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Rosewood, Natalie - Octavia's Time [The Klawinken] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 5

by Natalie Rosewood

  Mathieu turned around sharply, his face within inches of Tobias. “She’s mine. I won’t let you touch her, and if you try, I’ll make you wish you couldn’t dream at all…death will be preferable.”

  “If I decide I want her, you won’t stop me. However, I might let you fuck her depending on how gracious I’m feeling.”

  “Mathieu.” His father came up from behind him, placing his hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly to keep his son seated.

  Tobias looked up and smiled. “Hello, Mr. Lacroix. Nice to see you again.”

  “Tobias.” Mathieu’s father nodded.

  He leaned toward his son. “Mathieu, your mother and I have a few people we want you to say hello to that we haven’t seen in sometime. Plus, I think Evenela and Carl are about to formally announce their engagement in the next few minutes.”

  Tobias just smiled at the two men. “If you’ll excuse me, I must leave you. It was nice seeing you both. I’m sure that our paths will cross again in the near future, Mathieu. I look forward to it.”

  Mathieu’s anger was palatable. He felt bile rising in his throat. He wanted to take Tobias down, right there and then. Tobias’s eyes glittered dangerously in Mathieu’s direction, but he pushed himself away from the bar to walk away toward a voluptuous redhead who giggled with excitement as he closed the distance between them. Mathieu had never felt such anger toward one of his own kind. He’s not my kind. And he’s not going to touch Octavia or I will kill the bastard.

  “Watch yourself with that one, Mathieu,” his father’s voice spoke close to his ear. “He’s dangerous…more dangerous than you can imagine. Whatever he said to you, son, let it go.”

  His father need not worry. He wasn’t about to do anything stupid, but he wasn’t about to let any man, especially Tobias, get his hands on Octavia, either. It was then that he knew he needed to be close to her, not only in his dreams but close enough to protect her from Tobias.

  Chapter 5

  Octavia’s parents arrived home later than planned on Sunday. They had enjoyed themselves at the car show and had even met up with a few of her father’s friends from work for dinner and drinks. She went to bed right after she knew they were home safe and sound. She was so tired. She had hardly slept since Mathieu had walked into her life. All she could think about was their mating and how afraid she was that the Klawinken hold he had on her would become stronger.

  Monday morning she woke feeling somewhat refreshed. She hadn’t dreamed, and to Mathieu’s credit, he had kept his word and not contacted her. What she really wanted to do was to have one of those do-nothing days, one where she could stay home and let the day go by without her. However, if she did, her mother would think she was sick, and she really didn’t enjoy the thought of her mother hovering over her all day. She missed her first class, but arrived right on time for her literature class where Professor Barstole was getting ready to hand out a quiz to the class. She was glad she had read the chapter they were being tested on before Mathieu had arrived to pierce her nipples because she doubted she would have been able to concentrate long enough to have comprehended what she was reading after his visit. Her classes had been the last thing on her mind. Even now, she was having a hard time concentrating on the quiz.

  Professor Barstole continued to give her meaningful looks during class that were blatantly flirtatious. He was making it very obvious, at least to her, that he was more than interested. She forced herself to smile and not look away. She had an obligation to find out if Mathieu was right about their mystical connection, and what better way than to flirt with another man and see if anything developed. If it did, then Mathieu couldn’t possibly be her mate.

  After class, she walked to the front of the room and approached his desk. He looked up, and she could tell he was pleased to see her standing there. “Professor Barstole,” she began, “I was wondering when you would have some time that we could talk about the project you gave us on Willa Cather. I find her very interesting as a woman and an author, but I have some questions about the direction of the project and exactly what you’re looking for concerning her comparison with Sarah Orne Jewette.”

  “I’m always available to my students to answer questions. But I think you’re right. We’ll have to schedule a time to discuss your questions. It’s important that you begin with the proper thesis. Both women were ahead of their time, and their stories are not only a reflection of where they grew up but of the obstacles they faced as women in a man’s world.”

  “I know. It’s just that I’m having trouble finding my focus. I was hoping you might help me do that.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. How about tomorrow, say around seven o’clock. We could grab a bite to eat while we discuss your paper.”

  “That works for me. Do you want to meet somewhere here on campus?”

  “Ordinarily I would say yes, but I’m not sure we would have much privacy because students would be coming up to me all through dinner. Have you heard of the Country Squire? It’s not far, just up Route One.”

  “I know where it is. I could meet you there.”

  Octavia’s insides were in turmoil. Leading a man on was not something she had ever done before. It didn’t sit well with her, but hers were not ordinary circumstances, and she had been attracted to him prior to meeting Mathieu. For a moment, she seemed to slip into a waking dream as she imagined herself in a room by herself. Mathieu wasn’t there, but the man from the shadows was. Of course she couldn’t see him, but she could sense him watching her. She felt her nipples harden. She desperately wanted to see this man who hid himself from her. She closed her eyes and felt his lips lightly touch hers before she opened them with a start. Professor Barstole was looking at her expectantly. She had not heard one word he had spoken to her. Breathing deeply, she attempted to slow the beating of her heart before she smiled sweetly and asked him if he would mind repeating himself.

  * * * *

  The Country Squire didn’t look too crowded when she walked in the entrance and up to the hostess stand. She mentioned Dr. Barstole’s name and was shown to their table where he was waiting for her.

  “Octavia. Right on time. It’s good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you, too, Professor Barstole. Thanks so much for taking the time to see me.”

  “As I said before, that’s what I’m here for.” He smiled. The waiter came to their table to refill his glass and to pour Octavia a glass of the same wine he was drinking. “Oh, and do call me Eric. Professor Barstole is so formal and quite unnecessary when we’re away from the classroom.”

  She smiled and took a sip of the wine. It was sweet, exactly the kind she liked. Most people liked very dry wines, but she loved the dessert wines and those with a fruity base. “This is very good, Eric.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I also took the liberty of ordering for us. It’s a variety platter that I think you’ll enjoy.”

  “Okay.” Relieved, she surmised that he was probably anxious to return home and ordered to speed up their meeting. However, what he said next made her think differently.

  “You look quite lovely, Octavia. You have the most beautiful hair, and your skin is luminescent.”

  “Why thank you,” she said, feeling slightly uncomfortable when his eyes lingered on her face and then casually lowered to her breasts.

  The food arrived, and still there was no talk of Willa Cather. He entertained her with some not-so-funny stories that he thought were hilarious about other professors that she found completely inappropriate. He also made sure her wine glass was never empty. However, she held her tongue and just smiled and listened politely. They had just finished dessert when she excused herself to visit the ladies’ room. She stood up and immediately felt the effects of the sweet drink. When, she returned, he was leaving a tip for the waiter.

  “Octavia, I was thinking as I watched you walk to the ladies’ room that possibly you may have had just a little too much to drink. I believe it would be for the best if I drive you

  She hated to admit it, but she knew she was in no shape to drive, and calling her parents wasn’t an option she wanted to pursue. They would be mortified by such behavior, especially if they found out she was with one of her professors.

  “I think you may have a point. If you don’t mind, I would appreciate a ride home. I’ll worry about my car tomorrow.”

  “I could bring you back tomorrow to pick it up. We’ll see what the night brings.”

  He put his arm around her waist and helped her navigate through the now crowded restaurant. Still holding her tightly, he walked her to his car. He opened the door, and she slid into the passenger seat, but before she could put on her seatbelt, he leaned down to kiss her full on the mouth, his tongue forcing itself between her lips. The unwanted kiss continued against her shocked lips as he groped her breasts roughly through her dress. She knew she was in trouble.

  Struggling to remove her face from his, she said, “Eric, please. I…we…shouldn’t… this isn’t right. You’re my teacher.”

  “Yes, and I have a lot more to teach you. Don’t play coy, Octavia. You and I both know Willa Cather was just a ruse to get me to take you out. So let’s not waste time pretending. I’ve wanted to see that beautiful body of yours naked and in my bed ever since you walked into my class at the beginning of the semester.”

  Even in her muddled state, she knew that the only home he was taking her to was his own. She didn’t want him to touch her. She felt nothing when he kissed her except repulsion. It was like someone had poured ice water into her veins.

  “No…I feel better now. I can drive home myself.” She attempted to swing her legs around to get out of the car, but his body blocked her efforts. He pushed her back against the car seat.

  “Don’t be difficult, dear.” Eric pulled the seatbelt around her and locked it. “I would be remiss in my duties if I allowed you to even think about driving. Now you stay put.” He slammed the car door shut and locked it.

  She had no idea how much time had passed when the car door was flung open. “Get out of the car, Octavia.” Mathieu stood, glaring down at her, barely containing the anger that held his body rigid. “I said get out of the car. I’m taking you home.”

  “Where’s Eric?”

  “Eric? He just went inside to get some ice. Let’s just say he was in need of it.”

  “Mathieu, you had no right. What did you do?” She sounded angry, but truth be told, she was more than happy to see him. She was trying to undo her seatbelt that seemed especially difficult to maneuver when she heard Mathieu curse. He reached in and unbelted her and then dragged her body from Eric’s car. He practically lifted her off her feet as he pushed her in the direction of a motorcycle that he leaned her up against. A helmet came down hard on her head before he lifted her onto the seat behind him and told her to hang on. She wrapped her arms around him. It was a wild ride. By the time he stopped in front of her house, she was not only windblown but a lot less drunk.

  “Mathieu,” she began.

  He turned as she removed the helmet and handed it to him. “Don’t say a word, Octavia. I’m in no frame of mind to hear it right now. You’re lucky I didn’t kill that guy.”

  “I don’t know what possessed me to…”

  Mathieu cut her off, anger etched into every syllable. “That bastard wanted to fuck you, and that’s exactly what he was going to do, with or without your consent.”

  She winced from his harsh words, but she knew he was right. She looked away from him, hating the way he was looking at her, as if he couldn’t stand the sight of her.

  “Look at me, Octavia,” he ordered. When she turned her face back to him, he continued, “I saw his hands on you and heard what he said to you when you told him you wanted to drive yourself home. You have no idea what I’m capable of and how much restraint I showed tonight. Now get in the house before I do something I’ll really regret.”

  Octavia slid off the motorcycle. “I’m sorry, Mathieu. Sorry that...”

  “Good night, Octavia,” he yelled over the roar of the motorcycle that jumped out onto the road, leaving her alone and feeling worse than she could remember feeling in a very long time.

  Chapter 6

  The house was dark except for the lamp that had been left on for her in the living room. She turned it out and headed up the stairs to bed. She could still feel the effects of the liquor she had consumed, even though the cool night air had helped to clear her head.

  She began to undress, leaving her clothes where they fell. She stood before her mirror naked. She watched her fingers touch her breasts and pull on her nipples. She spread her legs wider and closed her eyes. She tried to imagine Mathieu’s hands on her body, but she couldn’t seem to focus on his face. Finally, frustrated by her inability to overcome her alcohol consumption, she turned out her bedside lamp and crawled under the covers. She barely felt her head hit the pillow before she floated through cool air that created goose bumps all over her body. She could hear music playing and a breathy, male falsetto voice that was singing a song that had a familiar ring to it.

  When she was able to open her eyes, she was on her back in the center of a huge bed that was covered in black silk sheets. They felt so smooth and soft. It amazed her how vivid her dreams were, from the texture of the sheets to the starlit sky and moonlight that illuminated the room through the open window next to the bed. She could even smell the salty sea air that told her she was near the ocean. She had always loved the beach, especially at night, so it made sense that she would want to be near it in her dreams.

  Surprisingly, she found herself unbound. In every dream she could remember, she had been restrained and blindfolded. She looked around, expecting Mathieu to walk into the room. He had told her that he had dreamed of her, but would he still come to her like this, now that they had mated. In his anger, possibly this was the only way he could satisfy his need for her right now. She felt herself blushing.

  “You look quite lovely with a blush on your face.”

  She looked in the direction of the deep, silky voice and stared as the man moved from the shadows and walked into the moonlight to reveal himself in all is naked splendor. The man whose eyes now held hers sparkled with amusement as her eyes widened in surprise. He was not Mathieu. He looked nothing like Mathieu. In contrast, he had an olive complexion, long, black hair to his shoulders, and dark eyes that that were framed with even-darker lashes. He stood taller, his muscled body bigger in every way than Mathieu’s. She forced herself to look away from his large erection and back into his heavily lashed dark-brown eyes.

  It took her a moment, but when recognition hit her, her jaw dropped. This wasn’t just any man standing naked before her. This was Tobias Morgan, lead singer and songwriter for the group Naked Dreamer. He had been voted sexiest man alive in a number of magazines and had won at least five Grammys. She had always been a fan of his music, and like thousands of other girls, had been subject to a teenage crush that involved buying his CDs and posters, but she could never remember dreaming about him like this before.

  His eyes never left hers. They held her to him as tightly as he could have with his arms. “Do you enjoy being naked in my bed?”

  “Your bed, my dream.” She smiled up into those mesmerizing eyes that made her whole body tingle. For once, I’m not going to fight what my subconscious wishes to give me. I’m going to let myself enjoy this dream.

  Smiling, he threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, my sweet Octavia….you really think you’re dreaming, don’t you?”

  “I am dreaming, and I’m obviously getting to a point where I can manipulate my dreams in ways I had no idea I was capable of. I’m going to have to remember exactly what kind of wine I drank tonight.” She giggled.

  “That, my sweet, should not be repeated and certainly not with that creep. Mathieu arrived just in time. It’s just as well. I wouldn’t have been so forgiving.”

  “You know about that.” Of course he knows. It’s your own subconscious tha
t’s feeding him his lines.

  “How I know is something you’ll come to find out in time. For now, show me how you can manipulate your dream.”

  “Well, Tobias.” She grinned, glad he was changing the subject. “You don’t mind if I call you Tobias, do you?”

  “Not in the least.”

  “Well, Tobias.” She couldn’t help giggling. “You’re an absolutely delicious-looking man whose music I love and who is incredibly sexy hot…and someone I would love to fuck.” She whispered the last word, hardly believing her own ears.

  Tobias smiled with perfectly straight, white, even teeth that were probably caps, and said, “So, you want to fuck me, Octavia. I think that can be arranged.”

  She closed her eyes, fighting to control her nerves. Even though it was just a dream, it was so very real. When she opened them again, his eyes had softened.

  “Don’t’ be embarrassed because you want me, Octavia. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t because I want you, too.”

  His words gave her the confidence to continue. “I know I’m being the epitome of what some would call a slut, but since you and I have never really met…and most likely never will…I’m going to have fun with this dream, and you, in ways I would have thought impossible…for as long as I make this dream last.”

  “Then, by all means”—he laughed—“use me as you wish.”

  She crawled across the bed to him on her knees. “I want to touch you like this.” She gently took his heavy balls in her hands and caressed them before she bent down to lick and kiss them. She heard him moan softly. “And”—she looked up into those dark brown eyes that were melting her own with his desire—“I want to suck your cock, and when I’m through tasting you, I want to feel you inside me because I need to know what it would be like to fucked by a man like you.” She giggled nervously, taking more of him into her mouth. She loved the way he tasted, like incense and spices mixed with warm cider. She continued to lick him until she knew she couldn’t wait any longer.


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