The Sword And The Olive
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Gibli, Gen. B., and “Unfortunate Business”
Giddi Pass, Battle of
Golan HeightsIsraeli assault on fate considered 1973 Battle for post-1973 planning for annexed to Israel
Goldstein, B.
Golomb, E.
Gonen, Gen. S. appointed CO Southern Front in 1973 War
Gorbachev, M. S.
Gordon, C. G.
Gordon, J. L.
Goren, S.
Greenberg, U. Ts.
Ground Forces Headquarters (MAFCHASH), created
Guderian, Gen. H.
Gur, Gen. M.enters Mitla Pass, 1956occupies Jerusalem, 1967 appointed COS resigns as COSand expansion of IDFand involvement in Lebanon
Gush Emunim
Gush Etsion, Battle for
Hachsharot (PALMACH Preparatory Groups)
Hagana, foundedand 1921 riotsduring 1920s and 1929 riotsduring 1930sand riots of 1936-39during World War IIafter World War IIstarts operations against British conscripts manpowerearly in War of Independence and Arab refugee problemarmaments ofand Navy women in founds arms industry
Ha-koach (sports club)
Harari, Lt. Col. Y.
Harel brigade
Harkavi, Gen. Y.
Harpoon missile
Har Tsion, M.
Ha-shomer, foundedfirst Jewish self defense organization during World War Idissolvedwomen in
Hawk missile
Hecht, Y.resigns from Hagana command
Heikal, M.
Herzl, Th., and future Jewish Army
Histadrut (National Labor Organization), parent-organization of Hagana and Hagana women
Hitler, A.
Hod, Gen. M.
Holocaust syndrome
Home Defense Command, established
Hussayni, A. aland Arab Revolt of 1936-39
Hussayni, Abd-al Kadr
Hussein, King of Jordan joins 1967 War attacks PLOand 1973 Warduring Gulf crisis
Hussein, S.builds up Iraqi military; threatens Israel
Ibrahim al Awwal, captured recommissioned
Indirect approach, in 1967
Infiltratorsin Jordan Valley
Iraqi nuclear reactor, destruction of
Iraq Suedan, fortress of occupied by IDF
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Islamic Jihad
Israel Aircraft Industries builds fighter aircraft
Israel Air Force (IAF)early aircraft ofearly doctrine ofin Sinai Campaign attacks Ibrahim al Awwalattacks friendly forcesprofessional pride ofevolution after 1956fights Syria attacks Iraqisattacks Egyptian airfields eliminates Jordanian Air Force, 1967 bombs Golan Heights1967 role evaluatedalters doctrineduring War of Attritionduring 1973 Warand Golan Heights Battleand Sinai Battle1973 performance evalauted post-1973 rearmamentdevelops long arm strike capability bombs Lebanondestroys Syrian missilesbombs Beirutplans to attack Iraq
Israel Defense Force (IDF, TSAHAL) early leaders trained in SNStraining of future commanderscommand organization ofhistory of 1948 Warreplaces Hagana confronts Arab invasion fails to stop Egyptian advance fighting in summer 1948, 88; attacks Egyptians 1948 performance assessed absorbs immigrants doctrine ofand top level political organization service arms of and reserve system officers of women in prestige ofand border incidents exceeds government orders prepares war against Egypt 1956 performance evaluated and Israeli society armored corps of officer training inincidents on Syrian bordermobilizes for 1967 Warplans for warassaults Golan Heights celebrates 1967 victory after 1967 War rearmsand War of Attrition mobilizes for War and defense of Sinai and Golan Heights Battle and Suez Canal crossing withdraws from Egypt and Syria1973 performance evaluated criticizedpost-1973 reorganization of rearmsand Entebbe raidgrowth of women’s role expanded in might peaks provided with home-built arms and nuclear weapons programraids Lebanoninvades Lebanonand Sabra and Shatilla massacre cohesion affected withdraws from Lebanonconfronts Hizbullah changes in, 1985-1995 education in becomes bloated turns to high technology confrontations with Iraqplans during Gulf Warand Iraqi missilespolices Occupied Territories and Palestinian Uprising atttacked by media morale collapses public loss of faith indevelopment summarizedeffect of Palestinian Uprising on
Ivri, Gen. D.
Jabotinsky, Z.
Jaja, S.
Jamal Pasha
Jenin, Battle of
Jerusalem, Battle for (1948) in 1967
Jewish Agency funds Haganaand Struma affair
Jewish battalions
Jewish brigade
Jewish Colonization Association helps fund Ha-shomer
Jewish Settlement Police
Jihadias (associations of holy warriors)
Jirardi Defile, battle of
Johnson, L. B., and Dimona reactor
Johnson, S.
Kahalani, Gen. A.
Kahane, M.
Kalisher, Ts.
Kalkiliya, raid of
Karameh, raid of
Kasis, G.
Kassam, Izz a-Din, Sheik
Kastel, Battle of
Katsir, E.
Kauji, F. alcommands Arab Salvation Armydefeated by Sadeh
Ken Dror, Y.
Kennedy, J. F., and Dimona reactor
Kfir fighterexported
Kibiya, raid of
King David hotel, destroyed
Kipling, R.
Kippot Sruggot (hand-knit yarmulkes), the
Kissinger, H. A.
Koestler, A.
Kollek, T.
Kook, Y.
Korean War
Kreisky, B.
Kursk, Battle of
Labor Party, Israeli
Lahat, Gen. S.
Lance missile
Lanner, Gen. D.defends Golan Heights
Lao Tsu
Laskov, Gen. Ch.commands air forceappointed COScommands armored corpsleaves office as COS
Latrun, Battles of casualties at
Lavi fighter
Lavon, P.and the “Unfortunate Business”
Lawrence, T. E.
League of Nations
LECHI (Israel’s Freedom Fighters), foundedattacks British hunted by British early in War of Independence assassinates Count Bernadotte commemorated
Levin, N.
Levinger, M.
Levite, Maj. G.
Levy, Gen. M. appointed COS
Liddell Hart, Sir Basiland 1976 War
Ligom, Gen. S.
Likud Party
Lior, Y.
Low Intensity Conflict (LIC)
M-3 half track
M-16 assault rifle
M-48 (Patton) tankacquired by Israelprovided with active armor
M-60 tank provided with active armor
M-107 artillery piece
M-109 artillery piece
M-110 artillery piece
M-113 armored personnel carrier
Maccabee (sports club)
Machiavelli, N.
Machmichael, Sir H.
Machus, I.
Magen, Gen. K.
Makleff, Gen. D.sets up Unit 101
Mandate system
Mandler, Gen. A.
Manstein, Fieldmarshal E. von
Manteuffel, Gen. H. E.
Marcus, Col. D.
Marx, K.
Masada complex
Matt, Col. D.
McNamara, R. S.
MD-500 Defender helicopter
ME-109 fighter, imported by Hagana
Mead, M.
Meir, G.negotiates with King Abdullahappointed prime minister informed of Arab attack resigns as prime ministerand settlements
Merkava tankdescribed in Lebanon various models of
Meron, Gen. M.
Meteor fighterswithdrawn from service
Military industries (TAAS), founding ofexpansion comparative advantages of
Militia perpetua
Milson, M.
Ministry of defense, origins
Mirage III fighteracquired by IDFused against Syria
Mirage V fighter
Mishmar Ha-emek, Battle of
Mishmar Ha-yarden, Battle of
Missile boats, Israeliin 1973 Warenlarged built in Israel
Mitla Pass, airborne landing at battle for in 1967 War
Montefiore, Sir M.
Montgomery, Field Marshal B.
Mordechai, Gen. Y. commands in Lebanon and Palestinian Uprising and IDF morale
Morris, B.
Mosquito aircraft
Mossadkidnaps Vanunu and Egyptian missiles
Mount Scopus convoy, attack on
Moyne, Lord
Mubaraq, H.
Muhamad, Abd Al Rachim
Mystere fighter
NACHAL (Fighting Pioneer Youth) used to settle territories
Nachlin, raid of
Naor, A.
Napoleon Bonaparte
“Napoleonchicks” (mountain guns) used against Syriansat Latrun
Narkis, Gen. U.overruns West Bank, 1967
Nasser, G. A.and Czech arms dealnationalizes Suez Canalmoves towards 1967 War compared with Hitler opens War of Attrition
National defense collegereestablished
National Service Law
National Guard, Egyptian
National Guard, Jordanian
National Guard, U.S.
National Religious Party (MAFDAL)
Navy, Israeliin 1967 War in 1973 War re-equipped after 1973carries out Lebanon landingin 1990s
National Security Unit (NSU)
Negba, Battle of
Neeman, Y.
Netanyahu, B.
New Historians
Nietzsche, F.
Nir, Col. N.
Nixon, R. M.rearms Israel
Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) female
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Nordau, M.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Nuclear program, Israeli construction of Dimona reactor startedand bomb productionbefore 1973 Warafter 1973
Officers, selection and training promotion of femaletraining of post-1973 problems withlacking in higher education
Olson, Gen. T.
“Operation Agatha”
“Operation Chiram”
“Operation Chamets”
“Operation Dekel”
“Operation Grapes of Wrath”
“Operation Kadesh”
“Operation Kilshon”
“Operation Litani”
“Operation Makevet”
“Operation Musketeer”
“Operation Nachshon”
“Operation Peace for Galilee”effect on morale considered
“Operation Yevusi”
Oslo Agreement
Ottoman Legion
Ouragan fighter
Oz, A.
P-51 Mustang fighters
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), formedafter 1967expelled from Jordanmoves to Lebanon attacked in Lebanon leaves Beirut recognized by Arab states and Palestinian Uprising
PALMACH (Shock Companies), foundedplans to resist German invasion traditions ofstarts operations against the British early in War of Independencefights near Jerusalemdefends Galilee against Syriansat Latrundismembered women in
PALYAM (PALMACH naval company)
Patria, sinking of
Patriot missileperformance during Gulf war
Patton, Gen. G.
Peel Committee
Peled, Gen. B.
Peled, Gen. E.
Peled, Gen. M.
People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Peres, S.negotiates French arms dealand Egyptian missilesbuilds nuclear reactorand 1967 War; appointed defense minister and expansion of IDFand arms industriesand ballistic missile program and Lebanon; becomes prime minister
Phalangeand Lebanese Civil Warmassacres Palestinians
PIAT (light anti tank weapon)
Pithon III missile
Popeye missile
POUM (Special Companies)
President Warfield
Psychiatric casualties
Rabin, Gen. Y., commands near Jerusalem appointed COS command system of policy towards Syria on eve of 1967 War role in provoking Syriansleaves army and War of Attrition appointed prime ministerstarts rebuilding IDF replaced as prime minister cancels Lavi aircraft and involvement in Lebanonwithdraws from Lebanon and military industries notes decline in Israeli moraleand Palestinian Uprising orders Palestinian arms and legs brokenjails dissenter
RAFAEL (Weapon Development Authority)and missile development program and Palestinian Uprising
Rafah, Battle of, 1956, 1967 commemorated
RAFI Party
Ratner, Y.appointed Hagana commanderand Hagana women
Raziel, D.
Reagan, R. W.
Rechesh, develops into ministry of defense
Redeye missile
Remez, Gen. A.
Remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), developed in Israelused in Lebanon
Reserves, organization of
Rommel, Field Marshal E.
Rothschild Family
Royal Air Force (British)
Rural Leagues
Sabra and Shatilla massacre
Sabri, A.
Sadat, A.assumes power prepares 1973 Warand Israel’s nuclear program
Sadeh, Y., commands FOSH commands POUMand British invasion of Syria (1941) dismissed from PALMACHcommands against Kaujicommands against Egyptiansas commander
Saguy, Gen. Y.
Saint Simon, Battle of
Saint Simon, L. de
Samua, raid ofas rehearsal for 1967 War
Samuel, Sir H.
Schlieffen, Fieldmarshal A. von
Schnitzer v. The State of Israel
Schwarzkopf, Gen. N. H.
Security Service (Shin Bet)
Sedan, Battle of
Separation of Forces Agreement
Sevres conference
Shachak, Gen. A.and IDF morale
Shadmi, Col. Y.
Shafrir missile
Shai, N.
Shamir, Gen. Sh.
Shamir, Y.appointed prime ministerduring Gulf crisis
Sharet (Shertok), M. appointed prime minister resigns
Sharm al Sheikhoccupied by IDFopened to Israeli shippingblocked by Nasser, 1967captured by Israelis; song in honor of
Sharon, Gen. A. commands Unit commands paratroopers during Sinai Campaign, commands at Mitla Pass criticizes IDF armored doctrine in 1967 War 1967 performance evaluatedand Sinai defense appointed defense minister and involvement in Lebanonand Lebanese cease-fire resigns as defense minister polices Gaza Strip and settlements