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Rosewood, Natalie - Octavia's Time [The Klawinken] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 7

by Natalie Rosewood

  “Yes, we do. And I’m here now, thanks to Mathieu.”

  “When did he call you?”

  “After you told him you didn’t like having your choices taken away from you.”

  “I know what I said hurt him, but I’m so confused and scared.”

  “I understand, but you have to understand how much he loves you, Octavia. His love is pure and good, and it’s exactly what you will need to help you discover the person you are destined to be, but always, Octavia, it will be your choice. The Klawinken never bind their people to them. Either you follow in your heritage because it is what you want, or you don’t. Mathieu knows now that his desire for you overtook his common sense. He’s afraid he’s scared you away from him, possibly forever.”

  Octavia looked out the window and saw Mathieu talking with Roger. “I feel like my life is not my own anymore now that Mathieu and I…you know.”

  “You and Mathieu mated, Octavia. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. He’s been watching over you for years, waiting until the time was right to give himself to you as he thought you would wish to give yourself to him. Normally in our culture, the women know what to expect and embrace their mate. But you and I are different. More different, I’m afraid, than you can imagine. However, that is not something we need to talk about now. I guess what I want to know, Octavia, is do you think you can accept Mathieu as your mate and love him?”

  Octavia continued to watch Mathieu from the window. She felt something for him. There was no doubt about that. He was her first, and the experience, although painful, had also brought her pleasure. She wished she had felt the oneness that Mathieu kept referring to. “I’m not sure I know what love is, but I do know that I care for him.” Seeing her sister’s face fall, she added, “I know he thinks he loves me. In time, I think I could love him.”

  Evenela smiled. “Mathieu loves you, and in time, you will love him. I know it. Because of your background, it’s just going to take a little longer than normal.”

  “Did it take you longer than normal with Carl?”

  “No. But remember, I left home before I turned twenty-one and had a chance to learn and understand the Klawinken ways prior to my first mating. Plus, I wanted to believe and be a part of the Klawinken family. I’m still not sure you want to believe.”

  Octavia tried to smile. “I do believe. It would be a little hard not to at this point. Being Klawinken is life changing.”

  “Yes, it is. And I might add, much for the better.” Evenela pushed a strand of Octavia’s hair behind her ear that had escaped from her ponytail. “Your life is only beginning, little sister, and it’s going to be wonderful. You just wait and see.”

  “Evenela, I’ve missed you so much.” Octavia hugged her sister tightly before she suddenly pulled back. “I need to call the homeless shelter and let them know I’m not coming in today.”

  “You volunteer. You always had a big heart.”

  “So do you. I’m counting on it for when you forgive our parents for not being truthful with us about the Klawinken.”

  Evenela started to say something and then stopped herself. “You go make your phone call, and I’ll let everyone know we’re ready for lunch. I know it’s a little early, but I have to get back to Boston today.”

  “I guess that means you don’t want to come back home with me.”

  “I can’t right now.” Evenela looked genuinely sad. “Besides, I’m not sure that would be fair to anyone. I think we may need to take this in stages.”

  Octavia nodded. She wasn’t going to fight with Evenela. They had only just reunited. Instead, she pulled out her cell phone and called the shelter to explain that her sister had arrived unexpectedly for a visit. The manager on duty was more than understanding. She promised she would make up for it next week by putting in some extra time after school. She didn’t want the children to think she had deserted them. She knew what it felt like it, and she would never want to do that to anyone else. Taking a deep breath, she and Evenela walked back toward the entrance of the gallery to have lunch with her new Klawinken family.

  Chapter 8

  Octavia still couldn’t believe that she was eating lunch across from her sister. Kala had ordered out from a delicatessen down the street that Roger raved made the best corn beef on rye in town. Kala had shown them to a private room off the gallery that she said would afford them privacy and where they wouldn’t need to worry about being rushed.

  Roger and Kala tried to put everyone at ease with funny stories that one started and the other finished. It was easy to see why they had mated. They were the epitome of the oneness that Mathieu had described. She knew by the way Mathieu’s eyes looked anywhere but at her that he was still hurt and angry, regardless of what he had told her. Evenela filled in the lapses in conversation with descriptions of her new home and her mate Carl who she couldn’t wait for Octavia to meet.

  Lunch was winding down when Roger blurted, “When I found out that one of my Klawinken gifts gave me the power to move faster than the speed of light without so much as a stomach upset…I don’t think my feet touched the ground for a month.”

  Kala smiled. “And I must say that after our first mating, I don’t think my feet touched the ground for six months.”

  Everyone laughed except Mathieu, who was obviously remembering their own first mating. Evenela must have sensed this because she quickly changed the subject. “I really want Mathieu to bring you to Boston, Octavia. I just love it there. And you can meet Carl and see my new house. I want you to meet our family. They’ve all been waiting for you as they were waiting for me.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “I’ll take you there whenever you wish,” Mathieu said quietly.

  “It’s just that I’m not sure how Mom and Dad are going to take all this. They have been so adamant about my not believing in the Klawinken. I know they were wrong not to give me your letter and that they’ve made a lot of mistakes, but they do love us, Evenela…they really do.”

  “In my heart, I know they were just doing what they thought was right,” Evenela began, “but they knew how I was struggling. One word from them to our family in Boston, and they could have put an end to my anguish. But they didn’t, and that’s what I can’t forgive.”

  “But they’re your parents. I mean, you have to forgive them sometime.”

  “When Mathieu brings you to visit, we’ll have a long talk about everything.

  “Good...because it’s important to me that we work through this. I’m not giving up on bringing our family back together again.”

  “But for now, like we talked about earlier, I think it’s best that you not tell them you saw me. I’m not sure they would understand.”

  Octavia shook her head in agreement. “You’re right. It would be too hurtful for them to know you were here and that you didn’t want to see them.” She stared at the half-eaten sandwich on her plate, not knowing what else to say.

  “You know, Octavia,” Kala began, “I was thinking that maybe you might want to ask me or Roger some questions. We’re not direct family, but we’d both be happy to help you understand the Klawinken better.”

  Glad for the change in subject, she responded, “There’s so much I still don’t understand about these wonderful gifts you all talk about. When do they appear?”

  Evenela jumped in before Kala could answer. “Mine came soon after my mating with Carl. One night I found myself walking down the steps of Aunt June’s house when I suddenly couldn’t see my feet. One of my gifts, I discovered, was the gift of the chameleon, becoming one with my surroundings until I absorb them…making me invisible in certain circumstances. I can also see with startling clarity from great distances. Both are very useful gifts.”

  Kala smiled. “Yes, Evenela, they are both exceptional gifts. Mine didn’t come to me until many months after Roger and I mated for the first time. My gifts are of truth and suggestion. I cannot be lied to, and I can suggest things to people that they can’t resist doing, but always wi
thin the guidelines of the Klawinken code. And in a world where we are surrounded mostly by our human brother and sisters, it can come in very handy.”

  “So that’s why I couldn’t get resist the thought of having my nipples pierced.”

  Kala looked down at her lap. “Guilty as charged.”

  “Mathieu cleared his throat. “As you know, one of my gifts—is levitation. The others are speed and design.”

  Octavia smiled shyly. “I know about the levitation and probably should have guessed speed, since you have an uncanny knack of being right where you’re needed at just the right time. But design, what exactly is that gift?”

  “I can visualize a building before it’s built from the inside out. I can tell you everything that will be needed from pipes to roofing. I can just see things before they become a reality and anticipate problems. My true profession is that of a contractor.”

  “So nipple piercing is an art you learned with me in mind.”

  For the first time during their lunch, Mathieu’s eyes locked with hers. “Everything I do is with you in mind.”

  Tearing her eyes from his, she looked around the table. “Wow…I’m impressed with all of you. I can’t wait to find out what my gift or gifts might be.”

  “Now that you and Mathieu have mated, it shouldn’t be too long before your gifts find you. Just be patient.” Evenela reached for her sister’s hand and squeezed it meaningfully.

  “Patience is something we all need more of,” Mathieu stated, before he downed his drink.

  It had been an interesting afternoon. Seeing her sister had brought her so much happiness, and to know that she wanted to have a relationship with made her feel that there was hope that she could put her family back together again. When it was time to leave, she hugged her sister, not wanting to let her go. “I love you, Evenela, and I always have.”

  “I know. We’ll never be separated like that again, I promise.”

  * * * *

  The drive back to her parents’ house was quiet. Mathieu appeared as lost in thought as she was. She had felt his disappointment and unhappiness all afternoon, and it bothered her to know she was the reason why he was so down, but it also bothered her that she was still so uncertain of her future as a Klawinken.

  Attempting to break the silence, she said, “My parents will be home soon. You could meet them.”

  “You love your parents very much, don’t you?”

  “Yes. They have been good to me. I know Evenela still has hard feelings where they are concerned. But I feel there is hope for reconciliation.”

  Mathieu kept his eyes on the road. “You and Evenela need to talk. There are things that she needs to tell you.”

  “What do you know about my parents and Evenela?”

  “It’s between you and your sister. However, I meant what I said when I said I would take you to visit her.”

  She wanted to question him further. He knew things about her family that he was not telling her. However, by the firm set of his jaw and the way his fingers tightened on the steering wheel, she knew he had said all he was going to say on the subject.

  She watched him turn the car down the street before her own. He pulled up in front of a house at the end of the block, but before she could question him, he said, “This is where I live.”

  She was shocked by his revelation that was just one of many she had experienced that day. “You live right around the corner from me.” She paused. “For how long?”

  “For the past few years.” His eyes held hers, gauging her reaction, his body tense. Possibly he thought she was going to jump out of the car and run for home. She was becoming used to surprises.

  “You really have been watching over me.”

  “I’d like you to come in. That is”—he hesitated—“if you want to.”

  She knew if she said no, he would be upset. She felt badly that she had given him reason to doubt himself and wished she could take away the pain she had caused him. The least she could do was go in and see his home. “Of course I would. There’s still plenty of time before my parents come home.”

  He walked around to open her door and then took her hand in his as they strode up to his front door. As soon it closed behind them, Mathieu let out a growl as he pinned her body to the wooden door, his mouth coming down hard on hers.

  They slid down the length of the door to the floor, and then together they fell back onto the carpet as his body covered hers possessively. “Tell me you don’t feel what I feel? Tell me your body isn’t responding to mine,” he demanded.

  She was stunned, but she was also aroused. Mathieu’s body rubbing against her was having the effect he had hoped for. She couldn’t deny that she enjoyed the feel of his body. Maybe this time she would experience the oneness of the Klawinken.

  “I need you,” she breathed.

  With record speed, Mathieu pulled his hard cock out from his zipper and then tore open her jeans, sliding them down her hips along with her panties to her ankles where he tugged them off her, along with her shoes. The head of his cock found her center, and with a guttural moan that was pure animal, he plunged his himself deep inside her. There was no romance in this mating, just the primeval act of fornication. She gasped from the power of his entry that continued hard and fast, lifting her with him as he took what he wanted from her with little regard for the battering her body was being subjected to at his hands. “I love you, Octavia,” he cried.

  She owed him this. Evenela had said he was her mate. He needed her, and she wanted to please him, to make him happy. However, when she closed her eyes, it was the unwanted image of Tobias Morgan that looked back at her, his face set in hard lines of disapproval. She felt her body go cold. Mathieu didn’t seem to notice her lack of response as he continued to fuck her with unrelenting determination until his release flowed into her, and they slowly descended onto the carpet. Mathieu’s hard body pressed against hers as he pumped out the last reams of his cum between her legs. She was feeling a bit woozy and tingly all at the same time, and then everything went black.

  When she came to, she was laying naked across the same bed she had been on the last time she had dreamed of Tobias. He was standing in front of the open window against the backdrop of an afternoon sky, watching her. He was completely dressed in a black shirt and pants. His black hair hung long to his shoulders. He looked dark, sexy, and very dangerous. His dark eyes all but glittered in her direction. “Back so soon?” he inquired coldly.

  Was she losing her mind? She had been in Mathieu’s arms one minute, and now here she was with Tobias. How could she be dreaming now?

  “I’m not supposed to be here,” she choked out.

  “If you weren’t supposed to be here, you wouldn’t be.” He walked over to the bed and sat down. She looked for something to cover herself. He laughed with disgust.

  “Covering your body isn’t the answer, Octavia. It’s your desire for me to see your body naked and wanton like this, even when you’ve just been fucked by another man.”

  “No…I have to wake up. This isn’t right.”

  “To the contrary, you’re right where you should be, and subconsciously you know that. You see, Octavia, whether you realize it or not yet, your gift is time. You have the gift of moving through time as few know how to do, and even though you don’t know how to control it yet, you will learn.”

  “How do you know about my gift? You’re only someone I imagined I wanted to…”

  “Fuck,” he finished for her. “Well, then I should oblige you since you’re here, especially since your lover doesn’t know how to please you the way I do.”

  She watched him stand to disrobe, leaving his clothes wherever they fell. He towered over her, staring into her eyes for what seemed like forever before he said, “You need me, Octavia. You can’t find what you’re looking for without me.”

  “That’s not true,” she whispered, as she watched his body cover hers, his lips claiming hers in an all-consuming kiss that spoke to her very soul. Sh
e didn’t know where his tongue began and hers ended. She couldn’t stop herself from crushing her lips even harder into his. Theirs was a desperate, hungry need that overtook all her senses, forcing her body to mold with his in whatever way he desired. She belonged to him, to this dream lover who was making her love him with every kiss and caress. Her legs opened wide, exposing her dripping wet pussy that ached with her need for him. When he lifted himself to push his full length into her in one swift motion, she screamed his name. His whole body shook as she felt his release pushing her to even greater heights. The last time they had been together, she had experienced passion so powerful she thought she had died for a few seconds. But this time, it was like there were no limitations to how far she could ride the exquisite torture he breathed into body. With him her world had become one unending tidal wave of pleasure. When she was finally able to breathe again, she looked deep into Tobias’s eyes that were staring at her as if he had never seen her before. Tears ran down her cheeks as she mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  “Go back to him now,” were the only words she heard before she was once again overtaken by the darkness.

  This time when she opened her eyes, she knew she wasn’t dreaming. She was in a strange bedroom lying across what had to Mathieu’s bed. “Mathieu,” she called out weakly.

  She heard his footsteps running up the hall steps. “Octavia, you’re finally awake.”

  “I don’t know what happened,” she whispered. She felt her cheeks. They were still wet with her tears.

  “Our mating was more powerful than you could handle.” He smiled, a finger gently touching her wet cheek. “It will always be powerful, but you will learn to enjoy it completely with me. I can feel our love in every fiber of my body. I hope you believe me now when I tell you we are now forever one.”

  Octavia looked up at the man who loved her so completely. “I know you love me, Mathieu.”

  She thought back on what Tobias had told her about time being her gift. Was he right? If she had been given the gift of time, would her dreams end? She didn’t want them to end, but she knew they had to because even now Tobias’s dark eyes and sensual mouth haunted her as she lay in Mathieu’s bed. I can’t love Tobias. I can’t love a man that doesn’t exist except in my own mind.


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