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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

Page 12

by Shelley Kaehr

  Sample Diamond Readings


  Pearls and diamonds are the stones that bring the vibratory reactions and the experiences in the environs of the entity.


  Cayce’s dream on Saturday morning, 12/5/25:

  I seemed to be led by Gertrude. There was actually a string on me. While it didn’t seem as something that bound me, but rather a feeling of security from losing my way. At times it was a cord, other times a heavy rope or chain. Others it was a rope of pearls and of diamonds, then plain glass beads. I could hear her calling me but I could never see her. I could even hear her urging Miss Gladys to get behind me and push me, and I could feel her pushing me over a hill or around a corner.

  And the interpretation of what the cords of diamonds and pearl represent:

  Each represents those which are the greater forces—Love, Charity, Faith, Courage—see?


  At the top put the cornucopia—this in bright colors, with the fruit of the spirit poured from same. Here these figures would be twelve in number. These take different shapes, mostly as of triangles, however, or not fully round as rolled from same. These would be indicated as brilliants, or as diamonds, or as precious stones.


  Ye would not use a delicate object, even as a razor, for sharpening pencils! Ye would not give thy diamonds to children, nor cast thy pearls to swine!




  Quartz was occasionally used in ancient Egypt when turquoise or other colored stones were unavailable. The name quartz originally came from the Greeks who called it krysallos, or ice, believing it to be a hardened form of ice. Later the term was applied to all forms of crystal. The German word quarz may also be linked to quartz. The stones were found in relics from China’s Ming Dynasty, and in pre-Columbian earrings. In the Tudor dynasty of England, Queen Elizabeth I employed the scrying, or crystal ball gazing, talents of Dr. John Dee who used a smoky quartz ball (now the official gem of Scotland) to foretell future events. Dee claimed to communicate with the archangel Enoch and developed an Enochian alphabet and writings from those discussions. He also provided the Queen with weekly astrological forecasts and served as adviser to Elizabeth until his death, always with his crystal ball near his side.

  Technologically quartz has aided the advancement of man in radio transmitters and computers like no other stone.

  Because of the clear colorless nature of quartz, it is a frequency-increasing stone for each of the chakra centers and will allow you to access high levels of information both spiritually and on the physical plane. Crystals are free of color vibrations, so they are open to your suggestions, which is known as programming. You can program a quartz with your consciousness to perform any activity you wish. I have some in charge of keeping my computer running properly; others run my printer; and some keep energetic space in certain rooms of my house clear.

  In healing, clear crystals—also called rock crystal—can be used to amplify the effects of any other stone or healing modality that you are using by stepping up the energy and bringing clarity and peace to situations. The white color opens the crown chakra center allowing you to access higher spiritual realms and telepathically communicate with guides.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recommended crystal for purification of the blood and spirit.

  Sample Readings


  As to the elemental influences having to do with the entity’s experience—we find that the crystal as a stone, or any white stone, has a helpful influence—if carried about the body; not as an omen, not merely as a “good luck piece” or “good luck charm” but these vibrations that are needed as helpful influences for the entity are well to be kept close about the body.


  (Q) Will I develop any psychic power by looking into a crystal ball?

  (A) If there is ever held that only that which is of the Christ-making may be presented there. The crystal offers rather the concentration of the physical powers, and thus offers many channels for the entering in of many an influence; yet if it is held only in His name, in His right [rite?], much may be received there.

  507-1 Reports

  (Q) Can you tell us anything regarding this crystal sent my father from India? Do you know who sent it to him? We have the crystal ball here.

  (A) But I am very certain there is a definite connection between that and his own experience, and I feel very definitely certain that it is after all what you call the looking glass. Look within it, my friend, and see the thing that has been troubling your life. If you would only understand, see that the whole thing has within it the significance. I do not think that your father desires to look within the crystal at all, but I’m sure that if he does he will see this experience that he is avoiding. It is given to him as a symbol.


  After these vibrations have been applied for at least thirteen such treatments, then we would begin applying those rays from the Alpine Light, or mercury crystal light, for the clarifying of the blood.

  Biblical References

  “The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold.”

  Job 28:17

  “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”

  Revelation 2:17

  “And before the throne, there was a sea of glass like unto crystal.”

  Revelation 4:6




  Moonstone is a member of the Feldspar group that comes from the German word feld, meaning field, and spalten, meaning split. In jewelry, it is usually seen as a soft milky white stone but actually comes in several colors including blue, yellow, orange, and green.

  Moonstone is a long time favorite of psychics and mystics, and is considered a sacred stone in India. It will bring you good luck in travel and aid insomnia. It will help you see the future, particularly as it relates to relationships, and since that is very often the reason people seek psychic advice in the first place, it is not hard to imagine why it is used by so many psychically inclined people. Moonstone is also in tune with lunar and feminine energies. In the Tarot, the Moon card is about that which is hidden, or cannot be seen with the naked eye. It allows you to receive psychic information that is hidden from the regular five senses. When things are hidden or secret, this can often refer to our own innate gifts and talents. Moonstone can be used to bring those talents to the forefront to be used and appreciated.

  Moonstone also helps calm emotional fears surrounding love and relationships. If you have fear around being in love or being hurt by love, moonstone can transform that. It will also soften a hard heart and allow you to feel safe. Physically, it can ease the pain of menstruation and stomach problems and help bring about a healthy pregnancy. You can also use it as a fertility stone.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recommended moonstone to give emotional strength and feelings of peace to those who use it.

  Sample Moonstone Readings


  . . . wear the moonstone close to your body, or on your body. It will give strength, and it will keep that which is nearest to you closer to you . . .


  (Q) Please give any advice to the mother that will assist in making for the best development of this entity.

  (A) Always let a portion of the dress, either external or that close to the body, have something of blue in same. Keep not as a charm, but as the influences that may bring the greater force about the body, the moonstone or the bloodstone as the ornaments about the body; but those that will be found (that are akin to these) in the turquoise blue and the pigeon-blood ruby.


  The pearl and the moonstone, these in combina
tion or in their setting alone, are well to have about the body.


  Wear the others, as of the pearl with moonstone or the like as rings or amulets or anklets; but never those upon the neck or it he ears—rather upon the extremities; for they will make for bringing out—in the experiences of those the entity meets—those very colors and vibrations that have been indicated to which the entity is so sensitive.


  (Q) What stones have a beneficial effect on body?

  (A) Opal and moonstone.

  Row Three

  Ligure/Jacinth/Hyacinth/Zircon, Opal

  In the King James Version of the Bible, the stone listed first in row three is called a Ligure, an ancient name for a gemstone with no known modern reference. Jacinth, as it is called in the New International Version, is a stone also referred to as hyacinth, a type of reddish zircon. This leads me to believe these four terms may be synonymous. Although the Darby Bible translation sites opal as the first stone of row three, I tend to believe the stone was actually the zircon.




  Zircon is one of the most beautiful and misunderstood of all gemstones. It has been unjustly shunned in recent years because people get it confused with the artificial diamond CZ, or cubic zirconia. The two are totally unrelated. Zircon is found in brown and green colors naturally but can be treated to produce blue and golden colors.

  Zircon has several healing properties depending on color. The clear or blue stones will help you in communication, particularly with those you love. Browns and reds are more grounding and can help prevent food poisoning or alleviate the symptoms once you’ve got it. Zircon of all kinds can help protect you against the forces of Mother Nature such as accidents in bad storms, lightning, or floods. A piece of zircon in your car will prevent hail damage and theft.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce never mentioned Jacinth or ligure by name. Zircon was mentioned once in a letter and Cayce mentioned hyacinth, although it was most likely the plant he was referring to.

  Sample Zircon/Hyacinth Readings

  531-9 Reports

  While I have studied about gems, all I have done is admire them—whenever I saw a zircon with its blueish-greenish tints and I looked for the “reddish” spectrum I was seeking that contrast which in reality gave the stone some life, regardless of the art of the lapidarist.


  (Q) Please give my seal and its interpretation?

  (A) . . . On either side, at the top, would appear a bell; or the shape, as it were, of a bell from a hyacinth rather than a bell of a commercial thought or of such natures.




  Is opal a stone in the breastplate of the high priest, as some scholars say? In my opinion, it is not. Although thin layers of opal can occur in sandstone, most of the deposits known historically have been found in other parts of the world such as Slovakia, Russia, Japan, Indonesia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and most recently Australia. I do believe this stone plays an important part in the Cayce readings, which will be discussed in the section “Stones from Lost Civilizations.”

  Opal is a Sanskrit word meaning stone. It is formed from volcanic activity and the various mineral deposits that occur within the porous holes of the stone. It has been both prized and feared by people for ages. Most scholars credit the unlucky beginnings of opal to the book Anne of Geierstein in 1829 by Sir Walter Scott. The heroine of the tale had a special opal that reportedly changed color when touched by holy water. In the story, the character, Lady Hermoine, and the opal she wore were both enchanted, ultimately leading to her death. Without reading the preceding volumes of the book, readers were led to believe the cause of her death was due to the bewitched opal and the reputation has stayed with the stone ever since.

  My experience with opal has been quite different. I had an amazing rough big piece of black opal that I used on my third eye. The stone immediately began to relax me, and I started to feel my entire spine straighten out and adjust to the stone. You may have been to a massage therapist and had cranial sacral work done. This is a process where the therapist holds his or her hands on the back of your head, near the brain stem, and begins to slowly adjust the fluids that run along the spinal column. It is very peaceful and settling work and sets the body in a state of profound rest. If you haven’t tried it, I recommend it highly. The point is that the black opal I had seemed to be doing the same sort of work, without the massage therapist. Opal is made up of anywhere from 3-30 percent water, and because of that, it is not surprising to find it aligning the various fluids of the body.

  As far as the reputation the stone has for bestowing “bad luck” on people, I do not believe that at all. Opals bring whatever you are working on into your energy field to be healed and transformed. All of the lessons you came here to learn are stored in your energetic layers waiting to move toward your body, causing an illness or lesson, or waiting for you to clear the lesson in the etheric or energetic layers first before it becomes a challenge. Opal will bring anything you are working on into your field so you can work on it. This means it is a good idea to cleanse yourself and be clear when wearing opal, although not all lessons are bad! The opal may bring the abundance you’ve been working so long for right into your energy field. Opal combines the water and emotions with the fire of sudden change and can be a stone of amazing transformation assisting you to heal old emotions that may be holding you back and put the fire under you to get things going.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce confirms there is no ill omen that can come from using opal. In fact, he said the opal helps to control anger. Cayce referred to opal as “the change,” probably because this is a stone for powerful change due to the tremendous impact it has on the emotions and the body. A stone with so much water in it is bound to affect you because your body is made up mostly of water.

  Sample Opal Readings


  Hence the opal that is called the change, with the moonstone, should be stones about the body of the entity oft.


  (Q) Will wearing opals by one who does not have them as a birth stone signify ill omens for that person?

  (A) No, no, opals will be helpful if there is kept the correct attitude, for it will enable the entity to hold on to self or to prevent those who would be angry from flying off the handle too much.


  The opal and pearl being those minerals that will attract and influence the entity. For, there will be particularly those periods for the entity when stones or jewelry will be of particular interest to the entity; in those periods when fifteen to eighteen months have passed will this be seen in the activities of the entity.




  There is no discrepancy among scholars as to the identity of this stone in the ancient breastplate. Agate has played an important role throughout history. Ancient Africans used agate in fertility rites, believing it increased sexual power and strength.

  Agate is quite a common stone with hundreds of varieties, yet it can have totally different energy depending on what part of the world it comes from. Agate is a stone with many multicolored layers or bands in it. You have probably seen it quite a bit in almost any store. The color and where it comes from has a lot to do with it’s healing properties.

  Blue Lace Agate

  My favorite kind of agate is called Blue Lace Agate from Namibia, Africa. It is a stunning pale blue with beautiful white bands. The tranquil blue hue helps you lessen emotional pain of loneliness and loss and ease depression. It also helps you gently open your throat chakra to speak your truth in the world.

  Botswana Agate

  From Africa, this agate has earthen tones and connects you with mother earth. African energy is very powerful and psychically links you to the cradle of civilization. It is very helpful in easing digestive strains and spiritually, the bands create a protect
ive energetic shield around you to keep your energy in tact.

  Crazy Lace Agate

  This type comes from the desert southwest in the United States, near Durango, and in Mexico and near Ontario, Canada. Like the name suggests, this agate has crazy circular designs running throughout. It is found in earth tones such as brown, reds, and blacks. This stone will help you keep your head on straight and discern reality from fantasy. It can be used to alleviate the paranoia accompanying schizophrenia and calms neurotic behaviors.

  Moss Agate

  Moss agate is a very unusual looking white agate with green or brown fernlike inclusions in it. It supposedly helps you communicate with your plants, trees, and flowers, and I have several clients who use it in their gardens. The green color and the energy of growing plants also make it a stone to attract and grow material wealth.

  Cayce Uses

  Because agates of all kinds have such a calming effect on people, it is not surprising to know Cayce recommended these to certain people for vibratory reasons.

  Sample Agate Readings


  Hence we find the agate, the beryl, should be stones with the vibrations and under the influence that the entity may find carrying an incense to the finer self for the receptiveness.


  As to stones—those of blue, as well as the agate should be about.


  The moonstone or the agate should be as an amulet, either about the neck or as a ring, or worn upon the person.


  As to the astrological aspects, as we find, these are of specific activity. The omen the body should ever wear on the person is a Maltese cross, or a stone of the agate or amethyst—for their vibrations are the better.




  Amethyst, like all the stones of the breastplate, has an interesting ancient history, and is probably one of the most popular stones of all time. Amethyst-carved necklaces were found in tombs of middle class ancient Egyptians, and it is speculated that rulers used it as a form of currency. Ancient Greeks hailed amethyst for its abilities to protect and prevent drunkenness and named the stone for the Greek word amethystus, meaning not intoxicated. According to the myth, the god of wine and intoxication Dionysus (Bacchus) was insulted and enraged by a mortal who refused to celebrate with him, so he vowed to unleash his anger on the next mortal to cross his path who happened to be a young girl named Amethyst. She was on her way to pay homage to the goddess Diana. As Dionysus released two ferocious tigers on the poor girl, she cried to Diana for help and was transformed into a piece of white quartz crystal. Dionysus was so upset by his horrible actions, he began to cry, and his wine goblet poured out on the stone, turning it purple.


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