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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

Page 4

by Shelley Kaehr

  Chalk Readings

  Chalk was frequently prescribed by Cayce to ease stomach discomforts and itching:


  (Q) Any local application for the itching?

  (A) There may be added for that where the irritation becomes severe, those of Magnesia, Chalk and Tolu. This would be rubbed on. The tolu is, of course, that as is powdered.

  (Q) To be put on as a powder or an ointment?

  (A) As powder.


  Chalk, Magnesia, or Petrolagar, may be well to give the body in small quantities, keeping the system, or the stomach, sweet with small doses of any of those conditions that bring the normal digestion in system . . . Each would tend to reduce also the acid in the system.



  Although Cayce did not mention calcite by name in the readings, I believe it is one of the most important minerals on the planet at this time. It is an excellent source by which we may tap into the element of calcium and all the healing properties it contains. Calcite comes in many colors and varieties including red, blue, green, and yellow. All of these have similar healing properties, depending on which one you are attracted to. Calcite is a soothing, protective stone that is excellent to calm the nerves and ease problems with digestion, including everything from stomachaches to alleviation of food poisoning symptoms.

  One of the most important calcite deposits to date comes from the mine in Elmwood, Tennessee, which was recently closed. Usually calcite comes in cube-like formations, yet the Tennessee calcite is quite different structurally. It is found in huge golden-yellow crystals. The stones form this mine are particularly special, although there are also some very sweet pieces of calcite from China. The energy of the two are totally different, yet both bring something very important to the planet at this time.

  Golden calcite is currently carrying the frequency of the yellow ray, meaning it is vibrating at the same speed as the color yellow. This is the color that activates your solar plexus chakra, and because of that it is a stone that allows you to stand tall in your power, be courageous, and hold your ground.

  The sister to the amethyst called citrine was previously holding the yellow ray, but as planetary vibrations are shifting at an ever-increasing rate, the golden calcite has moved in to take its place. It is a much more peaceful energy than the citrine. Using the stone makes you feel like you are being held and comforted with a warm blanket wrapped around you. It is very nurturing and makes you feel as though everything will be okay, no matter how chaotic things may appear in the world. It is one of the most important stones of the Age of Aquarius, and I believe it will continue to be so for the next 100 years.

  Cayce Uses

  It should be no surprise that there are over 850 references to calcium in 590 documents. Calcium is such an important building block for our body and Cayce clearly recognized that by offering several solutions for bringing more calcium into the body through diet and supplements. Calcium also helps circulation.

  Sample Calcium Readings


  (Q) Should I begin the calcium shots again?

  (A) We would preferably take calcium in a more soluble form, or that as may be better assimilated; such as in Calcios, and in calcium-producing foods—such as turnips, turnip greens, and those of that nature, as well as in the masticating of the small bony pieces especially of chicken—chicken neck, feet and the like. And spread lightly a whole wheat cracker with Calcios (as you would butter) and take every other day.

  (Q) What causes the cold spot in left side of back, and what should be done to correct it?

  (A) Poor circulation. Stimulate better circulation through reducing the infectious forces. This may be done in the manner indicated, and aided with the proper amount, or better balance, of calcium.



  Atomic Number 6


  Carbon is the giver of life. In the molecules of almost all plants and animals, there is one common factor that links us all—carbon. It is the element that allows complex strings of atoms to be connected and is the primary component of our DNA, which is a complex carbon molecule.


  Diamond is the crystalline form of carbon and is one of the most beloved members of the mineral kingdom, which we will look at later in the book. Coal is a non-crystaline form of carbon. All forms of carbon have the potential to realign and heal our DNA, as well as assist in the activation of dormant DNA. There is a theory that humans have many strands of DNA lying dormant at the present time that we used to have connected and that by reactivating these strands, enlightenment can be achieved. Any form of carbon will work in assisting this process. You may not be able to go out and purchase several natural diamonds for use in healing, but coal can work the same at a fraction of the cost. And if the DNA is to be healed and reactivated in stages, coal can be used for the initial awakening. The other forms act as stepping stones up the DNA chain until all are activated and functioning.

  Charcoal Readings

  Charcoal is a popular natural remedy for all kinds of stomach ailments.

  Cayce himself had over two hundred readings during his lifetime and charcoal was recommended for him to use in the elimination of toxins in his system:


  Applying then those vibrations, as has been given, in the way and manner as has been given, with those properties to produce the normal eliminations through the intestinal tract, and giving the digestive system that strength to produce that necessary equilibrium for the eliminations to be carried in their normal manner from the system. Keep intestinal tract open, adding charcoal—bismuth—and those properties to the system that will cause the system to function more normal, see?


  Toxins produce taxation to the nervous system. The nervous system produces a taxation to the brain and sympathetic system. Hence we have that tired, dull, achey feeling, and the tendency to feel every bodily ailment that may come to the body, see? We have a complete cycle in these physical conditions.

  Now, to overcome these would be to take properties in the system that will produce nearer the correct assimilations. These we will find under present existing conditions in that of one Charcoal Tablet each day.


  Graphite, the material used to make pencils, is also a form of carbon. Synthetic diamonds are made of heated graphite, and although they are not considered as beautiful as naturally occurring diamonds, they are used in industry because they are just as hard as the real thing. These specimens can be used as the next step from the coal up the ladder of DNA activation. Graphite is the elemental form of carbon so it is a purer form of the element. The potential for using carbon in healing is limitless, if you consider that it is what makes up life, the goal in healing is to strengthen the life force and there is no better substance to use than carbon.

  Graphite Readings

  There is only one reading with a reference to graphite. Cayce was at a private home where one of the people there mentioned it in a psychic reading he was giving to someone about levitating:

  195-68 Reports

  Regarding the graphite, this is what I was trying to show her; should the graphite be taken from the body entirely, then the body would be levitated, as she saw herself and myself rising to the ceiling. As time goes on, and this mind studies more, it may be given to [195] how to dispense with this danger. That is, the problem is, to take out just sufficient graphite as to cause the vacuum to allow the sun’s rays to lift a weight without lifting the human being likewise.

  Carbon Steel

  Cayce absolutely understood the importance of carbon in healing, especially one variety, carbon steel. This was used as an immune system builder and can fight off the common cold and build a wall of protection around you and your family. Carbon steel is an extremely important part of the Edgar Cayce readings and was mentioned 41 times. Based on the following reading and many testimonials of this remedy, carbon steel is sold
in the Baar natural products catalog.

  Carbon is also one of the main components of the wet cell battery, which Cayce recommends to everyone as a remedy for: “any condition relating to the vibratory forces in physical body, especially that of first stages of rheumatism, catarrh, or any condition that affects the system regarding the eliminations for the body.” (1800-5)

  Carbon Steel Readings


  Do not take this as being something of superstition, or as something that would be a good luck charm—but if the entity will wear about its person, or in its pocket, a metal that is carbon steel—preferably in the groin pocket—it will prevent, it will ionize the body—from its very vibrations—to resist cold, congestion, and those inclinations for disturbance with the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages.

  This is a needed element, then, about the body.

  1842-1 Reports

  I began with this product on 12-27-72, and will keep this carbon steel around my neck until I die.

  Harsh words aren’t they? Results—This part amazes me to this day. I put this piece of steel around my neck the day I received it. To my surprise, “within three hours,” yes, three hours, I noticed a big, big change within my body. My cold actually began to break up. I couldn’t believe what had happened. To this day, I have been out in all kinds of weather while I am at work and others have began to get sniffles, and I have yet to sneeze. I have not taken anything, no cold tablets or anything, only the steel around my neck. The cold disappeared and has not returned, and I hope it never will. Ratings—“Excellent.”


  This we find would be well that everyone use such appliance, for the system would be improved in every condition that relates to the body being kept in attunement, as it were; for the forces as are exerted are such that the body responds to those conditions as are made by such an appliance, when constructed in the way and manner as given. Thus: Using two pieces carbon steel (plain, see?).


  Steel is mentioned in the readings 566 times—many of these readings deal with the stock market.

  Steel Readings


  As we find, from these vibrations, there are those effects from metallic substance that, because of certain elements in the blood supply, produce a very disagreeable and a very aggravating rash—wherever portions of the body become damp; forming into a running sore, or weeping eczema. The better manner to cope with the condition, as we find, is to change the environs, the surroundings. We would find better conditions if the activities were entirely in steel, or in other forms of metal than chromium or aluminum.


  (Q) What, if anything, does this portend as to steel stock price?

  (A) This, as has been given, that with the declaring of dividends there will become that advance as is seen for same, when much of same will be found in the hands of those who are gradually taking hold of same under the existent conditions.



  Atomic Number 24


  Discovered by French chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquein in 1797, chromium gets its name from the Greek word chromos meaning “color” because it can often produce green, red and yellow colors. Rubies get their red color and emeralds get their green color from the trace amounts of chromium found within them.

  Chromium provides an etheric shield for the subtle energy bodies, preventing any unwanted energies from passing through. This shield gives off a very high frequency that can act as a transmitter for sounds from higher dimensions of consciousness to pass through and deliver intuitive messages to the user, and chromium can be used to develop and enhance the gift of clairaudience.

  Besides emerald and ruby, several other minerals have traces of chromium in them including alexandrite, chromite, the ore of chromium, and uvarovite.



  Stichtite is another chromium-based mineral from Tasmania. It is a very unusual thin, light purple metallic-like stone with ties to the seven sister planets of the Pleiades. Stichtite allows us to connect with the energy of the Pleiades and the inhabitants of those planets who are coming in to assist us with various aspects of earth changes. It is an extremely high frequency stone that allows us to hear and access not only the advice and counsel from our brothers in space, but our own higher mind.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce never recommended the use of chromium, and in fact, told someone to avoid those vibrations. Like many readings, that suggestion is meant for the particular individual who received the reading. These days, you will find chromium picolinate tablets at all of the health food stores as a natural weight loss solution. Chromium helps the body burn stored fat and increases metabolism. The question about any possible long term side effects from this remains to be seen.

  Sample Chromium Readings


  (Q) Please suggest an occupation that would be better.

  (A) As indicated, work in any other type of metal—just so it is not chromium or aluminum. Steel would be better than tin or such combinations where there are the filings of metals, for the body should refrain from activity with these.



  Atomic Number 29


  Copper got its name from the Latin word cuprum, meaning “from Cyprus.” Despite its common uses in electrical wiring, copper is actually a rather rare element comprising only .007 percent of the earth’s crust. Copper has been around since the dawn of civilization, evidenced by the discovery of copper jewelry found in Iraq from 9000 B.C. It is considered humanity’s first metal showing up in ancient Sumeria and Egypt. The Egyptians were extremely skilled in working with copper, making everything from tools, cookware, and adornments such as headdresses and crowns. Copper plates were placed under the heads of the dead to assist them in the transition into the afterlife.

  Because it is an excellent transmitter of electricity, these properties can be used on the physical body to balance out electrical flow and energy within the body and bring balance. It can also bring mental balance and clarity and create the needed energy to shift situations.

  Arthritic conditions and circulation challenges can be addressed with copper. Lately the magnetic copper bracelets are popular. Using two magnets, one at each end of a band of copper, the bracelet can be worn and pain from arthritis may be lessened. Copper also helps the blood flow to the entire body, including, of course, the brain, so copper can also be used to enhance learning or memory. It can be used to increase circulation of the blood, increasing the flow of oxygen to various parts of the body.

  I have used copper on clients suffering from crippling cases of gout and arthritis with amazing results. The copper tends to reduce swelling and increase mobility to stiff joints quickly.

  Cayce Uses

  Mentioned 1205 times in over 600 readings, copper is used with other elements to produce both the wet cell battery and the radio-active device. Copper plates and nickel plates are recommended extensively because: “Copper and nickel are specified for the contacts because the one (copper) is strongly positive and the nickel is negative.” (1800-34 Reports)

  In the readings, copper is used to treat: cerebral palsy, epilepsy, dermatitis, birth injuries, and anemia.

  Sample Copper Readings


  (Q) Should both plates be of copper, and what size?

  (A) One of copper, one of nickel, very thin, just sufficient size that the vibrations may be received by the body, so that they will fasten around wrist and around ankle, left side and right side.



  Atomic Number 27


  Cobalt is a rare bluish-white metal found in igneous, or volcanic, rock. Discovered by Georg Brandt in 1737, it was previously mistaken with copper. Cobalt blue, used to color everything from glassware to cosmetics, is made from aluminum oxide mixed with cobalt [(Co(AlO2)2]. Cobalt is also
an essential trace element in our diet because it is a natural source of vitamin B12.



  Roselite is a rare pink-colored stone form Germany that has ancient links to the Knights Templar and the Rosy Cross. It will also connect you with the pure energy of love represented by the rose.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recognized the needed trace elements in the diet and recommended hundreds of people take a supplement called Calcios that contained cobalt, calcium, and other mineral elements. Because color therapy was also an important part of the readings, cobalt blue light was recommended to assist and calm the nervous system.

  Sample Cobalt Readings



  A diet supplement of young bone, marrow, protein, and essential minerals in colloidal form for better assimilation; calcium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, and zinc. These elements are in trace amounts and with naturally occurring associated factors such as found in young bone and marrow.


  Coordination of eliminations, and more of the vitality in assimilations in the system are needed. Such vital energy may be aided—not without the use of those as have been given—but by varying the character of the lights for the body. The ultra-violet changed to the Infra Red, as well as the green and blue. Cobalt blue, and nile green.



  Atomic Number 79


  Gold is the most precious and stunning of all elements. It has been a treasured part of society since ancient times. The chemical symbol comes from the Latin word aurum, which means “shining dawn,” and the name gold is derived from the Sanskrit word for gold, jval.

  Gold is a masculine metal. It is the yang—the forceful aggressive energy of conquerors and rulers and has been used by these types of people for ages. Wearing gold will enable you to become more aggressive in your life and to go and get what you want. The color gold is very powerful in healing. It creates a spiritual wall of protection around those who use it that cannot be penetrated. In hypnosis and guided imagery work, I always have the client imagine the golden ball of protective light around them. It serves as a psychic shield so that no ill can come to the person on their journey.


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