s sweet voice betrayed her hesitance, the abruptness in which the question was thrown out.

  He stared at her for a moment, a hopeful gleam in her eye. Abso-fucking-lutely stuck on the tip of his tongue. He’d give anything to pick-up what he’d interrupted on the dance floor. To explore those curves that he had only begun to discover. To deepen the connection they shared. But would that make him a bastard, while he was unsure of where his future lay? He didn’t have the impression Serena made these decisions lightly and she would be devastated if they took that step before their relationship was on firmer ground.

  But he couldn’t say no to her. “I was hoping you’d ask.”

  She hurried out of his jeep like she was afraid he’d change his mind. He caught up to her right as she stepped onto her porch then she threw him that smile he was coming to love.

  When she unlocked the front door, Rascal and Roscoe leapt on her, and behind them, several cats of different colors and sizes… and disabilities, appeared. As Serena greeted the puppies, Chase stroked the back of a rail-thin ginger cat that had lost an eye while a long-haired gray cat wound its way around his legs and a brown and white one sat on the couch, lording over the entire scene, warning Chase that he was fully in charge.

  After sparing a few strokes for the cat at his feet, he crouched in front of Rascal as Serena continued to stroke Roscoe’s back. “Hey, buddy. How are you doing?”

  Rascal’s tag beat rapidly on the floor as he jostled back and forth in front of Chase.

  He looked up at Serena. “Do they need to go for a w-a-l-k?”

  Serena laughed. “I appreciate you spelling that. We’d have two unhappy puppies on our hands otherwise. I can let them out in the back yard. It’s fenced in and the weather is perfect. They’ll be happy for quite a while.” She patted her leg. “Come on, Rascal. Roscoe.”

  The dogs didn’t need any more of an invitation. They darted around the couch and jumped at the back door until Serena opened it and shooed them out. The cats, no longer intrigued by their interloper, headed into the back of the cottage. Except for the brown and white cat, who relaxed but still kept his eye on Chase as he crossed the room.

  “Can I make you some coffee?”

  “Sounds great.” It would give him a few minutes to collect himself. He strolled over to the stone fireplace on the side wall. A line of frames, all sizes and shapes, filled the mantle. Photos of Serena and her twin at several ages, including one that looked like it had been taken fairly recently. There was a photo of her with her three siblings at what appeared to be the wedding of her other sister.

  And then there was an older family photo. This one included the Serena he had met. She was only fifteen or sixteen, a huge smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. That Serena had her life in front of her. That was the image that had carried him around the world.

  “I was never one of those girls who was big on pictures. I mean, I liked them, but I never built scrapbooks full of pictures of me and my friends and family. But after I met you that day, and I wished that I’d had a picture of you, I changed. I love having pictures around my house now and I’m the first one to make sure that we take them at important events.” She gestured to the wedding photo. “Like at Izzy’s wedding. That was earlier this year. That was a great day. And now she’s pregnant. I can’t wait to be an aunt again.”

  Chase listened to Serena pour out her heart about her family. He’d felt that connection to his family when his mother was alive, but after she died, things changed. He shook his head. He didn’t want his family and their problems intruding on his evening with Serena.

  Serena gestured across the room where two coffee mugs and a tray of cream and sugar sat on a table in front of the couch. She waved her hand at the cat who hadn’t taken his eyes off Chase since the minute he walked through the door. “Move, Cooper. I swear this cat believes he’s
in charge.”

  “I think he is.”

  Chase laughed as Serena shoved at the cat until he jumped down and threw her a look that said, “I only did that because I wanted to. If I’d wanted to stay, you’d still be dealing with me,” before prancing off, tail high.

  “You said you already have some nieces and nephews.”

  She stirred cream into her coffee and leaned back on the couch. “Two nieces and one nephew. We’re kinda of melting pot family. Hayley is Izzy’s step-daughter and Sofia is Justin’s foster child.”

  “I’m sure in your family, there is no difference.” So much unlike his own family, where being a Foster came with a truckload of expectations. He picked up the other mug and drew a huge gulp of the rich, black liquid, appreciating the warmth as it trailed down his throat.

  “Absolutely not. It just means three times the love instead.” She flicked a button on a remote and flames in the fireplace burst to life.

  He stared into his coffee, taking another sip before placing it on the table. Serena had both of her hands around her mug like she was hoping to gather strength from its contents. He slipped it from her fingers and set it beside his. Now that they were finally alone, away from prying eyes, he wasn’t going to waste another moment.

  She opened her arms and he moved to her, laying her back on the couch in a single motion. She looked up at him with anticipation as he lowered his mouth to hers. She opened for him and he swept his tongue into her mouth, tasting the lingering flavor of vanilla coffee and red wine. The heady combination shot a jolt of awareness through him and his erection grew painful behind the zipper of his jeans.

  He pressed his groin into her belly and was rewarded with a gasp.

  He smiled as he slid his lips over her cheek, moving down her neck and licking behind her ear. Each movement had her wiggling, her body brushing up against him each time in exquisite torture. He sucked the skin behind her ear, tasting the sweet flavor of her skin.

  A month ago, he never would have imagined himself here, kissing the one woman who had been in his mind since he was barely twenty. And if her reaction to his announcement yesterday was any indication, she felt the same. That one single day had had a significant impact on both of their lives.

  He slid his hand up her torso and cupped her breast, the soft suppleness giving beneath his touch. She arched her back and pressed into him, her body as hungry for him as his was for hers.

  He moved his mouth back to her and chuckled. “No need to be in a hurry. We have all night and I intend to use every minute of it worshipping you.”

  She relaxed beneath him and he sensed the moment that she gave herself over to his touch, to allow herself to let go of all reservations and feel.

  He wanted his skin on hers, to discover if her belly tasted as sweet as her ear. He moved down her body, unbuttoning the top button of her flannel shirt. He whispered a kiss along the soft skin as he exposed it, one button at a time, until he reached her waist. He yanked the tails of her shirt free and spread the sides, exposing her beautiful body to his hungry perusal. She lifted her head and her gaze locked on his, her hooded eyes filled with desire.

  He worked his way back up her body, exploring her belly button with his tongue, pressing kisses to each rib until his lips brushed the underside of her breast hidden beneath light blue cotton.

  “Pretty.” He slid his lips over hers again as he reached between them and—

  Bzzzzz. His pocket vibrated. No way was he answering his phone when he had this willing woman in front of him. Now, where was he? Oh, yeah. Right about to lay his eyes on her delicious breasts.


  “Do you need to check that?” Serena’s husky voice broke through his hazy mind.

  He brushed his lips over hers. “Absolutely not. I am not answering a text message when I have you laid out on your couch like I want. Now, I want to see those beautiful breasts of yours.”

  He’d never been one for talking during sex, but with Serena he found himself wanting to turn her on with his words as much as his actions. To have her so wild with need for him that by the time they came together, it would be explosive.

  Before he could finish what he had tried to start two previous times, his phone rang, his sister’s ringtone blaring loudly from his pocket.

  He thumped his head on the couch beside Serena. “Damn. It must be important. That’s my sister. I’m so sorry.”

  Serena scooted up on the cushion and pulled the sides of her shirt together. “No worries. Go ahead.”

  Could his sister have any worse timing? She rarely called him, so this must be important. He drew in a deep breath, willing his heart back to a normal pace, and then clicked to answer the call. “Hey, Elizabeth. What’s up?”

  “I’m so sorry to bother you, Chase.”

  Panic laced her words and Chase sat up straighter. His heart kicked into high gear and the taste of copper flooded his mouth. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  Serena’s hand landed on his and he gripped her fingers tight. He threw her a look but focused on his sister’s words.

  “It’s Dad. He collapsed during the monthly partners meeting and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.”

  Chase’s heart stalled and then kicked up a rapid beat. As much as he didn’t get along with his father, the thought of him dying gave Chase pause. “What did the doctors say?”

  “I haven’t been able to see him yet, but the doctor just came out and told me that it wasn’t a heart attack. That it was probably exhaustion. He has been working a lot of hours recently trying to land a new client. Heck, he was barking orders at the EMTs that brought him in, demanding they take him back to the office.” She laughed, but Chase could hear the fear in her words.

  “Yeah, that sounds like Dad.” Elizabeth was especially close to the old man. For her to see him as less than his normal intimidating self, had to be shocking. “Did he ask for me?”

  Chase hated himself the minute he asked, transported back to when he was a boy, needing his father’s approval but rarely receiving it. It was easy enough to shove memories of his father and his silent chastising down deep when he was half a world away. It was a bit harder when he was faced with his father’s mortality.

  “No, I’m sorry. He didn’t.” Chase could hear the pity in her response. She had been an equal recipient in Father’s strict discipline, but his position toward his only daughter softened when she followed in his footsteps and studied law.

  “Well, listen. I appreciate the call. Keep me updated. Email me unless there’s something I need to know immediately.”

  “I love you, Chase.”

  “You too, Elizabeth.” Chase clicked off and hung his head between his hands. Ten minutes on the phone with his sister completely drained him. It wasn’t her. It was the old man. To listen to Elizabeth, it was clear he had never changed. And he never would.

  Chase turned his attention to Serena, her lips swollen from his kisses and her hair mussed from where he’d threaded his fingers through the silky strands. She looked inviting and welcoming but that phone call had completely ruined his mood. He wouldn’t be good company for anyone right now. “I’m sorry.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  He shook his head. “Father’s in the hospital.”

  “Oh, Chase. I’m so sorry. Do you need to go to California?” Serena’s gaze softened and she reached out to him. Her sympathy broke his heart wide-open and allowed his anger to spill out.

  “Why would I? The man didn’t have any need for me the minute I told him I wouldn’t enroll in law school and that hasn’t changed. It’s not like he asked for me. He probably wouldn’t even notice if I showed up.”

  He rose to his feet and shoved his phone in his pocket. “I’m sorry we were interrupted. I really should be going.”

  Disappointment crossed Serena’s expression. He pressed his lips to hers for a brief moment but resisted the urge to lean into her, to take the comfort that she was offering. That wouldn
’t be fair to her, not while his mind spun.

  “I’m sorry again.”

  She threaded her fingers through his as she walked him to the door. “Don’t be. I’ll be here if you need to talk. Or anything.”

  Serena may be the first person to truly care about his feelings. “Thank you. That means more than you know.”

  Chapter Ten

  Serena swirled her straw in the whipped cream that topped her hot chocolate. She couldn’t get the hurt look on Chase’s face last night out of her mind. He may have said he didn’t care about his father, but his trembling hand and pale skin when he took the call betrayed his true feelings. He cared more than he wanted to admit. She’d wanted to wrap her arms around him, to comfort him but he shut himself off from her the minute he hung up the phone.

  She hadn’t heard from him since.

  Serena bit her tongue to keep from suggesting he get on a plane, to make amends with his father. But that was probably the little girl in her speaking, the one who had rarely had her father’s approval. The one who never had a chance to repair their relationship before Dad died.

  She glanced at her watch. Where in the heck is Alexis? After a number of ignored phone calls, and almost practically begging, Serena had finally gotten her sister to agree to come out for coffee. She’d spent those few minutes with Alexis at the shoot but hadn’t been able to sit down and talk.

  A year ago, Alexis would have been the first to suggest a gossip session—especially if she knew how much time Serena spent with Chase this past weekend.

  Not that Alexis knew. Serena liked that she had this little secret right now, without having her family sticking their noses in her business. They meant well but after spending half her life in the shadow of her professional ballet dancer sister, major league ball player brother and her own personal lookalike, she liked that Chase was hers and only hers. She’d tell her family… eventually.


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