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Vampire Friend (Vampire Hero Book 2)

Page 14

by V. B. Andrian

  “God, no! I was only forced to go on a single date with the bloke and it wasn’t exactly fun. He’s merely delusional.”

  His shoulders relaxed, but his frown remained. “I don’t understand. If he’s not your fiancé, or your boyfriend, or whatever, what right does he have to ask you to go back?”

  I shrugged again. “The right that he thinks he’s earned from Mother. She’s been grilling him for years, planning with his mother to mate me with him.”

  Nate’s eyes flashed with anger. “Mate you? What are you, a mare? That’s ridiculous! You’re no one’s property to just give you away.”

  I nodded and smiled, trying to get him to relax again. “I know. They don’t, but there is nothing either of them can do about it. I’m not going back.”

  He nodded and draped an arm over my shoulders, pulling me close to him. “Good. Next time he calls, I hope I’m there to answer myself. I’d love to share a few words with the ass-wipe.”

  I smiled, extremely happy to this show of protection. Because that was how he made me feel. Protected. Safe. “I can handle him, have no worries. How are you? Didn’t see you yesterday.”

  Nate nodded and gave me a lop-sided grin. “Thought I’d give you some space in case you wanted to relax from me.”

  I shot him a dry look as an answer. “Don’t start again, Nate. We’ve been over this.”

  He nodded, but then his smile faded. “I didn’t sleep last night. I was tossing and turning all night. I don’t know what you’re doing, Ali, but if you’re not there, I can’t sleep. Is that selfish?”

  My heart pounded happily. “Not selfish, Nate. Just odd. Maybe you’ll have some sleep tonight. Try drinking some chamomile tea.”

  He shook his head, leaning his forehead on the side of my face. “What will I do, Ali? What if nothing works and I can’t ever sleep again? I can’t do this anymore.”

  I turned slightly, barely enough to put a hand on the side of his face, but without letting his forehead drop. “Then I’ll just have to come and sleep with you for as long as you need.”

  He pulled slightly back, searching my eyes with a look of despair in his. It hit me right in the stomach, and I knew I’d do anything to help him. “You promised you’d tell me if it was too much. Don’t forget that.”

  “I won’t. I’ll tell you,” I whispered. I wasn’t sure I would tell him.

  He sighed in relief and gave me a grin. “So you’ll sneak in my bed tonight?”

  I laughed softly. “Sneak in? Is it wrong for Kay and Evy to see us?”

  He frowned again. “They don’t understand. They think I’m being an asshole with you, which doesn’t help with my own fears.”

  “Well, your fears are baseless. And will you finally stop? It’s me you need to listen on this and no one else. And if you want me to be there and help you sleep, I won’t be sneaking around. How would I ever be able to leave in the morning?”

  He pulled me to him again and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Okay. By the way, I’m glad you went shopping with Evy. This color suits you.”

  I was wearing one of the plain tank tops Evy had chosen, a pale-pink one and a pair of denim shorts. I felt my face heating up. “Thank you.”

  He smiled widely, his green eyes locking with mine. His fingers grabbed a strand of my hair and stroked it. “Your hair seem to shine when you’re wearing bright colors. As do your eyes.” He feathered a kiss on my cheek. “See you tonight?”

  I nodded, nearly breathless. “See you tonight.”

  I watched him swagger away, my heart and my bones a puddle on the floor.

  Oh, Nate, with your mixed signals.

  And that was how we were for the next three weeks. Every weekend I would spend in Nate’s flat, hanging out with him, Kay, Evy and Luke, just doing whatever we were in a mood for. I got really close with all of them, especially Evy. And Kay. And Luke. Bloody hell, I got really close with them all, full stop.

  The point was that I finally had friends. In plural, more than one at a time.

  On weekdays, I would sleep as much as I could at Nate’s. For him to come to my dormitory was out of the question, so I would do my best to go to his place. And every time I’d manage that, he would hold me in his arms and sleep.

  And because of all the sleep he was calmer, happier. Better. You could see it in everything about him: his laughter, his eyes, his music… And every day I woke up in his arms, I could feel another piece of my heart slipping away from me.

  I’d fallen immensely in love with him.

  And he had no idea.


  “Did you find a female trainer?” I asked Luke as I stepped off the treadmill and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

  “Did you ask Ali out?” he asked back.

  I frowned. “That’s pretty much none of your business now, is it?”

  He gave me a sideways glance. “True. But she’s my friend, and seeing as you’re not interested, I was thinking of having a friend of mine ask her.”

  Now why did I want to punch the hell out of Luke and that friend of his? I fisted the towel in my hands, trying really hard to calm down. Ali wasn’t mine. I had no right to be jealous. “How old is he?” I tried in a nonchalant way.

  Luke’s lips tipped up in one corner. “A couple of years older than me.”

  I frowned some more. “Isn’t he a little old for her? She’s only eighteen. That’s nine years.”

  He chuckled. “So what, he’s old?”

  “For her? Yeah, he is.” I positioned myself under the weight bar. I really wanted this conversation to end.

  “Don’t you think it’s up to her to decide that? Unless you two are seeing each other.”

  I drew in a loud breath as I pushed the bar up. “We’re not seeing each other.”

  Luke clapped his hands once. “Great. Then I’ll give her number to a really good friend of mine, Sean.”

  I was this close to fucking throw the weight bar on his head. I could make the distance. “It’s not right to give someone’s number if they haven’t given you the permission.” I had no idea what other bullshit I was going to say next. I didn’t want that guy Sean going out with Ali. Fuck, I didn’t want anyone going out with her. And I seriously needed to stop that.

  “Oh, I’ll call her first, don’t worry about that. Or maybe I’ll just call Sean to come meet her here. That way he can ask her directly.”

  I huffed and put the bar back on the stand before sitting up. “What is this? Why are you so hell bent on finding Ali a date? Don’t you think she can manage on her own?”

  Luke’s smirk split his face in two. “Of course she can. But with you getting all up in her personal space and her having a crush on you, I don’t see anything happening without a little help.”

  “What if she doesn’t need your help?” I scoffed, choosing to ignore the part where he said Ali had a crush on me.

  Luke burst out laughing. “So let me get this straight. You’re not with her, you don’t want to be with her, and yet you don’t want anyone else to try? Do you see the wrong in this, Nate, or should I call a shrink to help?”

  I dropped my head in my hands. “Sometimes you’re really annoying, you know that?”

  “Only because I tell the truth, Nate. And truth is a bitch that barks and bites.” He came to sit behind me. “What do you want, Nate? Because torturing that girl is not fair and you know it.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know, Luke. I don’t have a fucking clue. Every instinct in me is yelling that I should keep Ali close. And yet every time I think of Kiara I get this… this feeling of guilt in my chest. And I can’t…” I trailed off because there were so many things that could finish that sentence. I can’t breathe. I can’t move on. I can’t love again. I can’t lose another.

  Luke remained silent for a moment. And in that silence I knew he understood. “Shit, man. I know. Here’s the thing though: you can’t keep putting your life on hold because of grief. You’re always going to miss Kiara. You loved her. You’l
l always love her. But she’s not here, Nate. She’s not. She’s moved on and you have to as well, in your own way. It’s not healthy, man. You have to live your life and she gets to experience the after. Nothing binds you to her other than memories. Your love for her is just a memory now, Nate. Remember her, but nothing else. It’s how it is.”

  I didn’t answer. Because I knew he was right. But I also didn’t know if I could do it.

  Luke stood and walked towards his office. “Nate.” I looked up to meet his steely-grey eyes. “There’s nothing else I or anyone can say to help you. It’s just you. And we’re going to leave you to do this on your own. But Ali… Don’t break her, man. She’s the sweetest thing. If you can’t be what she wants, let her go. Don’t hold her back as well. It’s not fair to her.”

  Fuck! He was right. But I didn’t want to lose Ali. I was the most selfish bastard alive.

  I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t forget my feelings for Kiara, which would make it impossible for me to fall in love with anyone else.

  I needed to talk to Ali. She needed to know I couldn’t ever be more for her.

  Chapter 10


  Papers and books were scattered all over my bed. After five weeks of studying Kiara’s research, I still didn’t have a clue where to pick up from. So, in an attempt to figure something out, I’d spread her notes in front of me, categorized by kind. Personal thoughts and notes, possible formulas, test results etcetera.

  The biology and chemistry books were laid open on subjects that related to vampiric blood, and accordingly based formulas that served all kinds of purposes.

  My mind was a reeling mess. It was Thursday afternoon and Nate hadn’t yet called. He usually called every afternoon to beg for me to go sleep with him. The times I couldn’t go were few, he knew that. And if he called tonight I would definitely go, without question.

  With a shake of my head, I returned my focus on the research. I hadn’t given much of it on Kiara’s thoughts, since I was certain I could remember every little detail she’d written. So I picked up that bunch and started reading again.

  “The subject’s immunity is very much based on the growth process. The subject received enzyme blood before the Gene was strong enough to register the effects. It’s also possible the amount of blood, being so little, was a huge factor of the immunity process.”

  I sighed. All this part told me was that the subject had received very little blood at a very young age. It didn’t refer to the specific age, but as it was, any under-aged vampire’s blood would do. I simply needed to retain some samples from donors younger than seventeen years old.

  “The donor of the enzyme-filled blood was also at a young age. However, the enzyme was fully effective. The donor’s blood was as lethal as any.”

  Another sigh. No. Nothing here either.

  “The subject’s immunity is not the only study-worthy phenomenon. The donor’s organism has developed a type of addiction to the enzyme-enhanced vampire blood. The healing effects of the vampire blood were effective to the donor only when the specific subject had consumed the donor’s blood. No other blood would heal the donor. Therefor it’s safe to assume that only enzyme-enhanced vampire blood would work on the donor. The particular phenomenon though is not possible to analyze, since no other vampire is known to be able to consume enzyme-filled blood in order to test whether the donor needed vampire blood filled with enzyme, or specifically vampire blood affected by her own blood.”

  This was a little confusing. Something in the theory about the donor was bothering me. I read it again and again and I finally saw it. Her. Kiara had hastily scribbled those thoughts and got carried away, her caution slipped, and she noted that the donor was a girl. But did it matter? Maybe it would if I knew the donor and the subject. But I didn’t so what was the point of focusing on that?

  I dropped back on the bed in frustration. The ceiling seemed to spin for a moment as I focused on it. Everything would be so much better if I knew the subject and the donor. All I knew of them was that they’d met at a very young age and had tasted each other’s blood. Now, why did that sound familiar?

  I startled when someone knocked on the door. Probably one of Julia’s friends looking for her. I didn’t bother moving to answer. I needed the privacy and I had no patience whatsoever to deal with any wally friends of hers.

  The knock came again and I glared at the door. Go away. I sent all my Jedi powers on that door, willing whoever was behind it to give up.

  “Ali?” Nate’s voice made me jump up. “Ali, you in?”

  I hurried to the door and swung it open. “Nate! What are you—?”

  He hurried in and circled his arms around me, lifting me up in a hug. His face buried in my hair. I let out a small sound of surprise and looped my arms around his neck. His nose was touching my neck and he was breathing deeply.

  I stilled, not knowing what this was about, while my heart was leaping in happiness to his closeness. “Nate,” I whispered and, honestly, I didn’t know if I had the willpower to speak any louder. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

  My question made him press into my neck a little harder. He didn’t give me an answer, just kept taking deep breaths and exhaling through his mouth. Goose bumps broke out all over my skin, starting from where his breath hit and moving downwards. Heat started building inside me, slowly gathering between my legs. I was so turned on by his closeness it wasn’t even funny.

  “Nate,” I breathed again. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled without removing his face from my neck. “I’m sorry, Ali. I’m so sorry.”

  His sadness hit me like a punch in the stomach. Fear turned my blood cold and a lump formed in my throat. I knew what he would say.

  I brought my hands up and sank my fingers in his hair at the back of his head. “It’s alright, Nate. I know. I know you are. It’s alright.” I kept my voice low because I didn’t know what it would sound like out loud. Probably strained.

  He lowered me down again and pulled back to look at my face. Lines of pain were etching his, and I brought one hand around to try and smooth them away. His own hands cupped my face. I felt his fingers shake and the lump in my throat tightened.

  “But it’s not. I’m an ass and you…” he closed his eyes and I let my fingers graze over his eyelids. “I can’t do it, Ali. I wish I could, but I can’t. I know how you feel.” He opened his eyes again and our gazes locked. “I can see it in your eyes when you look at me. And I tried. I really did. But this is not fair to you. I can’t hurt you, I can’t. Please, please try to understand.”

  I nodded because it was all I could do. I couldn’t stand looking at him anymore. I pressed my cheek on his chest and closed my eyes tightly, struggling to keep the tears down. “I’m sorry too.” I managed after a while. “I said I’d tell you if it got too much and I didn’t. I couldn’t, Nate. I just wanted to spend as much time with you as possible.”

  His arms tightened around me. I felt him lowering his body and I followed. He sat on the floor, with his back against the side of the bed and settled me between his legs, his arms still wrapped around me. “I know, babe. I knew from the start. And I used it. I used you, Ali. Because I’m selfish.” His hands sank in my hair and massaged the back of my head. “I needed your sweetness and your love, but I didn’t give anything back.”

  I shook my head, a tear finally slipping out. “But you did. You gave me a lot. I knew you didn’t feel the same way, but I stayed, Nate. Not because of my hope you one day would, but because I was being selfish too.” I pulled back to look in his eyes. “Don’t apologize. I don’t…” I swallowed, trying to push the lump back. “I don’t ask for anything. Only to be around, to be your friend. I know you won’t feel the same and I’m okay with it. I am.” I sounded desperate, I knew. But no matter how much this hurt I still didn’t want to lose him. I was willing to do anything just to be around him, even as a friend.

  He shook his head again and bro
ught his hands to the front, cupping my cheeks. His thumbs wiped the few tears away, and then continued moving in soft circles. “I can’t bear the thought of hurting you, Ali. And this does. I’ve never seen you cry before and I caused this. How can you even stand to be around me?”

  “Because I’m in love with you,” I whispered. He closed his eyes tightly and drew in a shaky breath. I went on because I didn’t want it to end like this. “And if being around you causes me to hurt a little, I’m willing to take it. Don’t push me away, Nate. I know you don’t feel the same. I wish you did, but I understand. And I’m okay with it. I won’t ask you for anything, I swear. Just… let me be your friend. If that’s all you need then that’s all I ask.”

  He opened his eyes again and let them roam over my face. I kept repeating ‘please, please, please’ inside my head, begging for him to keep me close.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  His hands pulled me forward as he moved too, and he brushed his lips over mine. My heart stopped and then kicked into fifth gear. I sucked in a breath and let him. I was a masochist, really. But I would never stop him.

  It was my first kiss.

  With movements soft and languid, his lips brushed mine. He sipped at me but it was me who was getting drunk. He touched a piece of my soul so utterly deep I felt him to the marrow of my bones. When he pressed more firmly against my lips, continuing exploring them, my hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. My mind was empty and on fire at the same time. I knew this would change nothing between us, but I was too lost in that kiss to care. I wasn’t sure I would even care afterwards.

  So I kissed him back. I let my own lips follow his movements. His hands tightened on my face, but he didn’t push me back. He would, eventually, but I would take whatever little time I had.

  His lips were warm, soft and firm. His lower lip was trembling slightly, but his movements were sure. And then I felt his tongue tracing the seam of my lower lip and I opened to give him access. He dipped in and I sighed in his mouth. His hold on me tightened as he brought me even closer. I could feel him getting harder against my hip, and it made me bold. My tongue sought his and he moaned in my mouth, the vibration of it shooting straight to my core.


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