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Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1)

Page 5

by Lizzy Bequin

  Hasker turns his fingertip in my pussy, rubbing it around the rim of my tight hole and stretching me a little wider. He slides his finger deeper, and I feel him stroking and tickling my soft, wet inner tissue.

  It’s beyond sinful. To be touched by a man is one thing. But to have two of them inside me, one above and one below. It’s completely beyond the pale.

  And it’s exactly what my body needs.

  My eyes flick back and forth between rough, angry Hasker, who is fingering my hitherto untouched pussy, and Kadmon, who is fucking my lips with his finger.

  I whine and mewl while Hasker continues fucking me with his finger. He pushes another finger inside me, spreading them like a V to stretch my opening wider still.

  “She’s so fucking tight,” he growls.

  “She’ll need a lot of work, this little one,” Kadmon muses.

  I have a sudden intuition that these talented Alphas are training me. Preparing me. Breaking me in to be penetrated and stretched in ways that my virgin flesh is not yet ready to handle.

  My lips make a satisfying smack as Kadmon slides his finger out of my mouth. He dips his head, and his silky black hair drapes and sweeps over my face and neck. His mouth meets mine in a kiss. The hard metal of his piercing stimulates my tender, sensitive lips.

  At the same time, between my legs, savage Hasker gives me a different kind of kiss. With his two fingers buried deep, his surprisingly soft lips brush against my clit. He kisses me there, sucking my bud into his mouth to bite it softly and strum it with the tip of his tongue.

  I moan and sob with ecstasy, but the sounds are lost into Kadmon’s mouth.

  His tongue enters me. It rolls against my own, curling against it, soft and raspy. The slip of his wet lips melts me, and his hard steel piercing excites me.

  The double attention of these two men is unbearable. Another intense climax is welling in my core, and I realize what I felt before was only a prelude. The oncoming orgasm looms and swells like a tidal wave.

  Part of me wants to cry out for them to stop. I’m afraid my body won’t be able to survive what’s coming.

  But Kadmon’s lips are clamped tightly over mine, stifling any cries as Hasker continues torturing me inside and out with his wicked tongue and fingers.

  My channel swells around him, clenching on his digits like a vice. But Hasker is too strong for my pussy. He forces a third finger into me, scooping at my front wall until my orgasm finally erupts, gushing him with my nectar.

  My toes curl and contort. My nails dig into the meat of Kadmon’s thighs, breaking the skin.

  He pulls his mouth away from mine, our lips bridged by silver threads of wetness. I drink the air in great sobbing gasps. His strong arms bind my convulsing body as my climax rumbles through me like a thunderstorm. Lightning fills my vision.

  I beg for Hasker to stop. It’s more pleasure than I can handle. More pleasure than I ever thought possible.

  But he shows me no mercy. He continues working my pussy over, tearing and sucking one orgasm after another from between my slick and quivering thighs. The climaxes roll over me like waves, tumbling me in a churning surf of pure bliss until at last my slack and helpless body washes up on a shore of emptiness and exhaustion.

  I lie limp in Kadmon’s lap, the cold metal chain draped across my twitching midsection. I want nothing. I need nothing. Hasker has wrung every last drop from me and then some.

  They have broken me.


  Kadmon pats my cheek, rousing me from my daze. I stare blankly into his handsome face.

  He and Hasker pass some words in their thick brogue that I cannot understand. They are making no effort to speak clearly for me, and I’m in no shape to concentrate. God, they pleasured me right to death’s door.

  Hasker rises with a grunt like a workman rising from his labor and strides toward the entrance of the cavern, his bulky body blocking out the sunlight, head ducking the chunky stalactites of the stony ceiling.

  I mutter and gurgle, my lips unable to form words. Kadmon gathers my shivering, naked body in his arms, and I curl up against his hard muscles, absorbing his extraordinary body heat.

  The hard metal of his nipple ring brushes against me, giving me a sexy tingle.

  He mutters things that I don’t understand, but the deep masculine purr of his voice lulls me. I feel happy and sated. Completely fulfilled and completely empty.

  When I shift my butt, his iron hard cock prods me and he grunts. That massive member is still concealed beneath his primitive clothing, but even through the coarse furs I can feel the hardness of him, and the incredible heat.

  Without thinking, I reach down and grip his fur-bound shaft. I stroke him softly, wondering at his length and girth.

  He groans, but gently pulls my hand aside.

  I look at him in surprise.

  These men have me here alone, naked, and totally helpless. They could easily overpower me should I try to fight or flee. Hell, they could overpower a grizzly bear, let alone a nerdy research assistant who spends half her life with her nose pressed to a flickering computer screen.

  “You aren’t…you aren’t going to fuck me?” I ask.

  Even I’m not sure if that lilt in my voice is from surprise or disappointment.

  “No,” Kadmon says simply.

  He plucks a stray lock from my cheek and sets it behind my ear with the others. He speaks slowly and clearly so that I can comprehend.

  “Addom is the one who found you. And he is our pack master. You belong to him now. You are his to claim by right. But Hasker and I will care for you until he wakes from the outsider’s poison.”

  Claim? Belong? I don’t know how I feel about those words, but I’m too weak and tired to argue about it now.

  Kadmon pets me, smoothing my hair with his gentle palms. I saw him kill with those hands. Just hours earlier, I saw him kill.

  And that’s when I remember what happened to Sara.

  The troopers killed her. They exposed her to the omega contamination. They turned her into a slavering beta. And when she served no purpose for them, they put a bullet through her heart without so much as blinking an eye. And I know that the same thing must have happened to my friend Eva.

  These Alphas who are holding me captive now may be animals. But those men who killed Sara are something much worse.

  They are human.

  “Don’t cry, little omega,” Kadmon says when he sees that I’m crying.

  “Stop calling me that,” I say. “My name is Lily.”

  He gently thumbs away the fat tears rolling down my cheeks. My eyes ache. My mouth is bitter from crying. Kadmon holds me firmly and I clutch his body, grateful to have someone, anyone, to hold on to.

  “Lily,” he says in a hushed voice. “What’s the matter?”

  I sniff back my tears and rub my nose.

  “Sara,” I tell him, trying to keep my voice from cracking so he can understand me. “The other woman. They killed her.”

  His brow knits with confusion, and I think that he has not understood my words, but then realization blooms on his face.

  “The woman chained to the tree with you?” he asks. “The mindless one?”

  “She wasn’t mindless,” I tell him. “She wasn’t like that before. She was a normal woman before. No, not normal. She was really bright, and she worked hard, and she was a good person. She only became a beta because they exposed her to the omega contamination.”

  I can tell he’s struggling to follow what I’m saying. They have different terms on this side of the wall. But he gets the gist of it.

  “This woman. Sara. She was your friend.”

  “Yes,” I tell him. “Well, no. Not exactly. I didn’t know her that well. But I know she was a good person. And she didn’t deserve what happened to her. Nobody deserves that.”

  I begin sobbing again, and he hugs me closer. A deep purring sound rolls from his throat, and I realize he is trying to soothe me. Surprisingly, it seems to be working.
/>   “We can’t leave her like that,” I say. “Kadmon, we can’t just leave her hanging from that tree for the animals to eat her.”

  He shakes his head.

  “We can’t go back there, Lily. It’s not safe. There were other men there. I heard them shouting and shooting at us as we left. They could still be there.”

  I sigh. I know that he’s right, but I can’t stand the idea of Sara just hanging from that tree for the animals to eat. It’s too horrible to even think about.

  “She at least deserves a proper burial,” I mutter. “After all she was put through, she at least deserves that small dignity.”

  “You have a big heart, Lily.”

  His blue eyes are clear and deep, and I can feel the sympathy inside of him. Perhaps I’ve been wrong about the Alphas all this time. There seems to be much more tenderness and compassion inside them than I expected.

  At least that seems to be the case for young Kadmon. Hasker is another story.

  Kadmon inspects the shackles around my wrists and the long chain between them.

  “Let’s get these off of you,” he whispers.

  He takes me off his lap and sets me on the soft bedding of dry grass and moss, which is remarkably comfortable considering how beyond primitive it is.

  The metal spike that was used to bind the chain to the tree trunk is still wedged through the hole of a link in the middle of the chain. With a bit of work, Kadmon manages to wiggle it free. He gathers two large stones from the floor of the cave. One of these he sets on the ground beside us, and he positions my wrist so that the chain near the shackle is draped over the stone.

  “I need you to hold still, okay? Don’t flinch.”

  He places the spike against the chain, and using the other rock as a crude hammer, he begins banging away at it. The sounds of stone and steel resonate through the cave.

  I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but after several hard strikes, the chain link is beginning to bend and degrade where Kadmon is hammering it with the stone. Only now do I begin to understand just how strong these Alphas are.

  Stronger than stone. Stronger than steel.

  That should frighten me, but instead it makes me feel safe.

  Until Hasker returns, that is.

  “Hey,” the older Alpha growls. “Cut out that racket, boy. You want the whole zone to know we’re here?”

  The rough, bearded Alpha is returning from the mouth of the cave, stepping carefully over the rocky floor. His hands are working at his loincloth, tying it back in place. Was he just relieving himself outside? He was gone for an awfully long time.

  “We need to get these chains off of her,” Kadmon says.

  Hasker just scowls and shakes his head.

  “Give ’er here, boy,” Hasker says brusquely. He nods toward the hard pole tenting Kadmon’s loincloth. “Take care of yer need outside.”

  Kadmon exhales reluctantly. He hands me over to Hasker the way someone would hand off a cat. Now it’s his turn to head to the cave mouth. Hasker holds me as we watch Kadmon go.

  The young Alpha glances back at me briefly on his way out of the cave.

  Need. Hasker told him to take care of his need.

  Now I understand. He’s going outside to spill his pent up seed on the ground because he’s not allowed to spill it inside of me. Not yet anyway. As far as they are concerned, I belong to their boss.

  I’m still not too keen on that notion—being owned, being someone’s property.

  “Get some rest,” Hasker commands.

  He props me against the wall, leaving Kadmon’s work on my chain unfinished.


  What the hell is taking Kadmon so long?

  I know the omega has him all wound up. Hell, she’s having the same effect on me. I had to spill my load three times before my nuts stopped aching enough to come back inside the cave.

  And now, even though I managed to subdue her heat-scent, it’s still strong enough that I can feel my arousal swelling once more.

  It angers me.

  I don’t want to feel this way about her.

  She’s a fucking outsider.

  If it were up to me, we would have left her chained to that tree to rot. But it was clear that Addom had other plans for her, and as the second of the pack I am obligated to follow his lead.

  The omega shifts nervously by the cavern wall, rattling the iron chain between her wrists. When I look at her, I catch her wild, hazel eyes glaring at me. Her pupils are still dilated, but not as much as before. She immediately drops her gaze.

  I just wish Kadmon would get back from his wank so that he can go back to coddling the omega. I’m sick of being in her presence.

  Quietly but deliberately, the omega reaches out and takes the stone that Kadmon was using earlier. She places her chained wrist against a sharp, stony protrusion on the cave floor, and then hammers weakly with the rock, as if that could possibly have any effect.

  I snort. I’m tempted to laugh out loud at how ridiculous it is. But after about a minute, it becomes annoying as hell.

  “Stop that,” I grunt.

  Her eyes flash toward mine, and a sudden unwanted pulse of desire throbs in my veins. There’s no denying that she is beautiful. Her soft curves are aching to be squeezed. Her long curls begging to be wound around my knuckles. One rosy pink nipple peeks out at me, tense and springy with arousal.

  She’s afraid of me, but there is another emotion in those lovely, sparkling eyes as well.


  After a moment’s hesitation, she taps with the stone at her chains again.

  I growl and lunge at her across the cave, and she squeals with fright. Earlier when she was cornered, she snarled and bared her teeth at Kadmon, but she knows better than to try that shit with me.

  Still, she deliberately defies me. It’s like she wants to be punished.

  Well, I’ll give her no such pleasure.

  I wrest the stone out of her small, frail hand and fling it away. It clunks and clatters on the stone floor.

  “I said stop that,” I hiss angrily.

  My face is close enough to hers that my words stir a few tendrils of rust red hair. She flinches, and her lip trembles with fear.

  When I’m certain she has gotten the point, I settle back on my haunches.

  But the omega insists on pissing me off.

  She jangles her chains and mutters something in her ugly outsider dialect that I cannot understand.

  “What?” I grunt.

  She gives me that defiant look again. Even though she is so scared that her body is shaking, she clearly has courage, I’ll give her that.

  “I. Want. These. Chains. Off.”

  She speaks in a patronizing tone that I don’t like, pronouncing each syllable as if I were a child or an old woman.

  “Too. Bad,” I tell her, mocking her accent.

  When we take her back to the city, we can remove her shackles. We have the tools there for such things.

  “Do you like keeping me chained up like an animal?”

  Before she has a chance to retreat—before she even has a chance to blink—I’m on her with a snarl. I grab the thick iron chain in my fist and yank her narrow wrists forward.

  “Don’t talk to me of animals, outsider,” I snap. Hot rage is rising in my chest. “Your people are the ones who penned us inside these lands like beasts.”

  She whimpers and tries to pull away, but I hold her chains tightly. I fist her hair, and she winces as I pull her head back. Part of me wants to tear this insolent outsider omega into shreds, though I know that would not heal the wounds her people left on my heart.

  And another part of me wants to do something else with her altogether. I want to punish her and force her body into submission with my hard cock unloading inside her.

  “Besides,” I growl as my fury starts to snowball. “I didn’t put you in these chains. This was the doing of your own people. Here in the zone we don’t use chains, neither for beasts nor for hu

  I’m letting my emotions get the better of me. I shouldn’t be letting this omega rile me up this way, and the fact that she is riling me only serves to piss me off even more. I’m speaking too quickly and fiercely for her. Her face is a mixture of confusion and terror.

  “Understand?” I growl stupidly, knowing full well that she could not have comprehended what I just said to her.

  As she stares up at me, her eyes two big white saucers quivering with tears, I get a flashback. It’s not the outsider girl staring up at me anymore.

  She is Talia. She is my mate.

  The illusion is gone in an instant, but I can still see echoes of my mate in the outsider’s face, and the wound on my heart burns like it has been seared with a hot brand.

  My savage roar booms through the cave. My hands seem to move of their own accord. I snatch up the iron spike and a nearby stone. The omega cringes away, thinking I mean her harm.

  There is a sound of ringing metal and a spray of yellow sparks as I bring the stone down with all of my might on the top of the spike and the point of it shatters the chain link near her left wrist.

  The omega cries out. Those tears that were wobbling in her eyes begin rolling down her face. She tries to scramble away but I catch her and pin her other wrist to the ground. With another hard strike and an explosion of sparks, I break the chain link at her other wrist.

  The stone cracks in two.

  “Hasker.” I whirl around ready to attack, but of course it is only Kadmon. “Hasker, what are you doing?”

  He is coming toward us from the entrance of the cave. His hands are cupped together, and he is carrying something. His eyes dart toward the omega who is lying on the floor crying. The shackles are still around her wrists like a pair of ugly bracelets, but the chain at least has been broken. Kadmon kicks it away as he looks the omega up and down, breathing a sigh of relief when he sees that I have not harmed her.

  Not physically, at least. But I gave her quite a fright.

  “And you chastised me for making too much noise?” he says.


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