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Fire & Ice

Page 12

by Aurelia Skye

  Chapter Twelve

  North was still in a pleasant state of bliss when she made her way to the dining room to join the Drakkens for dinner. Kriss held out a chair for her, and she sat down between him and Lyssa’s empty seat as she flashed a secret smile at Ryland and then Orin. The others arranged themselves around the table, and the meal was underway.

  Lyssa was a few minutes late, and her hair was covered by a headscarf. She clearly wasn’t ready to share her secret romance with her parents yet, and North respected that. She focused her attention on Kriss and Eli, who sat across from her. Marek was at his side, while Orin sat beside Lyssa, and Ryland was across from him. The queen and king were directly on Kriss’s side, both seated at the head of the table, but she didn’t try to engage them in conversation. She knew from experience it would be a pointless task.

  At first, it seemed like it would be another sedate dinner with the Drakkens, but that changed halfway through the meal. Orin reached for the butter, and a bangle on his wrist caught Lyssa’s headscarf. She froze, as did Lyssa, watching in horror as he tried to disengage the fabric from his jewelry. There was a dismaying moment of calm before everyone noticed what her headscarf had covered as it slipped free from her head, still clinging to his bangle.

  She locked gazes with Lyssa, trying to convey her support, as the queen let out a shrill cry.

  “What have you done to your hair? We have official photos…” Risa trailed off as she got up and strode forward. She lifted a hunk of Lyssa’s hair and examined it closely. A moment later, her robustly pink complexion paled. “Is that magic?”

  “What magic?” asked King Thorne as he pushed back from the table.

  North reached for Kriss’s hand, needing support, as she took Lyssa’s in her other one to offer the same. She braced herself as Lyssa squeezed her hand, knowing how much worse this was for her friend.

  “It looks like her magic has mingled somehow…with an ice being’s.” The queen shook her head as though discarding the notion. “Impossible.” She tugged at the strand of hair still in her hand, making Lyssa visibly wince. “What kind of spell have you cast to do this?”

  “Nothing,” said Lyssa in a quiet voice.

  North squeezed her hand a bit harder before easing the pressure. She wanted to remind Lyssa she had at least one ally at the table. Other than Marek and Kriss, who both might be appalled, she was certain her other men would be allies too.

  “This didn’t just happen on its own.” Risa’s eyes narrowed to slits. “What have you been doing?”

  Lyssa clamped her lips shut.

  Risa yanked once more. “Answer me. Where are you going when you slip away from the palace, often with your new friend in tow?”

  North shuddered when the suspicious gaze switched to her. She stiffened her spine and met the other woman’s gaze as levelly as she could.

  “Mother, release Lyssa’s hair before you pull it out, and stop glaring at North. I’m not sure what’s going on, but you’re definitely overreacting, whatever it is,” said Kriss.

  Risa’s lips curled, but she released her hold on Lyssa’s hair. Her glare didn’t waiver from North though. “What have you done to my daughter? You’ve corrupted her with your beastly ways. Raised by a human and tainted by noir—how could it be any other way?”

  North had no idea what noir was, but she focused on the first part. “I was raised as a human, but my father was a Caladrius. I’m not sure what I am, but I haven’t corrupted anyone.”

  “She had nothing to do with it, Mother. All North did was deliver a few messages.” Lyssa spoke softly, but her voice gained strength as she continued. “I’ve done nothing wrong either. I refuse to believe loving someone is wrong.”

  Kriss’s hand had stilled on hers, and he turned to frown at North now. “What’s she talking about?”

  “Just listen,” snapped Lyssa before North could speak. “I’ve met someone, and we love each other. We are going to be together, and nothing you say can change that.”

  “Who?” asked Kriss quietly.

  Marek suddenly snarled a single word. “Milo.”

  Lyssa and North both jerked. She looked questioningly at him as Lyssa trembled beside her under the force of her parents’ glares.

  “What makes you think that?” North whispered, but he somehow heard her in the deathly silence.

  “He’s been so bloody cheerful recently. Not at all like him, when he’s usually moping around.”

  Lyssa seemed to brighten at Marek’s words, which would have soothed her doubts. North patted her hand quickly to share her joy.

  “Milo, as in the bloody second prince to the Haedran throne?” Thorne thundered the words, and his face was so red it looked like he might explode in flame for a moment. “I won’t have it. You’re through with him. Do you hear me?” He shouted the question.

  North wasn’t sure what spurred her to act—whether it was the injustice of the situation, or if it was the mingled fear and sorrow on Lyssa’s face. “Of course she heard you. We all did—but you can’t just decree she stop loving Milo and expect that to happen. You should see them together. They’re so happy…”

  Kriss tugged his hand from hers. “You’ve helped them?” His disgust spoke volumes.

  She flinched at the force of it, but looked away from him to face the enraged king. “Lyssa and Milo love each other, and their union could heal this realm. Do you really want to stand in the way of that?”

  His brow furrowed, but then he crossed his arms over his chest. “Either you renounce this scandalous romance, Lyssa, or you abdicate.”

  Lyssa’s hands trembled as she pulled away from North and pushed back from the table. “Fine. I abdicate. Enjoy ruling, Kriss.” With a huff, she tossed down her napkin and strode across the room.

  Kriss looked like he’d been struck in the face. “You aren’t just going to let her leave, are you, Father?”

  “She’s made her choice,” said the king in a resolute fashion.

  “So have I. Thank you for your hospitality, but I don’t want to impose further.” North pushed back from the table, evading Kriss’s hand when he reached for her arm. She didn’t look at the royal couple or the others as she strode across the room, mimicking Lyssa’s exit. Hers was different though—her men surrounded her, except for Kriss. She couldn’t let herself look back at him, or her steps might falter.

  They arrived at Milo’s palace hours later. It had rained as they left Celestina, and then it was freezing in Haedra. She felt like a bedraggled mess, and the others around her looked equally miserable—especially Lyssa. Only Marek seemed to be suffering more, but he’d had the good sense to grit his teeth and not offer his opinion on the situation. Not that she needed him to. She could clearly read his disapproval, and the heartbreak of it matched how pained she was by Kriss’s withdrawal.

  Perhaps the Oracle was right, and that only one would be her husband? They would dwindle and drop out of consideration on their own accord each time she did something they considered wrong. That was unfair to think of the others, but she wouldn’t have imagined Kriss would react as he had either, by letting her walk away.

  She forced aside thoughts of herself when a servant opened the door and admitted them through the grand entrance. She moved around the men to approach Lyssa, standing shoulder to shoulder with her—except the other woman was a few inches taller.

  There was a ruckus, and then royal family members appeared one by one. Milo was first, and he was clearly startled at the sight of all of them, but his gaze softened when it rested on Lyssa. A nightcap covered his hair, making it impossible to see how her magic had mingled with his. The king came next, followed shortly by the queen.

  “I apologize, but we weren’t expecting you this late, North,” said Queen Tempest. She looked a little flustered, but sounded as gracious as ever.

  North stepped forward, curtseying awkwardly. “I’m sorry to show up unannounced, but we’re no longer able to stay with the Drakkens.”

Arlo frowned. “Why ever not? They made such a bloody issue about hosting you half the time of your visit.”

  “It’s my fault,” said Lyssa softly.

  The king blinked. “Oh, Princess Lyssa, I didn’t see you there.”

  Milo stepped forward then. “And mine.” As he spoke the words, he moved behind Lyssa to put a hand on her shoulder. He used the other one to sweep off his nightcap and drop it on the marble. “I assume her parents discovered our relationship and told her to leave.”

  The king and queen gasped, going even paler than usual. Queen Tempest actually swayed for a moment, but then regained control. “What romance?” Her tone was mild, but she was clearly struggling to verbalize the question.

  “They’ve been seeing each other for a while. I’d guess a couple of weeks, judging by how moronically happy Milo’s been,” said Marek in a dry tone.

  North frowned at him, waiting to see if he would stand with his brother, or against him.

  Milo nodded as Lyssa leaned against him for support. “When North passed our messages, it allowed us to admit what we’ve both known for a long time. We love each other and will be together. Even our magic is entwining now.”

  “This can’t happen,” said King Arlo, but with more sadness than sternness. “You’re far too different.”

  “Your people used to be one, and they could be again,” said North softly. “This is a chance to reunify your realm. Lyssa and Milo can lead you into a new, peaceful future.”

  “I’ve abdicated, remember?” asked Lyssa.

  “So have I, so that leaves the parents in a pickle,” said Kriss suddenly.

  North whirled around, shocked to see him. “What are you doing here?” Her tone was unwelcoming.

  He flinched, but took a deep breath. “I was stunned by the revelation, but quickly adapted. I stayed behind trying to talk sense into my parents, but they’re too overwrought tonight. When I made it clear I wouldn’t rule either, I think they realized they’re going to have to get past their prejudices.” His tone softened, and he looked at his sister. “Give them a little time, sis, and I think they’ll come around.”

  Lyssa looked like she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. “I’m not as optimistic as you.”

  “Well, what’s your say on this matter, Father?” asked Milo of the king. “Should we pack and leave, or can you accept my love for Lyssa?”

  The king and queen shared a long look before the queen nodded once. King Arlo still looked discomfited, but his tone was confident when he said, “Of course you must stay. You’re the heir, and your happiness is paramount. We’ll find quarters for Princess Lyssa and discuss treaties and contracts in the morning.”

  There was a palpable easing of tension all around, and the royals left them a moment later as staff came forward to show Lyssa to a room. Milo remained at her side.

  Other staff approached North and her entourage, leading them to their usual quarters. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be alone, but she wasn’t ready to face Kriss. He pushed his way inside anyway, closing the door behind him. She looked up at him, wounded. “You stayed behind.”

  “And I explained why. I’m sorry I reacted badly to start with, but do you have any idea how taboo their joining is in our culture? It’s been that way for centuries—even before the realms split, there were barely any interspecies marriages. Fire and ice don’t mix. Or didn’t.”

  She sighed. “I understand, but it hurt when you didn’t back me up.”

  He nodded. “I know, but I was reacting from the perspective of my people to Lyssa and Milo, not trying to refuse you support. They’re in for a rough road, and acceptance isn’t guaranteed, but I promise you they have my support.” He moved closer, kissing her hand. “As do you.”

  It was so hard to tug free her hand—not because he tried to force her to stay, but because she didn’t want him to let go. “But what about Marek? If I pick you and him, the two of you will always be fighting.”

  His eyes widened. “Are you thinking of keeping both of us?”

  She shifted uncomfortably. “Only those who want to be kept, and who can build bonds with the other men.” The tone was laden with warning. “I’m not interested in picking just one, but I can’t choose partners who will sew discord.”

  He blinked. “I see. That gives me some things to think about, but just so you know—” He swooped forward and kissed her deeply for a moment before continuing. “I want you, North, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

  She took a shaky breath, making herself take a step back. “Prove it.”

  His eyes narrowed before darting to the bed. “How?” His voice was thick with hope.

  She couldn’t help laughing a bit, though his face fell. “Prove it by working out something with Marek. Settle your differences, and when you have, both come to me and…claim me.” Her lips trembled as she spoke the words. A rush of apprehension and anticipation whirled through her as she acknowledged exactly what she was offering—to become the lover of both, but only if they took her at the same time.

  He blinked again and took a step back. “That’s a lot to do in a short time, my flame.”

  “There’s no time limit,” she said softly.

  He inclined his head. “I have things to do.” His parting was abrupt, but he didn’t seem to be emotionally withdrawing from her as he turned and left her room. Rather, he had an air of determination that seemed promising—and might meant she would have to fully surrender herself to both of them if they could form a bond that allowed them to claim her without fighting or jealousy.

  That was a terrifying, but heady, prospect.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The first time she worked with them together, she expected them to stake a mutual claim. Instead, they just worked with her on strengthening her fire and water magic. Their goal seemed to be to train her to instinctively switch between each ability without even having to think about which would be better for a given situation.

  She was encouraged by their show of cooperation, and that they only occasionally argued, but was perplexed that they hadn’t pushed her to allow them to claim her. She was ready—more than ready after hours spent in their company, pressed close to both, surrounded by their scents, and fantasizing about both of them taking her simultaneously. Her frustration was reaching a fever pitch by the time a week had passed.

  When she met with them that afternoon in the water room where Marek had first taken her, she sensed something different right away. It wasn’t because they immediately assaulted her with magic, with Marek sending a blast of water at her as Kriss punched a ball of fire from the opposite direction. She was used to their sneaky tactics, and she was able to deflect both fire and water, though it certainly wasn’t easy.

  Something else told her today was the day. It was in the way they watched her, and perhaps even in the predatory way they stalked toward her after she had averted their attack. They moved in a coordinated way, though they approached her from opposite directions, reaching her at exactly the same time. She doubted they had practiced the motions, so they seemed to have found some kind of groove instinctively.

  It buoyed her, and her heart raced when Marek put a hand on her shoulder as Kriss did the same with the other. They leaned forward at the same time, Kriss pressing a kiss to the left side of her face while Marek kissed her right cheek. “Is it time?” She almost sighed the question.

  “Yes, if you’re ready,” said Marek.

  She nodded, unable to speak for a moment. She was nervous, but equally excited. No, she was more excited than scared, she decided, as Kriss moved behind her, and Marek moved in front of her. She shivered when Kriss pushed the hair off her back to her shoulder, so his lips could drift across the side of her neck.

  Marek moved closer, grasping a handful of her hair as he brought his mouth to hers in a consuming kiss. She surrendered to his touch, and to Kriss’s, closing her eyes and losing herself in the sensations as their mouths moved over her w
hile their hands roamed freely.

  Marek brought his lips to her ear, whispering, “I’ve been wanting this for so long. I need you, North.”

  A band in her heart loosened at the words as they assuaged her fear that the reason he’d recently been physical with her was mostly to boost their magic. If he’d been longing for her the whole time, he hadn’t been using a sexual connection just as a way to share power. It had meant more.

  She was lost to the passion, but not so immersed in it that she wasn’t aware of how they worked together. Kriss undid the buttons on the front of her dress, and Marek slipped it off her shoulders. The fae fabric would’ve transitioned to something slinky and sexy, but it was not back from the wash yet. She was glad to be wearing more mundane clothing, since it forced them to work together to undress her, and she needed their cooperation. They were proving to her with every touch and every stroke that they had found a peaceable way to get along to make the arrangement work.

  Kriss’s mouth drifted down the back of her neck to trace the line of her spine, where he pressed teasing, nibbling kisses interspersed with light flicks of the broadside of his tongue as he made his way to her lumbar area.

  As though following suit, Marek broke from her mouth to trail his lips down her chin to the column of her throat, but veered off to sample first her left breast and then her right, before resuming a clear path downward. She trembled and held her breath as his mouth reached her core, his fingers lightly separating her folds so his tongue could streak inside.

  North clung to his shoulder as Kriss supported her when she leaned backward. His mouth continued lower, dipping to the dimpled crease of her buttocks, but his tongue didn’t trace that dark path. Instead, he looped around one of her cheeks before his tongue surged inside her opening as Marek tongued her clit.


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