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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

Page 28

by René Van Dalen

  While they did he had to keep the fucker busy and facing away. Wolf prayed that his next move wouldn’t cause more injury to his girl and that the bastards in the US would stay silent.

  Wolf slowly started moving forward and the bastard’s focus zoomed in on him.

  “Stop moving or I will cut her.”

  Wolf stopped moving.

  “Let my old lady go and we’ll consider letting you leave here alive.” His voice sounded guttural and strange, even to his own ears.

  A confused look flashed over the creep’s face before he shook his head. “You said that once before but it’s a lie. She hasn’t been claimed, I would have been told if she was.”

  “Motherfucker, I claimed her the day she walked into our clubhouse. She wears my marks all over her body. You’ve seen them. She’s mine and I’m here to collect what belongs to me.”

  Still looking confused the hand holding the scalpel moved slightly away from her neck. But not enough.

  “That’s not possible. I was assured she belongs to no one. I can understand her brother and his men coming here to get her but not you. I have no problems with the Iron Dogz or the Sinners Sons at this time. There will come a time in the future when we will have a reason to have a chat, but that time hasn’t arrived yet.” He glanced around the room. “I suggest you leave before it becomes necessary to escalate the situation.”

  “You’re fucked in the head if you think I’ll leave my old lady here with you because you think you don’t have a beef with the Dogz and the Sinners. The very minute you touched her you involved every single club with a connection to the Dogz, the Sinners and the Warriors in fucking South Africa and the States. You’ve started a war, motherfucker.”

  He shook his head adamantly as his attention wavered away from Leo. That was all Jinx needed. The minute the tension in his hand slackened and moved away from her neck Jinx and his man struck. At the same time the monitor screen went black. The connection had been cut.

  It was over in seconds. The piece of shit was restrained on the floor and Wolf, Dive and Beast along with the others rushed the table. His girl’s body lay loose and almost lifeless as they started removing the restraints that held her to the table.

  “Wait! Don’t do her arms yet!” The doc shouted as she and the two paramedics she brought with her rushed into the house.

  “She hasn’t bled out because of those restraints. We need to keep them on a little bit longer until I’ve got the bleeding of her hands under control.”

  She worked fast and directed one of the paramedics to find the fingers and put them on ice. They had drips inserted and the wounds packed before they moved her from the table and onto a space blanket covered back board on the floor.

  And that’s when shit got fucking worse.

  “Jinx, I’m so sorry, but I can’t do anything more for her here. I have to call in a life flight or we’re going to lose her. She’s lost a lot of blood and is going into shock.” The doc said over her shoulder as she continued to work on Leo.

  Fuck. That meant pigs, a lot of pigs.

  For his old lady’s life he would put the orange fucking suit on with a smile.

  “Okay, here’s what’s going to happen.” Jinx took control. “Liz and her guys are going to load Leo and head down to the main road where the life flight can land safely. The rest of us are cleaning this shit up as fast as we can. We need to erase all evidence of what happened here. That means pulling bullets from the walls and picking up casings. I need a facial shot of every single one of these bastards before we load them into the trucks. Collect their phones and their wallets before loading them and make sure all the phones are disabled but not destroyed. The trucks will head out to the prearranged site. The Sinners will handle the disposal.”

  “Wolf and I have to follow her to the hospital.” Dive pointed at the man next to him. “Lure is in charge of our part of the clean-up. I suggest bleach, a lot of fuckin’ bleach.”

  “Beast and his crew will take the fucking bastard to the Iron Dogz compound, it’s closest. I’m sure our prez will have the Crow on standby for the interrogation.” Kid added.

  They were interrupted by the doc. “We’ve got her stable but we have to leave right now to meet the flight. They’re on their way. What do I tell the cops when they come asking?”

  Jinx immediately had a story for her.

  “You and your friends were visiting with your folks down the road when you got an anonymous call from someone who had found her but didn’t want to get involved. You grabbed your stuff, found the SUV parked on the side of the road with her in the back and called for help.” Jinx said. “We’ll set up the SUV they transported her in. There’s enough blood on the table and floor to pour into the back of the damn thing to make it look like someone dumped her and the vehicle.”

  “Good.” The doc kept her eyes on Leo. “Let’s get to it, Jinx. She needs help, more help than I can give her.”

  Everything moved really fast from then on.

  Wolf and Dive were on their bikes and racing after the SUV within minutes but they had to stay back and out of sight.

  They stood hidden behind tall grass and a stand of Acacia trees and watched helplessly as she was worked on by the emergency air doctors before being loaded into the helicopter.

  The pilot didn’t fuck around. He lifted straight off and raced towards the nearest major trauma centre.

  Wolf watched until the helicopter disappeared before he turned and slung his leg over his bike.

  Rage was a heavy weight in his gut.

  His girl had a fight on her hands and he would be there to help her through.

  He wanted vengeance for his old lady.

  Vengeance wasn’t due to him and his old lady alone. Her family deserved a piece of the fucker as well. Maybe they’ll keep him alive and ship him to the Shadow Wraiths in a fucking box.

  So many options and he was looking forward to all of them.

  But before he got to any of those options he had to take care of his old lady.

  She was his first priority.

  His woman was strong but after what had been done to her...


  “Let’s ride, brother.” Dive pulled his helmet back on then flipped the visor up. “She’s a fighter my brother, she’ll come through this. Believe me, our Leo will fight.”

  He could only nod as he pulled his helmet and gloves back on.

  Side by side they rode down the road, united by the woman they both loved.



  I woke up in a bed with all sorts of machines attached to my body and aching everywhere.

  I was terrified that I was still being held but then a nurse walked into the room and I realised I was in a hospital. Her sweet smile and warm eyes calmed my rapidly beating heart.

  “There you are. I’m so glad you’re awake.” She gently patted my hand. “Let me just check a few things and call doctor to let him know you’re awake.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out of my sore throat was a croak. No voice.

  “Don’t try to talk, sweetie. Your throat will be sore from the intubation. We removed the ventilator last night because you fought against it. I’ll get you some ice chips to suck on for that throat. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

  With one last pat on my hand she was gone.

  I lay there and tried to remember exactly what had happened but after the bastard cut off my fingers it all became hazy.

  The nurse came back with ice chips and the doctor. She had to put the chips in my mouth because both my hands were heavily bandaged.

  “Good afternoon, Ms Jordan. I’m so glad to find you awake and aware.” He tapped the name tag clipped to his blue scrubs top. “I’m Doctor Vermeulen, I was one of the surgeons who operated on you when you were brought in.”

  “What happened to me?” I croaked.

  “You were very lucky. A doctor found you and she stabilised you while waiting for a life fligh
t. You were brought in with three severed fingers on your left hand and one on your right. There were several deep lacerations to your body, arms and legs and you had very significant vaginal tearing. A reconstructive surgeon reattached your fingers before we moved on to your other injuries.”

  I gasped. “I’ve still got my fingers?”

  “Yes, except the pinky on your left hand. Unfortunately too much time had passed since it was severed plus the damage to the nerve endings was too severe for successful reattachment. The prognosis for the other fingers is very good. Doctor Stanley will be able to tell you more during his visit tomorrow morning.”

  I had to ask the next question even though I really didn’t want to.

  “ How bad is the da...damage?”

  Doctor Vermeulen patted my leg reassuringly and I flinched. He immediately removed his hand. “There was no seminal fluid or semen present and I concluded that the injury had been caused by a foreign object being inserted into your vagina. It caused significant tearing which I repaired during surgery. It’s going to take a while to heal and I’m hopeful that there would be no lasting damage. I do suggest visiting a gynaecological surgeon for follow up treatment once you get home. I will be happy to forward a full report.”

  It was fairly good news but somehow it didn’t feel that way. I felt lost. Dirty and used.

  After he left I lay in my bed staring up at the white ceiling. I wanted to go home. I wanted my Mama and Daddy. I needed to feel their arms around me to make me feel better. Tears dripped from the corners of my eyes and ran down the sides of my face into my hair. I fell asleep with my tears drying on my face.

  And that’s how it continued for the next couple of days. I was kept calm with some damned medication and the only person allowed in to see me was Dive. He quietly gave me the run down on what had happened but I didn’t give a shit.

  Things changed once I was moved out of the ICU into a high care unit. My first visitors were the damned pigs.

  Two detectives questioned me but I couldn’t tell them much.

  I stuck to the basics of the kidnapping.

  I was snatched out of the vehicle, drugged and kept in a dark room. Some faceless person tortured me. I had no idea who he was, why he did what he did or where he had held me. All I know is that I woke up in hospital. The end.

  They weren’t happy with me but had to let it go. Of course they informed me that a rape kit had been done when I was brought in and hopefully they would be able to get some leads from it.

  I just nodded and they left soon after.

  When I had first woken up pain had been my constant companion. Now it was much more manageable and apparently would continue to get better as I recovered.

  I was so thankful I didn’t have to share my room because there was no way I wanted to talk about what had happened to me. Every time I looked at my hands or moved I was reminded of my ordeal.

  The pinky, middle finger and ring finger of my right hand had been reattached and according to my doctor the prognosis was very good. I could see the tips of my reattached fingers and they looked red and that’s a good thing because it meant there was blood flow. I knew I had a long road ahead but I was stubborn. I would work on getting the use of my fingers back, no way was that bastard taking any more from me.

  The slices to my body had been repaired by a plastic surgeon and I’d been assured there would be minimal scarring. He, with the assistance of a gynaecological surgeon, repaired the slices and tears in and around my vagina and again I was assured they expected a full recovery. They advised taking some time to fully recover and to only attempt a pregnancy under the supervision of my gynaecologist.

  Pregnancy was the farthest thing from my mind right now. Not when I couldn’t bear to think of anything getting anywhere near my aching vagina.

  This morning I was moved into a private room because my doctors were very pleased with my progress. It looked like I might be released soon if I continued to heal at this pace. It was the best news I had received in a very long time.

  Another piece of good news was that as of today my visitors would no longer be kept to family only. Apparently there was a list of people who wanted to visit and Chris and Genna were at the top of that list. I was looking forward to seeing them.

  The room I was in had a view over the hospital garden which was better than the no view I had before. A friendly voice drew my attention away from the window.

  “Hey you!” Genna grinned as she turned slightly to Chris who stood smiling next to her. “See, I told you if we leave early enough we would be the first ones here. We totally beat Dive and Wolf here.”

  “Only because you’re a maniac behind the wheel. I think I saw Dive shake his head in disbelief more than once at the way you drive. It’s as if you think the rules of the road are there for other people. I’m driving when we leave. Not going to trust my life to your driving ever again.” Chris griped with a grin.

  They had obviously had fun trying to lose the guys on the drive over to the hospital.

  “Hey you two.” My voice still sounded a bit croaky but it was getting better. “Damn, it’s good to see you girls again.”

  Both of them came to my bed and gave me very careful hugs.

  Chris checked out my hand without lifting it and gave a tiny shake of her head. “I hope they cut off his fingers and toes before they remove his dick and balls.” She snarled. “Glad to see there’s good blood flow and not a sign of infection.”

  I frowned at her. “How do you know all that?”

  “Google is my friend.” She grinned. “I asked and he delivered. Genna and I googled and read every single article we could find on the recovery and care of finger reattachments. We’re totally the gurus right now.”

  “Actually, it made me think about becoming a paramedic.” Genna threw in ever so casually.

  “Wow, that’s huge. Have you told Bulldog?” Chris gave me wide eyes before looking back at Genna.

  “Nope. And I’m not going to until I’m certain that it’s what I want to do.”

  “Until you’re certain you want to do what, baby?” Dive suddenly said from the doorway and Genna’s back shot straight and her cheeks turned bright red.

  Ooh, brother dearest seems to have stepped up his game.

  “Until she’s certain she wants to be a paramedic.” I smiled at Genna’s quick frown. “She’s still thinking about it though.”

  Dive didn’t hesitate. “You do what you want darlin’, life’s short enough as it is to waste time on doin’ some shit you don’t wanna do.”

  Wolf’s arms surrounding me drew my attention away from them and to his beautiful eyes. I tried to read the look in them but he blinked and it was gone. Something wasn’t right with him but I didn’t get to focus on it because he hugged me and it flew out of my head.

  “Fucking hated not being able to see you. How’re you feeling today?” He asked softly as he dropped a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “I’m feeling better and my hands are looking better.”

  “Glad to hear, Leo.” He stepped back and dragged a chair right up next to the bed, sat down then laid his hand over my forearm. Holding on to me without hurting my hand.

  “Hey, little sister.” Dive kissed my forehead as he leant on the side of my bed. “Good to see that smile back on your face, sweetheart. There are a lot of people who want to come up to visit you but Hawk put his foot down.” Dive laughed softly. “He had Ziggy draw up a list of those who wanted to visit. They were then given a time slot. You’re gonna have people in and out of here all the time.”

  I didn’t mind. It was boring lying here with nothing to do.

  “Fuckin’ glad that fucker didn’t realise you’re left handed.” Dive suddenly snarled as he ran a soft finger over the bandages covering my left hand.

  All I could do was nod. Yes, it was lucky but it pissed me off when I looked at my hands and saw the damage he had done.

  Being pissed off was better than being sad I supp
ose. And I’m sure I would feel a whole lot better if I could get over the need to constantly scrub my skin. I felt dirty and used. And that pissed me off more than anything else.

  Dive and Wolf refused to talk to me about the man responsible for my hospital stay and it seemed the order had been given to everyone who visited not to tell me anything.

  It pissed me off too but until I could walk out of here there was nothing I could do about it.

  Yet another thing that was starting to piss me off was Wolf’s attitude. The bastard was blowing hot and cold. Some days he was warm and sweet, others he was moody, rude and a total asshole.

  I was so damned confused.

  But my confusion didn’t last very long.

  Hawk was the one who cleared it all up during a very short and to the point visit.

  “I’m not going to beat around the bush here, Leo. I need my enforcers back at full strength and not having Wolf available for club business while Scar is still out of commission is fucking with the club.”

  I nodded but I was confused as to how his club business impacted me.

  “At church this morning Wolf withdrew his claim and patch. You’re no longer his old lady. I thought it better for both of you to cut ties now rather than letting it drag on indefinitely.”

  I could not stop the flinch and Hawk reached out towards me.

  “Do not fuckin’ touch me.” I hissed angrily and he instantly withdrew his hand.

  The fucker. The yellow bellied fucking bastard. He didn’t have the balls to come and tell me himself, he sent his fucking president to do his dirty work. I lay there and held my rage inside as I stared at Hawk expressionlessly. And then I did what I had to do.

  “Thank your club for their protection. It’s appreciated but we are now done. I need you to leave.”

  He looked a bit surprised but stood up, gave me a confused nod and left.

  I pushed the fucking call button and set the next part of my life in motion.

  “What do you need, Leo?” My sweet nurse asked.

  “I don’t want any visitors except my brother and his three friends. No exceptions.”


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